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21928950 No.21928950 [Reply] [Original]

What fictional character do you most identify with?

For me it's probably Stepan Trofimovich Verkhovensky from Demons. My values are considered obsolete by almost everyone on Earth and this frustrates me greatly. Also personally I'm pretty weak and pathetic like Stepan too.

>> No.21928954

what values have you?

>> No.21928959

Jesus from the Bible

>> No.21928964

Basically I'm a Christian fundamentalist. Even my family, who are Christians, think my views on religion are too extreme.

>> No.21928966

tiger from Ride The Tiger

>> No.21928978


>> No.21928979
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>What fictional character do you most identify with?
Probably Aegon the Conqueror of asoiaf. I want to unite the western nations together because I can foresee imminent threats to its existence.

>> No.21929021


> "My values are considered obsolete"
> Christian fundamentalist

Christian fundamentalism was literally invented in the 1800s regard. There are literally more fundies now than ever before


>> No.21929095

Alexei unironcially

>> No.21929122

The 1800s were a long time ago.

>> No.21929128
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x1808, 1200px-Love-Making_in_Puritan_Times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christian fundamentalism was literally invented in the 1800s regard.
What would you call Puritans?

>> No.21929156

Siri Keaton, from Blindsight. I grew up in fear, dead to my emotional experience. I used to be an odd public speaker, completely confident while simultaneously shaking in fear - I was just so disconnected from my own experience, I didn't notice the fear. I thought empathy was an elaborate hoax until sometime in my 20s. Also I'm a weirdo who likes computers and systems theory.
I have become less of a weirdo after getting into philosophy (especially phenomenology) and psychoanalysis (especially Lacanian metapsychology). It took being able to intellectualize my experience to that degree to actually come into contact with my experience.

>> No.21929195

Surprised nobody ever mentions Arkady Dolgorukov from “Adolescent”.
A 19 year old who wants to be rich and isolated from everyone, also vehemently despises women

>> No.21929198
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>> No.21929262

Based bro. Leo Naphta from the magic mountain is a pretty good character in this way also. Amazing book. Mann was a pedophile though sadly.

>> No.21929284

Aeneas and The Underground Man at once

>> No.21929319

Oblomov is the only correct answer, except he actually got laid.

>> No.21929348

"fundamentalist" in what way?
i'm quite sure it'll be some sort of literalist extremism amd not the proper belief you so rarely see, and of which you often get only glimpses through the words of holy men.

>> No.21929499

I don't believe in freedom of religion, for one thing, if you worship another god you shouldn't be allowed in the US. Obviously this goes against the founding principles of America but I don't care. Also I think atheists should be deported too, and I think sins like adultery, abortion (murder) and usery should be crimes. It seems a little bizarre to me that Christians understand that Jerusalem was constantly punished by God for not obeying the commandments but they somehow believe America won't be punished for committing the same sins. Do these people believe God has mellowed out in the last 2000 years, and is suddenly okay with idolatry and child sacrifice?

>> No.21929555

based, especially for the sins should be crimes stuff.
although the last is impossible unless you only mean loan sharks, since modern society is based on usury banking.

do you hold to the rest of proper belief?

also i'd rec Locke's letter on tolerance as a nice read.
don't you think that the way america works that utopia would collapse?
free practice often leads to heresies and complacency; and since 'muricans don't read their Bibles, it'd derail quickly.
as it happened in Locke's days , any disagreements would also devolve into civil wars. even worse when everyone has guns.

a wholly Christian society with Bible study sounds kino still.

>> No.21929570


>> No.21929596

>also i'd rec Locke's letter on tolerance as a nice read
Thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.21930180
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>> No.21930220

Dosto has a lot of them
>Myshkin since I’m retarded
>Razkonikov because I’m a Chud
>The underground man because I’m a schizo
Others ones that are literally me
>Sancho Panza
>Yukio Mishima’s self insert from Confessions of a Mask
>Lord Jim
>The Kid from Blood Meridian
>Horselover Fat

>> No.21930232

Just over halfway through C&P and so far raskolkikov is literally me

>> No.21930462

Greg from the Metamorphosis

>> No.21930569

Nicholas Urfe

>> No.21930573

Pechorin from a Hero of Our Time (I am an incel neet not a cool adventuring seducing chad but he is still literally me)

>> No.21930580

probably Pierre from War & Peace but im not rich so not that aspect i guess

>> No.21930589

Frederick Clegg from "The Collector"

>> No.21930600

I identify with stephen dedalus and pechorin

>> No.21930606

I've never related to any character. I'm too unique.

>> No.21930623

>Only he whom has conscious will suffer for his crime, and it will be both his punishment as well as his prison.
>Humans created god and not the other way around; once people stop fearing god, god is dead.

>> No.21930630

A cliche
Mr. Merso from Stranger