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8615538 No.8615538 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw to intelligent to pass calc 1

>> No.8615551
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Couple weeks into calculus 1 now, doing well, already past the chain rule and beyond. Quotient rule was a joke. Product rule remains my specialty.

I ask my professor his thoughts on quantum mechanics and partial derivatives. He's impressed i know about the subject. We converse after class for some time, sharing mathematical insights; i can keep up. He tells me of great things ahead like series and laplacians. I tell him i already read about series on wikipedia. He is yet again impressed at my enthusiasm. What a joy it is to have your professor visibly brighten when he learns of your talents.

And now I sit here wondering what it must be like to be a brainlet, unable to engage your professor as an intellectual peer.

All of the deep conversations you people must miss out on because you aren't able to overcome the intellectual IQ barrier that stands in the way of your academic success... it's so sad.

My professor and I know each other on first name basis now, but i call him Dr. out of respect.

And yet here you brainlets sit, probably havent even made eye contact with yours out of fear that they will gauge your brainlet IQ levels.

A true shame, but just know it is because i was born special that i am special. I can't help being a genius, nor can my professor.

Two of a kind is two flocks in a bush.

>> No.8615561

Made think

>> No.8615583

greatly memed my guy. but too obvious.

>professor is impressed

go find a new professor if this fucktard story is true.

>> No.8615613

why dont you fuck off and return to reddit? fucking cancerous newfaggot

>> No.8615617

fuck you're queer

>> No.8615621

>to intelligent

Yup. I bets yu shur r

>> No.8615631


>tfw didn't impress my professors with my knowledge of derivatives

>> No.8615790

lol you are the autist here. nice to meet you

>> No.8615918

I love this pasta. New favorite

>> No.8615926

>hasn't even taken calc 1

>> No.8615934

>high d low minus low d high
>square the bottom and the way we go

this made me pass calc 1

>> No.8615940

first week of calculus and i solved all the derivative in my head while everyone else was still busy copying them all down

kek some people are born mathematicians, others have to work hard for it.

mfw i'm the former

>> No.8615967

no i havent. how do you know ?
but i have taken theoretical quantum mechanics....

>> No.8615995

No need to memorize anything for the quotient rule, it's just a combination of the product rule and chain rule, since p/q = p*q^-1

>> No.8616515

I want more new pasta from product-rule anon.

>> No.8616539

>taking calc 1
>chuck everything in to wolfram
>become golden boy
>go on to work at facebook

>> No.8616552
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>fail calc I two times, both times 1 point needed to pass
>lecture easy, homework easy, exam was made to weed out people pretty much
>applied myself on my third attempt and got the A

Just work hard and you can do it senpai

>> No.8616573
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>tfw a brainlet says something 2 me in algebra class

>> No.8616583

>Not testing out of calc 1
Holy shit lmfao what a fucking moron.

>> No.8616621

>be too stupid to pass calc II
>w-well.. third times the charm.. r-right?
At least I have a white guy teaching this time.

>> No.8616638

I withdrew from calc ii for this coming semester because i did not do well in calc i. I need a better grade so i'm gonna retake it and my prof strongly suggested i don't do calc ii just yet

>> No.8616640

Did all the rules in one week. There's a list of them in the back of the book.

>> No.8616677


>> No.8616706

>Implying QM is anything BUT theoretical

>> No.8616958

I took it four times. Dropped the first, failed the next two. Passed with a D the fourth. I proceed to bust my ass during the summer and walked outta cal 3 with a fat fucking A. Don't let the brainlets on this board let you think you're incapable

>> No.8617032

Calc 3 is easy tho

>> No.8617449
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>Product rule remains my specialty

>> No.8617452

you're the brainlet, dipshit.

>> No.8617457
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Back at it again.
>tfw the limit doesn't exist.

>> No.8617484


>> No.8617517

wew at least I'm no virgin.

>> No.8618890

Newfags not recognising this pasta kek