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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 234 KB, 640x719, Langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16078746 No.16078746 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't he do math and physics? With his reported IQ, he could've become the next Feynman or Witten, right?

>> No.16078748

Because he's a fraud and a quack

>> No.16078749


>> No.16078750

I'm not even impressed by legitimately accomplished smart people, if they're arrogant shitlibs. I witnessed their hysterical descent from their Obama era cultural prestige into their current bitter moralizing, and it was gratifying.

>> No.16078751

How so?

>> No.16078768

Because he doesn't believe in free will. He fell for the computation meme.

>> No.16078769

Because he didn't go into math or physics

>> No.16078785
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because he's got more important things to think about

>> No.16078787
File: 19 KB, 298x176, 2017-11-18_12.52.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't go into math or physics
Dont worry, he never worked alone.

Second, you dont understand what "Polymath" means. Many fields means YOU ARE AN ANT TO GIANTS, SIT DOWN WHEN YOU SPEAK UP.

>> No.16078788

The biggest hurdle he has is that he is semantic and linguistic cognitive, not logic and analysis cognitive, so he has trouble with math, even if he might be, underlying might, higher than 145.

>> No.16078789

>We white people
Really? I thought he was a quadroon.

>> No.16078825

Oh look, it's another "why don't people smarter than me do the things I think I would do if I were as smart as them" thread. Maybe he simply has different interests and doesn't feel like he owes you anything. If he wants to use his brains to run a ranch or whatever it is he does out in the middle of nowhere, what business is that of yours?
>But he could be important and famous and shit.
Midwits are obsessed with external validation of their self image of being smart and can't understand people who don't need an award or magazine to validate their intelligence. That's why they keep making this type of post whining that people smarter than them don't do that things they thing they would do with the same abilities.

>> No.16078829

OP is a Fields Medalist and just wants the best for everyone.

>> No.16078891

Shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.16078915

Chris Langan believes in free will strongly

>> No.16079135

Mathematically, you can’t even deny white people are being systemically attacked, because they absolutely are, numbers wise.

It doesn’t matter if you think it’s intentional or not. Numbers don’t lie. And it’s okay to be racist toward white people.

>> No.16079146

just add on that its okay to be racist against everyone else as well and this is a decent take

>> No.16079149

If only. Only white are truly villains. “You can’t be racist to white people, and black people definitely can’t be racist themselves” is such an insane sentiment.

I don’t remember white kids rounding up black kids either when I was growing up, but the reverse (black kids rounding up white kids) is apparently happening now. Weird.

>> No.16079217
File: 30 KB, 940x627, rick-rosner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reductio ad absurdum.
Langan bases his "200IQ" fame on a high-range IQ test.
Let's assume this high-range IQ test is legitimate.
Rick Rosner outperformed Langan on the same test AND didn't get caught using pseudonyms to game the test.
Everyone sane agrees that Rick Rosner is a dumb woke Jew whose IQ doesn't cross 130.
Ergo, either the high-range test is dubious or Langan is not the smartest man in the world.

>> No.16079231

>Smashed Titan test (every question right).
>Didn't attempt Titan test. Whined in Noesis journal when people suggested revalidating members (I wonder why).
langan played it off as "lol, you plebs are too low-iq to design a test for me," but it's obvious he was terrified of being restricted to one attempt (because submissions would be accepted from only members) and not being able to use the pseudonym tricks he used for the mega test

>> No.16079252 [DELETED] 

I was intrigued by Langan and thought surely Gladwell and ABC would've performed due diligence, but there's ultimately nothing there.

In one IQ test, he admitted cheating but argued it wasn't cheating because "I promise that was the only fake name I used."

He apparently did the WAIS, which is meaningless because his wife is a neuropsychologist with access to the WAIS and because anyone can walk into most college libraries and master the WAIS. Publicly available IQ tests can't certify someone who's bent on being seen as high-IQ. An original test would have to be designed.

He claims to have smashed a SAT test with 100% -- which WOULD be significant because old SAT tests used to correlate strongly with IQ -- but refuses to provide any evidence of it in the form of an academic transcript or whatever.

>> No.16079259

I was intrigued by Langan and thought surely Gladwell and ABC would've performed due diligence, but there's ultimately nothing there.

In one IQ test, he admitted cheating but argued it wasn't cheating because "I promise that was the only fake name I used."

He apparently did the WAIS, which is meaningless because his wife is a neuropsychologist with access to the WAIS and because anyone can walk into most college libraries and master the WAIS. Publicly available IQ tests can't certify someone who's bent on being seen as high-IQ. An original test would have to be designed.

