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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 129 KB, 1631x1287, coldest game ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15970539 No.15970539 [Reply] [Original]

How cold does it have to get before it becomes too dangerously cold to play football outside? And how does something like this even happen if global warming is real? Does global warming cause cold weather?
>its cold because of global warming
seems fake af

>> No.15970561

Nobody ever claimed that climate change caused higher temperatures.

>> No.15970855

Al Gore's "global warming" at it again...

>> No.15970869

You fuckers wasted how many fucking years of the 90s with "there will never be snow again after 2003" bullshit and I am owed an apology.

>> No.15970872

Al Gore owes us ALL an apology.

>> No.15970892
File: 1.54 MB, 1024x768, WhereGWisgoing1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Earth is mostly water. What happens when the oceans get warm? Bigger storms and more crazy weather.

It's very simple, but what isn't simple is the think tanks that create inventive ways to befuddle people and confuse the facts. These are the same people who convinced everyone smoking is safe even it was well established it wasn't. There is a coordinated effort to get as many people as possible to believe a lie because if there were ever accountability for the biggest most powerful industry on the planet would suffer. They have the means, motive, and they have experienced experts who get paid to create convincing lies that other people parrot for them.

>> No.15970893

>And how does something like this even happen if global warming is real? Does global warming cause cold weather?
>What do you mean we're sinking? My side of the titanic just rose 30 meters

>> No.15970895

>What happens when the oceans get warm?
More beach resorts.

>> No.15970956

>What happens when the oceans get warm? Bigger storms and more crazy weather.
2023 was the 3rd weakest weakest year for tropical storms on record, 2010 was the 2nd weakest, 1998 the weakest.
The strongest seasons all occurred in the 1950, 60s & 70s, 1961 being the strongest. The strongest storms on record in terms of atmospheric pressure were Tip in 1979, June in 1975 & Nancy in 1961. Nancy was also the strongest in terms of measured wind speed.
How many years have you studied meteorology?

>> No.15970978

>weakest year for tropical storms
On the other side of the country they had their very first tropical storm watch.

see >>15970893

>> No.15970987

> On the other side of the country they had their very first tropical storm watch
Sounds like they are retards then. Storms have always threatened the Atlantic coast.

>> No.15971020

Hold up. So 2% of global warming is in the atmosphere while over 90% is in the oceans. The temperature (of the atmosphere) has increased by about 1°C over the years (since the instruments are measuring atmospheric weather). This is 2% of all global warming so therefore the earth warmed by 50°C, 90% of which went to the oceans. The oceans have warmed by 45°C over the years guys!
L to laugh the retards.

>> No.15971032

what is thermal mass ya dingus

>> No.15971039
File: 1.35 MB, 1290x980, IMG_5287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s cold in some place so that means the whole planet isn’t warmer overall

>> No.15971041

Real scientists call that the specific heat. Yes, water absorbs more heat than air. That doesn't refute what I said. If you're making the claim that the atmosphere has heated by 1°C and that it's only 2% of global warming, then the oceans have warmed by 45°C. It's very simple arithmetic, and it's weird that you can't follow it

>> No.15971068

Stop being pedantic.

>That doesn't refute what I said.
Yes, it absolutely does.
Are you pretending to be dumb just to make bad faith arguments and confuse other people? Or do you need this explained simply?

>> No.15971072

I'm a scientist (unlike you). It's job to be pedantic. The fact you unironically used the term thermal mass exposes your ignorance to the physics at play. Like a scientist, I don't accept a single unscientific term like "thermal mass" as a reputation to a quantitative argument. Imagine you published a paper (lol, as if) with your stupid infographic, then I peer reviewed it. If you responded with "thermal mass", I'd make sure your paper didn't published. Then again, you'd have to be an actual scientist to know how this stuff works. The reason you didn't refute it (and won't) is that you don't understand the topic enough to, and just shilled an image without knowing what it means.

