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4275030 No.4275030 [Reply] [Original]

>Professor for my Calc 3 class isn't a professor, it's a grad student.
>The first thing he says when he enters the class is "a class full of men, we need to give women more scholarships".
>He doesn't print out a syllabus, because he doesn't want to waste paper. (Who fucking cares, paper literally grows on trees)
>He wears loose and untucked dress clothes, plus sandals.
>He has some sort of hippie beard thing.
>He can't teach well at all.
>Student corrects his errors and says "just trying to keep you guys on your toes".
>The quiz he gives out is difficult to read, since it's in his messy and unintelligible handwriting.
>Questions on the quiz on information that was taught literally the same class he gave the quiz.
>After class I am trying to see how to do a problem and he admits that actually wrote it incorrectly.
>He doesn't omit the question.

What the fuck is this shit? This is where my tuition goes?

>> No.4275039

oh man, you're fucked.
try hiring a tutor, or studying independently.

>> No.4275042


>mfw you're posting this rather than complaining to the professor.

>> No.4275044

The funny part is that the school is paying him to do this to you. Enjoy your semester OP!

>> No.4275047

It's not like a good teacher will make a difference later in your life.
Just keep doing fun things with your buddies and wait for the end of the year.

>> No.4275050

Report his ass. They'll kick him out if enough students complain.

>> No.4275057

calc 3 was also taught by grad students at my university. i got a really good guy though. probably one of the best professors i had other than my diff eq professor.

>> No.4275071

my calc 3 prof wore the same shirt and pants every day. haha what a guy.

>> No.4275072

At my uni, grad students typically only give lectures when their prof goes to a conference or something, and they need somebody to fill in XD The grad students TA classes though.

>> No.4275079


>hand written quizzes instead of typed
>hippe non-proffessors

wtf kind of school do you go to.

>> No.4275082

file a grievance

>> No.4275086

Nice school OP.

Just kidding, your school sucks big floppy donkey dicks.

>> No.4275095


Colorado State University at Fort Collins.

It's only my first semester here and all but one of my professors/teachers are awful. One of them seems okay, but I can barely understand him, since he is from Argentina. Usually I'm one to suck it up and deal with it, but I have already had so many issues in only the first week.

>> No.4275099

reminds me of primary school
and highschool

>> No.4275114

> Look at website for Colorado State
> See tons of promotional material
LOL, the schools that advertise how great they are on their front web pages tend to be the crappy universities. For example, MIT (http://web.mit.edu/)), Stanford (http://www.stanford.edu/)), or even the University of Toronto (http://www.utoronto.ca/)) and McGill University (http://www.mcgill.ca/)) don't really bother with any advertising at all on the front page. It's already kind of implicit...