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3488005 No.3488005 [Reply] [Original]

Would you rather:
- gain 30 IQ points.
- reduce your recommended amount of sleep from 8 hrs to 4 hrs.
- spend 60 minutes in any point in history, past or future.
- never have to pay taxes again.
- be able to use drug without legal ramifications.
- not age for 10 years.
- have any one question answered.
- have a literal "get out of jail free card".
- be able to cure one person of any one sickness.
- spend a day with any person from history (in the present).
- gain an additional 4% success rate for all otherwise chance events (e.g. rolling dice, making it before the light turns red).
- have the physical fitness level of an athlete without exercising and a greater control of one's appetite (fat reserves still entirely dependent on how much you eat).
- instantly obtain PhD, professorship, and tenure within any field; knowledge and all.
- die tomorrow, but ensure humanity colonizes space (Sol and one additional star system, minimum).

note - gained abilities are protected against other people noticing them to an extant, but one is not allowed to draw undue attention (e.g. you can't cure a rich person of one disease for a ridiculous amount of money or get a group of scientists to study your ability to stay fit). Think about it like a Doctor Who perception filter.

>> No.3488011

Become an hero, die tomorrow option.


>> No.3488014

Not a choice at all. Of course I would choose to save humanity. And boy is it going to be a wild last day.

>> No.3488015

Hmm. "not age for 10 years" is tempting.

I could also go find Jesus, bring him to the present, and start having him call bullshit on the present practices. Probably won't be believed, but it'd be funny to see what the guy was actually like, and whether he actually thought he was the son of a literal creator god.

>> No.3488016

>no "get a girlfriend" option

>> No.3488021

> gain an additional 4% success rate for all otherwise chance events (e.g. rolling dice, making it before the light turns red).

Gimme gimme gimme.

>> No.3488022

Slammed my wife for a bit today, made her smile.

then went and made love to my mistress who was looking particularly cute this evening.

I'm ready to die /sci/, I doubt it gets much better than today. To the stars!

>> No.3488024

> gain an additional 4% success rate for all otherwise chance events (e.g. rolling dice, making it before the light turns red).
Actually... hmmm... with roulette, that would make one arbitrarily rich.
Good point sir. That's also tempting.

>> No.3488025

never have to pay taxes again

and just for the hell of it, my second one would be 'instantly obtain PhD, professorship, and tenure within any field; knowledge and all'.

>> No.3488028

When you say 'gain 30 IQ points.' do you mean literally just gain IQ points, or do you mean become smarter by '30 IQ points' worth of... smartness... Also with the Ph.D. do you gain associated knowledge?

>> No.3488029

But if the last choice wasn't on the table it might be hard.The 30 IQ points would be great and so would the extra time no sleeping. I would be uber productive... who am I kidding. I'd probably surf the web for that additional 4 hours.

I'd probably go with the 30 IQ points. My second choice would be the PhD in physics, though I don't know what branch I would choose just yet.

Scratch that, my first choice would be having one question answered. But I would probably spend 10 years trying to figure out what that one question will be.

>> No.3488030

Oh wait.. no.. but I assume there's some commonly played game out there where 4% would help. Blackjack maybe?

>> No.3488035

I don't know how I read past "knowledge and all"... I've been working all day so I'll put it down to that. I'll go Ph.D. then.

>> No.3488037


Well, see. The problem is the question is sort of poorly worded. Suppose I have a .01% chance of winning the lottery. Do I now have a 4.01% chance? (Holy shit, lol.) or... is it 1.04 times my previous chance of winning?

>> No.3488041

One question - "How, exactly, does one prove or disprove the Riemann hypothesis?"

>> No.3488042

Hmm.. indeed. Even the 1.04x option might be enough for blackjack IIRC. It's the game commonly played with the best odds IIRC if you use a stateless simple naive strategy.

>> No.3488043

All your intelligence indicators shift two standard deviations upward. Don't look too much into it. Just think of it as generally as possible.

>> No.3488044

>have any one question answered.
What is the next one billion dollar lotto ticket number?

>> No.3488047


>> No.3488055

>knowledge and all
I put that in there so no one would think you would be a professor without any actual knowledge of your field, and thus crash and burn despite the tenure. You get all the knowledge you would have if you had actually gotten through the PhD process.

>> No.3488056

Either the additional intelligence or a Ph.D. in stochastic calculus or some quantitative analysis related field... Being a quant would rock.

>> No.3488058

The 4% success rate would net you some millions in casinos, but it would probably end in you getting blacklisted from all casinos in the end, so there is some limit to that method.

>chance event
>spontaneous quantum tunneling

>> No.3488059

Where do they have billion dollar lottos? Are you making that up? I think you are making that up.

>> No.3488062

Why? Ask for proof of Riemann hypothesis instead, you get the million dollars, you get recognition, you do humanity a huge favour, probably a fields medal...

>> No.3488066

Oh... Seems I misread billion for million... Where the shit do you get billion dollar lotto?

>> No.3488070

- reduce your recommended amount of sleep from 8 hrs to 4 hrs.

>> No.3488074

I would be really, really tossed up between effortless PhD and free intelligence. Intelligence seems more valuable since you can get a PhD anyway, especially with extra intelligence... But the PhD saves a lot of work...

>> No.3488079

Instantly obtain PhD, professorship, and tenure within any field; knowledge and all.

>> No.3488087

At first I thought PhD in math, then I realized I do math for the purpose of discovering, not knowing.

So 30 IQ easily. Rest is not comparable.

>> No.3488092

>instantly obtain PhD, professorship, and tenure within any field; knowledge and all.
boom. there's a lot o tempting choices but this one gets a lot of work out of the way.