>> No.15971087


>> No.15971100
File: 124 KB, 1189x674, hurpderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except this is an anonymous mongolean basket weaving forum. Nobody cares about your appeal to authority.
When you anonomized the only thing that should matter is how logical and factual someone is.

I still can't tell if you're serious BTW because you said you understand but demonstrate you don't. I'll explain. Simply put, matter is what holds heat energy. There's more matter in the ocean than in the atmosphere. Therefore the ocean can hold more of the energy from the sun. Also because the ocean is bigger it takes longer to heat up. So not only does the ocean take longer to heat, but it also holds more energy than the atmosphere. Now do you understand why I balked when you said something dumb like >2% of all global warming so therefore the earth warmed by 50°C, 90% of which went to the oceans. The oceans have warmed by 45°C over the years guys!
Even now I'm still not certain if you're just pretending to not understand this or actually don't as a "scientist."

For a more comprehensive explanation see

>> No.15971108
File: 23 KB, 406x395, check the date.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really weird you claim an increase in heat only AFTER 1980 when there were claims of increases in heat since the beginning of the 20th century.

>> No.15971112

who are you responding to?
are you a hallucinating AI chatbot?

>> No.15971113 [DELETED] 

Kys Nerd

>> No.15971114
File: 288 KB, 1893x1468, 404 global warming not found.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The temperature (of the atmosphere) has increased by about 1°C over the years
no it hasn't

>> No.15971191

So misleading. Earths oceans mass is about 1.5e21 kg, and the specific heat of ocean water is about 4000 J/(kg °C). An average change of 200 zetajoules (zomg big number!!) is about
>∆T ≈ Q/(mc) = 200e21/(1.5e21*400) = 0.75°C
That's what all this fuss is about? And you're claiming that 0.75°C increase in ocean temperatures is causing global weather disasters? Spare me. Instead of saying 90% of global warming is absorbed by oceans, or that ZOMG ZETAJOULES of energy are absorbed by the ocean, just say what you fucking mean that the ocean temperature increase is less than a fucking degree Celsius. The reason you don't say the latter is twofold: you know it's impossible to substantiate your fear mongering regarding weather variations and secondly I suspect you literally couldn't do this calculation yourself.

>> No.15971197

>>∆T ≈ Q/(mc) = 200e21/(1.5e21*400) = 0.75°C
Sorry I made a typo. Should be 4000, not 400. I'll even be generous and use the upper bound in your plot for 350 zetajoules
>∆T ≈ Q/(mc) = 350e21/(1.5e21*4000) = 0.06°C
LMFAO that's what this is all about. My sides are in another fucking stratosphere holy shit

>> No.15971233
File: 18 KB, 211x197, 1467761289005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow stunningly cherrypicked to exclude all of the record highs in 2016's super el nino, 2020, and 2022-2023 sustained heat anomaly+el nino. weve got a MENSA member over here

>> No.15971237

It's worse than that.

The supposed absorbed energy was calculated *using their temperature data* to begin with

>> No.15971640


>> No.15972603

The weather has been changing for millions of years, you sperg.
Also, CO2 is beneficial for living things and not at all detrimental for climate.
Proof: Al Gore bought 2 seaside mansions with the money from An Unconveniant TRUTH

>> No.15972624 [DELETED] 

its a big regret of mine that i'll never live long enough to see earth with over 1000ppm co2 in the air and will never witness nature flourishing at it's maximum potential

>> No.15972646

>there will never be snow again after 2003
Literally no one ever said that

>> No.15972652

>the climate changed due to natural causes in the past, therefore, the current climate change is due to natural causes

>> No.15973209 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15973215 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15973798

Kek climate shill got so rekt here he moved to other threads. Checkmate

>> No.15973872

>I hunted this morning (bagged a yote) and live about 50ish minutes north of KC. It was pretty cold and it's snowing again.

But it's the midwest, where two jet streams fight for dominance. We're used to wild swings.

