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File: 72 KB, 748x918, OihbFjuD7Wn5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15874345 No.15874345 [Reply] [Original]

how come everyone turned into anti-vaxxers?

>> No.15874358

It's not legally mandatory they probably just said yes because they thought they were being threatened again.
Last time we were all coerced which nullifies consent which makes it one of the biggest illegal medical malpractices ever.

>> No.15874359

Because the girant faggot known as OP sucked to many cocks and broke the universe. Also cuz the covid vaccine is trash

>> No.15874370

Because everyone with a brain can see that these vaccines are bullshit.

At best, they are ineffective tax payer funded junk that aren't even held to proper testing standards anymore (just like the flu vaccine). They don't prevent transmission, they don't provide long term prevention of severe disease, and seem to provide ever marginal protection against mild/moderate disease.

At worst, they are incredibly dangerous to the people who suffer myocardial damage from their application. It also happens that the people who are the most likely to suffer this damage, are some of the least likely to experience severe disease were they not to get the vaccine.

Tl;dr there's no real reason to get them. Even people who aren't tuned into the scientific process can see that it's generally bullshit.

>> No.15874391

My brother is like quintuple boosted and got covid 3 times
I only got one shot just so I wouldn't be homeless and never had the damn thing.
Next time I'm just gonna go homeless

>> No.15874404

>It's not legally mandatory
i thought the american government said that your employees are required to have a vaccine if the company has at least 100 workers or something like that

>> No.15874407

Struck down by the Supreme Court. Why it even made it that far, I don't know.

>> No.15874415

They didn't, it just became a nuisance. I'm not gonna take time out of my day to get the shot.

>> No.15874451

>not taking a vaccine and being an antivaxxer is the same
Why do antivaxxers think like this?

>> No.15874461

The real question is where did all the og anti-vaxxers go?
Notice how no one talks about vaccines causing autism anymore, it's all about 2 MORE WEEKS now.
It just seems strange to me. Almost like a psy op.

>> No.15874464

Nobody was forced to take anything, chudley.
Take your meds.

>> No.15874529

maybe because of the endless onslaught of propaganda pushed by russian bots and the Koch network in the last years

>> No.15874548

>The real question is where did all the og anti-vaxxers go?
One of them is running for US President in the Democratic primary election.

>> No.15874550

coercion nullifies consent
a ceo doesn't force a female subordinate to suck his cock but he can coerce her to do it with his position.

>> No.15874551

>Koch brothers
pfftt. What is this? 15 years ago?

>> No.15874558

>he doesn't know

>> No.15874563

It's an election year now, so Koch Brothers are relevant as a boogeyman again.

>> No.15874567

>tfw the last time I was I'll was in 2017.
I'm afraid boys, when the coof finally catches me I think I'll fuckin die because of no previous exposure.

>> No.15874569

it's not over till.... *huffs vape**...

>> No.15874576
File: 437 KB, 821x1383, IMG_9747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got triple vaxxed and never had any problems
my friend stayed unvaxxed and still suffers from long-COVID to this day
another friend got vaxxed and still has long-COVID
my other friend stayed unvaxxed and never had any problems

the only constant here is that vaccination is meaningless, anyone saying it's a panacea or a bioweapon is a retard
getting vaxxed was the right choice because being employed is good

>> No.15874579
File: 384 KB, 741x690, 1700461211264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take vax
>maybe suffer from vax
>maybe suffer from covid

>don't take vax
>don't suffer from vax
>maybe suffer from covid

ids simple mafs

>> No.15874580

Anon, I know we're all shitposting for fun here but do you really believe that?
You think that taking on additional risk is okay because in hindsight we can't tell if it had any effect at all, and that it's best to comply because that way you avoid reprisal?

>> No.15874582

you should still be wearing a mask

>> No.15874584

by that logic no one should be vaccinating their kids either

>> No.15874588

By this logic the covid vaccine is as effective and bene as an MMR

>> No.15874589

That's not the logic for vaccines that work and you know it.
inb4 "covid vax works, chud"

>> No.15874590

No by this logic you should drink orange juice
covid: sneeze a bit
polio: crippled

>> No.15874597

but it does work, countries which vaccinated faster and at a higher rate had lower excess mortality

>> No.15874598

Come on, anon. You can be better than that.
The covid vax was a bad idea, but to be fair we also don't know exactly what the long term impacts of covid are either.

