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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7163989 No.7163989 [Reply] [Original]

Is 23 too late to learn how to draw? My main goal is to be able to paint my dreams and landscapes

>> No.7163996

If you haven't started at 2 y.o. or younger then it's joever for my anonerino
If you're autistic (me too btw) - no it's not too late

>> No.7163998

23 isn't too late by any means, but you're def at the age where you need to commit to 1-3 skills you really care about and dedicate your 20s to them. What you don't have time left for it is indesition.

>> No.7164004

you've got 2 good years left, don't let them go to waste.

>> No.7164011

It's never too late, don't let crabs fill your head with arbitrary bullshit about age gaps and the best time to le minmax your ability to cognitively grow a skill it's all crab bucket bullshit. If you have the real drive and desire you can learn to do anything at any age. Look at the whole trope of the prisoner who takes up painting and starts creating beautiful photos. It all comes from the heart

>> No.7164012

You're a human, not a machine with forced obsolescence. If the brain truly desires too it with force the pathways to connect that allow for growth of said skill.

>> No.7164016

>You're a human, not a machine with forced obsolescence.

>> No.7164019

No. You should be busy with building your career, finding a spouse, and fathering offspring, not hiding in your bedroom drawing poorly proportioned, naked women

>> No.7164020

I can confirm. I've been drawing since age 5 and I haven't catch up to people that started earlier.

>> No.7164023

I feel attacked.

>> No.7164033

The brain isn't machinery and is capable of reconstruction, maybe not for you because all you can spout is >ermm but for everyone else. People learn to walk again after brain damage, why do you limit your self and believe you can't learn to put a pencil on paper and put what's in your head space onto it because you reached a certain age bracket? Worm

>> No.7164036
File: 2.89 MB, 2462x987, progress2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started at 26 when I needed something to do during the lockdowns, never too late to learn a new skill

>> No.7164037
File: 3.00 MB, 3420x3024, IMG_1948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started at 33

>> No.7164042

The reality is that learning efficiency peaks at a young age and declines precipitously as you get older. Why do you think 17 year olds are able to go toe to toe with the best in the world in something like chess, while very few who start learning chess after age 30 is able to become a grand master? Or why it's effortless for children to learn languages, while the old struggle very heavily with it? Why do you think 80 year olds can barely learn how to find a file on a computer even if they try really hard at it?

You need to realize your 20s are the time when you decide what you are going to spend your life on, and to commit to a direction. If you wait till you're in your 30s, mid 30s especially, you are unlikely to get to a very high level at anything. If you're already 30+, nothing you can do about that, you can definetty still learn, but the point is that your 20s is an asset that can't be wasted or you're going to be middling at best at everything for the rest of your life, ending up as the eternal dabbler.

>> No.7164050

Blah blah blah ngmi all I hear is I'm coping, 80 year Olds who can't in2tech choose not too because of ignorance. Keep letting your self be a pawn to statistics put out to keep you from achieving your dream. If you have the drive you'll make it happen and people will see your passion and "le soul" through your art. Ngmi, keep spending all your time here trying to discourage people from putting in effort when they're willing then crab. Pathetic!

>> No.7164052

I'm 29 and started in January, it's never too late to do something you enjoy.

>> No.7164053

>Why do you think 17 year olds are able to go toe to toe with the best in the world in something like chess, while very few who start learning chess after age 30 is able to become a grand master? Or why it's effortless for children to learn languages, while the old struggle very heavily with it? Why do you think 80 year olds can barely learn how to find a file on a computer even if they try really hard at it?

All these examples are of different nature.
Mastering languages at a very young age is about feelings and emotions. What the language feels like intuitively. When you get older you're biased by your experiences and knowledge and this makes you memorize and in general learn a language in a different way. It's not because you're a poor learner, it's just a different way of learning.

