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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 79 KB, 640x619, prohibition1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1623338 No.1623338 [Reply] [Original]

Prohibition should be brought back. Alcohol-related accidents kill more people than any other drug. Public drunkenness leads to aggressive homeless people attacking innocent citizens. Alcoholism destroys countless families each year, and billions of dollars are wasted on alcohol that could be spent helping the homeless. Alcohol is immoral and must be banned.

>> No.1623351


As long as drugs like marijuana and morphine are illegal/controlled, I wholeheartedly agree with this. Either you let people choose what substances they put in their body, or you stop being hypocritical and shut down them all down.

>> No.1623350

have you ever been drunk at a party? especially with girls

holy fuck it's fun.

it's funner than being high.

>> No.1623353

Not science.

Go discuss this somewhere else.

>> No.1623374

way to go backwards OP
If anything all drugs should be legalized
We're making it too easy for criminals to make money
Crack is illegal too you know and I'm pretty sure a lot of homeless people get it either way

>> No.1623377

I agree with this.

inb4 "it should all be legal".. oh wait.. -facepalm-

>> No.1623392

>during worst recession
>implying it wouldn't just lead to moonshine and rum runners again

People want to lose themselves, they will pay anything to do it, preferably, however, they'll choose to do it legally.

Also, there are more guns now than in the 20's and 30's.

>> No.1623403

Alcohol is the most fun of the drugs, though - except for opiates.

Oh morphine, how I love thee...


Either legalize it all, or make it ALL illegal.

Pick one, not both.

>> No.1623405

Prohibition ruined American beer.

>> No.1623411

Have you even seen the news lately?
The Mexican cartels are nuts, they almost have full control of the country and their threating to spread to the US and the rest of America like a virus.
We don't need to add "alcohol" to their inventory of things to profit from.
Mexicans aside, we have criminal problems in the US too. Our prisons are full and everyday they recruit more and more dumb kids to sell more drugs.
We should just make it legal and stop wasting money on this mindless violence.

>> No.1623417

>it's funner than being high.


>> No.1623432

yes. being high isn't that fun. it's kind of slow and relaxing.

being drunk is funner.

>> No.1623445


you do know that the alcohol prohibition was the birth of organized crime right? if more mobsters is what you want then by all means ban alcohol again :P

>> No.1623462

Hey, that's just like your opinion man.
And it should be,"being drunk is more fun."
Just sayin'.

>> No.1623464
File: 28 KB, 256x251, KredSit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should just introduce subtle poisons into our alcoholic beverages that'll eventually kill those who consume them with repeated doses.
That way, we'll only be left with a right-thinking T-total population.

>> No.1623470

Alchohol should be made illegal
Cigarette purchase age should be made 16
cannabis should be legal

>> No.1623481

no you're stupid go fuck yourself

shit should stay how it is.

cannabis can be legalized
but that's a big maybe.

>> No.1623489

During the Russian prohibition, blindness was almost an epidemic. This was due to poor distillation methods for producing potato vodka.

>> No.1623496

no legalization because then corporations will gain control, small amounts and personal grows need to be decriminalized, the smart ones who can handle thc will adapt and prosper.

>> No.1623515

citation needed

>> No.1623522

Drinking age and age of consent should be lowered to 10.

>> No.1623530

Look at countries that have liberal cannabis laws: the Netherlands, Canada, Belgium, Denmark. Havens for civil rights, equality, good governance, order, and peace.

We can't be having any of that anti-American trash in our country!

>> No.1623542

Hey anyone who drives drunk and dies in an accident is an idiot
There is no reason you should be drinking and driving
Also OP anyone who can't enjoy at least some alcohol is either an uptight faggot or a pussy
I hope OP learns the error of your ways and gets his head out of your ass.
Also if drinking alcohol is immoral then Jesus himself was immoral.

>> No.1623555

Gheeze OP, isn't it bad enough that you have to be 21 in order to drink?
I mean this is the only country where they have that stupid law, in most places is either 18 or 16.

>> No.1623562


>Also if drinking alcohol is immoral then Jesus himself was immoral.

I'm Mormon and you're wrong.

>> No.1623571

What enters a mans mouth is not what defiles him. What exists his mouth defiles him.

>> No.1623578

oh really?
Then why is the blood of Christ wine?

>> No.1623582

ITT: People think that all drugs are equal and effect a person's physical/mental awareness equally

Hmm, sure is underage b& in here

>> No.1623588

nobody said that...

>> No.1623600

I don't think anyone realizes that during Prohibition alcohol-related crimes skyrocketed, for what should be obvious reasons. Just as alcohol-related crimes skyrocketed, so too did alcohol-consumption.

