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23340599 No.23340599 [Reply] [Original]

Is picrel enough to be able to write the next Great American Novel?

>> No.23340640

You've got to actually write it, instead of making a meaningless post like a dumbass

>> No.23340709
File: 276 KB, 1278x1568, Mogs you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The verbal intelligence quotient obtained by my mental acuities exceeds that of yours by three score, the burden upon me it is resting none to other, do not violating my own challenge to the world and gift, the america novel is for to me it is writing.

>> No.23340741

It didn't stop you from making this awful thread so no, i don't think so.

>> No.23340774

Kill yourself

>> No.23340805

>Is picrel enough to be able to write the next Great American Novel?
Perhaps so. But foremost you need ample life experience. Go live life to the fullest. Go experience the current Weltanschauung. Then, you will be able to write, and the words will emanate themselves from your fingertips.

>> No.23340814


>> No.23340830

Jewish publishers wont allow a next great American novel.

>> No.23340842

>Tfw have high verbal iq but low spatial and whatever the other one was

>> No.23340948

The Great American novel died when Hemingway decided to eat buckshot.

>> No.23340954

It's enough but writing a great american novel is so much more than iq. you gotta have a cool life and have unique expierences to pull from. write what you know

>> No.23341156

It is exceedingly unlikely that anyone who wants to write the next great American novel will do so. But sure. I imagine plenty of great novelists had similar IQs.

>> No.23341331

God OP please do not do this to yourself. Just read and write and try to enjoy those activities. If you cannot enjoy them after some years of trying then set them down. The idea of fame is poison to all artistic endeavor. As is the idea of failure or success. Good art is produced out of love, with great effort.

>> No.23341333

No man on earth can tell you your potential and I am deadly serious.

>> No.23341405

>tfw have extremely high verbal iq but then get brain dmg and am now slightly below average
It's so fucking over.

>> No.23341428

IQ determinist nihilists aren't capable of creating anything great, and this is the case whether their claims are true or not.

>> No.23342330

Thank God, another soul that is not Lost at Sea. Bless you anon.


>> No.23342401

You could have as much IQ as you want, but if you're low in conscientiousness you're not doing shit with it

>> No.23342466

>and whatever the other one was
Funnily enough, memory

>> No.23342471

IQ is a relative measurement of how quicker somebody is than the average person at learning new things.
If you think it's fake you simply have no idea what it actually is

>> No.23342485

No you are Lost at Sea friend. I know exactly what it is: a glorified SAT used to sift the haves from the have nots.

>> No.23342509

do you believe people are equal or unequal in ability?

>> No.23342561

If you were autistic, you might have had a chance if that was all you dedicated your time to. Unfortunately, it seems you are doomed to be simply ok at anything intellectually difficult.

>> No.23342580

You can offset this with experience. Get yourself some experience, get outside your country, learn a new language, travel the world while you are broke. Write a memoir or publish your diary when done, then try to see how those experiences would inform a novel that tries to say something relevant about the world you live in.

>> No.23342642

The Great American novel will be all about chrome bumpers.

>> No.23342680

about ten points short there buddy
you could probably write a decent TV pilot though

>> No.23343081

>Lost at Sea
>Lost at Sea
why do you keep capitalizing that

>> No.23343395

sorry bub, the minimum is actually 127... better luck in the next life retard lolololol
t. 128 IQ haver

>> No.23343515

post the link fag

>> No.23343550

No. You need a 105-115 IQ and you'll need to write about a biracial transwomyn experiencing poverty and systemic injustices that is also a Mary Sue.

>> No.23344165

No, it's 40 points too high.

>> No.23344197
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>> No.23344785

i think you mean first

>> No.23345121
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>no link
cmon fucker I want to do the meme test

>> No.23345157

probably not to write the defining novel of your generation but you don't have to be all that smart to be a successful writer. it's more about work ethic, discipline, psychological resilience (writing fiction is pretty grueling), self awareness about the quality of your writing, having a certain inspiration and artfulness about how you put words together to tell the stories you want to tell, that kind of thing

>> No.23345225

Whether IQ is a valuable measure or not is irrelevant. Caring about it to the point that you would ask questions like this means that you're incapable of great artistic expression.

>> No.23345247

>Whether IQ is a valuable measure or not is irrelevant

>> No.23345486

No, there are people far more clever than you that didn’t even get close and the stuff they wrote was great. At best, you’ll be a high school professor or give English classes in a third world country while you blog about your life as a tourist in other third world countries.

>> No.23345491

126 is far higher than the average high school teacher. You know 100 is the world average?

>> No.23345508

Verbal IQ tests are specifically testing skills like vocab, analogies, reading comprehension. Someone with a firm enough grasp of English to get a highbrow literary novel published would breeze through these kinds of tests, 135 minimum.

