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15286959 No.15286959 [Reply] [Original]

Effects of neonatal (at birth) "hepatitis B vaccine" administration. Began ~1991, became universal in the US by 1993.

>> No.15286984

They should spread out the vaxxes instead of catchall mega vaxxes in childhood probably.

>> No.15286997
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>They should spread out the vaxxes instead of catchall mega vaxxes in childhood probably.
That wouldn't lower the collective IQ though.

Also, vaccine damage is more apparent in adolescents and adults, but is harder to recognize in babies and children.

>> No.15287000

It only takes one. None of them are needed. "modified schedule" or "not so many at once!!" is just trying to salvage the scam. It's not needed at all.

>> No.15287003
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Also pic related has to be understood. Not enough progress has been made on this yet. People are catching up to vaccines being maybe bad, when the whole world is poison.

>> No.15287030

>Do all this
>average white kid in tortured hellscape suburbias still brain mogging the everloving fuck out of every other group world wide.

If this were true, people like Scholze, Maynard, and other confirmed super IQ mathematicians with middle class backgrounds would be practically Gods without these things.
Even your average Jew isn't immune to this or gets special gynecologists, hospitals, or plumbing to their homes, so Ed Witten would be something like the smartest human who ever lived if true.

>> No.15287035

>>average white kid in tortured hellscape suburbias still brain mogging the everloving fuck out of every other group world wide.
They're not.

>> No.15287044

Most vaccine damage has happened in the last 40 years. Kids during boomer generation time only got like 2-3 vaccines.

>> No.15287045

Why do you think the US relies on the brain drain for all its core talent? They come from places that don't do this to their populations. Then those people have kids who are damaged like everuyone else, and are displaced by the new arrivals.

>> No.15287054

I developed normally amidst getting this
t. born 1992

>> No.15287061

I was born in 93. I was always highly aware of how different the prior year was from us. All of us really, it was quite universal with few exceptions.

>> No.15287065

>I developed normally amidst getting this
you lack the perspective needed to make that judgment. you beliefs are not true simply because you find them emotionally appealing, thats just confirmation bias

>> No.15287070
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>> No.15287087
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>> No.15287126

How so? I don't give '93 much thought. My siblings were born in '90 and '88

>> No.15287144

More "human" in the traditional sense. Hypnotizeable. The men were more aggressive in a particular clustering of aspects which was partially absent in us and fully absent from the 94's and later. It's hard to describe. It seems we were a transitionary state, half baked as it were.

>> No.15287170
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You know how you used to get proper bullies? Not possible anymore.

>> No.15287176

Yes. I imagine if you were to evaluate bullies today you'd find they're quasi-feminine in a very different way.

>> No.15287520

Hey Garrett haven't seen you posting like this in a while

>> No.15287530

Who are you?

>> No.15287764

I've known quite a few kids and young adults from hippie communities who were naturalbirthed and unvaxxed or vaxxed very little. They were stupid assholes like everyone else. What's up with that?

>> No.15288009

please do not spam the dead nazi guru

>> No.15288096
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>known quite a few kids and young adults from hippie communities

>smoke weed
>take LSD
>eat shrooms
>"woah dude it's naturallll duuude"
>contaminate breastmilk impair children

There are quasi no reasonable people who reject all hedonistic and fear based product.
Everyone consooooms product.
Even hippies.
For their spiritual hedonistic needs.

The only reasonable people are neither hippies nor consoom monkey.
They don't subscribe to any group nor to any meme belief.
They avoid "hedonistic" and "comfort" products which are tainted by the system Shepherds.
Comfort and hedonistic pleasure as exchange for naive obedience will be punished.
If you exploit or think you can exploit your body with consoom product to:
>increase lifespan, without taking care of yourself and cooking for yourself
>increase fitness, without doing sports and eating healthy
>beeing healthy, while consooming shit, and expect to mitigate with "detox" cures which are also consoom product
>beeing attractive, without developing character
>beeing happy, without compromising in toxic egoistic lifestyles

And all by beeing convinced by some sort of "Expert":
>do this, buy this, consoom this and you'll be happy, healthy and successfull without compromising in XY
>do not find the cause of your sickness, supress symptoms with pills and injections
>trust us
>we want the best for your
>to take the best from you
Punishment to all hedonists. They deserve suffering.

>> No.15290238 [DELETED] 

nazis were the original vaxxxies

>> No.15291597
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>nazis were the original vaxxxies
What is it with socialists and wanting to poke people with needles?
Fucked up people.

>> No.15291640

You just answered your own question. It's sublimated sexual aggression, a more direct manifestation of a penetration and violation fixation. Penetrate the mind, penetrate the body. If they can't penetrate themselves, they transfer their phallus and sex drive to a charismatic leader who can organize the penetration for them.

It's all about sex.

>> No.15293057

more than half of 2018 is influenza and many other staff that is non mandatory and staff that more m.d.s tell openly in media that is usually useless unless you're 90 or a teacher working with kids (in which case there is still little chance that it will work)

>> No.15293370 [DELETED] 
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>a charismatic leader who can organize the penetration for them.
sheds some light on the incessant appeals to authority and namedropping. idolatry
>bill nye says you gotta get vaxxx'd
>i worship bill nye and pray to him
>if you disobey bill nye he will smite u, then you'll be really sorry

>> No.15293398

Yep. That's mixed with the cluster B arrested development mommy daddy (internal symbols) bullshit, and the need for a religion. If it's not mommy, if it's not nature, if it's not god, if it's not science, if it's not the state, who am I?? I am not merged, I am separate, I am nothing! No no no, I need to be part of something to exist (separation-individuation from the mother and family unit), submit to science or I'm telling teacher on you and he'll show you! I'm a good boy, and that keeps it good! If I'm bad, then bad parent comes out, and that's bad for everyone!!

Brain damage and neotony basically. Eternal children. Miserable creatures. That's also why they need to be "validated" and "affirmed" from the outside. Their reality was always created by others. By their parents, by the school, by the media. They were either too cowardly or punished for having their own. So they learned to become enmeshed, dissolve individual identity, merge, become an agent and proxy to science god or whatever it is.

>> No.15293445 [DELETED] 

excellent analysis (no homo)