>gained abilities are protected against other people noticing them
wait, what?

>> No.3488096

I presume he means that you can't show the world you used magic to do it. You get your PHD and tenure, but everyone will believe you worked for it, or something.

>> No.3488097

I would be tempted to visit the any time/place for 1 hour. I would really love to see a Saturn V launch...

PhD sounds great aswell, and I would take the death for space colonization if I could have say 10 years, but I dont feel that i've accomplished enough yet to die

>> No.3488100

I did indeed word that poorly.

Addendum - 4% gain in success rate for 50/50 events, and a proportional gain for all other chance events. So, if you have a 0.001% chance of winning the lotto, you will now have a 0.00108% chance. The lotto may not be the best place to make use of this ability.

>> No.3488101

Last one

>> No.3488104

>0.001% * 1.04 = 0.00108%

>> No.3488106


>> No.3488110

Oh, I see. 1.08x

>> No.3488111

The IQ points would be enough to take me well into genius territory, very tempting.

But i think i'll take the +4% sucess rate. Most benefit for least amount of effort.

>> No.3488113

I'm shocked and appalled by the number of people choosing PhD/die tomorrow.

The obvious choice should be 4% success rate or 30 IQ points/one question answered if satisfying your curiosity/stroking your ego is worth it.

>> No.3488116

>- die tomorrow, but ensure humanity colonizes space (Sol and one additional star system, minimum).

But I want a fucking indestructible statue in my honor on every colonized planet.

>> No.3488124

- not age for 10 years.

>> No.3488127

>spend 60 minutes at any point in history,past or future.

Go inna future get numbers for mega millions jackpot
Go inna future and get stock quotes
Go inna future and get sports results

get money yo

>> No.3488141

>shocked that people act for the greater good of humanity

>> No.3488144

>die tomorrow, but ensure humanity colonizes space (Sol and one additional star system, minimum).

Because it wont happen otherwise, and i'm not that into life anyway.

>> No.3488149


My Teacher is a Shaolin monk, and he does indeed only sleep 2 hours a night. The claim is that he was trained in getting directly to the important part of sleep; basically making more efficient use of his time.

He works three jobs (two full-time), and runs the Monastery and laymen classes. The jobs are to earn enough money to support three families he has adopted over the years, after their fathers (friends of his) passed away.

He would not appreciate being called a "mutha fucka".

>> No.3488150

4% to stuff. Different casino everyday for a while, and then repeat the run a couple of times. Roulette with doubling up will net you money, but at a slow enough rate where you won't be super suspicious, and can still lose money. Also going to a new casino everyday will make it take longer to be banned.

After building up some money, I would invest it 33% US stocks 33% international stocks and 33% gold. Readjust every year. Repeat casinos every three years to build up more money.


>> No.3488151

due to more free time u ca study and raise ur iq by urself; become rich, so taxes wont bother u; have saved much more than 10 yrs of time.........
ohhhh, them 1460 extra hours, thats 40 college credits, every year

>> No.3488155

You don't get it. You die a typical, accidental death in the next day. You get nothing other than the knowledge of your own choice.

>> No.3488156

think of it this way. You're on 4chan. You won't be ­doing anything with that increased intelligence.


4% success rate could be useful until you realize that there isn't any real way you could greatly improve your life. You still have a more probable chance of trying to use this and failing.
PHD option/question/spend a day with person are more viable.
Person? Tesla. You have just figured out the secret to life.
Phd option? Enjoy never being wrong.
Question? Meh. ASk lotto numbers... Ask how to be happy. ASk how to get the love of your life... Etc.

>> No.3488159

oh god i lol'd

>> No.3488169

That is, you don't get the statue.

I didn't mean to say you don't understand the situation.

>> No.3488173


Yes, I am shocked that people would opt out of the other choices, some of which almost ensure a life of extreme happiness, for a day of smugness.

>> No.3488179

>a day of smugness

Cynical aspie alert.

>> No.3488187

I don't think 1.08x is enough to affect the odds to a positive result. I checked earlier. Let me check again.

38 holes. 2 green, 18 red, and 18 black (for American roulette). If you bed red, that's 18/38 odds of success,
~= 0.47368421052631578947368421052632
multiply by 1.08
~= 0.51157894736842105263157894736842

Ok. Nevermind. That is enough to get positive. Next part which I'm too lazy to do is to see expected time to get X dollars assuming Y maximum bet (to avoid drawing attention), and Z time per bet.

>> No.3488202

I think you are missing the point.

Think about it this way. Would you rather win the one billion dollars or would you rather win one billion and one dollars but have all traces of your existence wiped away as soon as you die?

>> No.3488208


>> No.3488209

4% wouldn't work for roulette, after the 4% you have about a 1/36.5 chance of winning, but only a 1/36 payout.

I would post the math, but I'm on my phone and switching to the calculator deleted the text I've typed.

>> No.3488213


yea... wat?

>> No.3488214

Worst example ever. That's what.

>> No.3488216

A) You win a billion dollars tomorrow and live until the age of 100.
B) You win a billion and one dollars and live until the age of 100, but as soon as you die the Earth is destroyed such that all trace of your existence is expunged from reality.

>> No.3488217

He clarified it to 1.08x to whatever your chance of winning was. (Not sure what that would mean for a 99% chance of winning, but meh, I'll go with it.)

>> No.3488218

I really wanted the sleep reduce one, but I'll die for humanity.

>> No.3488221


I don't understand what that has to do with anything.

>> No.3488223

Awesome, that's what.