>> No.7164056

I'm not trying to disgcourage people, I'm trying to light a fire under the ass of people like op, or people who've already squandered a lot of time for that matter. Every day you get older, slower, and lose potential gains from your skill cap forever, so whatever it is you want to do in life, you best decide now, and work on it now. You can't make yourself younger, and it's better to be mid at something than bad at everything, so even if you're old you should still try at something, and your 30s are still better than your 40s are still better than your 50s.

>> No.7164063

I was scrawling cave paintings on my mothers womb as a fetus. You are NGMI

>> No.7164064
File: 183 KB, 1920x1080, Too Old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is 23 too late to learn how to draw?
I started learning at 25 and now at 30 I'm a pro.

>> No.7164066

>you need to commit to 1-3 skills you really care about
>You don't have time left
I agree with this anon, I'm a jack of all trades but I had to focus on animation and webcomics.

>> No.7164067

But you aren’t confident enough to pyw

>> No.7164073
File: 244 KB, 525x502, LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should be busy with building your career
Not true because you can start a business.
>finding a spouse
Not everyone is heterosexual or sexual at all.
>fathering offspring
You're a NPC.

>> No.7164079

>Why do you think 80 year olds can barely learn how to find a file on a computer even if they try really hard at it?
I dunno about 80 year olds but 40s ~ 60s people learn how to use tech, specially a smartphone all the time.
I personally know three ladies in their 60s that learned how to use all the apps on their phone on the same level as a teenager.
I never saw this before because boomers in my country are generally bad with smartphones.

>> No.7164084

when you are 43, would you like to have 20 years of drawing and painting experience? if so, start now. choose 43 with no skill, or 43 with pro skill.

>> No.7164085

>you aren’t confident enough to pyw
I'm confident just not stupid.

>> No.7164093

you can still learn basic stuff well into old age, but something like art requires so much knowledge to even get to a half decent level, you need every advantage you can get

>> No.7164102


>> No.7164137
File: 46 KB, 640x519, IMG_3762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both look like shit so that’s not very encouraging
Post your work

I’m a white beg turning 24 in a few months and I’ve been contemplating seppuku over being unable to draw Sceptile in Dokkaku’s exact artstyle 1:1. It’s a fact that my lack of Asian lineage or Japanese background prevents me from being able to be him.
I’ve stared at pic related for eight years straight, wanting to hurt myself knowing that I didn’t draw it. I want to be the person who made this and I never will be because someone else made it, someone perfect at what I want to achieve in every way

>> No.7164151

I'd like to think that in the age of AI image generators all human artists are relatively in same level, we're all behind AI in varying degrees. Whatever concerns you concerns us all.

>> No.7164184
File: 890 KB, 4632x2910, IMG_1084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started in 2021 when i had no job/college during covid and went back to school the same year. same character 3 years later

>> No.7164186

forgot to mention (but its in the picture) that i started at 24

>> No.7164187

I feel ill

>> No.7164191
File: 375 KB, 846x1200, 1625098824551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too late to learn Piano at 23 too? I want to be able to play classical music

>> No.7164252
File: 224 KB, 446x559, 1706990128434493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>encourage anons to post own work
>say they're dogwater anyway so why bother lmoa
why the fuck do people do this?

it isn't late to start, you cunt of an OP.
so long as you remember how to hold a pencil, it's not too late. it's honestly astonishing to me how hard we've fallen for a "be the best or die" mentality. you don't need to be the new caravaggio or kim jung gi from birth to draw/paint at all; the more you do it, the better you'll (theoretically) get, and that's where books/yt tutorials come from.
>are my first doodles gonna suck?
>am i ever gonna get better?
also yes
>is there anything to help me get better
literally read the fucking sticky
>>7164036 and >>7164037 didn't need permission from faggot crabs in a bucket to do it, so why do you?
get that retarded "uuuuu i'm too told to do x" mentality and FUCKING DRAW

>> No.7164256



That’s rich coming from an Asian/Latino highbreed. You were born with your gifts and likely started at a young age.
Literally nobody here is as talented as you. Fuck off

>> No.7164333
File: 286 KB, 2100x2800, 1691632309459405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started at 27 drawing stick figures
Now I'm here
I will have my 29'th birthday in a couple of weeks

