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16099667 No.16099667[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whats the scientific reason that people who are native to Europe aren't considered indigenous?

>> No.16099721

Because most Europeans have actively disassociate themselves from the indigenous label/ culture.

Good example is the Sami People of Northern Europe.


>> No.16099726


>> No.16099731

Who the fuck knows what drugs the people made up that chart were taking. But if it's any consolation, they didn't just exclude wipipo, Han Chinese are apparently not indigenous to China and that number for Japan looks like it's mostly from Okinawans. India's population is also a hell of a lot more than 104M so apparently most poos are non-indigenous.

>> No.16099734


>> No.16099752

It's a eurocentric map my man, maybe you should read the text in the photo you posted to make your race bait thread.

>> No.16099773

how long does a group of people need to live in an region to be considered indigenous?

>> No.16099796

The basques are admitted as indigenous but are blown off with no-data-available. never fucking mind the Aquitanian inscriptions or the DNA.
whoever did the map has pronouns on her/they's bio, count on it.

>> No.16100008

>whoever did the map has pronouns on her/they's bio, count on it.
and berg/stein suffix on their surname too

>> No.16100168

I'll give you a hint: starts with a "J".

>> No.16100180

technically only the basque and finngolians can be considered indigenous,

>> No.16100202

To be indigenous you need to wear silly clothes and have a special dance. Prove me wrong.

>> No.16100205

Ask europeans what tribe they belong to

>> No.16100218

I'm guessing it's cultures that were conquered but not assimilated?

>> No.16100224

There have been a shitton of invasions and migrations to the point Euros are a bunch of mongrels. Same reason Europe has no forests either.

>> No.16100503

>technically only the basque and finngolians can be considered indigenous,
100% bullshit

>> No.16101235

>N/A Data
No shit!

>> No.16101243

We have morris dancing

>> No.16101401

>Europe has no forests either.
lol lmao

>> No.16101405

Because when leftoids say "indigenous" they mean something like "oppressed", which would be something like whoever is lower

>> No.16101428

So the irish check all of their boxes?
funny dances, music and clothing, funny language, violently oppressed for centuries and subjected to wars and brutal famines by the english, long history of being enslaved.

>> No.16101526

>Because most Europeans have actively disassociate themselves from the indigenous label/ culture.
What ? Where did you ever got that idea from ?

>> No.16101533

>term clearly defined in the image
>hurr white genocide

>> No.16101576
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>redefines the meaning of "indigenous" to exclude whites so that they can't use it to claim their rights

>> No.16101833

indigenous also means preserved way of life. if you just look at your pic you'll see that the average non-european isn't counted as indigenous. same reason.

>> No.16101849
File: 997 KB, 1908x1146, 49B9D13400000578-0-image-a-9_1519975009014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I means something else because reasons
how come there aren't prehistoric circles of beer cans in australia from the """"indigenous"""""

>> No.16102434

You see, they invented beer and cans like 60.000 years ago....

>> No.16103022 [DELETED] 


>> No.16103571

>who are native to Europe aren't considered indigenous
The Basque are considered indigenous, anon. what are you about?

>> No.16104023

and they haven't done anything other than get drunk since

>> No.16104034

it's just modern racism

>> No.16104535

indigent & indigenous share the same root word

>> No.16105882


>> No.16105884

because they conquered everywhere.
French is Africa's trade language.
This actually means that them webites racistecs

>> No.16106087

Because Europeans conquered the World.

>> No.16106246

The anti-science American post-war political "truth" regime has been a major contributed. It's just racism towards Europeans being popular since the end of the war, plain and simple. They discriminate against them racially for one reason or another, and want to take out their hate on ordinary people.

>> No.16106713

>israel: 300,000 indigenous jews
>arabia: nobody there is indigenous, nobody belongs there
>source: (((world bank)))

>> No.16106718

Europeans are actually aliens, it's all so clear

>> No.16107373

please stop noticing

>> No.16108532

That doesn't mean they aren't indigenous to Europe

>> No.16109471

If Europeans aren't native to Europe then were are they native to?

>> No.16109476

That isn't what leftists mean by indigenous. When they say indigenous, they mean "oppressed", or "victims of colonialism"

>> No.16110252
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>victims of colonialism

>> No.16111543

Why don't they say what they really mean? Are they incapable of being honest?

>> No.16112718

Yes, atheists are incapable of being honest, they have no fundamental beliefs and they only act out self interest

>> No.16113396

>victims of colonialism
Right, the people who were still living in the stone age a few hundred years ago an now enjoy all of the benefits of a modern lifestyle are totally victims.