>> No.23345515
File: 57 KB, 976x850, IMG_0185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took an actual in person verbal IQ test and it was only like fifteen questions and the most difficult word was pusillanimous. If you miss only that word you would probably get 126 just because there are only a limited amount of questions. I could see a smart person not knowing how to spell that.

>> No.23345535

How many people are there with that IQ? 100 million? So no. I didn't actually calculate that, as I've reverted to pre high school maths, which besides my scintillating intellect, also refutes IQ

>> No.23345554 [DELETED] 

lmao iq tests don't measure vocabularly, and that is not what verbal means

>> No.23345556

lmao iq tests don't measure vocabularly, and that is not what verbal means, verbal measures logical pattern recognition in language puzzles for instance

>> No.23345677

I’m guessing elementary school teachers or PE teachers are the ones that typically have 100. The average for all teachers, 115. A physics or calc teacher is probably in the 120-130 range. And anyone nearing 130 has too much potential to be doing that, so it has to be cushy for them to stick around. That’s where you get your private school teachers (Not always of course) who are a cut above the rest. However, there’s still plenty with 100 or under, no doubt. My social studies teacher in HS was retarded, wouldn’t doubt he was 95-100.

>> No.23345680

you are completely wrong. actually take a specialized verbal iq test, like the WAIS-III VIQ test or the WAIS-IV VCI subtests. they measure vocab, analogies, general knowledge, reading comprehension.

>> No.23345684

>got tested as a kid
>Verbal IQ: 142
>Memory: 95
ovari des

>> No.23345686

I have taken an irl one which I am certain none of you have because you are posting online tests.

Without any resources available the woman lists words and then you write down how they are spelt. That is the verbal portion of the test. You don’t even have to know what the words mean.

>> No.23345688

Brutal. They hook you up with speed?

>> No.23345693

Considering school is compulsory they don’t have to choose the very best. The typical public school hires teachers in the 100 range. It isn’t retarded tier but the typical school teacher likely isn’t much higher than average. That would take a lot of funding to get a school where the average teacher’s Iq is 115. You think all the public schools in rural Alabama are using 115 IQ level teachers?

>> No.23345719

No. I vaguely remember the psychologist recommending it, but my parents must've declined. Thinking back it was probably the right decision because I got through school well without it, but now at uni that 95 is really making itself felt.

>> No.23345754

Because I read mostly 19th century writing lately and capitalization of nouns for emphasis was a Common Practice.

>> No.23345760

Unequal of course. Any time there are 6 or 10 in a room, they can all figure out the wisest person within a few minutes.

>> No.23345767

I mean, that is only the average nationwide, without looking at any statistics. Considering the population in Alabama, an average of 100 in that area doesn’t mean you can’t have an average of 115 nationwide. Regardless, that is probably too high a guess. 105-110 is probably better guess nationwide.

>> No.23345774

Sorry for repeating nationwide like a retard. Haven’t slept much.

>> No.23345775

What a dumb explanation. I've seen a lot of action movies, I don't go out shooting people.
Sorry anon but you reek of middling IQ.

>> No.23345777

so what's wrong with measuring it?

>> No.23345816

You can't measure it fool, there is nothing to measure against. All you can do is rank-order it, which is the natural order of things: humans naturally seek out who among their family/tribe/community is wisest. The function and purpose of wisdom is to guide and assist.

In the modern world bewildered men believe their intelligence is of their own making, take pride in it, and use it to pursue selfish ends. This causes the people around them to fall into confusion because they have been abandoned by their natural leaders.

Hence the Tyranny of the Average has taken over. IQ is one of many fake wisdom signifiers that has cropped up in the confusion. Some others are: academic pedigree, grades/degrees, automobiles, watches, job titles, net worth.

All of this builds up a society in which selfishness is encouraged and paperwork is mistaken for wisdom. I know a wise man when I speak to one, and I take the advice of all men and women who are morally or intellectually superior to me. This is the natural order of things.

>> No.23345824

I was brifely Obsessed with the Poet William Blake and wrote several thousand lines of Poetry in (Poor) Imitation of his Style. I have retained the habit of Emphasis by Capitalization. Few would consider this a Sign of Stupidity but so be it if you do. I do not care about the thoughts of Lesser Men.

>> No.23345849

Sure you have buddy, sure you have.

>> No.23345858
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As I said it is Poor Imitation, do not heckle me.

>> No.23345870

Being creative and having high openness to new experiences has nothing to do with IQ.
The midwit diagnosis remains

>> No.23345875

This not about me or my intelligence, of which I make no claim except to say my portion is somewhat greater than yours. You called me a Liar and have heckled me for idiosyncratic Majiscules. I explained myself and you called me a Fraud. I am no Fraud.