>> No.7164342

It has that “ugly western anime” quality to it and the thin lines all being the same size and consistency is bland and boring. Reminds me of “OC maker” based that 14 year-olds on DeviantArt like to make

You can definitely tell it was made by a white person who doesn’t understand what makes manga art appealing

>> No.7164343

It's never too late to start drawing.
You may never get good at it and you may never reach your true potential but it's never too late to start.
This is true for everything in life: for example studying, learning a craft, getting a new job, eating better, losing weight, going to the gym and so on.
Except one thing: sex.
There is a cut off date when it's too late to have sex, to start a family.
I'm one.

>> No.7164344


>> No.7164346

That guy started from the bottom and reached that level in 2 years. Post your work.

>> No.7164350

I'm going to color it once I'm done.

>> No.7164368

Using age as a reason for failure is the ultimate cope. Even in combat sports, you have 30+ year old wrestlers transitioning to MMA and succeeding at the highest level. Notably, Daniel Cormier started his MMA career at age 30 and became a two-division simultaneous world champion at age 40 and is largely considered one of the greatest mixed martial artists of all time, in a sport that has an objective soft physical age restriction that varies from division to division. I see there's an especially mind broken doomer retard managing this thread. Have you considered suicide yet?

>> No.7164370

Like lipstick on a pig
He’s still at the bottom. Yuta was already passed that after 1 week because his work always inherently had soul, even when it was bad on a technical level

>> No.7164374

you don't even have a pig to put lipstick on faggot

>> No.7164382

wow did you draw this?

>> No.7164414

No age is too late, learning to draw is a thing that simply requires a number of years, not a specific starting age like a sport, so unless you plan on dying by 30, you can make it.
And even if it were too late, you have 2 options: you can start now and do your best, and even if you fail you'll have tried, or you can give up like a faggot and regret not trying when you are 80 and looking back on your uneventful burgerflipping career.

>> No.7164532
File: 269 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_0788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a canadian white guy

>> No.7164585

>You should be busy with building your career
Define career.
Also what if your career is drawing?

>> No.7164597


>> No.7164599

Drone post. My brother had a kid last December and his life is effectively over. No hobbies, works in a grocery store until midnight almost every day, isn't a homeowner and rents from Herr. Shekelstein, and by the time he's raised a kid into adulthood, he'll be retired and near the end of this life. Truly amazing.

>> No.7164643

Well duh its not amazing i’m still 33

>> No.7164688

No, go for it

>> No.7164692

Isn't that dead

>> No.7164940


wish I can draw like these, i'm 30

>> No.7164963


>> No.7164969

you're doing well, keep going.

>> No.7164971

>hiding in your bedroom drawing poorly proportioned, naked women
i have an office/study room for this, agree you should have your own home to produce smut in and not merely a bedroom

>> No.7164982

Go for it.
You are not a dementia ridden 95 yr old , you can still learn.
Keep thinking like this, do not use your brain and stop learning new things you might end up with dementia at an earlier age or outright get dementia that you would have otherwise not gotten.

Obviously, starting from a very young age is best for how quickly you can learn.
But unlike the kiddies you have an almost fully developed prefrontal cortex (More discipline/decision making) and actual life experience to draw from.
Yea sure, a 8 yr old could learn how to draw much faster due to higher neuroplasticity and time avalable , but they are going to spend 85% of their spare time and energy watching skibidi toilet and cocomelon and 15% of the time actually drawing.