That being said, it's hard to argue that El Nino and La Nina events are not becoming more severe and unpredictable.

>> No.15975282

the weather hasn't changed even slightly in the past 40 years

>> No.15975286
File: 50 KB, 560x369, aral_sea_2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The climate has gotten so hot that major lakes are literally boiling away. Oceans are next if we do not take action.

>> No.15975345
File: 489 KB, 1080x1130, Screenshot_20240114_013449_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you retard that is due to USSR draining it to grow cotton.

>> No.15975409

dolphins SUCK

>> No.15975420

>literal capitalist propaganda
Is the Great Salt Lake being drained to grow cotton? How about the Great Lakes? Caspian Sea?

>> No.15975434

Normally the arctic circle keeps its weather well contained due to the polar vortex. It's essentially this massive vortex at the north pole. Lately though winters have been experiencing more extreme weather, since the polar vortex is weakening as the planet warms. This weakening effect means that the polar vortex is more likely to throw off pieces of itself onto the rest of the planet, and while this can mean transitively colder weather for the northern hemisphere, the arctic/antarctic are the fastest warming places on the planet.

>> No.15975447

This is all well and good, people will rejoice about "muh -30 degree weather" when it happens while ignoring the longer term temperature changes meaning that, outside of these coldsnaps, winter weather is on average warmer.

The real problems begin when the arctic warms enough that it no longer has such weather to "throw off".

>> No.15975865


>> No.15975892

>if i give the government more tax dollars they will use it to solve climate change

I'll believe anyone is serious about taking care of the environment when they agree to slam the door shut on mass illegal immigration. If that option isn't on the table, nothing the government comes up with will be anything other than a power/money grab. Climate change like illegal immigration is an issue that effects the masses. The government doesn't pass laws to benefit the people. They pass laws to benefit corporations and finance capital. Step 1 in solving climate change is a revolution that ousts the current ruling class.

>> No.15975920

>going close to -30 C last night

>> No.15976035

>hurr my side of the ship isn't sinking
Here in Nigeria we approached 140 degrees last week. The planet is boiling.

>> No.15976036

Its that normal? You're in the equator LMAo

>> No.15976039

Uhhh yeah I doubt that

>> No.15976776

the highest temperature ever measured in nigeria was 115º and that was 14 years ago

>> No.15976911

Why so many right wing retards on this board? AVERAGE global temperatures are rising. A mid January playoff game in middle America is cold. Who could've guessed? The record cold temperature for KC is -23F set in 1989. The cute factoid that this is the coldest NFL playoff game is a retarded argument.

>> No.15976975

>it not as hot as last year, but also less extreme cold

>> No.15977524 [DELETED] 

>reeeeeeeeee muh politcal spectum and sheeeeiiiitt
>>>/pol/ is the board for people who are obsessed with politics, this is the science and math board. enjoy

>> No.15977602

KEK, my friend from KCMO went to that game. Chiefs fans don't fuck around. They will literally freeze to death if need be.

>> No.15977650

Legitimate question for the global warming tards. If the global average temperature is rising at a dangerous rate, what do you make of the RECORD LOWS that are frequently occurring? Shouldn't they be rarer?

>> No.15978362

Here's a tip dipshit. Earth's temperature goes through cyclical motions.

>> No.15978458

They're only record lows because record keeping only goes back 100 years.

>> No.15978470
File: 2.32 MB, 2442x1652, Jan152m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global average and regional temperatures are simple concept, I don't understand your inability to get it.
The increasing disruption of the polar vortex due to warming sends cold air south and warm air to the poles.

>> No.15978737

If that were true, you wouldn't see consistent record highs on land since all the heat is in the poles. Are you the same retard who said the water is absorbing all the heat? A whole ≤ 0.8°C of it?

>> No.15979194

>what do you make of the RECORD LOWS that are frequently occurring? Shouldn't they be rarer?
Could you at least specify these "record lows"? KC didn't hit a record low. Please implore me, what record lows have recently been hit?

