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>> No.5536481 [View]
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How is this possible? I can do up to a gram a night of crystal. It's good stuff too, not shake n bake. I've given it to other people and they get balls to the wall insanely tweaked after half a point. I need like .25g to get high at all. i do it a few times a day.

I never have seen shadow people, while on meth. When withdrawing, I have hallucianted before bed. Also, when completely sober. Oh and before a bunch of people spout bullshit.

>I was schizo before i ever did a drug capable of causing psychosis. or any drug actually. symptoms = age 16. Drugs = age 18. Meth = age 21.

I don't get all weird on it ever. Sometimes I feel like somene is standing behind me and I have the strongest compulsion to look so I always do. But that's the extent of it. Well sometimes I check outside when a car parks at night to make sure it's not a cop. Not that bad I think. And it is posible, since I buy 10-15 year prison sentence amounts at once to save money cause im poor.

Can any of you medical students, or pharm or anyone knowledgeable on this subjcet enlighten me?

People say meth is horrible for a schizo and that it will shoot my into crazy beyond return, but ive used for years nearly daily, at half a gram or more a day. and i never had issues with my behavior.

How can I handle such heroic doses of crystal as a schizophrenic? Science based answers. Im curious to the chemicals responsible and etc...

it makes me feel happy, and normal. Not crazy insane happy like people claim, but it makes me feel human kind of. And hypersexual. I never get horny around people sober. but on meth i do. Not even 10/10 girls in person get me going IRL sober. but on meth, they do. dunno why. i think im uncomfortable with myself sober.


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