Anyways here is my advice for you:
- Break symbol drawing
- Start with youtube videos and drawing books (books will usually help you more as they go more indepth on one topic)
Personal reccomandations:
Perspective: Perspective made eazy , How to Draw by Scott Robertson , Complete guide 1 to 6 perspective by Craig Attenberry (Haven not read this one, heard it's very advanced). This order.
Figure drawing and anatomy: Design and Invetion by Michael Hampton as an intro

If you want to accelerate learning:
- Focus: Try to remove pointless distractions from your life or things that can make you "scatterbrained" like scrolling. (See: deepwork by carl newport)
- Get some nootropics/suppliments: avoid anything with bad sideeffects, especially long term side effects like addiction (eg. Adderal) or whatever the fuck Piracetam has going. (Everyone is different, find the ones that work for you)
- Get crits on your drawing, make studies relating to what you got critted on (eg. Face looks like = next study is face study). Ideally find a good artist to give you crits, this would be your mentor.
- Get some decent drawing instruments. My personal faves are smooth writing ballpoint pens, mechanical pencils and my wacom one screen tablet.

>> No.7164987

first link? yea, but the "wiki" still can direct you to some useful places. if anyone can cunt-punch the jannies to check that out that'd be neat
still, no reason to not give it a try. learning a skill like art has never been easier, so why not start now?
>inb4 pyw

>> No.7164988

>I can't breed

>> No.7165014

Also... The critique thing is very important , it gives you a direction, a goal and shows where your weakspots and weaklinks in the chain are. I know I glossed over it but you will quickly make big improvements with this one ,esp. if you find someone who is significantly better than you at drawing and willing to take you in (You just started out, most are).
Especially if you are just starting out. Same for focus , focus is a skill.
Doing a lot of unfocused and scatterbrained activities makes your brain wired to excel at those. The same with focused work.

Nootropics and suppliments are less important, but they can only help you so much , things like sleep and phyisical health will contribute more to your ability to learn.
Drawing tools aren't very expensive for the most part , if you can write with it you can draw with it, and decent writing instruments tend to be on the accessable side as everyone needs them to write shit.

"bdoi" on discord (without the quotation marks) if you want someone to teach you how to draw, I am willing to help.

>> No.7165049

Based post
Cringe roast

>> No.7165052

music and almost every other hobby is a thousand times easier to learn than drawing

>> No.7165057
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same energy

>> No.7165126
File: 441 KB, 1000x1182, IMG_2237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 28 i just want to draw like @TwistingToxic
but it seems like some people just are t cut out for art

>> No.7165146

>currently 28

Cool. How old were you when you started? How much of it was self-taught?
It sounds like you’re admitting to being gifted or bragging about having a talent that other people “just don’t have” to rile up the board

>> No.7165154

Realistically, there is a cap on age and learning efficiency. Those who start younger will inevitably (if they practice consciously) have a higher potential. Not all people who start young reach this potential, however, because they get distracted and wind up convinced that they don't have to work as hard because it starts to feel like it comes naturally. This causes them to lose out in the long run as they make poor decisions. Wasting years on video games, posting on 4chan, staying in their comfort zones with regards to art training, etc.

Starting at an older age means you don't absorb information as deeply moment to moment, but with older age you have more wisdom (hopefully.) This means you can spend your time learning in a more structured way and maximize gains through employing different cognitive learning strats that young people just don't have. You are more mature than a nine year old, right?

>> No.7165161
File: 1.51 MB, 1972x2517, IMG_2246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@TwistedToxic is the name of the artist in my pic
i want to draw like her
i do not currently draw like her
she is something like 21 or 23 and has a career in art i think

i have been drawing on-and-off with long stretches of time not drawing in-between
i currently draw like pic in this post
this was over two years ago
i am already worse
i am not gifted or bragging
i am retarded

>> No.7165162
File: 2.99 MB, 2250x3000, IMG_2243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one from two years ago i never practiced

sometimes you just realize in life that you’re a loser

>> No.7165189
File: 3.24 MB, 2366x2822, IMG_2245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am sorry

>> No.7165201

>it doesn't matter if you don't love her, get married anyway
divorce lawyer hands typed this post

>> No.7165245

Idk what you're on about, this has a nice style and feel to the drawings. coloring and composition could use some refinement, but you definitely have a style that's working for you.

>> No.7165264

Comparison is the thief of joy. At least your brother left a mark in life unlike you, basement dweller.

>> No.7165360

You can do leaps and bounds in the first 2 years.
Study fundies, and qlways keep yourself on the edg3 of your abilityes
MAybe you can even get a fiew 30 dollar commision

But never stop learning new stuff.

