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File: 723 KB, 2970x1671, hollaback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18609572 [Reply] [Original]

It seems that the zeitgeist is slowly turning around on the '68 generation and the seeds they have sown. Can you guys recommend me something which takes a critical look at the '68 movement and their effects on western society? I'm fine with either lefty or right-wing critique.

>> No.18609577

he is into interracial

>> No.18609613

May '68, or the Rise of Transpolitical Individualism https://sci-hub.se/10.1515/9781400863853.211

>> No.18610103


>> No.18610153

>>>Picture of philosophag sitting down posing with a cigarette between their fingers passively staring off into the distance

They ALL fucking do this and I'm fucking SICK OF IT. Might as well be wearing a beret with a set of bongos and a coffee cup nearby.

Philosophy is a MEME.

>> No.18610165

weak b8

>> No.18610200
File: 67 KB, 500x639, tumblr_n5u127m34o1qj3uxyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18610223
File: 379 KB, 730x1024, circa-1965-french-writer-and-philosopher-jeanpaul-sartre-picture-id3095034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18610240
File: 450 KB, 2048x1371, 120409_r22060_g2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>Have to wait three fucking minutes to post a picture that's even remotely similar to the last one now

Fuck this, I had about a dozen more pictures to prove my point but this isn't fucking worth it.

>> No.18610250
File: 97 KB, 312x312, Alan_Watts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one

>> No.18610254
File: 21 KB, 261x326, bertrand-russell-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another one

>> No.18610259

It’s Houellebecq you fucking retard, the FICTION writer.

>> No.18610263
File: 8 KB, 237x333, downloadfile-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaand another

>> No.18610280

Why must you fags derail the thread?

>> No.18610288
File: 26 KB, 257x300, 1-pipee-257x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18610311
File: 100 KB, 1200x900, downloadfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, it's every faggot ass "deep" author and writer in existence. Same kind of animal really.

>> No.18610329

Literally 7 out of 8 of your examples are looking directly at the camera, not staring off into the distance as you claimed. Way to prove yourself wrong, but congrats on derailing the thread with your utterly inane observation

>> No.18610338

Why try to reason with a schizo?

>> No.18610348

Minor niggling detail you sperm sucking faggot. It's the same shit.

>> No.18610367

I’ve never seen anyone so enraged at a common portrait cliche.

>> No.18610368
File: 25 KB, 230x325, 1D89A4C3-7C31-4187-8141-EE7C1D56AF01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“But what constitutes the eidetic structure of a cigarette held while looking off in the distance?”

>> No.18610371

It began way before the sixties. Just read Moldbug's account pn the origin of The Left and then some lit on self-domestication and bonobos or some shit. Everything else will be cope or wrong.

>> No.18610403

Just want to chime in with another cigarette-related observation. The deliriant Datura is a potent psychedelic drug. The most common shared experience reported is the phantom cigarette. It happens even to non-smokers. They will think they have a cigarette and tend to it, when they really don't, and will get anxious if they "lose" it.
Reading the trip reports on Datura on Erowid is fascinating. As far as I can tell, it's a psychedelic drug that, when you take it, there will be no realisation that it's "hit", like with LSD and DMT.

>> No.18610404
File: 21 KB, 640x461, Smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Husserl was a pipe smoker tho.

>> No.18611965

Lurk more anon, this topic is endlessly discussed on /lit/. Some good starting points would be The Culture of Narcissism by Christopher Lasch (for an American critique), The Abolition of Britain (for a British critique), the works of Alain de Benoist and the French New Right, etc. I actually think in the preface of Manifesto for a European Renaissance by Benoist it says "revolt against the 68'ers" or something.

>> No.18612356

Random lefty authors off the top of my head that have written critiques or talked about consequences of '68:
Murray Bookchin(US), Julian Bourg/Michel Foucault/The Invisible Committee(French), Giorgio Agamben/GIgi Roggero/Romano Alquati/Toni Negri (Italian), Barbara Sichtermann/Byung Chul Han(German)

Also fuck datura and the new left

>> No.18612463

>Yet in its own way, the spirit of May recaptured what historically has been the central tenet of the consumer society: hedonism. The ideology of modern hedonism-a phenomenon inseparable from the rise of democratic individualistic society-was that consumer society made hedonism the universal goal by entirely redefining lifestyles and personal aspirations.
>From now on, no value carried greater legitimacy across all social classes than the demand for personal gratification and self-fulfillment. By emphasizing permissiveness, humor. and fun, the spirit of May was largely molded by the very thing whose damaging effects it denounced in politics

>The revolution yielded to a euphoria of microscopic, minority subversions: communes, squats, living on the fringes of society, psychedelic drugs. and unusual sexual practices. May '68 had made people so wary of the politics of politicians and parties, of programs and ideologies, that militancy came to seem a kind of alienation, a means of avoiding intimacy. By miniaturizing the revolution this movement emptied it of content. rendering it nothing more than a fad subject to the demands of pure individuality. As the face of individualism, the transpolitical moment contributed to the decline of political passions as well as the glorification of the individual, all in the name of revolution

>It was a psychodramatic and parodic end to the revolutionary age. It augured the victory of individualism and the irreversible privatization of the social sphere. For revolutionary consciousness, May '68 was the last stand.

>> No.18612523

What I'm wondering is how the French intellectuals that stood out like Derrida or Deleuze were tied or not to radical political programs? Zizek somewhere (in the book with Laclau & Butler I think) remarks how despite the seeming radical side of deconstruction and so on the intellectuals behind it were basically social-democrats. Spivak remarked in her Critique of postcolonial reason that both Deleuze and Foucault replaced the humanist subject with a subject who was desire at its core, and that they were rather naive in their views on third-world struggles. If the hedonism of May 68, as Lipovetsky calls it, eroded the revolutionary spirit that came before it, what has been the contribution of 'critical theory' etc. been for the Left? Is Wendy Brown right in her view that the Left has resorted to 'legalism' to further individual rights, perhaps based in fulfilling desire, abandoning its earlier revolutionary potential? (When did university-affiliated people have revolutionary spirit?) But then again Brown is married to Butler who is exactly one of those intellectuals of a post-68 left.