>> No.3488228

Well, fuck. Then I'd best start fapping, don't want to waste my last hours if I don't even get a statue.

>> No.3488229

>die tomorrow, but ensure humanity colonizes space (Sol and one additional star system, minimum).

The prospects of free and immediate knowledge were tempting. But I'm the type of person that enjoys the quest for knowledge rather than the knowledge itself. If you don't actually try for it, it have much less value.

So yeah, I'd rather greatly speed up human progress and go down in history as a scientific martyr. The dying bit makes me a little wary, and if I was ACTUALLY presented with this scenario, I might pussy out. But meh.

>> No.3488230


I'm not missing the point. I would choose the one billion dollars because the extra dollar would bring me less happiness than knowing I would be remembered while I am alive. This same logic does not apply to the killing oneself argument though.

>> No.3488231

>gain 30 IQ points.

higher IQ = more likely hood of intellectual isolation depression and suicide

- reduce your recommended amount of sleep from 8 hrs to 4 hrs.

>spend 60 minutes in any point in history, past or future.

like anyone else is going to believe you spent time with Jesus

>never have to pay taxes again.

Go live on a deserted island if you care that much about taxes libtards

>be able to use drug without legal ramifications.

There's a place you can do that. Its called "somalia"

>not age for 10 years.

Enjoy watching all the people you love die first and then spending 10 years as a lonely old man.

>have any one question answered.

Like anyone would believe your answer to any of life's questions

>have a literal "get out of jail free card"

One crime and then you're normal like everyone else again. Oh and good luck with the aftermath (e.g. Casey Anthony)

>be able to cure one person of any one sickness.

And then watch them succumb to something else entirely

>spend a day with any person from history (in the present).

Like anyone would believe you / they'd want to spend time with you

>gain an additional 4% success rate for all otherwise chance events

and you will never ever know when this will kick in. In any case, you'd probably be even more likely to gamble away your life savings.

>have the physical fitness level of an athlete without exercising and a greater control of one's appetite

its called /fit/ you lazy fucks

>instantly obtain PhD, professorship, and tenure within any field; knowledge and all.

And in 10 years you will just be another overworked underpaid and underappreciated professor of whatever

>die tomorrow, but ensure humanity colonizes space (Sol and one additional star system, minimum).

Says nothing of how long this will take whatsoever. With 100 million years of research and technology, will they even need your martyrdom?

>> No.3488234

That's what we were trying to tell him.

>> No.3488240

Do you care at all about what happens after you die? If humanity dies then all traces of your existence die with it. The choice of dying tomorrow but saving humanity ensures what influence you have had on the world thus far lives on to a greater extent than had you lived your entire life but allowed humanity to go extinct at some point in the future.

>> No.3488250

Or you can say...
Good for you or good for humanity?
Good for you = just like everyone else, you die, cool story bro
Good for humanity = you die, yay humanity.
Besides, that space thing won't necessarily save humanity,

>> No.3488255


I don't care at all

>> No.3488256
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Holy shit, the pessimism is strong in this one.

>> No.3488262

4% success rate is a terrible choice, even if you did the 'roulette' thing everyone is talking about you would still be losing out due to the house cap, which will ruin any strategy you employ even with the 4% additional chance to win. The IQ would be good, but an instant PhD would say you a lot of time and effort getting a PhD...

>> No.3488265


but it's not

A) billion dollars and remembrance
B) billion dollars and 1 and no trace


A) 100$ and probably no trace
B) 9999999999$ and no trace.

>> No.3488269

If humanity dies, all knowledge of you, all traces of your existence will be erased. It's not like having all your children die moment you die, it's like all your children and all the people whoever knew your children and you and all the people who knew them and all the people who knew them dying the moment you die. Nothing of you will remain.

And it's not just about protecting your own legacy. Your legacy is combined with the legacy of everyone that shares your features. That is why it is evolutionary important to protect one's family. I think Dawkins said something like that.

If humanity is still around a billion years from now in one form or another, then in a way I'm still around.

>> No.3488271

Cure one person of illness, I cure my twin of CP and take him skiiing and hiking and teach him to ride a bike, and finally be able to fight him.

And he'd tear me apart, the guy's upper body is rediculously powerful. And then he'd get to wheel ME around.

>> No.3488273

I'd do some quick research of casino policy. Still, if I wanted a get rich quick scheme, as someone else said in this thread, as the winning lotto number with a crazy high payout.

>> No.3488274

>Like anyone would believe your answer to any of life's questions
But if instead of being a moron, you ask a useful question it doesn't matter what they believe... I said before and I'll say again "How do I prove the Riemann hypothesis?"

>> No.3488276


but you're still around no matter what, atoms don't just disappear, you will exist in some form, whether energy or mass.

>> No.3488280

There isn't a single casino in this world without a house cap on roulette, so research will only allow you to eliminate all your options.

>> No.3488282

> - gain 30 IQ points.
Doable by yourself, unless you already have a very high IQ, or have a mental illness which makes it impossible.
> - reduce your recommended amount of sleep from 8 hrs to 4 hrs.
Uberman sleep schedule only requires 2 hrs.
> - spend 60 minutes in any point in history, past or
Maybe useful, but too unpredictable.
> - never have to pay taxes again.
Move to another country or find some loophole if it bothers you so much.
> - be able to use drug without legal ramifications.
Same as last.
> - not age for 10 years.
Slightly useful.
> - have any one question answered.
With a good enough question, you could essentially change everything. For example, ask for a working AGI design, or for some very useful future technology, or for a molecular nanotech design (including precursors required for the transition, which is the main challenge to getting it working), and many other things.
> - have a literal "get out of jail free card".
Move to a corrupt country, pay bribes.
> - be able to cure one person of any one sickness.
Useful, but the question could also do this, unless there's really no time to implement the cure.

