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/lit/ - Literature

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23371728 No.23371728 [Reply] [Original]

Vanitas Ed.


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>> No.23372257

Came the closest to killing myself today than I ever have. Threw my bag away on my walk home and started playing chicken with the passing cars, my feet feeling so light but not being able to make that final push in my head and do it. I wanted to tell someone first.

If I want to kill myself, then I should run away first(barely legal who doesn't know true pain and doesn't want to, especially if he can't handle what he already has). Experience the slow, spiritual death of homelessness, maybe get lucky and die to a random crime so someone else can do it for me like the coward I am.

>> No.23372261

lmao. My grandmother (dad's mom) inherited a lot of land and sold it for a huge amount of money and gave all of it to my dad's sister and her husband. She even bought a house for my dad's sister's husband's brother. She didn't give my dad shit.

>> No.23372376

Nigga no. I made contact, started an impromptu conversation. Te depressing feelings were when I would spend all semester in class with a girl and never get the balls to say hi. This girl is way too different from me so it wouldn't work. But I tried and that counts.
It was also an ego boost because she clearly thought I was good looking. She walked literally the entire way across campus, opposite from where she parked to talk with me because I "seem like a chill guy." So I'm a pretty boy confirmed. Too bad life isn't like an anime where a shy pretty boy gets stalked and femdommed by an assertive female.

>> No.23372380

Anything outdoors. Hiking, fishing, camping, shooting. Also try exercise and sports generally.

>> No.23372402

Ordered 1 plushie from China. It will take several weeks to arrive.

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23371711 No.23371711 [Reply] [Original]

>For sale:

>> No.23371718
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When you read Hemingway what you are reading is Stein made safe for a middlebrow audience.

>> No.23371741

Condom, never worn.

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23371709 No.23371709 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any /lit/ book series that are not fantasy or scifi? All the lit top 100 books don’t have sequels, why is this so unpopular with authors?

>> No.23371719

Because sequels imply plotfaggotry. That said, see: Proust, Knausgaard, Fosse.

>> No.23371787
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Don Quixote
LOTR (fantasy)
In Search of Lost Time
The Book of New Sun (sci-fi)
2666 (if you count it)
The Man without Qualities
Gargantua and Pantagruel
Beckett's Trilogy

>> No.23371793

Oh and the bible

>> No.23371801

oh and the bible (fantasy)

>> No.23371830

Depends what you mean by /lit/. Here's the first twelve I thought of:

Anthony Trollope — Barchester chronicles [The Warden, Barchester Towers, Doctor Thorne, Framley Parsonage, The Small House at Allington, The Last Chronicle of Barset]

Hilary Mantel — Cromwell trilogy [Wolf Hall, Bring Up The Bodies, The Mirror And The Light]

Robert Graves — Claudius [I, Claudius, Claudius the God]

Patrick O’Brien — Aubrey/Martin [Master and Commander, etc]

William Golding — To The Ends Of The Earth [Rites of Passage, Close Quarters, Fire Down Below]

Cormac McCarthy — Border trilogy [All The Pretty Horses, The Crossing, Cities Of The Plain]

William Faulkner — Snopes trilogy [The Hamlet, The Town, The Mansion]

Mark Twain — [Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn]

John Updike — Rabbit tetralogy [Rabbit, Run, Rabbit Redux, Rabbit Is Rich, Rabbit At Rest]

John Le Carré — Karla trilogy [Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, The Honourable Schoolboy, Smiley’s People]

D. H. Lawrence — [The Rainbow, Women In Love]

Samuel Beckett — [Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnameable]

This is without children's literature (Laura Ingalls Wilder, L. M. Montgomery, etc).

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23371700 No.23371700 [Reply] [Original]

The Tower of the Elephant and Queen of the Black Coast have been my favorites so far.

>> No.23371715
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I think The Hour of the Dragon is good character showcase of Conan

>> No.23372385
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Red Nails is very good but Rogues in the House is truly a distillation of Conan imo.

