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3022216 No.3022216 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best/highest pleasure that humans can experience?

>> No.3022224


>> No.3022222

Hanging upside down so blood rushes to your head, while smoking a joint of Canadian-grade marijuana and getting a blowjob from two hooker and a slab of butter..

>> No.3022227


>> No.3022234
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lol sup

>> No.3022238

I'd say sharing great moments or feeling great love with a friend. Not a family member but a friend or lover. Or a group of friends.

>> No.3022235


>> No.3022243

I would say sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.

>> No.3022249

Heroin, DMT, meth, MDMA.

>> No.3022250

honestly i think its eating really good food

>> No.3022257

I meant at one moment; like you shoot up heroin and you are euphoric... is that as "high" as you can get?

>> No.3022261

best feeliing in the world is probably getting attention. sounds beta but i think getting positive attention from others is the best feeling in the world

>> No.3022262

I've never done that before, gotta admit it would feel badass.

>"I'm actually trying to make a baby appear with my dick!"

>> No.3022269


Yep. I've never shot up any drug, I've done a few including heroin(via snorting), but they say the first time you shoot up is the best and you'll never be able to get that high again. I'm past that stage in my life where I was using drugs though, but damn opiates were the best. Killed your sex drive though.

>> No.3022270

Whatever can get your endorphin production at the highest level.

Honestly, drugs, there's a reason heroin is illegal and even (most) drug reformists wish to keep it that way.

>> No.3022276

stop trying to make me kill myself

it's rude

>> No.3022278

Contra utilitarian philosophy, I'm not so sure that all pleasures are directly comparable. Aesthetic, intellectual and "carnal" pleasures are quite different. I think that ideally you'd want some of each without trading off all of one for more of another.

>> No.3022293

What about of things that, in the process of giving you pleasure, don't destroy your pleasure sensors?

>> No.3022301

Heroin doesn't "destroy your pleasure sensors." That's DARE level bullshit.

>> No.3022326

-laying with a girl you like in the grass, looking up into the sky while listening to music
-hanging out with a group of friends in the park at dawn just fooling around
-riding around town with the windows down and a nice song playing with your friends in the car
-hanging around with friends in the back of a store

>> No.3022353

The highest pleasure a frog can experience is being the best frog that it can be.

Therefore, the highest pleasure a human can experience is being the best human that it can be.

But what constitutes being a good human?

Well, being good at something means excelling in a specific area that differentiates one from others. For example, a good drummer would be better at playing drums than those who do not play drums.

So what differentiates humans from other beings? Answer: They possess souls or whatever you want to call it. So to experience the highest pleasure for a human would be to exercise their souls to the fullest extent. To exercise the soul is to be moral.

The highest pleasure a human can experience is to live a moral life.

Too bad morals are predetermined by societal boundaries.

>> No.3022355


>> No.3022360

Faggot detected.

>> No.3022376
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>> No.3022377


>> No.3022391
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Laghing at oneself

>> No.3022397

drugs are but a pale shadow,
you want the direct electro stimulation of the brains pleasure centers.
done right you will actually achieve the physical maximum.

>> No.3022398

>To exercise the soul is to be moral.

Exorcisms become popular again.

Several children are killed by Baptist ministers. Again.

>> No.3022399


Hey man, I haven't experienced these things either. It's all just dreaming....I want that emotional connection, I want those nostalgic experiences...

>> No.3022405

best feeling is having sex, eating, listening to music, and hanging out with friends at the same time

>> No.3022428

to understand something that previously did not make sense.

>> No.3022435


>> No.3022439
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thats what the Romans found!

>> No.3022441

I know that feel, bro.

Eureka moment ftw. Hands down.

>> No.3022446

haagen-dazz caramel vanilla brownie icecream

>> No.3022458

Beyond not being convinced that all pleasures are comparable, I'm also not convinced that maximal activation of the "pleasure centers" would actually produce the best kind of pleasure. Why should this be so? Just because they are called the "pleasure centers?" That's some grade A semantic horse shit right there - completely circular.

To me, a pleasure that you can connect with on an intellectual level is more fulfilling than such an exogenously produced sensation could be.

>> No.3022466


>> No.3022489

like that woman who broke her finger on the dial connected to her brain

>> No.3022486

Presumably, direct stimulation via implanted electrodes of certain portions of the brain involved in the processing of sensory information.

More realistically, having sex with the partner of your choosing while under the influence of MDMA.

>> No.3022491

>"Bro": implying women dont have eureka moments

>> No.3022513
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Laying in bed after making love to the woman of your life, and having a conversation while caressing each other.

>> No.3022520

Get a load of this bitch

>> No.3022537
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Why do you think engineers are so successful and happy?

>> No.3022555

Sucks that it's true. Death is probably the greatest experience because we can't fucking explain it to each other.

Best feelings are ones of relief after epic lengths of despair (like finding water in a desert when you're about to die). Sex is meh in comparison.

>> No.3022574

Direct stimulation to the pleasure center of the brain.

>> No.3022580

or finding god when you are spiritualy thirsty about to die. water is meh in comparison.

>> No.3022584


>> No.3022588

Saying death is the greatest pleasure is word salad nonsense. Death is by definition the cessation of any capacity to feel or experience anything.

>> No.3022592
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>> No.3022600


I'm sorry I didn't say pleasure though I realize that is what the OP wanted. Death is just an experience.

>> No.3022601

existence is suffering
ceasing to exist is ceasing to suffer
negative number < 0

>> No.3022605

To wipe your butt and find that there's no poo stain on the toilet paper.

Greatest pleasure ever.

>> No.3022607
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>> No.3022620
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being born is definitly not pleasurable

>> No.3022634

to believe something really bad happened and then find out it didn't
being "punked" is a great pleasure

>> No.3022647


>> No.3022684

the higher pleasures are not for sale... in a shopping mall or over the internet and cant be delivered by fedex.

>> No.3022724


I also think dreaming ranks up there.

I don't remember my dreams...but I am apparently incredibly happy in them.

Right now I'm happy because I'm on benzos which make me mellow...almost like a normal human. Wouldn't it be nice if this feeling was permanent? Might actually be able to make friends.

Ah well.

>> No.3022755

what I like best about my nightmares is that they end.
My waking nightmare on the other hand...

>> No.3022769

>That feel

Death as the epitome of pleasure would make sense in that case.

>> No.3022773
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sex on x

>> No.3022811

This def ranks up there.
Esp with someone you're in a good loving relation with.

I'd recommend it to everyone to try at least one before your late 20s.

>> No.3022826

No, it's still a nonsense because the inability to feel cannot be the epitome of any specific feeling.

>> No.3022841

extacy depletes your spinal fluid and makes you less sensitive to pleasure--in the long run

>> No.3022862

I once got mad high with my boyfriend. We sat on the couch cuddling, him stroking my hair, watching Carl Sagan's Cosmos.
Just sitting there in the middle of the night, holding him, and feeling his warmth, listening to the soothing voice of Carl Sagan saying the most inspiring things in the world, utterly at peace, relaxed, and loved, drifting off to blissful half-sleep.

>> No.3022985

So, do your parents know you're an engineer?

>> No.3023033
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>> No.3023039


I wanna try this sooooooo fucking bad, but my girlfriend would never do E :(

>> No.3023051
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>Implying engineers fap to Sagan
Please. We fap to gentlemen like Felix Wankel.

>> No.3023055

wanking to wankel seems fair

>> No.3023056

He's lucky Sagan is dead.

>> No.3023066

looks like he has a big poop yet to come out