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4498248 No.4498248 [Reply] [Original]

do you think the current generation of college kids and younger will be smarter and more knowledgeable than our parents?

>> No.4498256

Not if i'm allowed to be representative.

>> No.4498253
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>> No.4498269

No. Everyone in this generation is retarded.

>> No.4498612
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No, not really. kids these days rely too much on the internet, computers, and calculators to think for them. And biological, smart people are not really considered sexy...only in pop-culture smart is sexy.

>> No.4498632

>kids these days rely too much on the internet, computers, and calculators to think for them.

These are tools that permit you to work. Progress is made by building on the past rather than doing everything from the ground up by yourself. If the tools become more powerful, you become more powerful. You're not as smart as Isaac Newton, but you can do a lot more.

>> No.4498638


Somewhat. I think the people in the top ~25% will be much more intelligent than in previous generations, but the bottom ~30% will be equivalent to a high school drop out.

>> No.4498639


Here's how your grandparents would have said this:
>No, not really. kids these days rely too much on antibiotics, cars, and refrigerators
Here's what you would have said 5000 years ago:
>No, not really. kids these days rely too much on written langauges, metal tools, and good farming practices

People don't become stupider by using tools.
This generation is just as smart as the last few thousand - the only difference is that we get a little bit more boost than they did.

>> No.4498640

My calculus teacher is an Industrial Engineer.

Just an Industrial Engineer, yet his domain of calculus and mathematical techniques is more impressive than those of anyone I've ever met (For example my science teacher, a young man with a PhD in Physics).

Said calculus teacher did not get to use calculators for every fucking thing like we do, so he had to improve his mental abilities.

I'd say that the knowledge of the new generations will be more advanced, but as human individuals, they will not be as developed.

>> No.4498641

As someone who does research I can confirm this is true. I think with my computers more than my brain now.

>> No.4498651

>implying you will ever discover something as significant as those who did not have the tools we have

>> No.4498659


It doesn't matter. The vast majority of progress is made in small steps. Your individual contribution doesn't have to be world-changing to be worthwhile.

>> No.4498661

>implying you will be remembered for contributing to society if you do not make one of those "big" steps

>> No.4498669

I'd say the creativity and analytical thinking skills will be more developed, which is what we need

Route memorization of algorithms does not increase intelligence. Neuroplasticity will compensate for it, though.

>> No.4498670

Is the hope to be remembered your only motivation to live and act? 99.999999% of humans are forgotten within 100 years after their death. It's really not that big a deal. Besides, you'll be dead. so you won't care.

>> No.4498676


>> No.4498680


Who the fuck cares? Isn't the journey interesting enough in itself?

>> No.4498683

Not really If you're a waste of oxygen/valuable resources

>> No.4498690


speak for yourself

>> No.4498694
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In most of the world, yes. In america, no.

Republicans are actually openingly encouraging ignorance in america now. They literally want there children to be less educated then them.

>> No.4498699

>>4498694 Republicans are actually openingly encouraging ignorance in america now
[citation needed]

Also, watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7Q8UvJ1wvk

>> No.4498702


>> No.4498707

By "Republicans" he means the particular Republican named Santorum.

>> No.4498706

All the republican candidates are admitted deniers of evolution and climate change = fucking stupid

>> No.4498709

Individually, probably slightly more intelligent. Collectively, we as a species have far more information. The word is moving toward globalization, which inherently promotes novel ideas and concepts.

>> No.4498712


Yeah but also global warming deniers, creationists, and "red blooded 'mericans that dont need no book lernin"

>> No.4498713

Name one republican who is smart enough to accept evolution?

>> No.4498715

Santorum just doesnt want kids in college

College doesn't make you smart, it makes you liberal

I took a religion class and in that class we were told religion was wrong, and my teacher spent 2 or 3 classes telling us why Obama is the only good president

>> No.4498718

Big business R&D companies and such do put a lot of money into scientific research, and I'm all for the GOP if they make scientific progress one of their goals. But the GOP's most active voices say stupid shit all the time: e.g.
>global warming and evolution are scams with no evidence
>birth control and involved sex ed are bad
>evolution is bullshit
>abortion doesn't help anyone
>helping people at all makes them leech off the government

The ones giving the money aren't the ones talking. If only they would put their mouth where their money is.
(and I don't mean into the war in the middle east)

>> No.4498726

And no, I'm not just shit posting. I'm liberal myself by the amount of Obama cock shoved down my throat on a daily basis is fucking disgusting

>> No.4498728


funny, still looks like shit posting to me

>> No.4498729
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>implying any of that shit happened

>implying religion isn't obvious horseshit to anyone with a brain

If your really that dumb, it is your own fucking fault.

>> No.4498736
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>> No.4498735

holy fuck


>> No.4498737

>implying any of that shit happened
It did happen and I'm still in the class because it's either religion or Spanish, and I fucking hate Spanish.

And it happens in my speech class too. My teacher spent a 45 min chunk of class explaining why all the republicans today suck.

