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15913201 No.15913201 [Reply] [Original]

During the COVID pandemic, and also before, I've heard the repeated argument that people "prefer natural immunity" - i.e. immunity obtained by surviving illness.
I don't really want to dive into why this is bullshit, if you're interested, kurzgesagt gives a nice overview: https://youtu.be/M-K7mxdN62M

This thread is about why people might think that. After all, if given the choice between immunity by vaccine and immunity by illness, then illness is by far more unpleasant, all side effects of the vaccine included. So even without any biological knowledge, you'd expect people to choose the jab that makes you feel bad for an afternoon over the illness that makes you feel worse for days.

That's where I'd like to introduce the IKEA effect.
>The IKEA effect is a cognitive bias in which consumers place a disproportionately high value on products they partially created. The name refers to Swedish manufacturer and furniture retailer IKEA, which sells many items of furniture that require assembly.
>A 2011 study found that subjects were willing to pay 63% more for furniture they had assembled themselves than for equivalent pre-assembled items.
Are people valuing the "natural immunity" higher because they had to suffer for it? Do they think it's better because they felt miserable acquiring it? What other reasons could people have to prefer pox/measles/flu parties over the respective vaccine?

>> No.15913205

maybe they trust the vaccine less retard

>> No.15913210

So they trust the measles? What have the measles ever done to earn their trust?

>> No.15913214

Ignorance and distrust prevail. They favored relying on natural immunity in case of illness rather than choosing it after falling ill. This closely relates to the human tendency to believe, in the face of adversity, 'this won't happen to me, I'm being cautious.' They may believe that smoking a limited amount of cigarettes, say 10 a day instead of a whole pack, won't cause lung cancer etc.

>> No.15913217

Reverse the question you fucking midwit. Ultimately, it's a matter of which you distrust more: a distant institution or the inherent functions of your own body?

>> No.15913218

what are you talking about? the OP is about covid and covid vaccines, i'm saying that why would people trust the vaccines over beating covid by themselves

>> No.15913223

but smoking 10 a day as opposed to a pack is indeed more healthy

>> No.15913233

No, it's just trust. If IKEA had for decades included, say, an explosive device in one out of every ten thousand or so packages, and IKEA resorted to extreme social pressures, propaganda campaigns, mass firings, etc. to convince everyone that they have to bring a package into their home which might be concealing an explosive device, then IKEA would be less popular.

>> No.15913250

I think what happened is that anti-vaxxers looked at statistics and saw that the median age of people dying of covid is about 80, and the number of people their own age dying of it was maybe 2 in the entire country, so they determined that there is no point in getting vaccinated against such odds. I call it the common sense effect.

>> No.15913252

>kurzgesagt gives a nice overview:
Stopped reading. Nice bait. You're not a scientist and never will be.

>> No.15913254
File: 1.78 MB, 480x480, vax scandal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immunity by vaccine
WHO changed definition of word vaccine. It no longer has to guarantee immunity to the disease. Update your shill script. Orange juice is now vaccine.

Btw they never tested it for stopping the disease from spreading, so your whole post is NULL.

Btw2 the newest stats show vaccine has NEGATIVE efficience rate, meaning the more doses of it you took, the greater the chance you will get ill.

Speed of science.

>> No.15913258

There is plenty of evidence that indicates in many/most cases immunity by natural infection is more robust than immunity by vaccination.
Vaccines currently cannot mimic or elicit a full adaptive immune response (which is the goal) and various adjuvants are added to increase efficiency. The mRNA vaccine itself was/is still fairly new and people did not want to be apart of a clinical trial for a disease that might give them flu like symptoms. If you determined your risk level was ending up with a fever and cough for a week and your other option was taking a relatively experimental vaccine that was sped out of development it doesn't seem that irrational.

>> No.15913303

But the functions of your body are the exact same. Do you even understand how a vaccine works?

>> No.15913305

No, it clearly states
> and also before

>> No.15913310

>After all, if given the choice between immunity by vaccine and immunity by illness, then illness is by far more unpleasant, all side effects of the vaccine included.
>starting a discussion with your opinion as objective truth
yeah, whatever. it's like asking why people think 2+2 equals 4. after all, 2+2 equals 5.

>> No.15913314

So they are really just looking at what might kill them? If they think “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”, they should definitely watch the video linked above.
> I call it the common sense effect.
Maybe you should find a name that reflects the fact that they’re wrong better? It appears as “common sense”, but in reality it’s just plain stupid.

>> No.15913317

Nope. Watch the video, read through the sources they cite. I’m not here to be a target of sealioning. The facts are not up for debate. The interpretation why people might act irrationally is.

>> No.15913342

>Watch the video
Advertising or begging

>> No.15913380

I don't know why I should. after all, everyone knows kurzgesagt are hacks that cite fake studies.

>> No.15913382

Lol if you were convinced to get that experimental shot for almost nonexistent symptoms, then you are a foolish idiot. I work with RNA. We are trying to cure genetic diseases that always cause death. Using RNA for generating vital proteins is...stupid.

