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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15940403 No.15940403 [Reply] [Original]

All of the journal articles that were used to justify mask mandates, vaccine mandates, lockdowns and vaccine passports are now being deleted. Not formally retracted, just deleted without notice.


>> No.15940451

Musk has made shitter even gayer somehow. Why the fuck do I care about a site where I can't even read the comments anymore?

>> No.15940457

you can read the comments on ni**er.net

>> No.15940488

get ready for the real killer covid then

>> No.15940501

>squeal for 4 years about MUH HEALTHCARE
>clap when the government shuts down normal healthcare services
>clap when the government made normal goods and services contingent on putting a corporate product in your body
>squeal for 4 years about MUH RUSSIA
>now the whole thing is being Stalined


>> No.15940520

They can argue that:
>1. the science necessitating these policy decisions did and does not depend on these articles
>2. the cost / benefit and risk / reward was and still is in favor of these policy decisions
>3. if not 2 then you're applying hindsight bias
>4. foresight at that time is hindsight bias and unscientific (guessing)
They will always find arguments to deny or justify their wrong doings. You still seem to cling to the idea that one day the ultimate got ya is presented and jutstice is served. The about the event will be stalled until no one cares anymore just like most of history.

>> No.15940524

This, it's always said "there will be consequences, they wont get away with it" only to make themselves feel better, there never is, the public is too complacent for it and too unwilling admit any potential lacking in their prior thought given to the matter and how such was largely determined by social reasons, rarely is there any evidence for accountability in situations such as these.

>> No.15940525

no they aren't

>> No.15940765

Why not just repost them on some website to draw attention at history being deleted?

>> No.15940781

I have been telling you all they have been doing this for millenia and did (not for medical journals that is a drop in the bucket)

>> No.15940788

>please visit my scam and essential oils website
>It's not a pyramide scheme, I promise!

>> No.15940829
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>> No.15940833
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Stupid moron.

>> No.15941526

now you know how and why that website got it's name

>> No.15941900
File: 345 KB, 720x707, Screenshot_20231226-185917_Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the article he is talking about.
330 articles retracted. The only ones which are reported (so the strongest cases they have) are about covid itself, not about the vax. The conclusions they draw is: science cannot be trusted and they are not always right.
330 articles over how many thousands? You will always find bad science everywhere, covid articles are simply way more scrutinised than other subfields. Retraction happens in science, especially in the medical field. On the contrary, retraction of faulty science just shows that the researchers are being held accountable, removing articles that were found to be not fit for publication. A retraction is almost a death sentence for researchers, it is tracked and shows up forever on their records. No one ever said science is infallible, but it's the best chance we have. If we adopted what picrelated suggests, we'd all go back to medieval living conditions.

>> No.15941911

>No one ever said science is infallible,
You really going to stand by such a blatant lie?

>> No.15941958

redditors and twitter users are not scientists nor a good source for opinions. No scientist will ever say such thing. Again, science is still the best we have got and the only reason we all live such a luxurious, long life.

>> No.15942037

>science is still the best we have got
no it isn't
>and the only reason we all live such a luxurious, long life.
why are soience faggots always awarding themselves credit for things they had no hand in doing?

>> No.15942042

what is wrong with essential oils? they are the soul "essence" of plants that are natural and effective medicines

>> No.15942089

>no it isn't
Oh we're supposed to praise jesus, make voodoo dolls and listen to alex jones on how to make a prosperous society?

>> No.15942791

>oy vey I hate christianity
the scientific method is a subset of christianity, if you're not a christian then you cannot execute the scientific method properly.

>> No.15942969

>330 articles over how many thousands?
>"Although retractions in medical journals appear relatively rare (2 to 4 in 10 000, or 0.02 to 0.04%), they have steadily increased in the past 20 years."

Unless there have been something like 825000 covid articles, this is a pretty exceptional retraction rate

That being said, if you look at the retracted articles, it seems like these articles would've agreed more with OP and the guy in OP's pic

>> No.15942988

The science has changed because of new evidence, Chud. Science is progressing while you're being left behind.

>> No.15943179

And nothing of value is lost

>> No.15943215

A psychopath doesn’t care if he is wrong, only that he is right.

>> No.15943709
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>> No.15943724

this is what is happening with the Epstein list

>> No.15943784

doesn't mean it provides wisdom and meaning though. it's just a method of looking at the world. a handy one to be sure but it can be corrupted by money, governments, and the peer review method.

>> No.15943864

1. What is then ?

2. He was crediting the scientific method , not himself.

>> No.15944162

I will obtain knowledge by mutilating your body while you are still alive.

>> No.15944165

This is the problem with digital journals or digital anything.
It's very easy to censor

>> No.15944197

sad that this poster with a functional prefrontal cortex and iq over 100 has to sit here and explain in plain english why science is the way it is to a bunch of gen z retards suffering from crippling social media anxiety and vape brain. i hope you all find a quick way to remove yourselves from the gene pool post haste

>> No.15944413

>this system is what keeps us away from medieval time
It was yet the exact medieval time protection racket got played again selling you covid protection through science preacher so the masses buy into their gospel.
>it holds researchers accountable
Exactly, it gave power to admin and mostly underserving staffs to coerse eggheads that fall out of line and scapegoat ones that did and got outrage from the public. The best part is they are not even credited on that paper because they dedicate themselves to set and enforce the climate and policy instead of research.
"Before we start the meeting, I see you are all wearing masks and got your shots, good, lets not talk about last week. It was a looot of work to relay that to Everyyy student and facalty and I hope you will remind your students as welllll even after covid awareness month. AAAAnd the uni president just announced the next would be academic integrity month from guest speaker that we had from a puffizer subsidiary and there is a mandatory self review report that needs to be turned in by next fridayyyy. That is all for the dept announcement"
No one calls this bullshit out at the spot and out loud other than the enraged schizo who can be immediately called the police on and any other softer and private suggestion would be dealt with "Ooohhhuuuuugh, you gotta talk to jenniffer or mingming about DAT" or "see you at closed door shaming session" where their gang have the number advantage.
The same goes with actually discussing your paper that actually invalidates the current thing.

