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16026386 No.16026386 [Reply] [Original]

Explain this

>> No.16026392


>> No.16026410

a youtube video is not a credible, peer reviewed study

>> No.16026438

>credible, peer reviewed

>> No.16026447

there is no credible peer reviewed study showing you're a faggot either yet here we are

>> No.16026452

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein causes blood coagulation and thrombosis by competitive binding to heparan sulfate
SARS-CoV-2 spike-dependent platelet activation in COVID-19 vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia
Surveillance of COVID-19 vaccine safety among elderly persons aged 65 years and older
Wong et al
rate ratios (RR) of observed outcome rates compared to historical (or expected) rates prior to COVID-19 vaccination.
pulmonary embolism (PE; RR = 1.54),
acute myocardial infarction (AMI; RR = 1.42),
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC; RR = 1.91),
and immune thrombocytopenia (ITP; RR = 1.44).
>S1 is sufficient to propagate inflammatory and thrombogenic processes in the microvasculature:
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein 1 Activates Microvascular Endothelial Cells and Complement System Leading to Platelet Aggregation
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces abnormal inflammatory blood clots neutralized by fibrin immunotherapy

>> No.16026479

Okay now you have to address the credible, peer reviewed studies.

>> No.16026710

I think it's good at this point. Vaxxies have so utterly disgraced themselves

>> No.16026725

I'm a vaxxie due to being forced to (I had to fly during covid for my job)
assuming I haven't had any symptoms of the vax except for the first day after my second shot (extreme heart flutter and fever, felt like I was dying), am I safe?
is there any way I can prevent the potential side effects of the vax?

>> No.16026728

More credible than the alternative claim

>> No.16026757

>make a bunch of claims
>ignore relevant statistical information in favor of case-specific information
name a more iconic duo

>> No.16027791
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for the newfags, I'll be reposting this in every vax thread

>> No.16027872

>am I safe?
without actual data from tests it's impossible to say. various ones that look at blood clot factors or igg4 stuff. if you can find someone to check you could even find out if your body is still producing spike proteins.
>prevent the potential side effects
best you can do is take supplements that help get rid of plaque/clots/calcification/scar tissue stuff like that. d3k2, protease enzymes (serrapeptase, nattokinase. bromelain usually with quercetin). aged garlic extract seems to be good. other normal inflammation reducing supplements like low dose aspirin (good for cancer prevention) or ginger or rhodiola rosea. NAC too. I just take them in general (not a vaxxie) but you should be taking them pronto. Probably adopt a low inflammation diet as well so cut carbs and oxalates if there is a family history of kidney stones (or maybe just for everyone). anyway usually I never help vaxxies but maybe you're not a leftist nigger so w/e
>Potent Thrombolytic Effect of N-Acetylcysteine on Arterial Thrombi

>> No.16028024

>Explain this
This is John Campbell, a retired nurse who pretends to be an expert in all of medicine while saying the exact opposite of what actual doctors agree on about everything whatsoever, and because he tells low-IQ dysgenic retards what they want to hear they take him seriously, and because there is no conspiracy to silence antivax bullshit YouTube recommends his videos on its front page while striking thunderch4d for debunking his retarded shit.

>> No.16028036


>> No.16028045

>due to being forced to

Nobody forced you, you fucking loser. You made a CHOICE, a choice you will have to live with for the rest of your life, however long it may last. You are the weakest and worst of humanity. You should have found a different job that did not require you to vaccinate for travel, but you didn't, because you're weak.

>> No.16028049

The studies are objectively wrong because millions have not died and presenting the calcified blood vessels of some fatass who ate too many burgers is not proof

>> No.16028073

>how it started
>99% effective
>how it's going
>millions have not died

>> No.16028093

Wheeeeew, anon... I'm sorry you're so retarded. Maybe one day you'll get laid.

Now, did you get your fall booster? Oh, why not?

>> No.16028146

>because millions have not died
Less than a third of excess deaths during the pandemic period have been "with covid". The other 2/3rds? Eh, who cares, probably nothing, but surely not the experimental injections. And yes there were millions but they don't count because, well, they just don't.

>> No.16028162

I love how everyone pretended to care so much about 6 gorillion grannies potentially dying in 2020, but as soon as the TV stopped telling them to care, they all just moved on. And even if they were to see the actual excess mortality data, they still wouldn't care, because the TV didn't tell them to.

>> No.16028183

Thank you for proving me right.

>> No.16028201

You didn't answer my question. Did you get your fall booster? Why not?