>> No.15913385


>> No.15913386

Kill yourself

>> No.15913393 [DELETED] 
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> youtube
> wikipedia

>> No.15913394

I appreciate your concession, now please stop spamming this thread so that the adults can talk.

>> No.15913395

how many boosters retard?

>> No.15913397

Nice attempt to derail the thread, but this isn't about me. I'm just an observer, I don't interfere.

>> No.15913399

six then? Sounds like you got tricked into about six. So now go fucking die then lol. Stephen colbert may not have had your best interests in mind idiot. Fuck you thread

>> No.15913400

Nice try, wrong, and also shut the fuck up.

>> No.15913420

good boy you get your donut!

>> No.15914047

>Do you even understand how a vaccine works?
Do you? When you get the flu, or a cold, does it get injected into your shoulder, or does it begin in the respiratory tract? Do you think localized immunity at the shoulder is the same as localized immunity in the mucosa of the respiratory tract? Does a virus carry mercury, aluminum, and or LNP's with it? One of the criticisms of vaccines that are introduced through the lymphatic system is that they result in little localized protection at the mucosa level. There's been an effort to circumvent it using vaccines that are placed in the nose, but for the most part they've been a failure. Injecting through the shoulder is more reliable, but there's still very little immune response, hence the metals or LNP's in order to cause inflammation and force the immune system into action. But now there's very little carry over to the mucosa, so the person can get still sick. The purported benefit is if the infection goes systemic then they'll be adequately protected, but many respiratory infections never get past the respiratory tract.

>> No.15914053

Kill yourself my man

>> No.15914137

How many times have you taken a flu shot in your whole life ?
Was it ever worth getting jabbed for such a stupid illness ?

Now imagine a virus that is essentially the flu, which you ordinarily never would get the shot for, and its relative jab has pretty good chance, for a vaccine, of killing you.

That's why, you mongoloid

Glownigger tier fake naivete

>> No.15914149


>> No.15914163

there's no profit motive in natural immunity. I totally get it.


>> No.15914752

but you're not actually willing to talk to anyone

>> No.15915028

>Was it ever worth getting jabbed for such a stupid illness ?
How would you even determine such a worth a priori? If I don't get jabbed and don't end up getting the flu, it's a case of "would've been pointless". But you don't have that information at the time you have to decide.
On the other hand, if I had to choose between getting the disease or the vaccine, I'd always choose the vaccine. The disease will leave scar tissue in your lungs. It will reduce your lung's capacity to absorb oxygen. It will be a small amount each time, but what you lose, you lose forever.
>Now imagine a virus that is essentially the flu, which you ordinarily never would get the shot for
We get the flu every 10 years on average, determined by background immunity and yearly case numbers. With covid, there was no background immunity. In the beginning, infection waves weren't seasonal like they are for endemic viruses. The chance of catching covid was much higher than the chance of getting the flu.

>its relative jab has pretty good chance, for a vaccine, of killing you.
What was that? One in some tens of thousands got myocarditis, and most of them asymptomatic? So one in a million died?

>> No.15915034
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>> No.15915455

>A 2011 study found that subjects were willing to pay 63% more for furniture they had assembled themselves than for equivalent pre-assembled items.
Maybe that's because people would rather keep the shit they already have than have to replace it unnecessarily. If you really think that equates to people putting a higher value on their own "self made" immune response you're a fucking midwit. But that's a given anyways since you not only watch, but quote that goyslop kurzgesagt channel. The reason I prefer natural immunity over artificial vaccine induced immunity is that it's more effective. Assuming the illness is mild enough you can survive it, natural immunity lasts forever, as opposed to vaccine induced immunity which is temporary. You don't get T-cell immunity from a vaccine, but you do from infection. People who contracted SARS back when that was a thing have improved immunity to covid, due to the similarities between the two. They're both coronaviruses. After the effects of a vaccine wear off, your immunity to that disease is worse than if you had never got the vaccine, which is why you need another vaccine to top you up, by inducing a mild immune response to a weakened or fragmented part of a virus, so your body is already prepared with antibodies. If you were exposed to the true virus long after an initial vaccine dose, your immune system would recognize it, and "remember" that it wasn't that bad, making it hit you harder than it would otherwise.

>> No.15915469

Maybe it is preferable for people spend 5 days in bed and gain immunity instead of getting a vaccine shot and dying because of it?

>> No.15915567

Vaccinated people don't have immunity though and many suffer from the vax itself. I was given covid by a multi vaccinated person and they suferred more than me and took longer to recover.

>> No.15915777
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daily reminder germ hypothesis has been disproven for over 100 years

>> No.15915790
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>trust eugenicists with your health
>or trust your body
Uhh this is a troll thread, right?

