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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5287605 No.5287605 [Reply] [Original]

I have recently discovered the experiment of shrodinger's cat and have become increasingly interested on the topic. Anyone care to elaborate on it to provide further understanding for me please?

>> No.5287632

The cat would die.
The physical act of measurement with the Geiger counter would be enough to collapse the wave function. If you don't accept that, than the cat would count as an observer.

>> No.5287649

schrodinger's cat was meant to be a joke, don't take it seriously.

>> No.5287654

I think it's often used as an analogy for quantum physics too. Two different things happening at the same time and such

>> No.5287658

Schrodinger's cat is originally a thought experiment that's supposed to showcase how absurd the idea of quantum mechanics is if you were to think of it on a macroscopic scale.

A lot of the time, it's misinterpreted and taken literally or philosophically.

At this point in time though, I think everyone is smart enough to take quantum mechanics intuitively.

>> No.5287666

You're like the cat OP. You are alive and dead at the same time, because you exist simultaneously in parallel universes.

>> No.5287676
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>than the cat would count as an observer.
This has always been my interpretation, that the cat sure as fuck knows if it's dead or not.

>> No.5287679

Shrodinger made it up to show people how stupid the most popular interpretation of QM was, and that anyone who seriously believed it had some real thinking to do.
GJ at proving him right popsci

>> No.5287684

>if it was dead
>or not

Only one of these is true.

>> No.5287697

Good job not being able to disentangle that a wave equation is a description of reality and not reality itself.

>> No.5287706

"Observer" is a huge misnomer that never should have clawed its way into the popular dialogue about quantum mechanics.

Observation - in the sense that you're talking about, related to "knowing" something - is irrelevant. What collapses a wave function is a physical measurement, or more directly, an interaction the outcome of which depends on the state of the system.

>> No.5287708
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This. It was basically his way of telling the Bohr people in Copenhagen to stop saying stupid ridiculous shit.

>> No.5287715

OP here, kind of expanding off of this... did Einstein recreate this experiment with gunpowder or was I mislead?

>> No.5287719

U avin a gigl m8
I bas ye ead in
swar on me mums gravy

>> No.5287723

>implying the cat isn't taking physical measurements of it's ball all the time.

>> No.5287726

/sci/ how do i into theoretical physics and QM?

>> No.5287739

Just make some stuff up and pretend you know what you are talking about. It will be close enough to what most people think of it to be indistinguishable.

>> No.5287754

1. Learn single-variable calculus
2. Learn introductory physics
3. Learn multivariable calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra
4. Learn quantum mechanics
5. ????????
6. Profit

>> No.5287766

How to make people THINK you know QM: a science guide.
1)Watch any popular popsci show/listen to any popsci scientist and use any information uttered, it doesnt matter what it is, copy it word for word.

2)Look up random shit on wikipedia, read the first 4 lines (better if simple english as well) and then spew that shit everywhere.

3) If anyone actually knows QM and calls you on your shit, more than likely you will be more popular then them, just make fun of them and everyone else will make fun of them too, thereby securing your position