>> No.16114840
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>> No.16114854

The scientific reason?
Anon, anti-white racism is in vogue.
If it's white it ain't right. Logic and moral civility be damned.
If you aren't guilty for and of being White you're a racist. Because I'm not racist. You're not racist are you?

>whats the reason
It isn't scientific it's socio-politically cultural. People want the success that traditionally white nations have created, and much like a poorly developed person they attribute the space to the effect. You see, white people are successful not from social things, or cultivated abilities, or centuries of lineage. They are successful where they are, and if us nonwhites take "that space" we take the success.

As an anon on another board from another time once said:
>These people percieve the land as magical,
>And if they can just take the land, they take the magic
>And they will have all the success

I hope I answered the questions you didn't ask, the questions you did, and the things that were really on your mind.

>> No.16114975

I don't think you're correct. Many brown people are aware that their prosperity is dependant on access to white people, and not only to their land.
They seethe at white flight for example.

What they really want is for white people to submit to them and slave away for them.

>> No.16115114

the first wise wise homos (aka modern humans) that reach a land are indigenous to that land. i guess op's pic adds the condition that they should live with a non indigenous population

the first humans that reached europe were the various pre indo european groups. although a significant part of european genetics comes from those cultures, the lack of continuity and influx of foreign dna makes them a distinct population. thus nt indigenous.

if you look at africa, it's the same thing there. the first homos in that land were the pre bantu invasion africans, bantus invade and conquer pretty much everything. even though they have lived there for 1000s of years they aren't indigenous.

>> No.16115125

Nonsense. Lots of the "officially" indigenous peoples are not the first sapiens to reach that part of the world, just the last ones to reach it before white Europeans.

>> No.16116512

That's a good point

>> No.16116522
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>> No.16117763 [DELETED] 


>> No.16118435

including all that human waste into civilization was a massive mistake

>> No.16118465

It hurts me people are this stupid. No it's not anti-wipipo nonsense and right wing snowflake faggotry is not fucking science.
Indigenous as a term isn't well-defined and is therefore not scientific to begin with. But just think for one second about what it's trying to communicate. It's trying to make some sort of divide between people of one culture who have existed in the area longer than a second group who have shown up later. You're using it to compare two peoples.

So gee, why would you not need to do that in Europe or some other countries? Because the divide you're trying to describe doesn't freaking exist.
Instead you'll conjure up ideas of ancient peoples. England's 'indigenous' people were celts I guess: then romans and normans and shit showed up and conquered them (again, the only reason that word comes up is because we're comparing them to others). That happened so long ago that they've blended into one identity and there is no longer anyone to call 'indigenous' because everyone is.

>> No.16118475


>> No.16119984 [DELETED] 

its not a dumb accident things are like that, the jews' white genocide agenda is the real reason things are like that

>> No.16120547 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 599x474, baaa0f3f71e4203e8c3a23f885e6155b8d9209bd2a251a1545fb4c267ef8b907_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but no. Whites are not allowed to have a homeland of their own

>> No.16121694 [DELETED] 


>> No.16122940

its not a dumb accident things are like that, the jews' white genocide agenda is the real reason things are like that

>> No.16122980


>> No.16123192

Indigenous is used by people as a term for people are not in the cultural hegemony of a nation state nor empire, yet lived before the current power structure.

>> No.16123195

then why are irish not marked

>> No.16123196

>Good example is the Sami People of Northern Europe.
how is that a good example, retard? Samis are late coming invaders

>> No.16123198

Do you know how many historical minorities live in all those Euro countries?

>> No.16123199

>When they say indigenous, they mean "oppressed", or "victims of colonialism"
Irish, Poles etc wuzn't oppressed cuz dey wyte

makes perfect sense!

>> No.16123201

lmao Actually, weren't the Hausa the nomadic Islamist slavers praying on the other people of modern day Nigeria? And aren't they one of the most politically dominant groups there? What the actual fuck???

that shit in India also makes zero sense. 3/4ths of them as just as local/indigenous as the tribals. Trying to justify the distinction with a translation is just peak of mount retard.

>> No.16123204

Samis aren't even that. They displaced/subsumed the original HGs in that area.

>> No.16123205
File: 599 KB, 1290x1170, Langs_N.Amer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are the europeans that first settled the uninhabited areas in this image, and whose descendants still live there to this day, not considered indigenous to those areas?

>> No.16123213

even most of the colored areas were barely lived in, when it came to hunter-gatherers. Some land was only good for passing through on your seasonal migration, when you had to rely on various food sources to cover. Half of NA was just something to be trudged through.

>> No.16123217

Yes you're right.