>> No.23345881

You're a retard, Harry

>> No.23345887

man you're such a blowhard. yesterday it was
now it's
>bewildered men believe their intelligence is of their own making, take pride in it, and use it to pursue selfish ends.
>The function and purpose of wisdom is to guide and assist.
these are opposite ideas. i don't think you have a coherent worldview at all, you're just saying whatever you think will sound impressive at the moment. you should try this crap on women, it just might work

>> No.23345888

If I gave you my Paper Resume you would call me a Genius. That men require Paper Resumes to discern the Intellect is a sign of the prevalence of low minds in high places. Small minds need Numerals, Scores, Degrees and Accolades to discern Intellect. True Intellect can recognize Itself in the minds of others. True Intellect does not compete or seek praise-- It only desires to know Truth, Beauty and Goodness. This is its Nature and Purpose.

>> No.23345893

The Infinite Soul comes from God anon. It is carried in your Breast and Mind but it is not of your making. There is no confusion or contradiction here at all. Intelligence is a Gift from God for the benefit of guiding souls to Truth, Beauty and Goodness.

>> No.23345913

I don't need any documents to tell you're a midwit, bro

>> No.23345918

assisting your community with "wisdom" and pursing individualistic artistic expression are opposite goals. again, go try this shit on pussy, the wacky persona you've created for yourself is better suited trying to get 15yo arthoes to send you nudes on discord, doing this shit here is just embarrassing

>> No.23345932

My intellect doesn't whither in tears, mere insults don't warrant its trembling. Maybe I did wink in this.

>> No.23345934

Yep, top o' the bell curve for this fella

>> No.23345941

We already have a stuck-up retard that types in a "special" way, you'll have to find another board

>> No.23345943

take the CMT, not that dogshit.

>> No.23345945

I see where the confusion is. Art should be done without apology or permission, but true art must celebrate what is truly beautiful. Art is a gift to others, as the great craftsmen of Medieval Europe knew, for they did not sign their work, contentented with the occasional inscription "Adamo Me Fecit." They innovated, expressed and labored to bring forth beautiful forms expressing the Divine, their works are Beacons of God.

The modern artist (in all senses) is obsessed with Signature. Signature Style, Signature Price Tag, Signature on a Card in the Museum-- all their work expresses is "Me Me Me." (Of course their are exceptions and many humble, great artists quietly carry on producing beautiful, wonderful art without much compensation or reputation.)

We should pick up our paints, pens, trowels and hammers without apology and make whatever we can that we think will be Beacons to Beauty, without fear of how it is received.

Does this make more sense?

>> No.23345947

jesus christ lol

>> No.23345952

I have been here off and on for over a decade. Sadly.

>> No.23345974

close but no dice. you're looking for a minimum of 130 verbal iq. but you could write some decent fiction, not everything that's taught in literature classes consists of great national novels
you could also make good commercial fiction, like maybe a speculative fiction classic

>> No.23345985

So cruel anon. Who made you Judge of All Minds? You are content to tell a stranger what the limits of their dreams should be based on a Number produced by a dickless, soulless test?

>> No.23345992


>> No.23346001

i have 79 IQ

>> No.23346068

Get a prescription for piracetam

>> No.23346071

115 is still two standard deviations above the regular populace. There is a zero percent chance the average public school teacher has an IQ of 115. Maybe 105. 104 is the Chinese national average for reference. That would sound closer to accurate.

>> No.23346076

For reference, the IQ of the average person in a field which requires a PHD is in the 110s. Public school teachers would be far beneath that.

>> No.23346097

>i use a math-reading test fitted to a bell curve for no reason to contextualize my entire worldview

>> No.23346103

I don’t understand your point of contention. The average school teacher in the US isn’t 115. That’s just factual. I refuse to believe that.

>> No.23346113

How do you know intelligence is distrubuted in standard normal? That is the assumption behind the IQ test which nobody can prove or demonstrate. Of course if you apply thr IQ model you get a picture of intelligence that is standard normal, such that most peopme have 100 IQs. That is extremely circular.

>> No.23346121

>Who made you Judge of All Minds?
researching psychology
>So cruel anon.
it stings but you get over it and knowing your limits helps you in the long run. i have a lower verbal iq than OP so i'm not saying this condescendingly

>> No.23346125

>115 is still two standard deviations above the regular populace.
it's one

>> No.23346127

Have you ever had the experience of believing in yourself in spite of your grades, your IQ test, your insecurities and what others have told you about yourself-- and then finding great success?

That is an experience I have had, and I wish others could know it. It feels like you are flying.

>holy shit... I CAN do this!
>wow! I am actually really GOOD at this!