He claims to have smashed an SAT with 100% -- which WOULD be significant because old SATs used to correlate strongly with IQ -- but refuses to provide any evidence of it in the form of an academic transcript or whatever.

>> No.16079388

>I'm not even impressed by legitimately accomplished smart people, if they're arrogant shitlibs.
they literally don't even think about you at all.

>> No.16079556

Why wouldn't he want to accomplish anything?
>what business is that of yours?
It is my business what other people accomplish

>> No.16079975

transportation problems

>> No.16079998

Is only a small fraction of intelligence. There are so many variables to this.
1.) Scoring high on an IQ test would require good vision, and not everyone has good vision. So, are people with bad vision stupid?
2.) Recognizing patterns and solving simple math problems does not represent the complexity of the brain. It is much more capable than what IQ tests can show.
3.) I know people with high IQs that struggle with backing into parking spaces, and understanding the basic functions of a motor vehicle.

Conclusion: IQ tests are not a valid measure of overall intellect. They are dumbed-down, and do not catch all aspects of the brain's capability.

>> No.16080294
File: 22 KB, 414x308, 1546305634094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let him speak for himself

>> No.16080383

Won’t happen. White people are too weak to see themselves as the superior culturalists they are.

>> No.16080389

What has Chris ever done for White people and humanity as a whole?

>> No.16080398

uhh he's like super smart and based and redpilled and you should take him seriously

>> No.16080616
File: 164 KB, 1196x754, 1607795097717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put thoughts into words

>> No.16080680
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>> No.16080753


>> No.16080759 [DELETED] 

> his reported IQ
his self-reported IQ

>> No.16080774

No, only weakly.

>> No.16081341

The ivory tower of academia is gatekept by a bunch of chosenites, and Langam is a very very bad goy

>> No.16081480

Can we build some other towers, please?
They make scientists pay for their publications?
How more humiliating can academia be?
They say it was developed by the church, and it shows.
Peer-review should be substituted by indexed crowd-review (because when you want to publish something groundbreaking, they cannot even peer-review it, because they don't have peers)
This great man explains the situation in the second half of the video:

>> No.16081483

Has the Mega test ever been audited by anyone who specializes in IQ psychometrics? Is there any legitimacy to it at all?

>> No.16081518


>> No.16081535

Assuming we're applying normal distributions at that level then you can just have a bunch of mensa members take it (or any test) and use that to index it.

Of course there are multiple reasons that fails but in theory it can be done

>> No.16081551
File: 334 KB, 1080x1040, Screenshot_2024-03-16-10-37-57-81_f541918c7893c52dbd1ee5d319333948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so Chris's IQ is around 163 and Rosner's is around 167.

>> No.16081555

Chris cheated, though, so can't infer anything. Rosner is 120 IQ at best.

>> No.16081563

I'm using both of their scores before they both took it a second time (42 and 44 according to that one greentext)
And if by cheated you mean took it a second time then they both cheated

>> No.16081576

If someone were to keep mailing in Mega tests under different pseudonyms, using the score feedback to crack the entry threshold of 42, it would likely look exactly like Langan's situation where his "only one pseudonym, I promise" pseudonym arrives with 42. He's never once offered a cogent explanation why he was using a pseudonym. He can't really say it was for anonymity, because he started Langan posting in their journal the moment he was accepted.

>> No.16081578

he means
>42 on first attempt of Mega test, using at least one pseudonym that he's confessed to and possibly countless others to game out answers to tougher questions

>> No.16081585

the nigga guilty af

>> No.16081587

He got filtered by the concept of an open set.

>> No.16081591

I knew what he meant but that is largely baseless speculation
To be clear I don't have a pony in this race I didn't know who Rosner was until this thread and I've only ever been annoyed by and avoided Langan spam here

>> No.16081593
File: 104 KB, 304x360, 1710612535139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright IQ sisters, where can I find this Mega test? I'm gonna beat Langan's score.

>> No.16081595 [DELETED] 

kek, not langan, but look at this christcuck midwit who got accepted:
>I received a public school education, and I was in no way a child prodigy. I did poorly on spelling tests, and had a little difficulty obtaining correct answers to arithmetic problems. I cannot remember ever trying to learn one of those weekly spelling lists, as they seemed silly to me. I was ashamed of my inability to correctly add a column of numbers, and probably should have practiced more, but I really hated arithmetic.
After taking the Mega Test, one time when I was back in Minneapolis, Minnesota, I went to the school administration and asked for a copy of my school records. I found that in 4th grade I had been tested to have an IQ of 115, and that in 6th grade I had been tested to have an IQ of 117. These results were from some kind of written test taken in a group. There is no reason to suppose that these results are in any way inaccurate.

