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16050595 No.16050595 [Reply] [Original]

Do tattoos cause cancer?

>> No.16050598 [DELETED] 

I'd be more concerned about the covid mRNA "vaccines"

>> No.16050603
File: 1.35 MB, 342x316, 1685982700801978.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The New York Post (NY Post) is an American conservative daily tabloid newspaper
>owned by Rupert Murdoch

>> No.16050620

>study trib....
why not just a DOI?

>> No.16050624 [DELETED] 

Do the carpets match the drapes?

>> No.16050627

no idea, but that shit ends up in the liver and some isn't dealt with efficiently

>> No.16050686

The inks used for tattoos aren't meant to be injected into the skin, and there's no regulatory body overlooking this industry. If drinking the ink is poisonous, then I won't expect injecting them into the skin to be safe either.

>> No.16050700

I would laugh if they actually used cadmium pigments for the brighter warm colors.

>> No.16050715

Everything you need to know, a serious source and not a toilet paper


>> No.16050740

and gay

>> No.16051158

FDA says high fructose corn syrup is good for you and the covid vax is "safe and effective".
Sure would be nice if people would stop posting government propaganda on /sci/ as if it were believable information

>> No.16051175

So you believe tattoos are not only safe but should be acquired. Surely you're covered in tats?

>> No.16051190

>FDA says high fructose corn syrup is good for you
They don't and you're an imbecile. Fructose and glucose are better for you than all other carbohydrates. I would rather have 30 grams of corn syrup a day than maltodextein and other crap. Rice and wheat grainslop is horrible for you, drastically worse than corn syrup.
>and the covid vax is "safe and effective".
You're making antivaxxers look like idiots with your momblog bitching about HFCS.

>> No.16051251

are there any degenerates on /sci/ with tattoos? have you gotten cancer yet?

>> No.16052599

I have no tattoos and am cancer free.

>> No.16052604

Does carbon black cause cancer?, I think it's just pure soot so maybe. but who cares

>> No.16052715

they decrease the effectiveness of the immune system due to the ink being absorbed into the lymphatic system

>> No.16053273

>Fructose and glucose are better for you than all other carbohydrates
do you even know starches are carbohydrates or no? lmao

>> No.16053780

two more weeks and the spike-whatevers do something

>> No.16053783

The skin is the body's largest detox organ.

>> No.16053787 [DELETED] 

They've already done a lot, anon, a lot. How are excess mortality rates looking in your country?

>> No.16053791

Just took a wicked stinky shit 10 minutes ago, a beer shit. I can't even describe the smell, it was sort of like sulfur.

>> No.16053821
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>If drinking the ink is poisonous, then I won't expect injecting them into the skin to be safe either.
anything you use on your skin gets absorbed into your body
if some lotion, cream, sunscreen etc says "don't eat or drink" then don't put it on your skin, simple as

>> No.16053827 [DELETED] 

Funny, I'm a borderline alcoholic, but I only drink red wine, and my shits are smoothe and healthy.

>> No.16053830

It fucks your lymph nodes which yes will lead to cancer. Not my problem however also not vaxxed. Speaking of a damaged immune system + a ton of tats is really going to end up as turbo cancer

>> No.16055157

thats not what they use for tattoos

>> No.16055861

That pretty much proves tattoos cause cancer

>> No.16057270

cancerous people are attracted to tattoos, so this is a chicken & egg question

>> No.16058213

Why is it that every big trend thats shilled by jew media ends up causing harm to the intended audiences of goyims?
Its almost as if the media jews are doing it on purpose

>> No.16058232

in burgerland conservatives are skeptical of products and brands while those who call themselves leftists shill for industry

>> No.16059211
File: 162 KB, 846x1074, 1571488694201352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in every democracy the dumbest 50.0001% is easily manipulated pawns of the ruling class.
thats why democracy is a fundamentally stupid ideology

>> No.16059225
File: 189 KB, 1x1, tattoos-what-is-their-significance.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The prevalence of tattoos is higher among people with mental disorders and those likely to come in contact with mental health services.
thats why holocausting them is good

>> No.16060693

Good article, thanks for posting it.

>> No.16061793

people with tattoos should be avoided at all costs, the japs are right about that

>> No.16062367

They're right about a lot of things, but they're especially right about tattoos

>> No.16063739

ppl with tattoos are cancer

>> No.16064667

you're me

>> No.16064669

breathing cause cancer

>> No.16065693

How many tattoos do you have?

>> No.16066936

Why is it like that?

>> No.16066949

Probably but compared to other aspects of our deeply unnatural living, I do not believe tattoos are a major contributor to cancer morbidity.

a bad gut microbiota is likely far more cancer inducing

>> No.16066955

how do i get a better one, or find out if mine is fucked?

>> No.16066969

lactobacillus dietary supplement but you should also start eating more healthy

cooking your own food is a good place to start. Avoid fast food.

