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[ERROR] No.3708134 [Reply] [Original]

So, my father went from completely normal to completely insane in a matter of several days.

From an extremely intelligent, painfully rational and extremely hard working guy, he became the following:

- Extreme prosecution mania. Complete with the belief that 'they can hear you by remotely reading the vibrations on the windows caused by speech"
- Extreme obsession with the colors, yellow, blue, black and red. They all have their own meanings and they're all negative.
- He's also extremely obsessed with combinations of these colors. He insist he can see relations between them that others can't and divulges great meaning from it... Out loud. I won't give any particular examples, just trust me -- completely institution-grade batshit.
- The same applies to objects and how they are arranged.

He doesn't live here and now he drops by at least twice every day. He obsesses about one shelf in particular and ALWAYS asks who arranged it because "it's very important". He does this several times during each visit.

He also randomly bursts into tears on occasion.

I've been to his place, he taped quasi-poetic schizo scrawlings all over the walls. Also, he's at his second story window all day yelling at passer-bys, telling them "Not to be afraid and to freely come on over".

I can vouch that he was completely sane mere three days ago. Now he's uncontrollable.

So, any idea what the fucking fuck?

... Note: one mention of 'Y U ASKING 4CHAN REEETARD GO TO A MEVIKAV PVOFFEFFIONAVV' and you get a swift virtual kick in the brain.

>> No.3708147

um... drugs?

also, he really should see a pro
because all you can do is tell him he's crazy.

>> No.3708154

Oh and: *none of this shit is random*.

He has an extremely elaborate story explaining all this and there's definitely a very complex internal logic to it. I know this because it took me hours of listening to him until I finally got it. It's exactly as if someone reprogrammed his brain to get input from different things and now he's trying to make sense from it. Coincidentally, that's also his theory for his current state of mind, although he makes a point of never freely admitting to being insane, he just alludes to it.

>> No.3708165


>> No.3708172


I'm seriously convinced he overdosed on some medication and his brain became damaged. Thing is, he doesn't take any medication, so it must have been a suicide attempt.

He's seeing a professional soon enough, but I have exactly zero reason to believe 'professionals'. Part of the reason why is because I personally know one of them and he's a complete fucking hack who does no better than GOOGLING FOR SYMPTOMS ONLINE and then prescribing medication for it. He told me this personally, literally bragging about it -- like, how his job is easy but boring and all. He also confirmed me that a lot of his colleagues do this as well.

Not that I particularly respected or believed psychiatrists to be experts just because they read a lot of inconclusive books before, but this just completely buried them in my eyes.

>> No.3708178

if there's no drugs, then it could also be a brain tumor

>> No.3708179

The best answer to crazy is, get the fuck out of there

Crazy may be controlled in younger kids by sending them to a more stable environment.

At 35 years of age plus, crazy/other personality defects cannot be cured. You must leave.

I would post the chart showing the likelihood of personality traits people changing within 5 years, and how it greatly diminishing with age(with there being almost no hope by 35) but I don't want to scan my old psych textbook which I probably can't even find.

>> No.3708182


It's not temporary, it's been going on for two days now. Even if he were taking something every day, this is way too consistent for a mere trip. Also, he doesn't get any hallucinations, all of his obsessions and all these 'links' he sees are merely abstract conjectures.

>> No.3708186

i see...
you know of one professional that sucks, so all professionals suck.

i see you take after your father.

>> No.3708188


What do you mean 'leave'? What kind of a piece of shit are you?

>> No.3708197


bro, brain tumor.

full circle i was reading this shit an hour ago http://htl.li/5lx0K

>> No.3708198


>He also confirmed me that a lot of his colleagues do this as well.

Aaaand fuck you too. If I wanted to argue with autistic nerds who take great pride in being 'more rational than those conspiracy theorists', I'd go to... 4chan. Well, can't really blame you, you're just being who you are.

In any case, I'm counting on non 15 year olds here.

>> No.3708205

yes, and alex jones' colleagues think the illuminati is real

your logic is flawless, i better leave this thread before my logic tarnishes it

>> No.3708208

It's okay, anyone who knows anything knows that the psychiatric profession is grade-A pseudo-scientific drug-peddling bullshit.

>> No.3708209


If that angers you, you should see the comparisons of the effectiveness of someone who got a phd in psychology vs just a nice dude who read a little bit(and just a little bit)about it giving therapy in the usual sense. They are just as effective for treating depression.

Or antidepressants and active placebos(placebos that only give side effects, like dry mouth and reduced erection quality) Guess what, they work the same too, showing that after seeing the side effects, people rationalize that the drugs must be working.