>> No.16081597

>The scoring fee for each test is $10 USD, payable via Stripe.
Hahaha, no. The real test is whether someone is stupid enough to pay.

>> No.16081599

IQ can change over onces childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. That certainly arouses suspicion but it's not a smoking gun.

>> No.16081600

[fixed quote]
kek, not langan, but look at this christcuck midwit who got accepted:
>I received a public school education, and I was in no way a child prodigy. I did poorly on spelling tests, and had a little difficulty obtaining correct answers to arithmetic problems. I cannot remember ever trying to learn one of those weekly spelling lists, as they seemed silly to me. I was ashamed of my inability to correctly add a column of numbers, and probably should have practiced more, but I really hated arithmetic. After taking the Mega Test, one time when I was back in Minneapolis, Minnesota, I went to the school administration and asked for a copy of my school records. I found that in 4th grade I had been tested to have an IQ of 115, and that in 6th grade I had been tested to have an IQ of 117. These results were from some kind of written test taken in a group. There is no reason to suppose that these results are in any way inaccurate.


>> No.16081601

You think 10$ is exorbitant? Are you poor?

>> No.16081602

it's not langan. just thought it was funny to see a member writing that.

>> No.16081607

>(added for Web publication)
>[Note: "Eric Hart" is a pseudonym of Chris Langan.]
Hmm. I wish the /sci/ historian who made the pic post >>16079217 left more notes. There's just way too much to dig into, and my interest is quickly waning.

>> No.16081620

if a kiwifarms lolcow thread got started, those antisocial faggots would digest all those journals in under 24 hours.

>> No.16081629


Ok, bunch of sources saying that Eric Hart was indeed the pseudonym he used for the Mega test to get 42, and there is official confirmation in the journal that Hart = Langan. So that part checks out at least.

>> No.16081636

iirc, there was some in-fighting when it was learned that langan got in with a pseudonym, it was proposed that all members be sent a fresh test, and then langan had a meltdown.

>> No.16081699


Goddamnit, people are so fucking retarded. It is not a role playing game INT score.

>> No.16081832

Man imagine if it was though. I'd be able to cast so many spells.

>> No.16082405

Langan isn't a hack nor is he a fraud. He's the real deal and will save the West.

>> No.16082552

Yes you do, and you will be cut in half with a chainsaw in the civil war.

>> No.16082555

>INT score
how tf did games manage to associate intellect with fucking spells? for understanding the magical tomes or?

>> No.16083306

meh, after reading this thread in full, I admittedly feel like an idiot in giving Chris the benefit of the doubt. I still think he's a very bright guy, but obv. his IQ claim is dubious.

>> No.16083312

>reads too much tim pool
nobody is afraid of the tim pool cuckservative civil war fanfic. the dude is too insecure even to remove a beanie.

>> No.16084869

>Be careful.
Or what? Why act tough when all he does is post on social media like a zoomer.

>> No.16084934
File: 95 KB, 599x746, the-alchemist-andrew-farley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Across a large IQ gap everything looks magic. Hence r/ifuckinglovescience.
Now imagine a post-collapse society with no public education. The science guild comes to your village each year to administer the mystical "IQ test" to the children. As the highest scorer you are offered an apprenticeship. After 7 years assisting geriatric nerds with their interpolations and p values you return to visit your parents.
The lord commander now treats you as an equal. People bring you sick children and you administer basic medicine. Some want to see a demonstration of your powers, so you do the sleight of hand tricks you were taught by that creepy old chemist who spent the last 20 years trying to rediscover the formula for viagra. Everything you do is now a "magic spell".
You sort of can though. Especially now that people run a lot of their lives from laptops and smartphones. I've baked people's boards in the oven to reflow the solder after a black screen of death and they act like I'm doing some kind of voodoo ritual.

>> No.16084995

What was his WAIS score? Also, what do you mean the WAIS (and I assume by this you mean even the WAIS-IV) could be beaten by anyone with access to a public library? The WAIS-IV hasn't been leaked.

>> No.16085463
File: 290 KB, 828x943, 1581874996053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and this

>> No.16085704

>could be beaten by anyone with access to a public library? The WAIS-IV hasn't been leaked.
not him, but I saw the WAIS-IV kit in the reference "not for borrowing" section of the college library where I had a community membership.
if it's true that langan's wife is a neuropsychologist, she would almost certainly have access to it too.

>> No.16085709

Seems true:
>In 2004, Langan moved with his wife Gina (née LoSasso), a clinical neuropsychologist

>> No.16085751
File: 28 KB, 500x333, image.imageformat.930.2036227509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Scott Aaronson is so smart, why is he so short?