>> No.15915914
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>> No.15916272

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.15916776
File: 45 KB, 192x208, fucking covid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After all, if given the choice between immunity by vaccine and immunity by illness, then illness is by far more unpleasant, all side effects of the vaccine included
People who contracted covid pre-vaccine rollout were explicitly denied the ability to forego the injections even though they already had immunity. They didn't decide to choose infection over injection, it was something that already happened. In the US, having a documented case of covid didn't create a choice. In some parts of Europe, it got you the ability to delay the injections but not avoid them entirely.
"Given a choice" is the kind of disingenuous rhetoric that caused the health officials and politicians to lose credibility with people outside of the midwit zone. And here you are, posting as if those people had a choice, when they absolutely didn't. You've destroyed your credibility with that line alone but you don't care, you'll still keep up the charade of having some sort of moral and intellectual high ground despite needing to use deception to defend it.

>> No.15916778

>explicitly denied the ability to forego the injections
No one forced the vaccine on you or anybody else. Also, this is not about the government giving you a choice, but people choosing themselves. Which they could, but that's secondary.

>> No.15916790

But they weren't wrong. It really was the best choice not to get it since the marketing material for the vax turned out to be totally wrong.

>> No.15916791


>> No.15916794

>The disease will leave scar tissue in your lungs. It will reduce your lung's capacity to absorb oxygen. It will be a small amount each time, but what you lose, you lose forever.

>> No.15916803

That's a very mature reaction to being confronted with reality.

>> No.15916806

You can start with the sources linked here: https://sites.google.com/view/sources-whatdoesntkillyoumakes/

>> No.15916830

tons of people got covid right at the start and had no problem with it.

why trust a rushed experimental trump vaccine when the covid they just got TWICE gave them no problem?

>> No.15916854

The vaccines are always at least a year out of date.
In 2020, while waiting for a vaccine, it would have been better to let young people be exposed naturally instead of doing lockdowns for all.
Natural infection trains your mucosal immunity while the vaccines do not.
For most of the population, covid was milder than the flu. I can understand why people might shy away from a rushed, experimental, politically motivated vaccine. The "hot batches" indicate there were defects of some kind in the manufacture/distribution/administration process.

I don't think the "IKEA effect" was/is happening. The main reason natural immunity became a topic was in the context of all of the restrictions on the unvaxxed. People wanted their natural immunity to count towards vaccination status.
There might be some retards out there who are fetishizing natural immunity but it is usually just a post hoc justification for not getting it (the vax).

Stop watching kurzgesagt. He's just a bill gates shill. I started ignoring his vids over 5 years ago.

>> No.15916896

>The vaccines are always at least a year out of date.
Mind that I wasn't just talking about influenza or covid vaccines. The observed phenomenon is quite common for measles or smallpox as well, hence the name pox party.

What do you think about the IKEA effect playing a role for diseases which don't mutate as much and have long proven vaccines that are still being rejected? And not just rejected for "I don't want immunity", but "I want ~*natural*~ immunity"

>> No.15916921

>buy cheap chinese furniture
>the screws hit your balls
>die in ballrot and ballpain
vs. do it yourself
>every screw is screw'd by you
>you are the elite
>you are im responsibility
>it works better

>> No.15917021

I am the carpenter, of course I am prode for the thing I made myself. you are the golem who buy plywood and read the rhetorics off the promotion material as see that as your own creation and for greater good(tm).
You are the ones received kissenger rna to create the spike protein by your own cell to fool your body and hope that equates to a real immune response, to take part in the greatest jab campaign Against humanity in history.

>> No.15917045

IKEA is less effort when you consider moving it into your apartment. Natural immunity won't damage your hallway on the way in.

>> No.15917062

OP kill yourself

>> No.15917067

No one can deny the immense social pressure to get the vaccine. Universities, airports, hospitals, and many companies required it. Not to mention the secondary indirect social pressure from family members, friends, and social events

>You weren't technically forced, you just had to get fired and lose family/friends

The word "coercion" exist for a reason

>> No.15917075

While they exist, there are far fewer anti-vaxxers for debilitating, non-seasonal illnesses like polio or mumps. The main reason here is the same for Covid vax specticism. Not the IKEA affect, but trust. The old anti-vaxxers falsely believe all vaccines cause autism, but they simply don't trust medical professionals, so they can't be convinced otherwise

>> No.15917082

sometimes I wonder how you people even learned how to type on a human language with that kind of utter stupidity.

nobody ever told you people were dying left and right.
if you weren't a retard and actually listened:
a) Almost all very young people never had an issue other than a "heavy flu" for 2-3 days
b) Most sickly and sickly-old people (especially with pneumonia-sensitivities) could die.
c) It wasn't even that much about the "heaviness" of it but about not clogging the system.

And don't bother to answer; I'm not going to respond; you're too stupid to deserve more attention.

>> No.15917132

See >>15916778

>> No.15917134

Haha meant >>15917067

>> No.15917188

>Natural immunity won't damage your hallway on the way in.
Natural immunity will damage your lung tissue. Part of the damage will be fixed by new lung tissue, part will be fixed by collagen and that will be there forever.

>> No.15917360

>And don't bother to answer; I'm not going to respond;
You and the person you responded to aren't the only users of this board. You're not the only audience for their thoughts on what you posted.

>> No.15917474

>During the COVID pandemic
You mean right now? It's not over, you know.

>> No.15917486

>immediately leaps to false equivalences
>"i aM vErY sMaRt"

Such garbage threads.