>> No.3708213


I don't really think so.

He's basically acting the same way he did before, only instead of focusing on actual things, he's focusing on his insane theories. He doesn't seem to have any headaches or to be in any pain at all, he just gets these extreme mood swings where one day, he'll be extremely upset and the next, obnoxiously happy... That's at least judging from today and yesterday.

Aren't advanced brain tumors supposed to come with more erratic behavior and some headaches? He's not really erratic at all, as I said, he has a consistent explanation for everything that's happening to him that never changes. I'd figure a brain tumor would be a lot more chaotic and random than that.

>> No.3708219


First of all, two days is no way a sufficient amount of time to determine that this is not temporary. Drugs can bioaccumulate. In fact, so can lots of things. There are a number of diseases which cause this behavior, too.

Also, if you don't trust psychiatrists, you could always start off seeing a general practitioner. If the onset was sudden you can pretty legitimately request he be checked for medical causes before psych causes.

>> No.3708222

Stroke. A brain tumor wouldn't hit so hard so quickly.

>> No.3708221

>>Extreme prosecution mania. Complete with the belief that 'they can hear you by remotely reading the vibrations on the windows caused by speech"

This one isn't crazy, they CAN actually do that. What's crazy about it isn't the idea that it CAN be done, but that it's being done.

>> No.3708232

Did you read the article in that link?
It's VERY interesting stuff regardless.

>> No.3708233


Actually, it doesn't particularly anger me at this point, I never really expected magical brain doctors to exist. It's not like I'm not extremely bitter and jaded so that I feel betrayed or something.

I just wish other members of my family stopped funneling money and believing he's gonna get magically cured. My mother already bought medication WITHOUT THE PSYCHIATRIST EVEN SEEING THE PATIENT. He just listened to her analysis on it and prescribed some unbelievably expensive bullshit which she promptly bought. Now he's taking that, whatever the fuck it is.

>> No.3708246

You won't be thinking a person is a piece of shit who is telling you to leave once your father ties you to a chair and tells you its for your own safety.

If a person is going as psycho as your dad is going, its safe to talk to them on the phone, or through a thick glass wall.

He is a freaking psycho.And he is starting to sound like a danger to the general public, and himself. It really would be best if he is institutionalized for a short while.

>> No.3708255


Actually, I know it can be done. Well, I know it's physically plausible at least, I didn't know the apparatus existed.

In any case, the batshit part here is that he believes someone is doing it to him.

Another thing I forgot to mention is that I've definitely concluded that he has some sort of a split personality thing. Through his ramblings, I've come to understand he's compartmentalized his mind into *six* parts and now each part is kinda rebelling.

He also sends SMS to himself all the time. I scoured through his inbox and one of the messages is "My time is long gone. I'm sending messages to myself".

I swear I'd think he's taking the piss if this weren't going on for so long and so consistently. He's not that good of an actor.

>> No.3708265

don't blame the doctor for the way your mom is dealing with the situation

fuck dude.
you've got a huge chip on your shoulder

not to mention, don't you think it's a bit hard for doctors to actually meet with patients that think people are listening to them?

so that would be reasonable how your mother reacted?

>> No.3708268


I have worse. My mother yells quite a bit at her slightly mentally retarded(85 iq) stepson. She always tells him to speed up, ect. She makes up tons of BS and has him on like, 6 different meds(she is on around 20) not really caring about the side effects with mixing drugs.

My brother is a doctor in the ER. One time, a gang member got shot in the leg. After the surgery, he started crying, because he was realizing his life was shit and all the poor decisions he made. The psych ward told him he should get on antidepressants. Which, looking at all the other explanations for antidepressants(a biological condition from birth due to low serotonin) is complete BS.

TL'DR psych guys are bullshitters

>> No.3708271

This is /sci/, not /bullshitpseudoscience/.

Go there if you want to find psychiatrists.

>> No.3708272


Fuck that shit. If you knew what he went through in this life -- if anyone deserves to score a frag or two, it's him. I'm not putting him anywhere, if he kills something, so be it. The law can put him away then.


I thought it was a trojan. I'm reading now.


You think? What do you do in the case of a stroke?


Yeah, we'll drag him off to a doctor as soon as we can. It's not that easy around here though. Somehow, I also think they won't really help much -- he needs an X ray scan if they hope to find anything -- he looks normal on the outside. No visible injures or anything.

>> No.3708280


>> No.3708281

>>3708268 85iq slightly retarded

You realize, that 1 out of 3 people have an iq of 85 or below?