>> No.15979422

That isn't the world you dumb fuck. How can you be so myopic that's all you care about, meanwhile simultaneously shill global warming?
Coldest and hottest are recorded under temperature. By eye, you can certainly see many countries having the coldest recorded temperature in the past 20 years (you'll see it's not up to date). You'll also see many countries having their hottest recorded temperatures being over 20 years ago. You'll also see a lot of the coldest years clustered to a cold snap year in the 50s. If climatologists were honest they'd also track the 20 coldest years in recorded history. I couldn't find that data. It's because they don't care. All they care about is their agenda and finding, shall we say, the "correct" results. Imagine how damning it'd be if the IPCC published that most areas have a cluster of record lows recorded recently? Unlike you, some of us don't memory hole these things.

>> No.15979460


You are misinformed. There is no doubt that there is high variability in El Nino/Southern Oscillation patterns post 1960. 25-35% intensification is common across most any analysis. Before you state that number does not seem impressive, in an ENSO pattern analysis--it is very large. Upper 2.5 percentile in most models.

I'm not even claiming this is due to post industrialization. I don't know if it is. I do know the data points towards more intense, higher variability El Nino/La Nina patterns. One of the most thorough papers you can read on the subject:


I feel this is where scientists are simply poor at their job. Instead of focusing on warm/cold/change/whatever--from the start they should have focused on ENSO. ENSO drives most disasters, the most $$ lost during weather pattern shifts and is the most 'felt' by the ordinary person just trying to do their job.

As an example, again I'm from the Midwest. I hunt, hell I was raised on a dairy farm and now own 500+ acres of land with another 4kish likely in inheritance. My parents/grandparents don't know ice mass variations, sea level shifts or most any climate change indexes mentioned.

However, in my region if you say "El Nino" or "La Nina"---they sure as hell know what that means. Because that means drought or no drought.

>> No.15980283

https://www.writingtoiq.com says your IQ is 83

>> No.15980470

You know that just measures the frequency of uncommon words being used, right? You could type literally anything peppered with a few big words and it would give you a good score.

>> No.15980517


I've seen this often enough I'm pretty sure the writingtoiq responses are just bots.

>> No.15980536

I've seen several posts with common language getting 150+ IQ.

>> No.15980843

>1979 - 2000 baseline
>Range picking 21 years
>Earth is 4500000000 years old

>> No.15982129
File: 244 KB, 2749x1128, global cooling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Earth is 4500000000 years old
even in the short them they're cherrypicking their temperature range, earth has cooled off substantially over the past 5000 years.

>> No.15982140

you scored 83 even while using fancy, high character count words like misinformed, Oscillation, industrialization, intensification. why can't you stop making up lame excuses and just face up to the fact that a randomly selected, unbiased sample of your writing scored very low when put through IQ analysis

>> No.15982400

And there was a dip in the 60s and 70s so starting at 79 is a eager pick to start at a minimum. Common alarmist tactic.

>> No.15982401

*range pick

>> No.15983942

in the long term the universe is cooling so the global warming narrative is clearly a hoax

>> No.15983994

Yeah, I'm not him and you're completely wrong. I added in words from Bad Religion's "Germs of Perfection" randomly into his post and it changed the score to 138. I inserted them randomly and most of the additions are grammatically incorrect. See for yourself.
You are misinformed. There is no doubt that Lacerate there is high variability in El Nino/Southern propagate Oscillation patterns post 1960. 25-35% intensification is common across most any analysis. Before eviscerate you state that number does not seem impressive, in an ENSO pattern analysis--it is very large. Upper 2.5 percentile in most models.