>> No.3488284

> continued
> - spend a day with any person from history (in the present).
Useful, but the question could let you do this and more.
> - gain an additional 4% success rate for all otherwise chance events (e.g. rolling dice, making it before the light turns red).
Taken to the extreme this would be terrible, it could lead to some paradoxes, but it may also be used to get free energy, etc. Likely impossible, or very cruel implementation.
> - have the physical fitness level of an athlete without exercising and a greater control of one's appetite (fat reserves still entirely dependent on how much you eat).
> - instantly obtain PhD, professorship, and tenure within any field; knowledge and all.
> - die tomorrow, but ensure humanity colonizes space (Sol and one additional star system, minimum).
Useless, unless you believe in a single timeline and a single universe. Either way, you would never get to experience anything, and 'ensuring' does not say when, for all you know, it would be millions of years from now. A question properly asked that would give you a detailed roadmap including all inventions required and steps needed to be taken for space colonization would be a better choice.

Answer: a question which would greatly accelerate us toward a singularity-like event, for example, asking for the source code of a workable "friendly" self-improving AGI.

>> No.3488288
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>implying conservation of energy implies immortality/existence of a soul

>> No.3488291


>Implying the universe implies the existence of a soul

>> No.3488300


his argument was not about soul though, it was about evolutionary traits. Still it means nothing.

>> No.3488301



>> No.3488302
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>> No.3488304

>- gain an additional 4% success rate for all otherwise chance events (e.g. rolling dice, making it before the light turns red).

This would mean unlimited money pretty fast, with that you could found your own research company and do:
- have the physical fitness level of an athlete without exercising and a greater control of one's appetite (fat reserves still entirely dependent on how much you eat).
- never have to pay taxes again
- be able to use drug without legal ramifications.
be able to cure one person of any one sickness.
- have a literal "get out of jail free card".

and possibly
- gain 30 IQ points.
- not age for 10 years.
-ensure humanity colonizes space (Sol and one additional star system, minimum).

>> No.3488307

Explain how you get unlimited money this way. I swear I'm the only person in this thread who understands basic probability theory....

>> No.3488308
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I can post images too

>> No.3488312

>Spend 60 minutes in any point in history, past or future.

I would go into the past and tell my dad the winning #'s to a huge megamillions lottery jackpot or lottery jackpot back right to when I was born within 4 years of my birth. I would then tell him every company to invest in with a date and a date to sell. I would have him invest all of the winnings into these companies as the right times and sell at the right time. I would have this list dated until the time I decide to travel back into time (after all research is done) and then I would travel back and have this conversation with my dad and tell him that he must immediately quit his job and put me in certain classes and what not to shape me into the best person possible. I would then make sure he knows that I get 50% of this once I am 16 and anything I want on the way there. I would make sure he made me into the best possible person and what not and all that good stuff. This would net me billions and billions... could potentially become the richest man on earth because of this... to a point where people would question it. I would make sure to give 2 copies of the letter and have him leave me one in a safety deposit box for when I turn 16... at this point I would make myself the richest man on earth and would appear to everyone to be the smartest person on earth... or a psychic or something... it would be legit.

>> No.3488316


I swear you are the only one who doesn't if you are the same person who keeps bringing up house limits.

>> No.3488318

>note - gained abilities are protected against other people noticing them to an extant, but one is not allowed to draw undue attention (e.g. you can't cure a rich person of one disease for a ridiculous amount of money or get a group of scientists to study your ability to stay fit). Think about it like a Doctor Who perception filter.

You could do all this without anyone knowing who is behind your company, so this argument is irrelevant.

>> No.3488323

You aren't the you that you were a second ago. That you is dead and has been replaced by a similar version, the present you. All that you are is just a string of events, a collection of information that is falling forward in time. When you die a final time, you aren't really dead. Your information lives on in the influence you had on the world. Humanity going extinct would reduce that information to the point of you practically never existing.

Or you could think of it this way. Should humanity go extinct, all of your life amounts to one example among billions of the failures that was humanity. We didn't survive because of all the features, all your features, that make us human weren't good enough. Imagine humanity did survive and you came across another world where an intelligent species was a little too violent, just a little too dull, or just a little too selfish to survive. For the rest of eternity, what little information that made up their society that remains will amount to the memory of their complete and utter failure in alien text books.

>> No.3488332

The existence of your atoms does not constitute a preservation of the information that made you you.

>> No.3488335

I'm a different person, but the 4% thing could for example be used with some quantum source of noise, then you could repeat the same test multiple times and so on (let's say you're asking an important question and now you have 54% of getting the first bit of the answer right, as opposed to 50%. You keep asking the question, and thus you would be able to extract the answer out of the statistics.). Now apply this test a huge amount of times, and you could very well have an ability to answer any question or crack any encryption or win any lottery or whatever. Frankly I think this is impossible in a multiverse (or it's very cruel in its implementation), so I'd rather pick the question option.

>> No.3488339


But that thought is still only gonna matter when I'm alive. And the happiness of another choice would completely overshadow it.

Besides, why would I care if we survived? It would only be interesting if I could observe the result somehow.

You have to be religious/spiritual or extremely naive to actually choose this.

>> No.3488340


>> No.3488342

Oh wow. Nicely done sir. Didn't even consider that kind of abuse. Congratulations!

>> No.3488343

Now relate this in a clear way to your original question, in a way that everyone in this thread can understand. Oh wait. You can't.