>> No.16067077
File: 29 KB, 474x315, 1702610252235312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do i get a better one
eat whole foods, avoid processed foods, avoid sneed oils, avoid refined sugars, avoid grains
for example if you want to buy cheese, don't buy the "cheese products" with 50 ingredients and 5 industrial processed behinds its making, instead buy parmigiano reggiano that has 2-3 ingredients and is made from raw milk - use this principle for everything
a healthy gut microbiome requires adequate nutrition, a lot of people in the west are deficient in micronutrients like iron because of the fear mongering around red meats
>try eating (preferably 100% grass fed) organ meats such as beef/calve liver or heart, they're a great source of a lot of micronutrients, ground beef and muscle meats are fine too but not as nutritious
>try fermented products like kefir (usually is perfectly digestible even if you're lactose intolerant), saurkraut, kimchi, kombucha
>try raw honey (never heated, never processed) from a local source
>try raw milk
>saturated fats are not bad for you, eat butter, cheese, eggs etc
eating some raw animal foods are optimal for a healthy gut, like some raw cheese, milk, butter, eggs or even meats
even if you don't follow 99% of my suggestions here, the least you can and should do is
>1. avoid processed foods
>2. avoid sneed oils

>> No.16068489

>even if you don't follow 99% of my suggestions here
>t. less than 100 suggestions

>> No.16068996

>>t. less than 100 suggestions
lurk for 2 more years then kill yourself newfag

>> No.16070029 [DELETED] 

good looking picrel

>> No.16071142
File: 299 KB, 497x370, eggcellent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cheese board with leg & egg

>> No.16072997


>> No.16073738 [DELETED] 

Sure hope so

>> No.16073889


Nice conspiracy theory, loser.

>> No.16078017 [DELETED] 
File: 411 KB, 2000x1333, this bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16078586 [DELETED] 

This, so much TSMT

>> No.16079866 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, tmEdsHefB3xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure would be nice if people would stop posting government propaganda on /sci/ as if it were believable information

>> No.16079930

>if some lotion, cream, sunscreen etc says "don't eat or drink" then don't put it on your skin, simple as
Pesticidebros... Are we causing our generations to be become unhealthy?

>> No.16079938

>Pesticidebros... Are we causing our generations to be become unhealthy?
yes we are
lets stop this degeneration by only eating naturally fed animals

>> No.16080968 [DELETED] 

can i feed myself by absorbing edible fats through my skin and completely circumvent the digestive tract that way?

>> No.16081111

yes and you should
this is medical advice

>> No.16081118

yeah but its incredibly inefficient. Through the mouth is the ideal way. However the most optimal route is injecting it directly into your bloodstream

>> No.16081969 [DELETED] 
File: 779 KB, 1488x420, 5cientist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks doc

>> No.16082479

What's that picture meant to show exactly? that occupy failed?

>> No.16082567

Ok brainiac what do they use then?

>> No.16082892

I hope so.
It would thin out the retard population.

>> No.16083542 [DELETED] 

what'd i miss?

>> No.16084462

this, never relax around ppl with tats, same goes for ppl with brightly colored hair

>> No.16085557

>those who call themselves leftists shill for industry
and they see nothing odd about that.

>> No.16085678

the american political system is a joke

>> No.16086829

Occupy successfully failed.

>> No.16086831

>Dr Vivek
I kneel

>> No.16087658

also blacks

>> No.16088803
File: 162 KB, 700x2100, flagheads1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pic made me hungry

>> No.16090006

lol, good pic

>> No.16091748

>proto polandball
i remember when those comics were floating around
and then someone came up with an even easier to draw art style, probably the same guy

>> No.16092884

Yeah, the epidermis and stomach/intestinal lining absorb the exact same things the exact same way. Thanks for the profound insight anon

>> No.16092886

that's why bourgeois* "democracy" is a fundamentally stupid ideology

correct, actually

>> No.16093104

>the epidermis and stomach/intestinal lining absorb the exact same things the exact same way.
you're boxing with shadows nigger, nobody said that
kill yourself faggot

>> No.16093761
File: 455 KB, 300x268, racist_gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the n word is racist

>> No.16093781

I've yet to see a different system that doesn't have much bigger fundamental problems.

>> No.16093787

i dont know but i hope so, i hate tattoo fags

>> No.16093788

stop noticing, its anti semitic

>> No.16093831

>the joooos are against tattoos now because er... THEY JUST ARE OK???

>> No.16095051

hereditary monarchy

>> No.16096945

This, hereditary absolute monarchs are the best government

>> No.16097359

That the people involved in it were easily manipulated useful idiots

>> No.16098718

also who it was that was doing the manipulation

>> No.16098731

That "occupy" not only failed, but corporations made sure it never happens again, by a massive rebranding in order to gather the support of the lowest common denominator.

>> No.16099858

stop being so antisemitic

>> No.16099870

Everything causes cancer, so yes

>> No.16099878
File: 265 KB, 1200x1493, hamilton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Post was founded by Alexander Hamilton with about US$10,000 (equivalent to $175,880 in 2022) from a group of investors in the autumn of 1801

>> No.16100526
File: 25 KB, 640x599, SpW3W7B9byz9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