>> No.15874600
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>> No.15874601

$0.02 has been deposited into your account

>> No.15874635

am i the only one here that isn't vaccinated? i am appalled at how many "people" on this website fell for it

>> No.15874643

we are starting to get somewhere

>> No.15874666
File: 69 KB, 565x680, covid_excdeaths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many people who didn't get vaccinated don't have the privilege of posting on here anymore

>> No.15874674

Nor of the vaccine. So it was the worst scenario to be coerced to take it based on these probabilities.

>> No.15874678

They realized that was illegal after they already forced everyone to do it.
Fucking unbelievable it happened at all.
This country is fucked if the shitpreme court is our last line of protection against maniacal zealots.

>> No.15874686

Nobody was forced to take anything.

>> No.15874696

Is that really what you tell yourself?

>> No.15874737

You wouldn't believe the amount of shilling on this board.
I've had better science discussions on fucking /a/

>> No.15874754

it's the truth

>> No.15874818


>> No.15875157

Courts have been doing a lot of that recently. The government does something clearly unconstitutional, the courts dick around until the issue is no longer relevant and then they rule against the government. It wasn't until after compliance of adults reached over 90% that they started ruling against mandates.
Coercion has long been considered legally the same as force.

>> No.15875164

Only one third of excess deaths can be considered "with covid", which itself is a very low bar only requiring the deceased to have a covid infection detected and need not have been a factor in the death. The other two thirds of excess deaths is completely unexplained but we're told it's probably nothing to worry about. It will go away in a few years as the baseline for determining excess makes excess deaths disappear.

>> No.15875168
File: 1.78 MB, 480x480, vax scandal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the vax damages immune system. there are now official data showing vaxed people are MORE likely to get ill and die than the naturals.

plus they never tested it for stopping infections and WHO changed definition of word vaccine so it doesnt need to provide immunity against the disease and still be called vaccine.

in the post-covid speed-of-science world even multivitamines can be called vaccine because they lower fatality rates in diseases. and as a bonus they dont damage your heart or other organs!

>> No.15875182

Name a single person that was forced.

>> No.15875192

If we were coerced you would have been vaccinated too, Billy Ray Toothless. No one was coerced.

>> No.15875194

>if you don't pump yourself with every new thing, you're an antivaxxer
>antivaxx is when you aren't pumping yourself full of all the new trendy chemicals
Covid isn't all that fucking bad and I'll get covid and flu shots when I'm old and it doesn't matter. Covid isn't the fucking plague, get over it.

>> No.15875195

Not being allowed to enter public spaces or travel until you comply is pretty coercive.

>> No.15875198

>there are now official data!
Then post it :^)

>> No.15875204

How much do you get paid every time you post this webm?

>> No.15875205

No it isn't. Forcing to take an injection is. The consequences pf your decision is not coercion. Why do conspiratards have such terrible language comprehension?

>> No.15875207

Name a public space you were barred access from.

>> No.15875210

Recently, I was FORCED to put on pants because I couldn't go in a restaurant otherwise. Literally 1984.

>> No.15875211

By similar reasoning if you threaten someone at gunpoint, and then actually shoot them when they disobey you, that's just the consequence of their actions and you did nothing wrong.

>> No.15875215

I got vaccinated so nowhere. But I would've been barred from nightclubs and bars and the like if I hadn't.

>> No.15875221

>I would've been barred from nightclubs and bars and the like if I hadn't.
lmao. roflmao. I was COERCED to cut my dick of because I once was barred from a night club that already had enough dudes. Also, I was COERCED to wear nice clothes because I visited night clubs that don't let people wearing jeans or sweatpants in. I WOULD HAVE BEEN BARRED FROM A PUBLIC PLACE

>> No.15875222

No refunds, vaxxie :^)

>> No.15875225

>false equivalence
No, those two situations are not following the same logic. No one was threatened with violence or anything close to it to take the jab. People kicking/keeping you out of an establishment is not violence. You being kicked out of Denny's for not being vaxed is not the same as being shot, you tremendous faggot.

>inb4 some other fallacious "well its basically like", "might as well be" or other similarly retarded argument

>> No.15875227

Calm down. That it was coerced is simply a fact. You can justify it in terms of public safety and blahblahblah but to claim that it wasn't is just dishonest.
>Uh there was no violence involved (except when there was) so it's not coercion. Checkmate.

>> No.15875232

Name an incidient where someone was forced by the staff present to get vaxxed or be beaten/shot/etc. Post an example of someone being forced, under imminent threat violence, to receive the jab.

>inb4 retard tries to connect some cumspursty theorist getting his ass kicked by a guard for making a scene to this as an example

>> No.15875237

>except when there was
Not in a single case was violence involved in the vaccination process. Kys if you honestly believe otherwise, you entitled fuck. inb4 "I couldn't travel" (not like you would've). Try being from a poor country trying to enter a rich country.