>> No.15944532
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this is just schizo ramblings, you have never stepped into a university or attended a conference in your life.
almost like novax researchers of other fields were caught writing on a topic out of their depth. Novax dummies publishing on irrelevant no IF journals is still considered scientific publication (unfortunately) and will be retracted eventually.

Anyway, on PubMed (most well known bio-medical database for papers) has 404602 papers published (still a low estimate), 330 is 0.08%, higher than the average but the volume of publications on covid is exceptionally high and fast, which of course contributes to more low quality papers being published than normal. This is absolutely fine. Some indians jumping on the covid hypetrain and publishing shit papers are not the reason why you were given the vax, calm down. No, they didn't base it on that shit 0.08% of papers.

>> No.15944565

Retractions are usually followed by a notice about wy it is retracted and a trail is made availale for tools such as Zotero.

>> No.15944581

That would not be true. The real schizo went to the same school was called police on by jewish socialogy professor from berkley years ago. I was writing thesis in masters when covid hits and the whole thing is just contracted to process image and I nigger rigged some code and write about it. Perhaps Im a schizo after all, having difficulty writing in a linear fashion.

>> No.15944588

that’s statists for you

>> No.15945484
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they're very dumb and easily manipulated, dumb people can't have a consistent philosophy or ideology, they're too dumb to maintain it, so they just go with whatever the current thing seems to be

>> No.15945507

People who think like Alex Jones (the founding fathers of the United States) designed the freest and most prosperous nation to ever exist on this planet (that we know of) while morons like you are in a race to the finish line to destroy it. They would have tarred and feathered you and all the other branch covidians in the town square.

>> No.15945560

the only thing is i can't seem to find these deleted journals
like there should be 404's all over the literature from all the papers that cite those papers, right?

>> No.15945933

You can't, sadly.

>> No.15946878

you never bothered looking, enjoy your headcannon fantasies

>> No.15946962

Are you gonna circumcise me?

>> No.15947310
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>> No.15948378

>All of the journal articles
>are now being deleted

thats how it should be, selective deletions are just pussyfooting around the real issue

>> No.15948385

>All of the journal articles that were used to justify mask mandates, vaccine mandates, lockdowns and vaccine passports are now being deleted. Not formally retracted, just deleted without notice.
Name literally just one

>> No.15948852
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>> No.15948863

>has 404602 papers published (still a low estimate), 330 is 0.08%, higher than the average but the volume of publications on covid is exceptionally high and fast

The total amount of "publications" and meme papers are completely irrelevant.
Also "covid" as keyword does not indicate topic s like "mask", "vaccines", "restrictions" or "lockdowns".
it's just about covid, in a wide variaty.

What is important:
>are the retracted papers those who where mass media pushed?
>are those retracted papers those which were cited and used as "proof" to enable the measurements

Nobody gives a fuck about 0 citations or circular referencing of meme papers

>> No.15948917

don't know about the case in OP but the study which informed (read: was used to push it in politics and media) the lockdown policy in england turned out to be total bunk and it also turned out the guy behind it had a long track record of publishing models that are completey wrong
now maybe that was an outlier but i doubt it

>> No.15949745

>also turned out the guy behind it had a long track record of publishing models that are completey wrong
Because thats what he is hired to do, to construct computer models that output politically convenient results. Science is a total scam, its only purpose is to justify government totalitarian control of ever aspect of people's lives

>> No.15949748

These "journals" never existed.

>> No.15949758
File: 305 KB, 1711x975, ICL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that was at Imperial College London. Don't let the institution that supported and stood behind him get away without their shared responsibility in all that mess.

>> No.15949850

Here's an idea then screen grab them or download those you have access to and put them on external hard drives. Truthers pro and anti mandates did that after it was discovered lockdowns were little more than WEF scams.
Unless you live in say Bejing or Mexico city where healthcare and human proximity is dubious at best most people don't need to do shit outside of say a literal plauge.
Also note the only way a plague could be spread in the 1st world today would be through a bio weapon so one would hope people would string up all the officials and people "warning" about it connected to groups like the wef.

>> No.15949988

This happens way to often but google won't tell you when

>> No.15950002

I would quite literally prefer to have them drawn and quartered. So yeah, those times is exactly where we are headed.

>> No.15950203

miss sci-hub? :^)

>> No.15951128
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>> No.15951895

thats most of the people on /sci/
and especially all the stupid college kids, if the corporate media is shilling it, the college kids believe it fervently

>> No.15951913

You are confusing the scientific method with child molestation since that is what jews such as christians have perfected.

>> No.15951914

>you're applying hindsight bias

That's critical thinking; I tried x and it didn't work.

>> No.15951917

>covid articles are simply way more scrutinised than other subfields

Gee I wonder why

>> No.15951921

>No one ever said science is infallible, but it's the best chance we have

Replace "science" with "capitalism" or "usa hegemony".
Also, some very influential people actually said that science is infallible during 2020 and 2021

>> No.15951928

>No scientist will ever say such thing.

No true scotsman fallacy.
Meanwhile Faucci was standing in front of the cameras saying "I am the science".

>> No.15951929

Praise science, wear masks and listen to Faucci.

>> No.15951932

>the guy behind it had a long track record of publishing models that are completey wrong

Neil Ferguson?? Was it Neil Ferguson?

>> No.15951937
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That fucking cunt needs to rot in prison and his fortune seized and redistributed to the NHS.