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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54488814 No.54488814 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the third world.

>> No.54488850
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Pcbs contain hazardous fumes from chemicals, drastically increasing your entropic diseases caused by heavy metal poisoning. You'd need proper vents and equipment, lest you get sick over worthless money.

>> No.54488944

My first job in 2017 paid me $15 an hour in NY. The boomer boss acted like he was doing me a favor even though I would’ve been homeless if my parents didn’t let me stay with then

>> No.54488964
File: 806 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2023-04-06-19-52-46-104_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And did that job require skill?

>> No.54489005

Is sucking a million dicks a skill?

>> No.54489297


monkey job. overpaid actually.

>> No.54489314

I was thinking about this today. Boomers aren't willing to pay people to do >>54488850 jobs which requires skills or are risky. We're headed to a society where shit will break and no one will fix it because boomers will refuse to pay market rates for these shit jobs, insisting that "20 dollars an hour is too much because in the 1970s I only made 5 dollars an hour".

>> No.54489441
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>Dangerous work on a place where you will be inhaling dangerous chemicals making a wageslave salary (potential 5 years until you quit or die)
>Work from home while investing your salary in dextools gems until you make it (6 months to 12)
Dunno anon, sounds like a skill issue

>> No.54489493

i wouldn't even get out of bed for $18/hour. lmao. how much of a cuck faggot do you have to be, to push for LOWER wages and a LOWER standard of living?

>> No.54489659

it baffles me that people really settle for this low

>> No.54489743

I'm paid £13 an hour as a UK doc.

>> No.54490180 [DELETED] 

only niggers apply for nigger jobs.

>> No.54490199

you're going to have to connect the dots on that one. i don't have the benefit of suffering from a brain injury or an adult learning disability -- what you said is nonsensical.

>> No.54490503
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>20 dollars an hour
20 dollars an hour? Pedro over here said he'd do it for $15, and he told me his cousins back home want a job too. Sorry kid, $20 an hour is honestly above market rate, I'm doing you a favor offering you that

>> No.54490545

amerifags don't know europoor pain

>> No.54490586

That's an interesting shitpost but you're clearly worth 8 dollars an hour if you were too retarded to not understand that I'm talking about actual skilled work that requires years of experience to do, experience which people aren't getting because boomers are literally as retarded as your post so shit is going to utterly fall apart and then you're going to pay billions in repair costs just to keep the lights on like they do in south africa where paying ngubu to do it instead of pieter out of spite for whitey has literally lead to catastrophic power failures in their power grid.

You stupid nigger fuck.

>> No.54490667
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there's nothing skilled about poking around a million copies of the same electronics board design. It's a process that a machine could do, easily - it's just that it's much cheaper to hire a bag of guts to do it than a few hundred thousand $ worth of metal, precision lasers, electronic components etc. which could break down and require someone with *actual* skill to repair. Notice how majority of electronics are produced in SEA? That's not due to their outstanding degree of skill or education, I assure you.

>> No.54490910

Lot of words for a retarded poorfag larping as a boomer.

>> No.54490960

Not an argument, stay unskilled/uneducated, stay poor, stay mad

>> No.54490988
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>printed circuit board boards

>> No.54491025

>gets called poor and stupid
Damn so you don't even have two dimes to rub together huh zoomer?

>> No.54491056

You couldn’t do it. You can’t even locate the motherboard. You have to cry to momma to buy an entire new pc from Newegg because your keyboard is too sticky and the mouse no longer reads because you dry cum all over the desk.

>> No.54491205
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>omg lol you are so poor lol
>gets extremely emotional after being told he is mispricing unskilled labor
Unironically, my grandmother did this 30 years ago, and she never attended high school. If I recall correctly she earned $11/hr. Oh, and that production plant is shutdown, you know why? It moved to china. Please continue elucidating your ignorance on how valuable this "skilled" labor is. You just called a PCB a "motherboard" lol, lmao

>> No.54491248

My first job was for 10 an hour. It's bullshit I couldn't afford a mansion after graduating highschool and working part time.

>> No.54491408

>cd disk

>> No.54491528

People lick boots for free anon you should be grateful for being paid for it

>> No.54492647

>work from home
doing what exactly? this anon is clearly a monkey with no marketable skills.

>> No.54492674

that's minimum wage in Ontario.

>> No.54492917

lmao clearly you've never been to real shithole
t. 5th world subhuman