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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.99 MB, 372x323, 1336672162546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5248491 No.5248491 [Reply] [Original]

So, /sci/, who's your favorite scientist?
Hard mode: They're still alive.

>> No.5248492

Susskind is pretty boss.

>> No.5248495

You /sci/ guys should really should have paid more attention in English class.

>> No.5248502

>should really should

Muphry's Law in action.

Also you're a pedantic faggot and I'm glad you fucked up.

>> No.5248503

What word was I supposed to use?
I'm a scientist goddammit, not an English major.

>> No.5248517

I've got two favorites. First Newton. I mean the man invented calculus. Second Oppenheimer. Helped to create one of the worst weapons known to man, realized it and quoted the bhagavadgita after making him all the more badass

>> No.5248527

michio kaku
what do i win?
your hate

>> No.5248529

What movie is that gif from? Is it from the old version of "The Thing"?

>> No.5248535

Too lazy to Google, what did Oppenheimer create? And what's the bhagavadgita?

>> No.5248537
File: 108 KB, 646x1305, 1270853300522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what did Oppenheimer create?


>> No.5248542
File: 1.34 MB, 312x188, 1352132112836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, I'll Google.
Fuck you, /sci/

>> No.5248549

>what did Oppenheimer create?
The turbolaser
> And what's the bhagavadgita?
A french comedy show like the big bang theory

>> No.5248560

You useless niggers someone answer me.

>> No.5248569

>Too lazy to Google, what did Oppenheimer create?

how did you manage to find your way to /sci/

>> No.5248578

Only pedants dispute the use of they as a gender neutral pronoun

>> No.5248593

Neild deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye.
Both have a way of talking about science that I find uplifting

>> No.5248602

You are become death, the rustler of jimmies.

>> No.5248616

Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a douchy faggot who doesn't deserve the public spotlight. He isn't even a real scientist. I hate that guy.

>> No.5248662

Spivak Pronoun

>> No.5248667
File: 33 KB, 849x721, 1350276790839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le Carl Sagan xD

>> No.5248695

So edgy. Stop hating things because they're popular.

>> No.5248698

Roger Bacon

>> No.5248702

He didnt create shit.. he just managed the lives of a couple of creators

>> No.5248712

Richard Feynman.

>> No.5248744

Grigori Perelman is /sci/'s hero!


>> No.5248754

There are many worthy, but few well known.

>> No.5248756

what movie's that gif from

its... enchanting

>> No.5248761


>> No.5248776
File: 66 KB, 199x269, Oppenfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Welcome to /sci/

>> No.5248788
File: 13 KB, 162x227, schrodinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schrödinger, for his personal philosophy and his ground-breaking work.

>> No.5248849

Alexander "Sasha" Shulgin.
Shulgin discovered, synthesised and even tested over 230 psycho-active compounds, most of which in the privacy of his home laboratory.

>> No.5248894

Shulgin is indeed amazing.

Darwin for the whole evolution shebang.