>> No.23346148

> permavirgin absolutely seething


>> No.23346159

Please don't do this to yourself anon. See

>> No.23346427

lol still clinging to your middle school experience sure showed them

>> No.23346581

That is why IQ tests are a piece of shit, the methods adopted by those who created it are extremelly flawed and tell nothing about actual learning potential, but current knowledge.
Even the "logical" ones can be said as such

>> No.23346955

high IQ and high creativity don't necessarily go together. you could have the highest IQ ever and still be a shit writer with dull ideas.

>> No.23347663

creativity is learned, and a high iq person may learn it easily

>> No.23348010


>> No.23348019

Creativity cannot be taught or learned. It must be discovered.
Why do you think you know who I am? Is it a way to safely anathematize anything contrary to your present thinking?

>> No.23348476

They actually do, the highest iq people 145-160 have creativity, the more high iq you are the easier it is for you to master anything, science, the arts, etc a la da vinci, michelangelo, archimedes, etc or people like newton who could build toys, telescopes and still do theoretical math work.

>> No.23348570

>the highest iq people 145-160
iq stops meaning anything at that point, 145 is the highest meaningful score

>> No.23348642

No, the highest score is 160, according to the wais iv, past that its meaningless

>> No.23348650

Then it should just directly reproduce the existing social hierarchy but it does not.

>> No.23348653

Marilyn Vos Savant is 220 but if you read her twitter it's the most banal normie shit ever

>> No.23348983

I mean, high creativity in the arts is more about boldness and just going with the flow of your ideas. Something like your Dali’s or Jodorowsky’s. Besides that, it is all intelligence, and they were/are pretty intelligent people anyway. I’ve never seen a stupid person genuinely be good at art except maybe Warhol, but he was just trolling. You can get good at it by consuming a lot of images and getting your mind in that state, but you have to work at it like anyone unintelligent would have to. Good rappers have intelligence. At least above the average. That’s why there’s so many ghost writers, because the one’s that suck aren’t that creative, they just worked hard to get good at the flow and sometimes writing. The worst artists tend to be the autists that don’t fixate on what makes good art work. Every autist I’ve met has been bad at art. That’s where you get all this bad fan art with that recognizably bad style. You need to be like Kubrick and Tarantino’s brand of autistic to get good at it because it doesn’t seem to come naturally. Kubrick would constantly shoot and obsess and Tarantino’s photographic memory allowed him to collect a fuckton of images, music, and ideas that already worked and now we have this thing they call pastiche, but their styles are a result of autism.

>> No.23348998

Art is Darwinian. Make stuff until it works.

>> No.23349004

No creativity is not about art, scientists like Einstein were creative, he also played the violin. Creativity is basically intelligence at the highest level, unbridled by common customs and relevant dogma. It is the ability to think outside the boxes of rules, culture and even your own well being.

>> No.23349039

That is the point I’m making? I’m not saying it’s about the arts. I used the arts to show that what they consider creativity isn’t necessarily about intelligence and more about being “unbridled”. However, as I mentioned, you still need to be relatively intelligent for any of that boldness to transmit into good art. As an example of a bad bold artist, I submit Yoko Ono. Ultimately meaning that intelligence is necessary for creativity. At least to a degree. There is certainly a space for people who aren’t intelligent or bold that are good at the craft from repetition or other reasons. You could think of someone who has one good idea and their technique allows them to get all the juice out of it even if they struggle to make more stuff. I don’t disagree with you. Clearly, you misread what I wrote.

>> No.23349054

Where i disagree with you is when you make the point that they are different. Creativity is an expression of intelligence. That's why there's an iq chart with the highest ones usually labelled as having the ability to be good at multiple subjects including both science and the arts. Also, boldness is a teleological concept that is only understood after the fact, creative people are usually not even appreciated while they are alive because their ideas are too strange to be appreciated by normies who often resort to labels like schizo, eccentric, weird, etc It is only much later when another intelligent person is able to digest these ideas and their relevance to his world that they stand out as bold--another normie label--insightful, foresighted, etc.

>> No.23349096

Ok, I see where I need to make myself more clear. I think the idea of creativity we have in popular culture has more to do with boldness or being “unbridled” than what it actually is. However, you need intelligence (What we’ll call the actual creativity) to make it work. That is why I mentioned Dali. He’s an artist with zany ideas, but intelligent enough to make them translate. That is what I meant about him being a commonly associated figure with creativity. However, as I said, most people don’t equate his intelligence with his creativity. They think his creativity is something seperate. I agree with you so far. I was just being messy with my writing. To your point about creative people not being recognized, I think you can agree that there are people who aren’t as creative as these giants of creativity that are still good and able to be appreciated in the moment.

However, to contest all of this so far, Dali has said that he would have been a better artist if he was less intelligent.

>> No.23349241

Dork. You’re worse than theater kids.