I'm not even perforate claiming this is due to post industrialization. I don't know if it is. I do know the data evaluate points towards mutilate more intense, higher variability El Nino/La Nina obviate patterns. One of the most thorough papers you can read on the subject:

I feel cultivate this is where scientists Deprecate are simply poor repudiate at their job. Instead of focusing on Delegate warm/cold/change/whatever--from the start they should have focused on ENSO. ENSO drives most disasters, facilitate the most $$ lost during weather Separate pattern shifts and is the most 'felt' by the ordinary person just trying to do their job.

As an example, again investigate I'm from the Midwest. I hunt, hell I was raised on a dairy farm and now own 500+ acres of land with another 4kish likely in inheritance. My parents/grandparents don't know ice mass variations, sea level shifts or most any climate change indexes mentioned.

However, in my ameliorate region if you say "El Nino" or "La Nina"---they sure as hell know what that means. Because that adjudicate means drought or no drought.

>> No.15984011

Nah, it's some lame ass or a group of lame asses.

I highly doubt that. See >>15983994

>> No.15984022
File: 28 KB, 720x337, 1704747730071826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15984872

that pic really triggers you, why do it upset you so badly?

>> No.15984909

How common are tropical storms off California’s coast?

>> No.15984924

Why is it so badly cropped? You can't find the original or something?

>> No.15985145


Yeah I just came back to this thread and see him/her/whatever still replying---had no idea someone was actually taking the time to post shit like that.

The Bad Religion insertion example made me chuckle, Thesaurus Rock to the rescue.

>> No.15985509

I didn't used to care, but now it's a dumb meme where some idiot dismisses long informative posts because "writingtoiq.con says your IQ is low" while they completely fail to grasp the concept of IQ or how that website works, and try to show off the fact that they had a word-a-day calendar as a child.

Bad Religion has some pretty sick lyrics. Unfortunately I don't think that's going to convince that anon to stop posting, but they've got plenty of albums so it's not like I'll run out.

>> No.15986940

you have no idea how the writingtoiq.com software works and you only presume that you do because your IQ is low, writingtoiq.com says your IQ is 100

>> No.15986944

>some idiot dismisses long informative posts because "writingtoiq.con says your IQ is low"
that's the purpose of the website anon, lol. it's not to accurately predict IQ but to be used as a sort of authority to conveniently dismiss ideas without actually providing an argument. I keep telling you this

>> No.15987354

Not add in a handful of Bad Religion lyrics and watch the score jump up. I know exactly how that software works.

>> No.15987355

It's authority is weak because it's a thesaurus detector. It's a dumb meme that should die.

>> No.15987366

Actually, fuck it, I'll do it. These are from Bad Religion's "Get Off"

I didn't used to care, but Angular now it's a dumb meme where some idiot dismisses long informative posts because "writingtoiq.con says your IQ is low" while they Rectilinear completely fail to grasp the concept of IQ or how that scrutinize website works, and try to show off the fact that they had a word-a-day calendar as Dangerous a child.

Bad Religion has intricacies some pretty sick lyrics. Unfortunately I don't think that's going to convince Lascivious that anon to stop posting, but they've got plenty of albums so it's not like I'll run out.

Brought it up to 120. It just counts the frequency of uncommon words.

>> No.15987731

>Nobody ever claimed that global warming caused higher temperatures.

>> No.15987739

>global warming
>but it's not actualy global

>> No.15987746


>> No.15987937

>Global warming
>Actually it's just a rising average
>Deserts are warming up faster than northern areas are cooling
What a pathetic ""science""

>> No.15989070

are you a "New Denier" anon?

>> No.15990067

It does, in the 60s & 70s global temperatures were falling and soiyence faggots were screeching about the planet freezing to death.
their big complaint what that pollution from cars were blocking out all the sunlight

>> No.15990483

>How many years have you studied meteorology?
This is not just a "meterology" thing. To understand the planet, you have to look back as far as human records show us.

We already know why there are periods of warmth, cold, extended heat (your shoes will melt on the road, old people die more than usual) and extended cold (your beer freezes rather quickly, and old people die more than usual).

