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56288919 No.56288919 [Reply] [Original]

Pro tip
Invest in novo nordisk or elly lilly before they explode in value

>> No.56288936

Every weight loss drug that works is banned.

>> No.56288938
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>> No.56288942

Read through readerizer

>> No.56288958

How would weight loss drugs result in short opportunities on fast food. All it does is enable the bad behavior of fat fucks

>> No.56288962

inb4 they start putting ozempic into the covid jabs

>> No.56288967
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Wow, youre a dumb moron.

3 minutes of research showed me that people in the phase 3 trials only lost 33 pounds over 15 months.

Just change your diet to low carb and exercise a little bit. Hell, you might not even need to exercise if your job keeps you moving. 80% of weight loss is the diet.

Thats laterally it.

>Source. https://www.fiercepharma.com/pharma/novo-nordisk-makes-headway-bid-to-rule-obesity-market-stunning-phase-3-semaglutide-data

>> No.56288975

government (medicaid/medicare) and private industry (PBMs) are trying their hardest to bring GLP-1 prices down. i'm not sure if it's a good investment long term.

t. corporate accounting wagie at a leading PBM

>> No.56288986

the article says that they lost >20% of their body weight. that's massive.

>> No.56288996

Fatties have 0 willpower for that

>> No.56289003

Did they lost mostly muscle and bone mass?
Doesn’t sound very healthy

>> No.56289007

You're considered obese if your a 5' 9'' male weighting 210 lbs.

>> No.56289008

Which is correct unless you're a hunk of muscle.

>> No.56289015

20% over 15 months (one a year) is retarded. The reason it does this is because they want you to keep paying for more than a year.

>> No.56289017

google it yourself -- it preserves lean muscle mass.

>> No.56289018

>(one a year)
over a year

>> No.56289021
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Are you an insider?

>> No.56289026

Most fatasses are fine just being fat and know there's no real way to not be a fatass without eating less or moving more. Can't sell wigs if being bald is in fashion except to the vain, not longing this.

>> No.56289037
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its true. They even made a movie about it.

>> No.56289039

fatties cannot stop eating. its like asking a smoker to just stop smoking. ironically, if fatties smoked they would stop eating. vaping has the same effect, even more ironically most fatties i know say smoking is unhealthy and bad for you while shovelling 7 donuts in their cakeholes for breakfast. look bitch you're dead anyway, might as well get some use our of your lungs before you heart gives out.

>> No.56289051

The drugs surpress the apetite and cravings to be almost non existent. They release a hormone that fulfils that part of the craving.
From what I gather, people who are addicted to sugary or high fat foods just dont give a fuck about them anymore and are just as satisfied by an apple as they would be by a bucket of KFC.
It's a willpower hack.

>> No.56289057

the idea is for public and private insurers to prescribe these drugs as a means of reducing long-term healthcare expenditures. yes, i know that fat fucks will balloon up again once they stop taking these drugs. but the periods of normal BMI tend toward reducing long-term expenditures for things like heart disease, joint replacements, etc.

>> No.56289081

Does it have any side effects? Because I remember Olestra and how that was the cure for fatasses back in the day and they all tried it, loved it, and then never ate it again after they shit their pants. If there's any single reason a no-willpower fatass wouldn't like taking it they're not going to take it. You're talking about people that would struggle to stay under 100g of simple carbs in a 24 hour period, if they have to do any fucking thing or put up with any fucking thing to not be fat they won't.

>> No.56289125


>> No.56289142

This is retarded in the long run. Our society just grows even more complacent knowing that a medical remedy can stop a disease that can absolutely be prevented.

>> No.56289155

the real solution would be banning manufactured goyslop as a public health concern and relegating die-hard fatasses to making their own man-made caloric horrors. but, of course,
>muh freedums
and we end up with (((free market solutions.)))

>> No.56289178

it's better than having a bunch of fat activists running around preaching healthy at all sizes crap

>> No.56289182

I actually dug a lot on this. Too bad you need to inject it and there’s no pill form.
Well there probable is now, because my info is 4-5 months outdated.
I did manage to lose weight using the snake juice/electrolyte water fasting method from /fit/ went from 98kgs to 77 in 5 months.