>> No.3708282

sounds like drugs to me
mild hallucinations
check to see if his pupils are dilated

here's a list of drugs/chemicals and other causes

>> No.3708283

>After the surgery, he started crying, because he was realizing his life was shit and all the poor decisions he made.
Shit, thats actually pretty depressing

>> No.3708284
File: 42 KB, 668x405, brainproblems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your father's face when
Seriously though, this sounds serious. Get him checked out.

>> No.3708297

So if it's a brain stroke, what do you think I should give him apart from pharmaceuticals?

In any case, I gave him a lot of vitamin D today and yesterday. He's malnutritioned and has been for a while now, and Vitamin D never hurt anyone -- so. I'll see if I can force him to take some brewer's yeast as well.

Will supplements even have any effect on his brain at this point? I'll keep him fed for his body alone, but it wouldn't hurt if there were an off-chance that he kinda becomes normal again.

>> No.3708310

take him to a fucking DOCTOR

jesus christ


>> No.3708306

>I thought it was a trojan. I'm reading now.
Me too, but it was simple enough to find otherwise safely, and it's the most fascinating article I've read all week.
Props to the anon who posted it.

Good luck with your dad. Life is fucked sometimes.

No kidding...

>> No.3708309


Fuck you.

No doctor should prescribe fucking potentially dangerous medicine without EVEN GIVING A DIAGNOSIS. He basically gave her a 'cure-all'. I don't blame my mother, I blame the hack.

Just leave the thread, it's readily apparent you'll contribute exactly nothing.

>> No.3708315

>Glial cells for actual neurons
Is what i mean, its 3 am dammit.

>> No.3708313

I hate to say this, but once your brain is damaged it cant regenerate when you're older. Anyone who tells you otherwise is mistaking actual neurons for glial cells, glial cells are the janitors of the brain, literally, they dont do the thinking.

>> No.3708325



Shut the fuck up already, or at least read the thread before pretending you're my superior.

The thing that people who actually read understand is that I have very little reason to believe the many doctors he's about to see will give me anything conclusive. I'm afraid he's about to get 10 prescriptions which will just reduce him to a slowly dying vegetable.

>> No.3708333


Oh I know that, I don't expect him to come back. Maybe just stabilize a bit, stop yelling at people on the street, cut the paranoia crap out. If he just stayed in that happy phase and only occasionally asked about the goddamn shelf in the middle of all the dreamlike rambling, I'd at least know what's what and that he won't be getting any more insane.

>> No.3708337

>potentially dangerous
well is it?
because if it isn't, quit acting like it's a problem

>cure all
maybe it's a placebo?

no offense, but your mom went to a professional.
you are coming to 4chan.

>> No.3708338



>> No.3708346


>no offense, but your mom went to a professional.

4chan is not selling me medication.

Also, this is clearly not a professional. The fact that you continue to claim otherwise just because he received a piece of paper is... Well, I hate to say it, but fully expected. That's just the average 4chanite these days.

>> No.3708359

fuck it then

go see a homeopathic "doctor"
maybe your dad needs his spine adjusted
or his chakra might be off
i think it's the stuff those planes were spraying over your country last week

>> No.3708381

Sounds like a brain tumour. Seeing a real doctor is the best course of action - surgery is almost certainly required.
Until then, make sure he doesn't hurt anyone.
The medicine probably isn't as bad as you think. It won't cause him any harm - it'll probably just be a typical antipsychotic (read : 'sedative'). Your only danger is assuming that this is actually treating the cause and not just the symptoms.

tl;dr : doctor good, so is medicine

>> No.3708382

Oh, well shit, im the one thats mistaken. Should read up more on that kind of shit.

>> No.3708386

>knows that psychiatry is a bullshit profession with scant scientific validity that exists to push potentially dangerous and frequently unnecessary drugs on people
>must be a nutjob that believes in pseudoscience
You've got your logic backwards here.

>> No.3708389

Not OP here, but still, fuck you.

OP didn't say he didn't trust conventional medicine, just that he didn't trust these particular doctors.

Again, fuck you

>> No.3708395

While I'm the one defending OP's distrust of psychiatry, I agree with this.
His dad clearly needs professional medical treatment, or at least a thorough examination.

>> No.3708409


I know, you're not the first one to say that. And that's why he's seeing one. I just... It will be kind of hard to convince them that it's serious. Knowing these people, they'll probably drag him through an entire staff of psychiatrists until they put him on X Ray.

And then I just know the tumor will be there, but they'll miss it on X Ray.