The more one progresses the slower the learning process.
You can catch up, especially since at 23 your brain is mostly done cooking, and you might have mustered the willpower / humility to learn

>> No.7165487

Sounds like you're projecting your insecurities on others there, buddy. What's the matter. No joy to find in life?

>> No.7165625

The only thing you’re retarded for was making me think you posted your work.
I peeked at the @ and can’t find much unique from what she has to offer. Her kind of style is pretty commonplace for western Xitter coomers and you can find tons of better hentai artists to idolize.

Hispanics on Newgrounds can do that soulful cartoonish toothy grin expression especially better

>> No.7165636
File: 156 KB, 750x600, wharrgarbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is X too late for Y
The best time to start was always 10 years ago, the second best time to start is now

>> No.7165748

yea it's over

>> No.7165750

This. Remember X amount of years ago when you asked yourself the same question and gave up? You would've made it by now if you persisted.

>> No.7165926

No, it's never too late. But get a teacher or a mentor. Otherwise you'll progress as fast as that guy: >>7164036. No offense but 3 years for that is incredibly slow.

>> No.7165954
File: 1.47 MB, 1152x864, lemmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No offense but 3 years for that is incredibly slow
you're not wrong. I mean sure I draw but nowhere near enough as I should. This is my latest drawing

>> No.7165968

It’s never too late broski

>> No.7165981

>I mean sure I draw but nowhere near enough as I should.
Yes, the amount of work required is considerable, and easily overlooked. It's also easy to lose time drilling the wrong things. Retrospectively, doing a few semesters in an atelier would have been a good idea for me.

You can get there alone, but it's way harder. At least we have Internet. Learning on your own pre-Internet must have been incredibly tough. I was fortunate enough to have some experience in self learning stuff, so my experience wasn't as painful as others's.

>> No.7166066

>3 years for that is incredibly slow
Apparently hobby drawing is a race now. Wild.

>> No.7166073

Before the internet we had more curated material to learn from. We went to the library, rented books that were highly regarded, and extracted all information from them.
The internet is a deception. It offered increased volume of learning material at the expense of quality. More shit to shift through, less curation = less valuable resources, more bad information. The internet also encourages fast and messy browsing habits so you tend to learn slower due to distractions.

>> No.7166178
File: 42 KB, 553x415, 1658374157030622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you just wanna learn to draw as a hobby why do you even care about your age? This is not a competitions. There's a different type of preasure if you want to go pro and get into some kind of industry. But if you don't want that just draw and paint it's not that difficult. Grannies learn to paint at 70+ years old all the time. They are not picasso but those old bitches are having fun and that's all that matters really.

>> No.7166806

Yes, it's too late to learn how to draw landscapes. But your brain is still young enough to learn how to draw lolicon

>> No.7166830

It's not too late

>> No.7166891

Everyone is talking about hobbies
But is 28 too late to try and go pro in the animation industry?

>> No.7166902

No he's unironically right, you'll end up as the weirdo uncle that gets drunk and shows everyone their art work unprompted.

>> No.7166903

So, he'll end up based?

>> No.7166904

I have been drawing for a long time, but I didn't, truly, end up learning until I was in my 30s. I knew of people who didn't start learning until they were in their 60s+.

The point is just to start already.

>> No.7166905

I'm 27 and giving it a go. I like it.

>> No.7166912


no. neither is 33 or 43 or even 53. age is not the issue. responsibilities, financial, relationship and health are.

>> No.7166969

It's not to late especially if you're not trying to build a carrer out of it. And ignore crabs posting shit like "you need to get actuall valuable skills to make a living" bitch the idea of git gut at something get money is over. No one has any idea what jobs opportunities will be in the future. Ai btfo'd making carrer out of most things. gl with ur accountant/lawyer/programmer degree. You are on earth for a short time pick up pencil if it's calling for you and dont calculate if its worth it because no one knows whats worth it right now anyways