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>> No.16132683 [View]
File: 663 KB, 808x755, 1705660447894053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do schizos
writes like shizo

>> No.15985199 [View]
File: 663 KB, 808x755, mercury_skin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poison people
>innoculate them
>>exactly when widespread adoption of vaccine was
>Dunning didn't even publish until 1800

Jenner vaccine was directly used in the same year in london.
The spreading to everywhere was later.
Also the change of practice aswell.

>mercural laxatives
They used not only calomel as "laxative" but also as ointment. By the application of mercurial ointment to the inflamed parts.

Also not only did they use mercury but antimonial such as: antimonium tartarizatum.

Jenner did not conduct a study.
He simply inocculated children, then they got lost and no "scientific" or trustworthy follow up exists.
And because "Cow" or Cattle => vacca, he coined the "innoculation with cow pox" vaccination.

Not only was there no provable benefit, except the dropping of usage of neurotoxins which, when applied to a lesion enter the blood stream and give you brain inflamation of which people died, but the with the local usage of the "jenner" method of "innoculation" literally in the same year a massive spike happened in london.

They literally did the good ol trick of "renaming the disease" when "patient was inoculated". By calling the disease instead of smallpox => erysipelas or lesser pox
But then avoided the subsequent administration of mercury, antimony while also avoiding giving it orally.

They literally bathed people in mercury, until the vaccine was around.
>standard of care
>killed a lot of people by posioning
>vaccine came
>no standard of care allowed: "if people now get sick, its the immunisation, let it just be"
>suddenly people stopped dying.

It's always the same shit.
Mercury ointments literally cause postule skin erruptions. Same fortartar emetic (potassium antimony tartrate and all the shit they used and Jenner forced on people before 1800.
This shit is also highly neurotoxic, and causes fevers and brain inflamation.

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