>> No.56289388

Not really. Natural selection is powerful in wiping out stupid generations.

We need to stop promoting obesity instead, but big pharma pays for the propaganda that fat is beautiful or healthy. Nothing will change and a drug, that barely works, won't change anything either except make the leeches in pharma marginally richer.

33 lbs in 15 months. This is retarded and a waste of money in development.

Everyone knows being fat is bad, but sugar is 8 times more additive than cocaine and thats a fact.

Maybe attack sugar companies in stead of producing a retarded product fat people wont even buy.

>> No.56289408

The usa is the leader in producing grains and sugar cane. The very products that make you a plimp.PHarma loves this. They foam at the mouth knowing the US food supply is ridden with fat promoting ingredients.

This is an IQ test. If you're an obese retarded plimp, you're IQ aint high enough.

>> No.56289434

Not even about big pharma.
It’s much bigger than that.
Seed oil, cheap carb laden food is whats keeping the low end wagies fed and keeps the real inflation of real food in check.
As long as there is cheap goyslop, there won’t be a revolt because no ones starving.

>> No.56289531
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>New paradigm!
>We'll have to redesign cities!

>> No.56289760

This seems like fake news, because people's weights are not identical to each other. Fake.

>> No.56289794

weight loss drug causes decreased appetite which decreases junk food sales
people who were previously craving junk food because of an otherwise lacking diet are now on an even more lacking diet

the real short is long term health caused by nutritional deficiency

>> No.56289811

>decreased appetite
decreased appetite doesn't mean junk food sales go down, it means all food sales go down. How are you this stupid?

>> No.56289841

who said junk food sales go down?

>> No.56290112

It probably means if the average weight of their adult passengers went down by 10 lbs each. Airlines already include weight estimates for the passengers (FAA has charts for this, based on sex of the passenger, adult/child, and time of year) when calculating how much fuel each plane should be loaded up with.

>> No.56290244

Wow, you're really dumb. You and your family are really, really stupid. You're a loser!

>> No.56290306

No it doesn't you fucking faggot liar

It actually makes you lose more lean mass than other traditional and even fad diets

But most concerning is it makes you lose noticeable BONE DENSITY which is kind of important to maintain past puberty

>> No.56290367

ive been on SGT for about 3 months now, and i can confirm that i simply don't feel hungry very often anymore. and when it's meal time, i'll put food on my plate and then eat only half of it. why i can't seem to put less food on my plate or why i used to eat to discomfort, i have no idea. but i'm hoping that SGT will allow me to form better habits and that i'll be able to do this on my own eventually. the way i see it, there's certainly a risk of side effects, known or unknown, to injecting this drug weekly. but i sure as hell *know* there are bad side effects to being 60 or 70 lbs overweight for decades. i'm taking my chances with the drugs

>> No.56290643
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>important to maintain past puberty
Lying while telling others they are faggot liars. Why do you act this way? This messaging changes no one's minds.

>> No.56290693

> Results demonstrate that, in most circumstances, the weight loss associated with both therapies predominantly comprises a reduction in FM, although significant heterogeneity exists between studies. In over half of the studies identified, the proportion of LBM reduction ranged between 20% and 50% of total weight lost, which is consistent with diet-induced weight loss and bariatric surgery.


the effects are consistent with traditional weight loss. what's your preferred alternative -- liposuction?

>> No.56290792

another jewish psyop. its the opposite, pharma companies are going to pump and dump their stocks and inflate their sales with these before they "suddenly realize" one day in a couple of years that these are causing an explosion in stomach cancers and other organ problems. side effects of these medicines are pretty hardcore.

>> No.56291053

You're the lying faggot
Fuck you and your cherry-picked big pharma study


Get absolutely fucked big pharma shills

>> No.56291660

>Drugs aiding weight-loss like Ozempic have so much promise, a major bank is telling investors to short junk-food stocks
if the diet pill actually worked, you should long the hell out of junk food stocks.
fatasses just eat more to counteract the medicine.
it's a lifestyle.