>> No.15875239

You're shifting the goalposts. Being threatened with punishment, even if it's non-violent, is coercion. Not being allowed to do ordinary things. Most of the violence was against protestors.
>Not in a single case was violence involved in the vaccination process.
Extremely specific strawman
>inb4 "I couldn't travel" (not like you would've).
I literally got vaccinated because I had to travel for work.

>> No.15875245

>Being threatened with punishment, even if it's non-violent, is coercion.
What non-violent punishment was threatened unless you took the vaccine?

>> No.15875246

Again, not being allowed to enter public spaces or travel. Do you perhaps have a case of selective amnesia?

>> No.15875253

>I had to travel for work.
So your capitalist liege forced you to travel and you're fine. For that travel you had to get vaccinated (just like since forever in so many countries, but that affects yellow fever, so you don't complain, right)

>> No.15875254

Since when are private night clubs public spaces? You can't enter night clubs based on attire or gender. It's literally the opposite of a public space.

>> No.15875256

>not being allowed to enter public spaces or travel
That's not a punishment. If you don't renew your passport, no one is going to punish you, but you still can't travel.

>> No.15875259

The science has changed.

>> No.15875262

If the science was immutable, it wouldn't be science.

>> No.15875265

>capitalist liege
>For that travel you had to get vaccinated (just like since forever in so many countries, but that affects yellow fever, so you don't complain, right)
It my first time being vaccinated since I was infant and had no say in the matter.
Beaches and some parks also had covid restrictions
That's fair. Passports are also kind of totalitarian.

>> No.15875267

You said "coerced" and you mentioned violence. That situation is what being coerced with violence is.

>not being allowed to do ordinary things
Define this. The government didn't stop anyone from doing ordinary things except during the lockdown, which the government is in their rights to do, and the individual owners of the establishments that decided to refuse service to the unvaxxed aren't part of some systematic plan to deliberately punish the unvaxxed.

>> No.15875269

Remember how covid is this thing that's here to stay and now theres more pressing issues like war I'm Europe and middle east and it just kinda almost entirely vanished?

Crazy how viruses work like that.

>> No.15875272

I was forced to take the first two vaccs when Delta was all the rage or be homeless. I refuse to touch them anymore and pray the damage isn't too bad.

>> No.15875273

>You said "coerced" and you mentioned violence.
Imagine being this comically dishonest.
>which the government is in their rights to do
Depending on where you live the government is also within their rights to sentence you without trial. Not exactly desirable.
>the individual owners of the establishments that decided to refuse service to the unvaxxed aren't part of some systematic plan to deliberately punish the unvaxxed.
Except they literally were, they were following government guidelines. And I don't necessarily blame the government, they themselves were slaves to media hysteria.

>> No.15875277

Good for you for only travelling to countries that don't have vaccine requirements. But don't pretend that vaccine requirements are anything new.
>Beaches and some parks also had covid restrictions
This year, I was at a German beach where you had to pay to get access. How's that? Totalitarian hellhole? Also, you need a visa to go there!!!!!!

>> No.15875287

Why are you so slimy and evil? Why can't you just be honest and learn from your mistakes? You might try not to get caught up in the propaganda induced hysteria next time.

>> No.15875288

What are your thoughts on fact that germs cause disease?

>> No.15875290

What about it?

>> No.15875291

>Depending on where you live the government is also within their rights to sentence you without trial. Not exactly desirable.
I think not even in Russia, the government is within their rights to do so. Of course, they do it anyway, but really not many places in the world do that.

>> No.15875294

if you don't believe germs cause disease please go and get infected with h. pylori

>> No.15875299

>A vaccine mandate just means that if you don't, businesses, schools, and others can legally stop you from entering the building or using their services if they choose to
>there are 25 states that require vaccination for employees of various categories; seven are now requiring boosters or “up to date” status of vaccines
So much more too, plus there is the blatant threats everyone got through email

>> No.15875301

>learn from your mistakes
What mistakes? Giving antivaxxers a choice and NOT forcing them to get vaccinated? After all, you bitch about it as if you had been forced, so might as well...

>> No.15875304

Coercion nullifies consent, especially in medicine.
It's lunacy, the government is clearly evil.

>> No.15875310

so we should get immunizations instead of vaccines?
Gonna vaxx myself with some orange juice right now.

>> No.15875312
File: 270 KB, 1576x2784, mortality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your argumentation is retarded.
This is all cause excess deaths.

If you would compare it to the last 20 years instead of this shitty 3 year timeframe, you would see:
>people lived longer and longer
>less and less people died
>age standardized, which means also YOUNG people died less.