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23371683 No.23371683 [Reply] [Original]

the theater is taken for granted in our society

the audience is the common man, they sit lower than the actor onstage

the actor is the skilled aristocrat. the subject of attention and admiration. it is he who is written about in the history books. the audience commoners are not.

it is also very strange that lots of people get together in a room and make pretend that what they are seeing on stage is real, when they know it is not.

plato's cave tells a story of enlightenment being achieved only after being freed from the theater. there is also a moral command to return to the theater and free another prisoner.

we just live in a very greek world. few great men vs the many lazy commoners. is this model necessary to human society? are there societies in which things are organized differently? im not advocating for communism or maybe i am without realizing it. it just seems odd that so many people kind of give up when they reach middle age and stop trying to create anything. and they leave the creation work to the 'artists' - they expect the artists and writers to figure out where society should go. and the commoners then go to the theater and watch the movies and follow what the artists tell them to do.

is the hierarchy/collective dichotomy not really a problem to begin with? i guess in most civilizations you have hierarchical organization.

are other species of animals in nature organized differently?

is hierarchy the most effective means for growth and excellence?

surely theres a philosopher who has said this better than me... im guessing nietzsche...

is there a way society might be organized that is totally different than hierarchy/collective that would lead to even greater growth and excellence?

>> No.23371693

>plato's cave tells a story of enlightenment being achieved only after being freed from the theater. there is also a moral command to return to the theater and free another prisoner.
this might be the key point im looking for...

freeing oneself from the trap of how society is organized with the few greats and many commoners... what does such a life look like?

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23371665 No.23371665 [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been a real pro feudal philosopher?

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>> No.23371702

>theft of date
THE out of date.

Shit site won't let me correct it.

>> No.23371980


>> No.23372004

Do you think feudalism and absolutism are the same thing? Is this what you're trying to convey?

>> No.23372020

By the way, "feudalism" is now an outdated term like the "Dark Ages." There wasn't an explicit feudalism, and it's based on old historians looking at a specific place and time and extrapolated that to a thousand year period over all of Europe when in reality it was very diverse.

>> No.23372021

Me. I'm stealing this idea so I can be remembered

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23371649 No.23371649 [Reply] [Original]

Have I discovered a new paradox, anons?
Let's call it the paradox of the workaholic:
Doing something is harder than doing nothing at all. The workaholic by nature spends energy not doing anything. Doing things is harder than not doing anything, but the workaholic expends energy by inaction. But then it turns out that doing nothing is hard work for the workaholic. What then is hard work for a workaholic and what is doing nothing, and is there a difference between the two?

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>> No.23371926

OP already named the paradox
>'The paradox of the workaholic'

Which works, because you shouldn't be with your wife, you should be with your woman, as a man, and with your man if the situation is reverse.

>> No.23371929

I think this is similar to something people commonly say about masochists.

>> No.23371931

Don't forget that etymologically, 'wife' comes from 'waif' (Middle English), which has a negativelishly undertone, at least, where I'm at.

>> No.23371938

It could not be about the gains, it could be about the process, the state of applying skills and learning, and enjoying that state of what Csikszentmihalyi calls 'flow' (I haven't read it, but I know its premise), Which is also a gain, of course, but I think I made a point.

>> No.23372048

im a workaholic because its what i know and its easier than doing something else i dont know. its a kind of depression, to dilute and fast forward life by business, a slow motion legal and moral suicide by old age. scary part? it works remarkably well. no money issues, but having off days or no work or max vacation hours so they must be spent is done drinking alone at home because there is no work being done. the work then is in self destruction instead of production to fill the void

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23371645 No.23371645 [Reply] [Original]

Are we currently living in a state of Hyperreality? A state of reality described in "Paradigm for the third millennium" as being defined by a confusion between reality and fiction. Jean Baudrillard posited that hyperreality is defined by the creation of a set of symbols do describe something that does not exist, but is genuinely believed.

Author Micah Dunham argues that hypperreality is created as a result of a desire for a certain reality to exist, and to fabricate a false reality which is treated as though it were true.

Take the screenshot as an example. "The world is silent." However, immediately to the right we see the top trending items are "Gaza Genocide" "Bibi" and "Hilary Clinton" who is trending for comments made about the situation. How can the statement "the world is silent" be reckoned with the fact that this is one of the most talked about events on earth? Hyperreality posits that it does not need to be reckoned with reality at all, it can simply exist and be consumed as though it were as true as the statement "2+2=4."

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23371613 No.23371613 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.23371955

you are a westerner aren't you anon
I swear too much wealth and freedom spoiled you firsties

>> No.23371979

>kill cromwell and his jewish banker backers.
Stay mad, anglican. The reformed faith is the only faith that follows the bible correctly, and the church of england needed to be reformed. Imagine actually believing that the bible teaches the idea of an episcopal government.

>> No.23372012

how is this relevant to keeping the jews out of england?