>> No.16028240

humanity is gonna be doomed anyways retard, the elites will kill all the rest of us and only they will survive and have robots work for them

>> No.16028269
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long live the new flesh

>> No.16028275

>You were right indeed. I apologize for my low IQ and will go back to /pol/.
Was it that hard to say?

>> No.16028741

oh dear, are the illuminati moon lizards doing gene therapy again?

>> No.16029499
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>> No.16029762

hey its that nurse that went schizo and then all the polantivaxxers latched on to

>> No.16029798

you're probably fine but you're also a retard for getting mrna instead of J&J (or novavax if you lived somewhere it was available early)
it was clear very quickly that the mRNA shots were worse for young men, while the side effect that got J&J pulled briefly was exclusive to women

>> No.16029942
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>> No.16029943
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>> No.16029944
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>> No.16030405

They don't show you the histology of the clots. Basic thing you do in autopsies. Fake & gay.

>> No.16030415

thank anon
>J&J or Novavax
none of that shit was available where I lived.
I knew a whole family who died (wife, husband, daughter in that order) after taking Novavax so I would've never taken that shit into my system anyway. I'd rather take the Chinese jab than the poison Novavax cause I've never seen anyone die from it.

>> No.16030430

more on the family: they were scared to death of the covid cough propaganda and were set on taking whatever they could get their hand on at the time. they weren't supposed to get the vaccine that early but they bribed the officials a hefty amount so they could get the Novavax. their family was wealthy. there weren't Pfizer or Moderna shit at the time in the country. After taking the jabs, their whole family died one after another in 2 weeks. now thinking about it, I am leaning more toward maybe the batch of Novavax they took was expired or they were given fake jabs or something.

>> No.16031730

>PhD in nursing
>using Dr
Anyone with PhD, using Dr in non academic settings is a fraud and should be discarded. In this case, John is trying to pass off as a medical doctor which he clearly isn't. He's just a technician injecting needles and cleaning piss shit off patients (respect for that tho).

>> No.16031758
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>ad hom
Into the trash

>> No.16031797

Ad hominem isn't always a fallacy. In this case, his personality is relevant because he's trying to be an expert figure of authority. A simpler example for your smooth brain is, would you trust if a hobo tells you to try this new street weed that apparently cured his self-diagnosed foot fungus?

>> No.16031821

>he's trying to be an expert figure of authority
Is he? Please cite one example of him using his credentials to claim authority, rather than analysis of available information.

>> No.16031834

How are you unable to properly categorize a youtube video? His videos are always data based and interviews. None of this is his authority. The spike brain has you running loops my guy.

>> No.16032662

How come nobody can come up with a rational explanation for whats on display and instead they all have to cope with insane conspiracy theories to explain it?

>> No.16032857
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>> No.16032954

Nursing education iirc. My neighbor had one of those. Basically they research best practices for maintaining patient health and improving recovery.

>> No.16033146

I really want to break your jaw and hands into splinters with a hammer, that is what you truly deserve.

>> No.16034311

its the vax

>> No.16034845

I want you to do that too

>> No.16034873

Wouldn't the virus, which carries S protein, do the same thing?

>> No.16034931

No, because outside of some insanely unlikely and unnatural scenario, the virus doesn't get distributed throughout the interior of the circulatory system.
Covid is a respiratory tract infection, affecting the mucosal membranes of your upper airways and, less commonly, your lungs. So even if your airways produce malformed proteinous structures from a natural infection, you can simply expel them as phlegm by coughing/snorting them out.

>> No.16035053
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Vaccines are contaminated.

Contaminated injections will cause some form of clotting.

Clotting will lead to some problems.
Problems will lead person to go to doctor.
Doctor then see clotting and fibrin due to tissue damage.
Then the prescribe "heparin" .
Because they assume "fibrin causes clotting" when fibrin is produced by tissue damage, and fibrin is required as repair mechanism.

Subsequently making a semi right diagnosis
>clotting (right)
>fibrin caused clotting (wrong)
>prescribe wrong meds for wrong diagnosis
>heparin (ironically) can cause clotting, when the cause of the clotting is not fibrin

Produce white heparin induced clots aka Heparin induced thrombocytopenia

>vaxx causes blood irragularities
>so people get anticuagulants by doc
>for example heparin (made by pfizer)
>or its new anticualuant
>anticuagulatns, cause other type of clots, then anticipated by diagnosis

So god know what happens if you combine all these pharmaceuticals.

>> No.16035843
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All you guys are so stupid. The point of covid has always been to make people question the authority of governmental health bodies like the CDC and the WHO. Then when a real deadly pathogen is released to facilitate the extinction of the human race, nobody is going to believe a word that people like Fauci say. Duh. Come on, guys.