This would be fine in a debate class, but not a speech class.

College is a liberal institution and I can understand why they wouldn't want their kids going there

>> No.4498743
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>mfw this thread

>> No.4498751

stop implying stuff in green text. it is rude.

>> No.4498757
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>College is a liberal institution

No, college is a learning institution. A "progressive" institution.

The whole idea of college is to learn new things, new ways of thinking, new ways of approaching shit, and to develop critical thinking skills. The idea is to "improve" yourself, your thinking, and your society.

Republicans/conservatives/religious-whackjobs are totally opposed to "learning", "progress" or "improvement". They want you to be dumb, and stay dumb. They want you to just believe there old bullshit, without question. They don't want "thinkers", they want "sheep".

That is why the republican party is the "anti-science/anti-intellectual" party.

>> No.4498765


>more knowledgable
probably, they didn't really learn about computers in the 70s
I hate that fucking word. Smart is a subjective term that means nothing when you are generalizing.
To answer your question, by a small margin, if any.

>> No.4498766


>> No.4498770


But there have to be rational, reasonable conservatives out there! I know there are.
So why is Santorum running for president and the rational conservatives are sitting at home?

>> No.4498773
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Is it just me or is this generation full of liberal hippie treehugger aspies?

>> No.4498778


because they know they can't win this election.

>> No.4498781

No, you are being some prejudiced ignorant redneck.

>> No.4498785


says more about you than anyone else

>> No.4498786
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>why is Santorum running for president and the rational conservatives are sitting at home?

But the conservative base is not "reasonable" and "rational". They are "ignorant" and "retarded".

When the right started encouraging dumbfuckery they lost most of there "rational", and "reasonable" base. The only semi "rational/reasonable" people left in the republican party are the super-rich.

The super-rich are right to vote republican, it is in there best interests.

>> No.4498794


But we do have a shit load of feminists

>> No.4498800

Yeah, and they're called liberals now by the political shitheads who can't stop talking about everything in political terms. (Or, called RINOs at best -- Republican in name only.)

>> No.4498801
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The GOP knows it will fail. The real republican party died when Obama won. What is left is a fucking shamble of crazy fundamentalists.

The republican party has moved so much to the far fucking right, that they alienate everyone else.

The majority of america isn't in the far fucking right. The majority of america is in the center, with some left and some right views. Obama will win by a landslide (again).

>> No.4498803

I'd think the current generation will be less smart than their parents. They have too many distractions, too much information to do things with any depth. I think that critical thinking ability is declining as a result. So is our ability to communicate clearly and effectively as we shut ourselves off from the face-to-face contact and talk to each other in trivial bursts. Greater access to information does not necessarily help someone become smarter or more capable. In fact, in can do quite the opposite or change us for the worse in as yet unforeseen ways.

>> No.4498806



>> No.4498817

There is no such thing as "liberal" and "conservative" in mainstream politics. There is only one party, the establishment, and it favors bigger government, higher spending, increased government secrecy, less government accountability, and an aggressive foreign policy. Obama is no different from Bush, and Romney will be no different from Obama if he wins the nomination.

Obama has gone against a lot of what liberals / progressive stand for. He increased government secrecy, led us into war, trampled on our civil liberties, fought against the Freedom of Information Act, fought against whistleblowers, supported government assassination of Americans, supported indefinite detention without a trial, supported brutal dictators, illegally helped gave $16.1 Trillion as part of a bailout of foreign banks, and did not bring our troops home when promised. He did some good as well, but for these negative points, I can't see how anyone can feel good about a second term. I sure as hell won't be voting for him.

>> No.4498819

>[citation needed]

>> No.4498821


Where the hell does all this conspiratorial garbage come from? If you want to be hip and edgy, hey whatever, but all you're doing in practical terms is guaranteeing that you'll never make the tiniest bit of a difference. Fringe views never go anywhere. It's just background noise.

>> No.4498832
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Of course not.
The classical era of Western civilization was 1945 to 1980.
All the shit on the radio/stage/bookshelf/gallery today is a mirror of earlier work.

pic related

>> No.4498838


This is an excellent and well-written article detailing Obama's awful presidency with sources.

The llegal $16.1 Trillion bailout was discovered by an investigation by the Government Accountability Office (GAO). The summarized report is here:


The full investigation is here:

>> No.4498844

lol @ all the edgy teenagers thinking this generation is better than the previous

>> No.4498851
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So you will vote for a republican then? You really think any of these republicans will do better then Obama on the issues you care about?

Don't fucking kid yourself. If you are a progressive and a liberal, Obama is the closest you have to a canidiate.

>> No.4498854

It comes from politicians who do the same thing regardless of the party they belong to, and regardless of the promises they make. They benefit the same people, those contributing to their campaigns and the front-runners in both parties are backed by the same people (including getting campaign contributions from the same corporations). Liberal or conservative, we have an aggressive foreign policy. Government increases under a Democrat or a Republican. We lose our civil liberties whether we have Bush or Obama in office and the list goes on. There's a trend in politics that makes it pointless to even vote for one of the mainstream candidates and when an underdog rises up the major media outlets bury him. That was proven with Ron Paul, also in a study done by the Atlantic Wire. The entire mainstream media has a bias against him and you'd be blind not to see it. However, I supported Gary Johnson rather than Ron.