What keeps us warm? The sun.
What make it cold? Lack of the sun.
Why does it get warmer than usual? Earth + Sun. Why does it get colder... etc.

You know why solids heat up faster than liquids or gases - this is the same as why storms bring the temperature down quickly - more water particles in the air.

What puts water particles into the air? Evaporation.
Why do we have hotter summers? Less humidity. Why? How does evaporation happen? Energy from the sun. Why are there periods of more evaporation? Less? The Earth does not travel on an eliptical path. The Suns output is not constant.

You have enough information to begin working on the puzzle that is the weather and understand claims of global warming and global cooling are hystrionics and very little to do with humanity. Don't believe me? Deep dive into the weather of cities during COVID lockdowns. That's a real kick into the teeth of climate lies.

>> No.15990513

Another Tony Heller repost from the very same day as the original post: https://realclimate.science/2024/01/11/change-of-plans-2/

>> No.15991554

Are you the same guy who collapsed into Freudian infancy in the other thread?

>> No.15992231

Nice, clear, succinct!

>> No.15992235

You're presupposing a 1 degree ocean temperature change is devastating, or at least the worth trillion dollar pricetag for major infrastructure and industrial reform. That's never stated or proved in your posts. That's why people need to be "pedantic"

>> No.15992335

Look up the cost of inaction.

>> No.15993066

Nice, Tony Heller is awesome

>> No.15993407
File: 55 KB, 620x259, graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its also not warming

>> No.15993442

>Positive slope at end
>Not warming
Are you retarded? Just because it's colored blue doesn't mean it's cooling.

>> No.15993606

How many hominids were alive 50 million years ago?

>> No.15993752

6 million. They all died due to heat waves and food insecurity due to heat waves

>> No.15993755

Nope. The answer is zero. There were no hominids alive 50 million years ago. Hominids, their food, and their environment all adapted to the pre-modern climate which we are changing too rapidly for anything to adapt to the new conditions. When we see rapid changes like this in the fossil record it is always accompanied by mass extinction.

>> No.15993792

>It's very simple, but what isn't simple is the think tanks that create inventive ways to befuddle people and confuse the facts. These are the same people who convinced everyone smoking is safe even it was well established it wasn't. There is a coordinated effort to get as many people as possible to believe a lie because if there were ever accountability for the biggest most powerful industry on the planet would suffer. They have the means, motive, and they have experienced experts who get paid to create convincing lies that other people parrot for them.

That sounds like a conspiracy theory. How would this massive international network of thousands of scientists, politicians, business leaders, and journalists all organize and plan their nefarious disinformation campaign in a systematic and coordinated manner in multiple western countries without someone finding out?? If these evil "multinational" corporations and corrupt politicians are all scheming behind the scene, eventually someone would find out.

>> No.15993797

>If these evil "multinational" corporations and corrupt politicians are all scheming behind the scene, eventually someone would find out.
Everyone has. You're late to the party.

>> No.15993824

Can it with the antisemitism

>> No.15994843

hominid holocaust denier

>> No.15994860

>Hominids, their food, and their environment all adapted to the pre-modern climate which we are changing too rapidly for anything to adapt to the new conditions.
Woah, is that an assertion with zero evidence to back it up? Could it be? Is that a statement that is actually contrary to evidence?
>over half of species showing increases in range linked to rising temperatures.
Every time a species is recorded doing something differently or earlier or later than usual, climate cultists use it as evidence of how doomed we all are, instead of seeing it for what it is - adaptive behaviour. The climate has warmed 1c? Great now I can live 100 miles farther north than I used to. Great, now I can grow my first leaves of the year 1 month earlier. Etc etc etc.

>> No.15995124

Climate change linked mass extinction.