>> No.3488344

someone tell me this isn't by far the best option. Could seriously write an entire book and make someone memorize it for you and then hide the evidence on some land buried or something. 10000000000x better than 4% luck LOL this is 100% bitchest

>> No.3488346

Okay, let's say you start with $100000, with which you play 100000 $1 games of "90% chance to double your money!" in which you have a 90% chance to win.... 100000 loses later you have no money left. You're not guaranteed to win even a single game, so how is it you're generating unlimited money?

>> No.3488348

top ones are:
30 IQ points(only if you are already super smart, because it will make you like a super genius, which is very good)
4% success rate(infinite moneys from casino's)
instant PhD(in physics, will make you super genius, and save you 30 years)
and die tomorrow, humanity colonizes space(worst for you, best for humanity)

I would do instant PhD in physics, cause imagine knowing and understanding as much as Richard Feynman. Who wouldn't want that.

>> No.3488349

Nah it wouldn't draw attention to the point it actually happened. It would simply change the entire future me and my situation. Since it actually changes over time it wouldn't draw attention the the actual event which means I would be safe.

>> No.3488352

Law of large numbers. Nothing is guaranteed in life, but if it's 99.9999% guaranteed, that's good enough for me.

>> No.3488353

Instant PhD in physics! I knows how magnets work.

>> No.3488356

So its like 99% of failure x 99 percent chance of failure x ........... = 0% chance of failure. That's brilliant.

Except for the fact that alot of things will take so long, you'll never get the answer before you die.

>> No.3488357

4% is higher than the average rate of return for most companies. If you could get a +4% in investing you would make so much money.

>> No.3488361

If you just had to push a button to invoke the power, that's only a few thousand button pushes in order to tease out a correct answer using quantum awesomeness. That right there has the best potential for abuse of any of the options, I think, equaling the "get an answer to any one question" one.

>> No.3488364

Unlike the 4% or the question this has a few issues. First, nobody said you could "change" history, second, if time-travel is allowed, it would likely only change your dad's timelines (new one), not your current one, and third, if your dad does buy/sell stocks, he won't succeed in all of them, by buying/selling large enough quantities, you'll affect the market and change the future, thus some of your predictions may fail.

>> No.3488366

Then choose one of these two options (>>3488216).

If don't choose the billion and one dollars then it is because you like the idea of having a memory of you beyond death, which is no different then caring whether humanity is around in the distant future.

I mean, why do you care about your future self when your future self isn't even you?! You die every instant of your life and a similar version of you (a memory of your past self) replaces you.

>> No.3488370


>I mean, why do you care about your future self when your future self isn't even you?! You die every instant of your life and a similar version of you (a memory of your past self) replaces you.

but, you're pulling that out of your ass.

>> No.3488375

Hell - the quantum one is even better than the one question. With the +4% quantum one, you just got unlimited answers to any questions, though it might get obnoxious pushing the button that many times.

>> No.3488378

I just want to congratulate you again. That was a brilliant insight. I'm impressed.

This is the kind of shit that I want to have happen in my fiction that I read, and in my DnD campaigns. That was awesome.

>> No.3488380

>Implying you have to pay taxes
The Federal Reserve is a private company and you don't owe them shit. You can send them a letter saying that you respectfully wish to not pay taxes.

>> No.3488384


Explain how this experiment would answer all kinds of questions, would you (or the other guy) care to explain the practical implications of this?

>> No.3488385

I'd remind you that this was tried, and the courts disagree.

>> No.3488386

ok to the retards who don't understand how this is unlimited money, you could just go to the casino and bet on red, or play craps or baccarat, and with this you'll have an edge on the house. If you don't get this you are hopeless and should just give up now.
This way you could get to the 10 million $ or so level, after that you could just play the currency market, or anything else with large volume and volatility, just keep betting that the market goes up or down randomly, and you'll be right more often than not. It's that simple.

>> No.3488387

The law of large numbers is somewhat inappropriate, since its only really true for infinitely large numbers... If you're starting with infinite money why are you gambling in the first place?

>> No.3488393

It depends on the exact interpretation of the power. Suppose the bet was for the correct answer to a question. Example: I'm sitting down with a coin, and I bet myself that if it comes up heads, then it's going to be rainy tomorrow. 54% chance of a correct answer. Continue flipping the coin until you get enough flips that you can apply the normal distribution approximation to get a safe margin of error and extract the answer. Replace coin flip with quantum temperature probe or other source of random noise. Be awesome.

>> No.3488394

You are fucking kidding me... What you are saying requires you to _start_ with infinite money. Do you have infinite money? If yes, why gamble? If no, your strategy sucks.

>> No.3488402 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 128x128, 1541725235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gain 30 IQ points.

I'd rather gain 10 charisma points


>> No.3488400

Maybe that might not work. Give me some time. I'm pretty sure I could swing this to be utterly broken if I can start messing around with quantum noise.

>> No.3488401

Saying that doesn't make what I said not true. Have you ever even thought about what makes up your consciousness? You are just a bunch of particles bouncing off one another. If that weren't enough those particles are completely replaced by different particles every 11 years. You are nothing but a series of events and those events end more so with the end of humanity than they do with your death.

>> No.3488406 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 620x478, 1297799299856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw spending one day with da Vinci

>> No.3488409

Assume that everyone else's "luck" is at 0%. Good things can still happen to these people. They can still even win the lottery.

That said, hands down, without question, I would pick the +4% luck option.

This is the only option that gives you a passive ability which manipulates your local reality for the rest of your life. It's not "gained wisdom" or "gained intelligence," but permanently, for EVERY thing you do that has chance involved in success, you are 4% more likely to have that chance go your way.