>> No.23372025

Forcing people to accept obvious lies is the ultimate power move.

>> No.23372259
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>absolute monarchy

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23371589 No.23371589 [Reply] [Original]

Is a color e-reader worth it?

>> No.23371596

Yeah if you plan in reading textbooks and such

>> No.23371673

That's gay af

>> No.23371704

No. Why would colors make any significant difference?

>> No.23371798

They prefer the term African e-reader

>> No.23372397

News articles or non fiction books will often have color graphs in them.

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23371584 No.23371584 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.23371630
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>> No.23371663
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>> No.23372057


>> No.23372065
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>> No.23372070

Just watch Passport to Pimlico.

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23371577 No.23371577 [Reply] [Original]

her poems are insanely gauche and she is only famous for being the best lowbrow poet. I regret all the times I recc'd her.

>> No.23372010
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Unlucky day: Jeff Davis captured, John Wilkes Booth born, Stonewall Jackson died, and now anon renounces Emily Dickinson forever. Pic a valedictory, merely

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23371496 No.23371496 [Reply] [Original]

why are people so filtered hard by Deism?

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>> No.23371859

He advocated for god

>> No.23371869

Deism does not.

>> No.23371872
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Because the world is full of people who would rather sit around, gossip, and bitch about the elite masonic order rather than join it themselves.

>> No.23371882
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>rather than join it themselves.
Implying you could join them.

>> No.23371898

He did, you have not read Kant. Read Prolegomena and the First and Second critiques.

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23371470 No.23371470 [Reply] [Original]

What books by Peter Sotos have you read?

>> No.23371472

For less than the cost of a Big Mac...

>> No.23371573

If you want any .pdf files of his books just ask. I have all of them.

>> No.23371639
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>spin a whitehouse album
>sotos track comes on
>the ol' skiparoo

>> No.23371661

His tracks are much more intense than any others because he solely relies on the voices and sounds of raw, authentic human suffering. It's sound taken to its absolute extreme end

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23371428 No.23371428 [Reply] [Original]

Appropriate topics:
>Civil Law
>Constitutional Law
>Criminal Law
>Law of Tort
>Law of Contract
>Legal Method
Tolerable topics:
>Canon Law (but please discuss the strictly legal applications)
>Political Philosophy (strictly legal; more Cicero, less Plato, please)
>Economics (strictly legal)
>Finance (strictly legal; no personal financial advice, please)
Inappropriate topics:
>Current events (it only takes one person to derail the thread from the discussion of law books)
Suggested resources
Jurists you must read
>The Sachsenspiegel
>Henry de Bracton
>Philippe de Beaumanoir
>Johannes Eisermann
>Johann Oldendorp
>John Skene
>Edward Coke
>Hugo Grotius
>Gerard de Malynes
>Thomas Hobbes
>Benedikt Carpzov
>Jean Domat
>Simon van Leeuwen
>Francesco Rocco
>Samuel von Pufendorf
>John Locke
>Antonius Matthaeus
>Charles Molloy
>Cornelius van Bynkershoek
>Jean Barbeyrac
>John Taylor
>William Blackstone
My selection demonstrates an obvious bias toward Roman, French, Dutch, and German jurisprudence, but other law traditions are welcome. Any scholars of Indian and Confucian jurisprudence are welcome.

>> No.23371434

International law / Human Rights Law isn't really an option for a monoglot, right? trying to figure out what speciality I want to go into

>> No.23371578

I took a survey course back in undergrad and from what I remembered pretty much every single important treaty and court decision is translated into half a dozen languages. However, that might only be the case for public international law (which includes human rights).
That being said, it would definitely be helpful to know French/German in addition to English because both those countries have rich traditions of legal theories and commentaries, most of which have never been translated.

>> No.23371930

calling him a jurist is a disservice, he was a pompous upstart

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23371419 No.23371419 [Reply] [Original]

