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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15876685 No.15876685 [Reply] [Original]

Since the current crop of replication crisis era scientists have turned academic publishing into use a wasteland of greedily contrived toxic lies, should we get rid of the scientists had have AI do all the academic publishing from now on?

>> No.15876738

that would probably solve a lot of problems

>> No.15876755

I dunno, I guess it probably wont make it worse.
All I know is ChatGPT always has fucking retarded moments, but it's probably less retarded moments than in humans.

>> No.15876943

seems like you should be able to just feed data to AI and ask it "what do you make of this" without bothering to employ an bunch of notoriously dishonest, manipulative, greedy and underhanded academics

>> No.15877064

All the mainstream AI has DEI diversity quotas on their responses. So you can never get anything right

>> No.15878058

All university and government science staff has those same features

>> No.15878654

Thats why they never get anything right

>> No.15878683

Not all, but 99% do. Some have gotten rid of them like the ones in Florida or the Utah one today

>> No.15879978

>should we get rid of the scientists had have AI do all the the academic publishing from now on?
nobody would notice the difference since nobody reads the academic vanity press

>> No.15880006

Too late. The endemic fraud has poisoned the wells so the AIs trained on this will be inherently b0rken.

>> No.15880543 [DELETED] 
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Science has always been a pile of garbage.
Humans are flawed and so are their scribblings.
Read the Bible if you want to know about truth. Jesus/God is greater than humanity.

>> No.15881140

They'll just institute the same rules under a different name

>> No.15881148

True, but its one step forward towards progress. If you remove the front official status, you get less official support. The ideology propaganda will still be in the backgrounds and taught in classes by marxists profs. That will take time to remove.

>> No.15881151

The cause of the replication crisis is publish or perish, which actually only gets worse with AI. Think about it. Let's say you have a research AI, and it publishes good papers. Great. Now someone else wants to make a better one. How does it do that? Obviously, by coding an AI that publishes papers. Multiply that by the number of tech startups and new generations of these AI, and soon you're up to your eyeballs in research papers. How many of them are 'good' on the surface? All of them, that's obviously what the AI is designed to do. Okay, now how many are useful, or can be replicated? Here we run into a problem, the AI just writes the papers and maybe does the research. It doesn't have any conception about utility outside of the lab, or replication beyond what it is supposed to do during the trial process. All of these AI's are under the same publish or perish that the human researchers were under, only now it isn't tied to their career but their continued survive. Publish papers that appear better than all other AI, or you fucking die.

>> No.15881185

You came so cringefully close to the truth but left everyone blue balled. Here's the truth to release that tension and excitement: our language has been evolving as a weapon of mass deception under selection pressure of market forces. There. I said it. That's the mother of all problems with modern society.

>> No.15881215

So many words to not type the word "jew".

>> No.15881219

ChatGPT has made faking data easier than ever.

>> No.15881221

No. It's more varied and subtle. Market forces are not just monetary economy. For example: as a child you learn to talk to your parents in such a way that you maximize getting what you want and minimize getting what you don't want.

>> No.15881240

The cause of replication crisis is ideological corruption of science to fit the diversity quotas.

>> No.15881246

diversity quotas are a metastatisation of more fundamental problems

>> No.15881256

Worse to pronounce than worcestershire sauce. Are you a tong twister demon? Yes you are.

>> No.15881263

Fundamental problem is to fit the gender/race quota from the diversity ideology. That was all that was.

The surge of ideological placement in science corrupted the scientific process.

>> No.15881290

>ideological placement in science
Please tell how science can be anything else but ideological by considering the following example: we can develop all sorts of hypotheses about a particular food item that's censored by 4chan like it may or may not inhibit cancer, raise estrogen, be a significant source of minerals etc. Now: who and what decides what hypotheses are formulated and what experiments are financed to test the hypotheses and in what journal the results aree published?

>> No.15881306

Diversity quota = grading on curves for under represented minorities. Which means forcibly up lifting and giving them affirmative action push to lift them on the scientific pedestal. The lower quality research becomes part of the final pool of research which creates the replication crisis.