You never know when your luck is going to run out. With this it never would, 4% is more likely than most acknowledge.

>> No.3488410

Sorry, gtg.

I need to go to bed in -6 hours.

CAPTCHA: ttentel anon

>> No.3488411


I'm extremely aware of this, and I have thought about it, but I'm not dumb enough to think that one of the possibilities that would be impossible to prove or disprove and would totally annihilate any subjective point of our existence is fact. What you are saying has plays no role what so ever because I am not, and cannot be aware of it.

>> No.3488420
File: 81 KB, 350x307, 1277984537698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jokes on you.

Turns out the universe is deterministic and nothing is left to chance, rendering your ability useless.

>> No.3488434

>- gain an additional 4% success rate for all otherwise chance events (e.g. rolling dice, making it before the light turns red).

Yeah, that's pretty vague. Suppose I flip a coin to augury if it will rain tomorrow. If the power works on that, then I can abuse the fuck out of it with quantum noise auguring any question whatsoever.

>> No.3488437


You must have autism, right now we're suspending disbelief in order to play op's hypothetical, it's assumed that all of the choices are in fact choices. Whatever is offering it to you, is presumed to be offering legitimate choices, if he's not then the hypothetical game is broken.

From the perspective that I would henceforward be 4% more likely to succeed in everything I attempted with a "chance" element (99% of everything I do), the 4% luck gain is easily the biggest advantage listed.

Your statement applies to ALL of the options, since even being able to pick was determined and you didn't really pick anyway since it was determined.

>> No.3488444


Dude relax, it's what some people call a "joke".

>> No.3488453

[x] die tomorrow, but ensure humanity colonizes space (Sol and one additional star system, minimum).

>> No.3488455

Between the IQ points and the PhD. Hm... Tough choice.

>> No.3488463

Dude, it's all about the +4% combined with auguring any question whatsoever.

>> No.3488465


Why is everyone creaming their pants over 4%?

Shit's negligible as hell. There's still good odds that you will fail.

>> No.3488466

easy, have any one question answered.
"what are next weeks euro millions lottery numbers"?

>> No.3488470

Repeat the augury for ~1000 times. Do statistical analysis. Congratulations - you just obtained a true answer (to a 95%~ confidence level or whatever). Use that to bet on sports game and the like. Be awesome.

>> No.3488479

Instant knowledge of all subjects within a field of study. Astrophysics and BAM I know everything mankind has figured out about stars, planets, light and stuff.
Get myself a descent job and at least give colonization a kick start by working on the MarsBar project where we drink beer, do science, smoke weed and eat Mars bars in a bar on Mars.

That or not age for 10 years to learn it all by myself, but naah to lazy just load it into my head like The Matrix.

>> No.3488486

Instant knowledge of everything in a field was never an option.

>> No.3488490
File: 23 KB, 409x212, 1306724983894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>- instantly obtain PhD, professorship, and tenure within any field; knowledge and all.

>> No.3488497

instantly obtain PhD, professorship, and tenure within any field; knowledge and all.

>instantly obtain .... knowledge and all.

>> No.3488501


>implying a PhD and the knowledge that comes with it encompasses all of the knowledge there is to know about a broad field like astrophysics

>> No.3488502

> gain an additional 4% success rate for all otherwise chance events (e.g. rolling dice, making it before the light turns red).

>put on space suite, try to jump to the moon
>4% of the time, I get there.

Not a great example, but you get the point. Clear winner.

>> No.3488505


Dude, it's okay to be wrong. Just accept it gracefully and move on.

>> No.3488506

Even if we restrict to "within reason", as long as it works for auguries, it's clearly better than "answer to a single question", and any other choice made simply to get lots of money.

>> No.3488509

60 minutes in the future ensures yo infinite wealth, free time, power and everything. Kinda cheat compared to others.
Additional 4% might be cool for trolling poker by drawing royal flush every 25 hands

>> No.3488510


Lol... I'm a different person than the guy who called you out... I just happened to agree with him.

>> No.3488514

it wouldn't be +4%, it would be 4% more likely
e.g. 0%*1.04=0%

>> No.3488516


I'm not the person who you "called out", I just agree with him.

>> No.3488517

When I do an augury on a "yes/no" question by flipping a coin, I have a 50-50 chance that it comes up with the right answer.

>> No.3488521

The OP later corrected it to something sensible, namely your chance of success is multiplied by 1.08.

Thus a coin flip goes from 50% to 54%.

>> No.3488523

Even if it was x1.01% success rate, it's still enough to troll the universe.

>> No.3488525

As I demonstrated, oh indeed yes. It's wildly vaguely stated. Even the most conservative reading gives me the power to influence auguries, which means I win.

>> No.3488526

er, x1.01

Point is, any change is enough.

>> No.3488534

- instantly obtain PhD, professorship, and tenure within any field; knowledge and all.

>> No.3488535

well, basically all of these are impossible, which in a respect would troll the universe. which makes applying logic to this kind of funny because if you follow it out long enough somewhere along the line it doesn't add up.

>> No.3488544

Of course, lol. That's called suspension of disbelief.

Well, we could make it consistent by saying we're in The Matrix and an operator outside the Matrix is manipulating events when I consciously invoke the power. Still, if it's blindly applied to all events, then we run into similar paradoxes like being omnipotent.

>> No.3488547

That's the point. At worst, you can know the answer to any true/false question, and do a hell of a lot of other stuff on top of that. At best, you've created a contradiction on the rules of pure mathematics. From contradiction, anything follows.