married a woman 40 years younger than him, groomed teenage boys
wrote that “spiritual” love between men and boys was better than all other kinds of love
said the ideal marrying age was 37 for men and 18 for women
groomed teenage girls
>Sophocles, Euripides, Theocritus, Horace, Virgil, Petronius, Catullus
flagrant pederasts, multiple accounts of Sophocles molesting hairless boys
>Julius Caesar
married a 13 year old girl and later a 17 year old
>Saint Augustine
had a 10 year old fiancée
had sex with a 9 year old girl
>Peter Abelard
groomed Heloise when she was 15
>Thomas More
married a 17 year old girl when he was 27
>Christopher Marlowe
married a 15 year old girl
>Francis Bacon
had sex with underage boys
married a 17 year old girl when he was 34
married a 17 year old girl when he was 40
had sex with underage girls and boys
>Walt Whitman
relationship with 13 year old boy
>Henry David Thoreau
fell in love with an 11 year old boy and wrote a poem about it
>Edgar Allen Poe
married a 13 year old girl when he was 27
>Lewis Carroll
took inappropriate photographs of underage girls
>Charles Dickens
had an affair with an 18 year old girl when he was 45
>Oscar Wilde, Andre Gide, Gustave Flaubert
had sex with Algerian boy prostitutes
>Verlaine and Rimbaud
toxic age-gap relationship
>Friedrich Nietzsche
apologist for man-boy love
>Leo Tolstoy
raped a female servant, married an 18 year old when he was 34
>WB Yeats
proposed to a girl he knew since she was 4
>Martin Heidegger
groomed Hannah Arendt when she was 19 and he was 35
>Henry James
wrote a story about man-boy love
>Thomas Mann
attracted to his own son, stalked a Polish shota around Venice and wrote a book about it
>Marcel Proust
wrote a short story called 'Pederasty' about wanting to live in a boy utopia
>WH Auden
relationship with 14 year old boy
>Sartre and Beauvoir
groomed teenage girls from the school Beauvoir taught at
>Foucault, Barthes, Sartre, Beauvoir, Deleuze, Derrida, Guattari, Lyotard, Althusser
signed petition to abolish the age of consent
>Allen Ginsberg, Camille Paglia, Samuel R. Delany
members of NAMBLA
>Pablo Neruda
self-confessed rapist
>JD Salinger
pedophile obsessed with loli feet
>William S. Burroughs
>Lawrence Durrell
molested his daughter
>Arthur C. Clarke
molested boys in Sri Lanka

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>> No.23371481

What the fuck.. why do we celebrate these groomers?

>> No.23371514
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Based. Can you give some more recommendations, I already read most of those

>> No.23371515

You forgot Isaac Asimov, his son ran basically a Blockbuster for CP and was caught with literal thousands of tapes, so there's a good chance he molested him.

>> No.23371537
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I will do more research to discover more names. I have suspicions about Dostoevsky. Do you know any others?
Interesting, I didn't know that. Pic related, a usenet(?) post about David Asimov made two years before he was arrested. Looking at Asimov's Wikipedia page, it appears Isaac was accused of sexually harassing lots of women. I suspect Orson Scott Card has pederastic inclinations.

>> No.23371734

>into teenagers

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23371411 No.23371411 [Reply] [Original]

>hundreds of millions of years of genetical engineering and rebuilding civilization
>still never had more than 2 genders
How did WE fuck up so badly?

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>> No.23371717

Du penis, habe gerade gesehen, dass dein Autocorrect dich verraten hat. Das Buch heißt All Tomorrows, blamier uns nicht so sehr, ok?

>> No.23371780
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>> No.23371781

>How did WE fuck up so badly?
Tell OP to write in context. He's an embarrassment

>> No.23371799

>do you even know what book OP is talking about?
It is rather vague.

>> No.23371975

My bad I wanted to reply to the other idiot. You are right in your critique

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23371364 No.23371364 [Reply] [Original]

Are light novels /lit/?

>> No.23371724


>> No.23372413

Kabuki def is though, jury still out on Noh...

>> No.23372418

is there such a thing as a good written light novel?

>> No.23372432
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23371325 No.23371325 [Reply] [Original]

>noo my mom was manipulative
Ah get over it already

>> No.23371373

dan schnieder

bring all my bitches back

>> No.23371379

it's amazing how whores like jennette mccurdy admits in public that they are whores.

>> No.23371418

What's amazing about it? People love whores, they're a lot of fun to be around. Unlike prudes, ew.

>> No.23371425

Thats because whores are for the public
They are public property
People love whores, individual persons rarely do
Or at least they like them as a fun passtime, not something you tie your life to and can rely on

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23371314 No.23371314 [Reply] [Original]

Do you boob, or do you book?

>> No.23371321

I watch 99% boob and spend 99% book

>> No.23371324

I tell other people I book but I actually boob

>> No.23371331

I used to book but now I boob

>> No.23371372

15% booba, 39% bok, 73% booba book