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File: 783 KB, 3500x2334, 107157510-16696390912022-11-28t092349z_84181943_rc2vux9msljy_rtrmadp_0_health-coronavirus-china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16135299 No.16135299 [Reply] [Original]

The solutions are clear:
1. Stop eating weird animals
2. Stop gain of function research

>> No.16135314

How about we put the virology clinic a little further away from the wet market in the chinese giga-city next time, maybe just maybe even on an island somewhere perhaps

>> No.16135324

But if you built next to the wet market intentionally, you will always have what's called plausible deniability. If you're not beholden to your own citizens and care nothing for honesty, integrity, and the public trust then there's no reason not to.

>> No.16135364

I don't understand why people keep posting about covid in 2024.

>> No.16135383
File: 83 KB, 600x673, reeeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16135390

It was the high-water mark for "science", objectively.

>> No.16135440

Probably because it's a major historical event that we are still feeling the effects from. Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it and all that

>> No.16135458

The problem with remote locations is finding people willing to work there. The Chinese like going to the wet market to torture animals and Americans like going to the barcade to torture some karaoke.
Yes but some people would like to avoid accountability for their long string of fuckups during the pandemic so they'd rather we just forget about it.

>> No.16135487

Whether or not 2. or 1. is the correct solution depends on whether it is lab leak or not.

>> No.16135629

>Why does it matter whether if it is lab leak or not?
Because incompetence should be corrected. Because criminality should be eliminated.

>> No.16135644

So the Chinese are a real existential threat to the the world and we should at least consider a full scale military operation, I hate to sound like an MIC shill but c'mon these bugs need reformed

>> No.16135648

Good luck with changing how a vast authoritarian dictatorship is run from your basement chair and keyboard.

>> No.16135650

Thanks, good luck shilling for a few fen a post.

>> No.16135657

>Good luck with changing how a vast authoritarian dictatorship is run from your basement chair and keyboard.
Don't wish me good luck, I'm not trying to do that, that's not my jobs. But I agree, to those who are, good luck indeed, and I hope it wasn't a lab leak.