>> No.56293444

Ozempic (and similar drugs) works specifically by reducing people's hunger, causing them to eat less; a few do keep eating like pigs but most people on it do end up eating less food.

Interestingly, ozempic does not just reduce people's hunger, but also seems to act as a general anti-addiction medication as well; there are reports of it helping people stop smoking or even gambling.

Personally, I would advise against most people taking it at this point, unless you are a complete ham beast. If you are only a little fat just eat less. Let other people see if it has nasty long term side effects. If you do decide to take it, make sure to drink plenty of water; it also tends to reduce people's thirsts alongside hunger, and a large portion of the reported side effects so far are really just mild dehydration symptoms.

>> No.56293496

why not just prescribe low dosage of adderall for the same exact effect

>> No.56293505
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Personally, I think this drug should be restricted to the extremely obese for the next few years, to make sure it is safe for the general public. Ham planets have the most to gain by getting down to a normal size, and if this drug does turn out to cause cancer or something, well, losing our fattest portion of the population is a sacrifice I am willing to have them make.

>> No.56293579

they wouldn’t be shoving it into every celeb and politician if it wasn’t safe and effective

>> No.56293582

Got any examples?

>> No.56293610
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A lot of these fatties are already on Adderall or similar stimulants for their "adhd", so would need something else. Plus that whole anti-addiction thing seems important here; most really fat people have an outright addiction to shitty, calorie dense foods, craving that bag of chips like smoker needing a cigarette or a gambler wanting to spin the wheel one more time.

>> No.56293643
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Why tf do people need drugs to lose weight? Just stop eating so much you fucking dumbass faggots. Food is expensive anyway

>> No.56293900


>> No.56294060

>Just change your diet to low carb and exercise a little bit. Hell, you might not even need to exercise if your job keeps you moving. 80% of weight loss is the diet.
I think you underestimate how permanently helpless most normalfags actually are. They have zero agency or control over their own lives. They will only get fatter and fatter when left to their own devices.

>> No.56294100

take your meds you dumb fucking nigger

>> No.56294146

Just cut out vegetable oils and you don't need to change your exercise levels or caloric input.
t. medical scientist

Aside from the seed oil aspect of it, most people who are fat are fat because of coping mechanisms / psychological components of eating. Rather than "they can't stop eating" it would be more accurate to say "they can't cope in better ways", not unlike alcoholics.

Satiety is only one aspect of eating, which I will admit drugs may help with. However, willpower is an umbrella term covering numerous other aspects, as such said drug(s) will not affect those; it is not a willpower hack in anyway shape or form.

>any side effects?
I would not trust any drug that alters metabolism, satiety, or any hormonal studies without strict 30 year long term studies.
And then there's the biouptake to consider. Hormonal birth control IIRC has something like 20% absorption rate, meaning 80% of it is pissed into the water supply and the resulting spike in estrogens is fucking a lot of stuff up downstream. One of the reasons testosterone is half what it was 50 years ago for the average man.

>> No.56294214

My obese brother eats less now than I do. Ozempic is insane. Hes loss 50 pounds in like 3 months.

>> No.56295795


>> No.56296373

Bodybuilders take ghrelin inhibitors to get shredded and they know what they're doing when it comes to losing weight. Ozempic is basically the same. The only downside is you have to pin it, and most people don't want to do that, however it's probably preferable to pinning insulin later in life.

>> No.56296384

Ah yeah, Good ol meth. No bad comes out of it. Trust the Florida guy.

>> No.56296392

Yeah I've been on Mounjaro for a few months, my cravings have plummeted and I've been losing roughly a pound a week and I'm only on the 7.5mg dose, half the maximum.

>> No.56296557

>Invest in novo nordisk or elly lilly before they explode in value
>explode in value
ah yes, the quintessential biz strategy of buying the top

>> No.56297107

this. taking any new pharma drugs while we're in the economic endgame is probably a death sentence.

>> No.56298363

adderall is not banned