Now the age standartized mortality rate is up.
Why would that be?
Could there be a interest of some entities that would like to see population goes down?

2020 had the lowest mortality of the last 20 years.
And only after it reached again levels of 2007.
It is not desired that people live long and healthy.

>> No.15875313

Orange juice is not immunisation, retard. Also, don't drink bleach. It's bad for you.

>> No.15875315

You can refuse coercion and accept the punishment, retard
because a woman suck off her boss doesn't mean she isn't a victim to coercion and a power imbalance, and the woman that said no and got fired is a victim too.
You're a real shithead you know. I mean what the fuck are you doing raping dogs and homeless people saying "it's not le rape if I pretend it didn't happen"

>> No.15875317

>Now the age standartized mortality rate is up.
>Why would that be?
Hmm. Maybe covid?
>Could there be a interest of some entities that would like to see population goes down?
Become an hero, ESL conspiretard.

>> No.15875321

What was the punishment for not getting vaccinated? I mean a real punishment.

>> No.15875322

Wow such a bad incel take.
Imagine saying to your mother who was just fired for not sucking off her boss, "yeah mom you weren't coerced you're not a victim you're just dealing with the consequences of your action"
Low IQ is common in racists and misogynists like you.

>> No.15875325

you're reading comprehension is worse than an indian
get your IQ checked you might qualify for disability

>> No.15875327

I am reading comprehension?

>> No.15875328
File: 616 KB, 848x3896, 1690441673202271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no scientific proof of causality nor specificity of a disease called "covid".
Literally any symptom became covid.
Literally every death became covid.
Its a meme.
You believe a meme.
Covid is the great imitator.
I hope you rest in restless anal syndrome.

>> No.15875330

>Bohnak's time as chief meteorologist for news station TV6 came to an abrupt end last month. He was fired after refusing to comply with the vaccine mandate imposed by his station's corporate owner, Gray Television.
hey whenever you kill yourself send me an invite to your funeral so I can laugh at your wake

>> No.15875335

Not a punishment. Merely a company exercising its right to choose its employees.

>> No.15875336

So what you're saying is that we should abolish the civil rights act?

>> No.15875337


>Take the Vax or lose your job
>Take the Vax or don't go outside
>Take the Vax or we will ostracize you
>Take the Vax or you can't travel
>Take the Vax or get dishonorable discharged from military
>Years of media being openly against """"anti-vaxxers""""
>Years of "WEAR A MASK" or else
>Constant shilling to take it
>Constant shilling against those who won't
>Constant attempts to bribe people with goodies for taking the Vax

Sure. Keep lying to yourself.

>> No.15875348

>there is no scientific proof
I bet you believe that there's scientific proof that the vaccine is harmful.

>> No.15875352

He had the choice to not work for an employer that believes in the safety and efficiency of vaccines.

>> No.15875361

You're so retarded, nothing can fix your low IQ

>> No.15875362

>Take the Vax or lose your job
Get another job.
>Take the Vax or don't go outside
Never happened.
>Take the Vax or we will ostracize you
Not a government decision
>Take the Vax or you can't travel
No country is obliged to let everyone enter
>Take the Vax or get dishonorable discharged from military
You vowed to die for your country and you bitch about a jab? You have no place in the military
>Years of media being openly against """"anti-vaxxers""""
It's called a free press, look it up
>Years of "WEAR A MASK" or else
Else what?
>Constant shilling to take it
It's called freedom of speech, look it up
>Constant shilling against those who won't
See above
>Constant attempts to bribe people with goodies for taking the Vax
I love how you pedalled back from "we were forced" to "we didn't get a free hotdog"

>> No.15875364

My so retarded wha--
Oh you got it right this time. Also, nice argument.

>> No.15875365

shills are paid to sit here all day and blame the victims

>> No.15875366

There's no point in arguing with a baboon

>> No.15875372

Based. Chuds eternally BTFO.

>> No.15875385

Bro, public schools were expelling people if they didn't get the vaccine without even refunding the students for their lost tuition. Government workers and contractors lost their jobs over non-compliance. People in some areas of the US lost public housing access or access to medical care if they didn't comply.

How much copium are you on right now?

>> No.15875415

They agreed to the ToS. This is normal, retard.
Don't agree to a ToS you don't intend to uphold.

>> No.15875418

Okay, so if the ToS changes tomorrow to say no gay people you're cool with anyone who is gay getting excluded from public services?

>> No.15875431

That's not a valid change, so your hypothetical is irrelevant.

>> No.15875435

So, expecting people to consent to a novel medical treatment decided by non-medical professionals is a valid change, but expecting people to consent to a lifestyle modification isn't a valid change?