Earliest known hominid

>Every time a species is recorded doing something differently or earlier or later than usual, climate cultists use it as evidence of how doomed we all are, instead of seeing it for what it is - adaptive behaviour. The climate has warmed 1c? Great now I can live 100 miles farther north than I used to. Great, now I can grow my first leaves of the year 1 month earlier. Etc etc etc.
Woah, is that an assertion with zero evidence to back it up? Could it be? Is that a statement that is actually contrary to evidence?

>> No.15995228

Extinction is a fact of life. 99.99% of all species that have ever existed are extinct.
Your link about extinction linked to climate change is irrelevant - the claim you made was that the climate is changing too fast for "anything" to adapt. As long as one species on the planet is able to adapt to the changing world, then your statement is wrong.

Let me ask you a question: what would it look like if an organism was adapting? What evidence would support the notion that animals are adapting to climate change?

>> No.15995274

So let me get this straight. You don't care about collapsing ecosystems or whether or not humans and their food will be able to survive a sudden and drastic change to their environment, you just care that something somewhere, a microbe or some algae, will survive almost no matter what happens? You're about as disingenuous as the people who say "the Earth doesn't care what happens because it's just a big rock"

>> No.15995276
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>> No.15995280

>I can't read graphs or understand simple concepts

>> No.15995284

The same climate deniers are the ones also opposing environmental contamination regulation

>> No.15995285
File: 490 KB, 449x401, 1678037436525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>climatescience.org says something is because of global warming/climate weirding/climate alarmism or whatever they're calling it this week

>"the Earth doesn't care what happens because it's just a big rock"
The earth doesn't care because it doesn't have mind. Are you a pantheist?

>> No.15995287

Do you climate alarmists ever argue in good faith?

When was the last time even one of you admitted your countless doomsday predictions were total lies?

>> No.15995291

Why are you presenting ridiculous strawman argument claiming that environmentalists don't care about pollution or environmental degradation? Retard

>> No.15995328

But he's right, the failure of these climate extremists to even define, much less address environmental degradation is deafening. Why aren't they doing better, if it mattered?

>> No.15995341

>The earth doesn't care because it doesn't have mind. Are you a pantheist?
I don't know if environmentalists would be pantheistic in a proper sense, more of nature spiritualists since on pantheism the *insert regulatory target of the week here* molecules themselves are also divine and life/climate is irrelevant.

The unusual part is their language around actions taken toward things like "the earth" or "the environment" which seem to indicate they do believe in a personal moral agent that can be harmed or helped in some nebulous sense. It's difficult to pin down their exact religious traditions though, since their literature is almost entirely apocalyptic and is being constantly revised.

>> No.15995407

It's a metonymy, moron. 4chan is 18+. Come back after high school.

>> No.15995456

It always amazes me how climate cultists like you are selfish and berate others for not being selfish as if they're somehow selfish

>> No.15995457

Trash like you deserve a bullet in the head, you imbecile ignorant moron.

>> No.15995459

That fucker should be hanged, with the rest of neocons, leftists morons and their neoliberal masters.

>> No.15995462

You are the ones fucking everything just by existing. You are too stupid, too imbecile to do anything of value in your life. Kill yourself right now to save the planet.

>> No.15995465 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 591x738, green_morons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even understand those words you idiot. The planet will be far better if all of you get exterminated, you are nothing but imbecile parasites.

>> No.15995543

Get a grip dude. Al Gore made it all up.

>> No.15995550

Take your meds.

>> No.15996059

stop projecting, just because you're a drug addict doesn't mean that everyone else is too

>> No.15996401

Take your meds.

>> No.15997033
File: 205 KB, 1600x1000, tyrone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good pic
its funny because its true

>> No.15998290

No. Climate cultists starve real environmental issues of oxygen.

>> No.15998304

Eh, you're doing good work anon. If everyone could read at least some paleobiology, the world would be a better place.

>> No.15998985

Thats a big part of why the global warming hoax was started to begin with

>> No.16000396 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 750x500, 1706208240474624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16000641

Take your meds

>> No.16001620 [DELETED] 
File: 403 KB, 640x640, dial8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]