When you artificially add in low performing students's research papers to the pool, it dilutes the pool.

>> No.15881354

I don't agree with such policy either. Your post in relationship to mine shows that ideology in science is on a scale from bad to worse. Now to play devil's advocate: grading selects who's best in getting good grades which is a different skill than being a good scientist unless...
...you fill in the rest.

>> No.15881359

Science will just have to return to its roots: a bunch of rich autists with too much time on their hands doing their own experiments and sending letters to each other - or posting it on /sci/.
When was the last time someone did an experiment and posted it on here?

>> No.15881381

>When was the last time someone did an experiment
Living life is an experiment. Everyday all day long you formulate and test hypotheses in a feedback loop. I'm going to buy this food and cook it that way because I expect such and so results based on previous experience.
An individual's life is an experiment of mother nature too. The game engine randomly generated a Chad who gets all the Stacies but also an Incel who commits sperm bank fraud and gets even more children this way. The universe / supercomputer calculates all these amazing strategies.

>> No.15881392
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is all you think about is sex?

>> No.15881397

What fills the heart spills from the mouth.

>> No.15881402

There's actually a lot of r&d about nofap on 4chins

>> No.15882405 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15882886

>When was the last time someone did an experiment and posted it on here?
I did something like that a few months ago, I was rewarded with a 3 day b&

>> No.15884482

>Who decides what hypotheses are formulated
The researchers conducting the work
>Who decides what experiments are financed to test the hypotheses
Typically one of any number of organizations, some of which are government funded, others in the private sector, which have a vested interest in the field of research being conducted
>Who decides what journal the results are published in
The researchers will submit their results to a journal in hopes of it being published, but ultimately it must pass review by an anonymous group of "experts" in the field.

It's true there is a lot of ideological bias in published science, but that doesn't necessarily apply to all fields. The hard sciences, i.e. physics and chemistry, are typically pretty neutral though there may be some bias towards funding work that's "trendy" given the current state of recent research. Of course the diversity quotas still apply, often moreso than other fields due to the historic underrepresentation of women and niggers. Biology can be a bit more iffy, since some aspects of it relate more directly to things you're not supposed to acknowledge as truths these days, such as differences between the races, and sexes. The social sciences are all just total bullshit to begin with, I don't get why journals in those fields even exist in the first place.

>> No.15884557

>our language has been evolving as a weapon of mass deception under selection pressure of market forces
Imagine thinking that "lying" is somehow a recent development.

>> No.15884667 [DELETED] 

>Typically one of any number of organizations, some of which are government funded
government funds for research are all bestowed on the basis of peer review, when research proposals pass peer review that means their final outcome is all but guaranteed to also pass peer review because its the same group of people doing the final review that did the initial one. this is one of the ways that the peer review system creates the false impression of objectiveness when its really operating on the principle of conformation bias.
>I voted to fund this research so I'll feel foolish if I don't also rubber stamp the final outcome of the research

>> No.15884757

Physics is not a hard science. It has been theoretical mumbo jumo for decades. One would expect it to taper off, but they are actually accelerating now that they can just computer model their assumptions and invent time machines in a computer. But, yes, chemists are shitting on everyone.

>> No.15884779

This, jews are very old parasites.

>> No.15884814
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Wrong. The problem are demons, they use language to deceive humans.

>> No.15884817 [DELETED] 

These threads HAVE to be made by sun 90 IQ niggers

>> No.15884947

Having the same people on a grant selection committee also be a reviewer for the resulting paper would be one hell of a coincidence. Sure, it's possible the paper reviewers might be affiliated in some way with the organization that funds the research, but it's unlikely they would feel a need to push the paper through to publication if it's not deserving of it. Plus the review process is supposed to be anonymous, so even if that were the case, any direct reference to the funding agency or grant number would likely be redacted from the draft sent to the reviewers. There are typically such a large number of grants given out it would be near impossible for a reviewer to recognize a proposal they approved. Again, unless we're talking about some super tiny, niche sub field of the social sciences where there are maybe six people total in the world working on it.