Also, many stores ended up selling 'packages' with 'directions you should not follow under any circumstances' that would create a malt-liquor like beverage.

There's really nothing wrong with alcohol in of itself, it's the over-consumption of alcohol that brings problems. Fuck, I Thought /sci/ was supposed to be semi-intelligent.

>> No.1623612

Those laws have tuned Amsterdam into the crime and drug (including illegal drug) capital of the EU.

>> No.1623615
File: 119 KB, 758x535, 1148550915225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think we should just introduce subtle poisons into our alcoholic beverages
>poisons into our alcohol

>> No.1623619

Everyone that has says that there should be a ban on all drugs or no ban at all are implying such a concept. There is a level of admittance that less overall harmful drugs (such as alcohol and weed) dont need to be banned, but things like strong hallucinogenics and other thing as such have good reasons why they are banned.

>herpa derp they are all called drugs so why arent they all banned together herp derp

Things should be banned for their effect on the person taking the drug and how the people around the user are effected by their possible behavior from the effects of the drug.

>> No.1623629

Amsterdam doesn't even have the highest crime rate in the Netherlands, let alone the EU.

>> No.1623658


but it wouldn't be fair to the drugs if we didn't treat them all as equal

>> No.1623651

Alcohol must be banned. I agree.
Bring prohibition back. I don't care if it increases black market crimes; we'll just increase law enforcement's power.

>> No.1623672
File: 61 KB, 568x624, 1282012770701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: People who neither enjoy a drink by themselves nor enjoy a drink socially with other people, and as such they feel that, due to their self-imposed importance, that because they cannot enjoy a beverage no one should be allowed to enjoy said beverage. They then hide behind the fact that 'HURRR HUR ALL DRUGS ARE THE SAME DURR DURRR DURRRRRRR' and completely disregard the fact that the problem here is not alcohol itself but rather the human over-consumption of alcohol.

Also: Yeah, bring back the Prohibition. That'll really stop alcohol consumption. Fuck, I think I'm being trolled here, but I don't think /sci/ has it with-in themselves to troll that eloquently.

>> No.1623693

It shouldn't be illegal. Ever. Just because a small minority of idiots abuse the substance doesn't mean it should be taken away from those of us who drink responsibly. That would be like banning all cars because some people speed and crash resulting in people dying... a different solution is needed; larger penalties for public drunkeness is one idea, I'm sure there are others.

>> No.1623988

you mean asprin

>> No.1624009

just tax it.

>> No.1624225
File: 391 KB, 800x2586, booze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'm going to be -that guy- and post something intelligent.

Your proposal empirically fails as per Prohibition of the 20's. People WILL acquire alcohol (usually violently) and there will be no presiding agency capable of legally inspecting said alcohol to ensure it's safety. People damaged by alcohol will not seek medical attention as it would prove their involvement in a crime, leading to more deaths than you propose to solve. Now despite my best efforts, I'm a conservative at heart, all this hogwash about 'saving lives' and the 'greater good' makes for good PR but Capitalism ultimately reigns for me. My conservative argument against prohibition is the same as my conservative argument for the legalization of marijuana. Luxury Taxes. Alcohol taxes make up a significant portion of our nation's financial intake and we should harness pot's potential to increase our coffers at the expense of addicts whenever possible. This would make Pot much more expensive, but it would also make the government some corporate allies who's profitable interest lie in forcing the public to inhale only government regulated hash. This benefit will likely manifest in corporate sponsored border guard and drug-busts. Leaving Uncle Sam's money free for other things. At the end of the day, legal weed makes the U.S. as a whole richer, though it has the unfortunate side effect of making the poor poorer, as the introduction of legal marijuana will no doubt have a visible effect on the already poor neighborhoods. But this is a strategically insignificant loss compared to the gains accrued by white-collared America.

As far as 'harder' drugs go, they cannot be legalized as they fail FDA requirements for non-addiction and long (or short) term physical damage. (Except LSD, my personal drug of choice)

>> No.1624237
File: 137 KB, 800x401, 965474677_7etTF-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prohibition was hilarious. let's do it again so we can learn the same lesson we learned last time, because it seems op doesn't remember it. or that op's a troll. i vote the latter.

>> No.1624247

You ignore that much of what the FDA does today is unconstitutional. Only a state can make it illegal to have X drug, not the federal government, except in federal buildings/property.

>> No.1624262

its called the 5th amendment, idiot.

>> No.1624263

Alcohol has too much cultural significance to ban. Tobacco and marijuana and shit have less cultural significance.

>> No.1624290

>Tobacco and marijuana and shit have less cultural significance.
>Lesser cultural significance.
>One of the tell-tale signs of a Flapper or a woman who supported Women's Rights was by smoking.