>> No.4498856

Yes in the sense they have more information avalible. No in the sense they won't be any more motivated to learn all that.

>> No.4498859

I don't consider Obama either on the points that matter to me personally. I'm considering writing in Gary Johnson, but feel so let down by the whole process and illusion of choice that I might just do nothing this election.

>> No.4498862
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The FED does x_y_z....
No mention of Obama anywhere.

Try harder....

>> No.4498863

>The entire mainstream media has a bias against him and you'd be blind not to see it.

Christ, biggest cliche ever

Go astroturf-shitspam the comments section of a CNN article or something

>> No.4498872
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Would you rather have a republican over Obama? You think a republican is more prone to care about your issues or not?

You have a choice faggot, a very important choice. There are difference between the republicans and democrats.

If you really don't give a fuck, yeah write is __mr. no chance of winning__. But don't start bitching if the republicans win and they totally go against everything you care about. It was your fucking fault.

Just because Obama isn't "exactly" the canidiate you want, doesn't mean you should just abandon the whole fucking concept. Pick the candidate that "represents you best" (and has a chance of winning).....DURRRR.

>> No.4498881

So the Obama administration, which passed the stimulus bill as one component of the $16.1 trillion bailout, had no idea that a large portion of this money is given to foreign banks? You expect the Federal Reserve to give trillions to the foreign banks without approval from Congress and the President because they think it might be good for the country? Furthermore, where is the backlash and crackdown on the FED from the Obama administration? They clearly knew of this bailout, approved of it, and did not want to be caught red handed by officially approving anything.

>> No.4498888

I'm going to bitch about the outcome whether Obama or Romney wins. Both would go to war with Iran in a heartbeat, and neither care about our civil liberties. Both will expand government and neither is going to jumpstart the economy. The future will more or less be the same with either candidate so I don't have any better feeling towards one or the other. At least I would feel better about myself for voting for a decent person.

>> No.4498892
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If any of this shit you say is true, why isn't anyone covering it? In an election season? WTF?

There is either something very important you are leaving out, or some of your premise is just bullshit? It sounds like you are just spouting some crazy conspiracy theory for your own agenda.

If what you are saying is true, then just give it time and it will come out. Until the investigations are done though, I ain't taking your word (of the site of one shitty senator) as truth. The same way you need peer-review in science for serious claims, you need some serious investigations in politics for serious claims. Until the investigations are done, your claim is shit.

>> No.4498894

They run stories with headlines showing the predictions or outcomes for 1st place, 3rd place, and 4th place but leave out 2nd place Ron Paul. They show pictures of all the candidates in news articles except for Ron Paul. News reports, not opinion pieces, were continually saying that he had no chance and could never beat Obama when it really wasn't their place to do so. His debate time on TV was also cut very short compared to the other candidates. Multiple news stories I saved about the first two primaries ignored Ron Paul, but focused on Gingrich and Romney even when Paul was polling very strongly. Some media outlets kept repeating that the battle is down to Romney and Gingrich when the primaries had just begun. Studies by the Atlantic Wire showed a media bias against Ron Paul.

>> No.4498905
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When Romney repeals health care, you don't care? Or when he starts giving away women's right? Reversing the (few) rights of homosexuals? Eliminating much needed public programs? Taxing the middle class more, while taxing the rich less?

These are issue you don't care about? Didn't you says you were a liberal/progressive? WTF?

>> No.4498919

It's even summarized in the webpage of Senator Bernie Sanders for christ's sake. The GAO report shows the numbers. It's a fact that there was a bailout of this magnitude, not a conspiracy theory. If you want to talk conspiracy theory, ask why no one is covering it.

In this country, information is free. Here however, important information is buried in trivialities, debate points are manufactured, information changes quickly, and the media may or may not cover something. This builds a sophisticated system of censorship that allows freedom of information but severely limits exposure to it. Was this story buried? I think so.

Unfortunately it's 2:20 am here, and I need to get to bed now.

>> No.4498924

>Or when he starts giving away women's right? Reversing the (few) rights of homosexuals?

why in the flying fuck would i care about this? also, you're some retarded melodramatic bitch because even a retard knows neither scenario would/will/could happen.

>> No.4498931

I'll try to get to that tomorrow, but for now I'll say that I cannot in good conscience vote for someone who has done the things I listed earlier. A vote for him is support for what he's done in my opinion, and I feel it's morally wrong to do so.

>> No.4498934

I guess other people are speaking as me now? Well, that doesn't even look like one of my posts (too few commas) but I'll say right now this is the last post for tonight. Need to get up early tomorrow.

>> No.4498938

because you are talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.4498942
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