... Or they'll find it and we won't have any money to operate it.

>> No.3708413

Schizophrenia normally manifests itself much earlier than this but there's always that possibility. It fits some of the behavioral traits such as the sudden batshittedness.

There's also Huntington's disease, which does manifest itself around middle-age and causes noticeable dementia, but you didn't say anything about any physical changes like chorea (which are the main signs of it) and unless you know of it being a family thing then it's not Huntington's.

>> No.3708417


Dementia is a family thing -- that's what got grandpa.

However, it's just way too sudden. I've never, ever heard of a case of dementia that goes from *fucking nothing* to intermediate stage with a snap of the finger.

>> No.3708427

he started the thread asking for help from
>armchair psychologists.

i said, take him to a pro.
>he said they did, but he was a hack, and he didn't like psychiatrists because he didn't believe in "magical brain doctors"

i said, not all doctors are hacks

then he said some shit about how the doctor shouldn't have prescribed potentially harmful drugs

and i said what else could be done?, it's hard to get crazy people to see doctors.

he told me they were taking him to a precious doctor

i then said, great, 4chan isn't the best place for advice

he then said i'm a sheep that gives to much trust to doctors with pieces of paper (degrees were presumably what he meant)

then i told him to see doctors with out paper, but with stuff to sell

>ok then....

>> No.3708431

Brain damage of some sort is the first thing that comes to mind.
Maybe a tumor or a stroke of some sort.

In all reality though you really should take him to a specialist as soon as possible. It sounds very serious.

>> No.3708454

diagnosis over the internet are generally worse than no diagnosis at all

>> No.3708460

Has he been listening to talk radio? If so try and get him away from it.

>> No.3708473

My grandfather had some cerebral atrophy. It started with minor hallucinations, nothing to worry about. Then, wham, he was completely nuts. Went into a coma after a week, died three days later.

>> No.3708628


Btw, it was the gang member who started crying. My brother just observed it.

>> No.3708658

Seemed obvious to me, more obvious a gang member would cry over his decision to be a gang member than a doctor would a doctor.

>> No.3708673
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I have known only two things that can cause such drastic changes in the personal psyche.

The most likely of those is acid.

>> No.3708733

1) he is ON DRUGS
check his pupil size

2) He is schizo and had a psychotic break.
schizophrenia usually has an 'onset' period and only APPEARS sudden to those around the person because before they went bat shit they didnt reveal their delusions to others.

On the other hand it can on occasion onset suddenly.
3) he is fucking with you

>> No.3708739

The only things I've ever heard of that cause the kinds of symptoms that mimic long-term neurological disorders are pathologies that put abnormal pressure on regions of the brain. Brain tumors, meningitis, hematomas.

>> No.3708884

the Tumor described in the article might be exactly it despite your doubts.
You have to discover as soon as possible. Go to a radiologist and have a full brain MRI, tomography and possibly PET Scan.
It might be a stroke or cerebrovascular accident.
Strokes are just like that. Slow growing tumors don't give headaches or anything, first symptoms are behavioral like your dad
Im still reading the other messages but so far the MRI is really important!

>> No.3708973

There was a brain tumor case close to my family, the person started sleeping a lot, and at unusual periods, so the medic tested and found out.

In any case it's possible that a serious doctor would ask some tests just to get rid of that. There was another case close to me, made me read some books at my college's library. I'd suggest you ask around about some good doctors, with good recommendations, I hope you find help and strength.

>> No.3708993

hes got th ass-burgers

>> No.3708995

I think the best course of action after having the MRI and the PET Scan is call many friends and ask for contact with
Most mature and sincere doctors will really care to find answers and help your father, specially as they would feel guilty taking your money and not offering some relieve in return, most of the times in medicine relief is the best you can aim for, but sometimes we might get the cure...

>> No.3709014

OP, this is shit you take people to ER psychiatrist for. It's called a psychotic break, could be schizophrenia, could be a billion other things. If someone SUDDENLY one day goes from rational to writing on the wall/extreme paronoia, there is something terribly wrong.

This is emergency psychiatrist type shit.

>> No.3709067

I would not discard your father had a Delirium case from other clinical causes.
But the traces of mental clearness point to a more strictly localized lesion on the brain.
no matter if its not a psychiatrist, he would point you to a trustful one if your father needs

>> No.3709448

Alright, thanks for the help. The brain tumor wouldn't have occurred to me without it.

>> No.3709541

I believe this is the answer to your dad's behavior.
http://youtu.. be/9GgNznIG7rQ