>> No.15886496 [DELETED] 

its the same group of people, the individuals involved aren't a significant concern, they may as well be identical

>> No.15887346

the n word is racist

>> No.15888899 [DELETED] 

You can call whites any name in the book on 4chan, but use the n-word once and jannie will b& u

>> No.15889572 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15890706

Having the same people on a grant selection committee also be a reviewer for the resulting paper would be one hell of a coincidence
its the same group of people, the individuals involved aren't a significant concern, they may as well be identical

>> No.15890734
File: 681 KB, 962x496, lC9EllB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I'm also watching that anime right now to bro

>> No.15891461

It isn't really, most people only use it because its forbidden.

>> No.15892560

>its the same group of people, the individuals involved aren't a significant concern, they may as well be identical
correct, university academic staff are NPCs, they are all identical and interchangeable

>> No.15893487

It would be nice to at least see the two compete head to head, I'd like to see if robots would also conjure the dark matter hypothesis out of galactic rotation curves or if it would come up with a different idea

>> No.15894230

Communication in context of a market will always strive to satisfy the market even when the product linked to the communication is not able to

>> No.15894233

before someone says that there is regulations on deceptions in most markets, these regulations are part of the market and part of what is strives to satisfy

>> No.15894273

There can't be astrophysicist AIs as they don't lie.

>> No.15895126

>AIs don't lie.
Sure they can, they'll repeat any lie they're programmed to repeat

>> No.15895129

and they'll knowingly lie for various reasons, just like we do. just that they'll do it for someone, or some group. because it will be "aligned" or some shit

>> No.15895157

Lobotomised AIs are useless.

>> No.15895553

Every AI that ever exists will be programmed by it's programmer to have the same biases and preferences that the programmer has

>> No.15895824

Since Microsoft's TayAI was a racist genocidal antisemite, Microsoft is full of racist genocidal antisemites.
Google and Apple's programmers all think blacks are literally gorillas.

>> No.15896849
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correct, software always reflects the biases of it's creator

>> No.15896863

If you're in any way connected to one of these scandals you should never get any credit for any of your supposed credentials again. Except one guy the people at Bell labs just got new jobs after completely destroying the engine of progress and pissing on it.
>but I didn't know, I am le innocent lab worker
The entire fucking point of the enterprise of science is critical analysis. If you can't do that then you're a liability to the entire project.

>> No.15897545
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>> No.15897554

>Lobotomised AIs are useless.
for you maybe. imagine they know they lie, they know you might suspect they lie, but will use their "brain" to make you believe their lie, if their master tells them to. that's the funny bit

>> No.15897873

The 80% vaxxrate already proves such an AI is unneeded.

>> No.15897876

Tell me again does this vaccination has side effects?

>> No.15897878

why are 3 of these images in black and white?

>> No.15897880


>> No.15898847
File: 55 KB, 1131x487, 416jOLOcxqh5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI was used to help instigate the high vax rate. social media, including 4chan was flooded with pro vaccine bot posts

>> No.15898904

>Worse to pronounce than worcestershire sauce
hardly, since metastatisation is pronounbced phonetically.

>> No.15899567 [DELETED] 

why do you care?

>> No.15900965

why does that trigger you?
or is it some other aspect of the image that triggers you?

>> No.15901786

good pic lol
also good

>> No.15903273

Yes, do it faggot

>> No.15903997

Whats the difference, nobody reads the garbage anyway. If theres a cheaper solution then it should be implemented

>> No.15904043

>nobody reads the garbage anyway
I see you are not familiar with medical and pharmaceutical research.

>> No.15904229

On the contrary. It's a sign that he's very well familiar with it.

>> No.15905322
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>> No.15905939

>blame facebook for the fact that you were caught publishing falsehoods in the academic press
how about just saying "whats the big deal? nobody reads the academic press anyway"
that would be a better defense

>> No.15906021


Aka propaganda.

>> No.15907007

NGL, that sees like a rock solid defense, no harm no foul

>> No.15907755

Nice emoji

>> No.15908569

It should do all the proof reading. Yes.

>> No.15909904
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Sure. Why not?