>> No.3488557

Anybody who doesn't choose +4% luck is a fool.

Learn to trade in ForeX and that +4% will accumulate into billions within a couple of years.

In fact, just 1% more luck would have immense consequences long term.

But if we agree that more luck is just absolutely too overpowered, then +30 IQ please. That would make me a veritable genious. I'd cure cancer or some shit.

>> No.3488599

If there's a 0% chance of finding a contradiction (i.e. proving that 1=2), it will still be 0% with the extra 4% added.

>> No.3488600

>Average IQ (100) currently
>+30 IQ
>130 IQ
>Still stupid


>> No.3488645
File: 899 KB, 4256x2832, s135e010678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- die tomorrow, but ensure humanity colonizes space (Sol and one additional star system, minimum)

I would die for the advancement of the sciences and our species as a space faring nation.

I believe that to be something worth taking a major risk for.

>> No.3488646

It depends what we mean by "chance" event.
If the world is deterministic and with a single timeline (unlikely in our world, but let's say you're playing some game with a PRNG), then there is no randomness, thus if you do get a +4% luck with a chosen seed/PRNG which is supposed to give uniform distributions, you've broken finite arithmetic (i find this impossible), which makes +4% impossible, except if you limit it to true chance events.
A true chance event is similar to finding yourself in one branch of some multiverse (in MWI), the indeterminism is merely what happens from the first-person point of view.
This means that you must not experience some branches to support your +4% luck, that is, you must have p zombies in those branches. If you don't accept p zombies, you must make those specific branches "not exist", which is a tricky thing as it's similar to asking how to make "1+1=2" not exist (assuming the multiverse was brought into existence by being a mathematical object). If p zombies or magic which only lets you remove from existence mathematical objects is fine with you, +4% chance would be possible. I personally find both as uncomfortable as omnipotence paradoxes though, which is why I prefer the question, as that at least has no obvious paradoxes, although it's still not well defined enough to be clear if it would work or not (what if you ask a self-referential question? does the oracle/world/?? "crash"?)

>> No.3488655
File: 13 KB, 100x116, sem-ava1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Die but mankind becomes a space faring species.

>Give us ISS epic image.


>> No.3488660

>- instantly obtain PhD, professorship, and tenure within any field; knowledge and all.
This. It's what I want to achieve anyway.

Shame this is just hypothetical. I'd jump at this opportunity if it were real...

>> No.3488671
File: 27 KB, 250x250, 1302429568113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ph.D in the field of space colonization


>> No.3488674

Drexler has a PhD in molecular nanotechnology. We still have a long way to go to get it beyond theory.
I also think there were some PhD's in quantum computing, and yet our quantum computers are not even beginning to be practical.

>> No.3488695

>145 IQ
>not amazing, so I need to have a work ethic
>most extremely intelligent people don't because they never needed to put in effort
>175 IQ plus a fucking work ethic and determination to fix the world
This would be interesting to say the least. Though I'd like my lawyer to speak to your lawyer before agreeing to any of these options. We all know how this sort of thing usually turns out.

>> No.3488703

I'd take the sleep reduction. I spend a third of my life sleeping, and only want it to be a sixth.

>> No.3488737

>go forward a thousand years
>in the sixty minutes record as much information as you can on quantum computing, space travel, etc.

You could solve so many problems, assuming that information is recorded and publicly accesible.

>> No.3488742

You now realise OP's pic is animated.

>> No.3488744

>implying you could record any meaningful amount of info in sixty minutes
The herpaderp is strong in this one.

>> No.3488749

also what I'd choose:
>- not age for 10 years.
just to see technology and theories develop for 10 more years, could be ground breaking research done in those extra 10 years, you never know.

>> No.3488766

>- have any one question answered.
I have a question that my life can very well depend on. Knowing the answer could save me alot of grief and give alot of clarity.

>> No.3488774

I love sleeping so much, its worth taking the time off the awaken life, its almost more to it than being awake sometimes. Its almost orgasmic in some situations just feeling that freedom of your mind to go wherever it wants.

>> No.3488775

>I have a question that my life can very well depend on
Well? We're waiting.

>> No.3488783

60 minutes far enough into the future to get transhumanified by nanocolonies, at the very least a BCI and a small nanofactory as well as instructions for it's use.

Return, start scientific revolution, rule world, get women, advance species 300 years.

Problem solved.

>> No.3488786

"Does it really exist?"
What it is is something I'm not at liberty to divulge (and no, it is not religious in nature. put your troll bait away)

>> No.3488790

>not at liberty
Dude. We're anonymous here.

>> No.3488792

>Thinking 4chan is anonymous

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3488802

4chan has:

C2C opacity.
C2B transparency.
B2C translucency.

You can gain C2B opacity (anonymity) by using proxies. B2C opacity is gained when a mod posts without the tag.

>> No.3488818
File: 20 KB, 332x480, penor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you even trying? I'd choose 5 more cm (2 inches) on my dick.

>> No.3488820


this is 4chan.... pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.3488824

You have no guarantee that you'll able to grab it in 60 minutes. Just take the question and ask for an AGI fitting your needs or the full instructions required to bootstrap molecular nanotech (bootstrapping is the main issue today).
+4% would also let you ask any question, but it potentially has the problem of not working at all depending on the nature of reality or merely breaking reality (similar issues as the omnipotence paradox, but can lead to contradictions as I've shown in >>3488646).

>> No.3488827

>have one question answered

could whoever is answering my question reverse entropy please?

>> No.3488838


Point. But I tend to be wary of single questions in this case as I always expect a Literal Genie or Monkey's Paw scenario.