>> No.16123219

>It's trying to make some sort of divide between people of one culture who have existed in the area longer than a second group who have shown up later. You're using it to compare two peoples.
Who the fuck supplanted the Hausa? Nobody. Who the fuck "showed up later" in most of India, just because they moved on from tribal organization? Some of these groups were the ones who were the more recent arrivals even. You don't know any of this, you're just reaching to cover for the faggotry that you side with.

>> No.16123245

so you've forgotten about colonialism in europe and also the mass migration to europe in the modern age because it's advantageous to your narrative?

>> No.16124654 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 1000x500, atheist-battles-stonetoss-comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the funny things about colonialism is that the same people who complain about it will also get outraged and offended if you point out that jewish colonies have been evicted from over 109s nations

>> No.16125334 [DELETED] 

>colonialism is only bad when whites do it
yet another aspect of the white genocide agenda. when mexicans take over california or africans take over france, colonialism stops being problematic

>> No.16126411 [DELETED] 

Please stop noticing
t. Shlomo Shekelsteinbergowitz

>> No.16127669 [DELETED] 
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Also if you point out that jewish colonies in other regions have attempted to genocidally slaughter the native population.

>> No.16128448 [DELETED] 

Everywhere that whites landed in North America, the coastal indians immediately welcomed the whites in hopes of getting the whites to use their guns on the indians' enemies further inland. Everywhere except the Raleigh colony presumably

>> No.16128479

I hate samis so god damn much it's unreal.

>> No.16128480

holy based finn/swede/norger/dane/icelander/svalbarder

>> No.16128579

I guess they somehow infer they weren't oppressed, based on the fact they don't or didn't live in complete poverty or have bad statistics?

>> No.16128836

Jews want special protections for their 'indigenous' poltitical weapons to use against whites.

>> No.16129109

Climate change wipes out arctic species first

>> No.16129903 [DELETED] 

global warming is fake tho. all the arctic and antarctic species are doing just fine

>> No.16130836 [DELETED] 

stop asking questions goy

>> No.16132100 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16132797 [DELETED] 

those pronouns are berg/stein

>> No.16133947

its funny because its true

>> No.16135170

Thats just more the white genocide propaganda that academia is constantly publishing

>> No.16135806

all they have to do is move closer to the poles

>> No.16136678

arctic species are thriving, which proves that global warming is fake

>> No.16138098 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 1072x1095, FikugEnXwAEPh_r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polar bear population is currently greater than it ever has been in all time scientists have been surveying it

>> No.16138123

i was looking for this specific comment kek

>> No.16138175


The chart was made by a jew or jews

>> No.16138935

Thats good news, I'm sure the environmentalists of /sci/ are ecstatic so see it

>> No.16139739
File: 79 KB, 543x466, potatojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooo, the world is totally coming to an end!!!
>thats why you need to give me all your money and eat the bugs!!!
>you have to beleive me!!!!

>> No.16139743

The answer is WHITE people

>> No.16139784

Fuck me that's a lot of abbos. How do they even keep that many under control?

>> No.16141238

VB does the trick

>> No.16142696

indigenous = too low iq to survive on their own

>> No.16143530

ZOG's white genocide plans

>> No.16144712

oy vey plz stop noticing, goy

>> No.16144919

>Whats the scientific reason that people who are native to Europe aren't considered indigenous?
because they were not the first homo sapiens to colonize europe. There's been lots of migratory population replacement of the millenia.

>> No.16145775
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>> No.16146487

>University intelligentsia PWND by 14 year old girl
I guess the university professors weren't as intelligent as they were giving themselves credit for being after all

>> No.16147642

because europe hates itself

>> No.16148304

No it doesn't. Their kosher, foreign owned media might, but the Europeans themselves don't

>> No.16149218
File: 217 KB, 231x191, qui.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Their kosher, foreign owned media

>> No.16149520
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Are israelis indigenous to israel?

>> No.16150902

semites are indigenous to that region, they shouldn't be allowed to live anywhere else because doing so will necessarily harm to native indigenous species of wherever the semites try to colonize

>> No.16151792

That chart clearly states that the term “indigenous peoples” has no official definition according to the UN and is defined by traits such as having preserved pre-settler cultures.

Also if you notice, every single indigenous group in that chart except for Greenland and French Polynesia is an ethnic minority in its country, so if you’re suggesting that it has an anti-European bias for not recognizing white Europeans as indigenous to Europe then that would also make it anti-Chinese for not recognizing ethnic Han Chinese as indigenous to China, anti-Indian for not recognizing ethnic Indians as indigenous to India, and anti-Kenyan for not recognizing ethnic Kenyans as indigenous to Kenya because that’s just the bizarre categorization they use, not some specifically anti-white thing

>> No.16152768
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>> No.16153427

all part of the jews' white genocide scheme

>> No.16154300

what so special about being the first colonizer?