Maybe I'm a bit too genre savvy.

>> No.3488848


I'd give anything to spend one day with Joseph Stalin.

>> No.3488850
File: 24 KB, 573x399, house md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gain 30 IQ points.

my IQ is likely average or below average. i'd fucking love to have a higher IQ. if only to be like house.

>> No.3488853
File: 4 KB, 126x122, 1308115250746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the options are self directed, and shit to start with
except for the last one, which is shit because you die

but out of all honesty, id take the PHD and become a wizard

>> No.3488859

Oddly, I feel like I already have this trait.

>> No.3488863



>> No.3488887


You want to be a fictional person? That IQ is definitely below average.

>> No.3488896

IQ is just a number, so i'd choose PhD before it...

I may consider sleeping less or good health instead. It's a lot of time

>> No.3488914


I already have those:
> - reduce your recommended amount of sleep from 8 hrs to 4 hrs.
> - have the physical fitness level of an athlete without exercising and a greater control of one's appetite (fat reserves still entirely dependent on how much you eat).
> - instantly obtain PhD, professorship, and tenure within any field; knowledge and all.

Fuck yeah genetics. I need 4 and a half hour of sleep though.

So out of your list, i guess i would choose the IQ increase, in case it means i will be smarter and more intelligent in general.

Physicist here by the way. Not needing to sleep much is way underrated.

>> No.3488934

Agreed, more people need to nap more and sleep less. SPAMAYL sleeper here.

>> No.3488957

Die tomorrow option probably. Anyone who choses something personal is a faggot.

>> No.3488961

Not ageing for 10 years and saving humanity are very tempting, but I think I'd have to choose the instant phd in physics, providing it was from one the top universities in the world. Shit would be so cash.

>> No.3488967

>- instantly obtain PhD, professorship, and tenure within any field; knowledge and all.

>do physics
>instantly know KNOWLEDGE OF ALL


You can thank me later guys.

>> No.3488974


this is actually good

he's going to instantly know how to make a spaceship, if the universe is finite... theory of everything...


>> No.3488975

- gain 30 IQ points.
Limited usefulness - IQ doesn't mean shit in the business world. yes people with higher iq tend to be smarter overall, but a higher score on an iq test doesn't really guarantee any success/significant output

- reduce your recommended amount of sleep from 8 hrs to 4 hrs.
Increases the amount of time you had; very useful, but i'd rather enjoy the time I had more, then have more time

- spend 60 minutes in any point in history, past or future.
This has a lot of potential. There are things you could do in the past that would make you extremely wealthy. A really good one would be figuring out some way of investing lets say 200 years ago. You’d be a multi billionaire today. I’m sure there are a myriad of other ways to exploit this, this is just an example.
- never have to pay taxes again.
Taxes? Boo fucking hoo, this one is bad and you should feel bad.
- be able to use drug without legal ramifications.
Drugs? Boo fucking hoo, this one is bad and you should feel bad. It is quite easy to purchase and use drugs without getting caught. A better option would have been, infinite access to any drugs of your choice of perfect quality, with medical care on site to ensure your safety/not dieingness
- not age for 10 years. –

>> No.3488980


Almost identical to reducing amount of sleep needed; the net effect of both is a longer life. Meh
- have any one question answered.
Depending on your question you could possibly achieve philosophical salvation/perfection, and be the happiest person in the world. Or the answer to your question could be relatively bland and meaningless. Aka you ask if there is afterlife and answer is no, then what? Or even worse, what if the answer was “ Yes, there is, but you’re not invited, since you are blasphemous for asking this bla blah. Really one question isn’t all that good. You could use this to do some super investement, but that’s not nearly as useful as 60 mins at any point in history.
- have a literal "get out of jail free card". – Woohoo you can get caught for committing a crime and not suffer the consequences. Most crimes don’t get caught, and most smart people who commit crimes, don’t get caught. Something like 1/20 people who rape women get sent to prison, if not less.

- be able to cure one person of any one sickness. – Sort of potential—the one person is infinitely debted to you, but what if they don’t feel such? What If with their new health they say, gee im happy, fuck off now kthxbye
- spend a day with any person from history (in the present). – Fun, very memorable, I’d love to spend a day with Einstein. However, in terms of long term benefit, this is quite poor. But it would certainly be so fun. But heres the question, do they come to you or do you go to them? If they come to the present, where you’re from, it cant really be exploited. But if you go in the past, then its like 30000x more useful then the 60 mins one, since you have a whole day with the persn.

>> No.3488987

>- reduce your recommended amount of sleep from 8 hrs to 4 hrs.

I swear, sleep is a goddamn waste of time.

>> No.3488996

>- be able to cure one person of any one sickness.

I will cure myself of aging.

>> No.3489001

Either the 30 IQ points or the 'any one sickness' one, can't choose.

If I can add another one to the list (not OP, just interested in your thoughts):

-live the rest of your life, however long that would have been otherwise, in perfect health. Die a painless death when the time comes.

>> No.3489004


Oh i don't know, i'm not a big fan of napping.

University work has got me down to just 4.5 hours of sleep everynight, no napping at days.

>> No.3489007

Wow, I can't believe I put noko in the subject field.

>> No.3489009

60 minutes in the future, asking people for a small donation of a PDA containing all the world's scientific discoveries, papers, equations, etc.

Or 1 day with Nikola Tesla.

There isn't even a fucking competition with the others, because everything they provide might be achievable from either and you'll be lauded as the wise, unselfish savior of mankind.

>> No.3489022

Is the PhD option useful for just one PhD or any amount? Because the latter would pretty much mean knowing everything that is known, lol.