Why is the first one a valid change to the ToS and the second one isn't?

>> No.15875441

The vaccines are safe and effective, chud.
Public health is a normal and reasonable expectation, being a schizo nazi homophobe isn't.

>> No.15875447

Okay, so you're either just trolling or completely insane (or both). Got it.

>> No.15875467

>Do everything short of tying people down and injecting them to get people to take it. >Everything from threatening their jobs to their relationship with their families to their ability to go outside and do things to sometimes even dangling a donut in front of them
>Dindu nuffin

>> No.15875468

>Literally denies everything
>Doesn't refute any actual points

My points are all valid. Simply stating it didn't happen isn't a viable rebuttal. Also staing "you could have done this against your best intrests" isn't a good excuse either. Almost everyone world (except for you) knows these things to be true.

That said. I sincerely hope you and your entire family took it. Including every booster available.

>> No.15875519

>My points are all valid.
It's a troll, what's your role?

>> No.15875534

>coshit is a scam
>vaxx is a scam
>antivaxx is a scam

>> No.15875545

>Simply stating it didn't happen isn't a viable rebuttal.
How can you rebut schizophrenic hallucinations?
>I sincerely hope you and your entire family took it. Including every booster available.
Thanks for the peace offer. I also hope you and your loved ones lowered their chances of dying from covid by over 90%. Despite the nonsense you spew. No one deserves to die from a preventable disease.

>> No.15875706
File: 112 KB, 1024x1024, dttk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No forgiveness for you demons, you and all your spawn need to be eradicated.

>> No.15875723

Its untested genetic modification, calling it a vaccine should get you charged with endangering human life because it downplays how harmful this thing is to biological organism overtime.

>> No.15875751

Did you play too much rocket league?

>> No.15875783
File: 346 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20231120-214633944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also as bonus

i love speed of science. btw google wont ever display you relevant data, they literally brag about scrubbing google and youtube clean off these disinformation. gotta use different search engine these days. google completelx embraced censorship.

>> No.15875802
File: 374 KB, 1920x1280, pandemic amnesty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No amnesty.

>> No.15875803

The clotshot isn't a vaccine.

>> No.15875838

I think it's a bit mean to say no amnesty. Yes, the people in your screenshot broke the law, but can't we forgive them?

>> No.15875951 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15876161 [DELETED] 
File: 1.66 MB, 1161x1195, yes she is jewish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15876180



>> No.15876218

Impressive gaslighting, anon.
Luckily it’s widely accepted that almost all western governments engaged in coercion tactics to get people vaccinated.

Threatening employment and the ability to access medical care were the two main coercion tactics.

>> No.15876232

put your head through the noose and stand on this trap door please

>> No.15876264

whats wrong with being against overuse of prescription medications? vaccines are not a panacea

>> No.15876307

because its not mandatory.

make it mandatory and put anti vaxxers out of business

>> No.15876309

are you up to date on your covid boosters?

>> No.15876311

of course

>> No.15876363

Prisoners were forced, fyi. Also, forcing employees who were already hired to get vaccinated or lose their job, even their career, is potentially illegal. That's why so many mandates were rescinded and others are tied up in court. Or, you know, they weren't "forced" just like OJ isn't a murderer.

>> No.15876365

>Doesn't eat meat
>Must be anti-food
>Doesn't wear a belt
>Must be anti-clothes

>> No.15876624

not nearly as harmful as covid is though

>> No.15876638

>Doesn't eat meat
>Doesn't wear a belt
>Doesn't get vax

>> No.15876646

Vaccines that work are fine though. You don't see mfs running around with tetanus

>> No.15876649

>Prisoners were forced, fyi
Not in free countries. But I suppose you're talking about the US? Next to losing your right to vote and the 13th amendment, it doesn't seem that bad either. I think the US prison system has worse problems.

>> No.15876665
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>> No.15876672

Basically, all the jabbies still got sick, multiple times. The guys who didn't take it didn't receive their "winter of severe illness and death" as promised.
The peer reviewed studies showing jabbies being 30% more likely to be infected, and the controversy around excess deaths and blood clots are having some reach, though a demographic still exists that completely shuts down when confronted with such information. They choose not to take anymore shots "just because"

>> No.15876679

This. People might not say why they aren't taking it, but revealed preferences are shown by actions not words.

>> No.15876693

>doesn't get a particular novel "vaccine" that was produced quickly and aggressively propagandized
Must be anti-vax. You figured it out, anon.
Anyone else remember how quickly those retarded magnetic arm stories came out? Almost as if...

>> No.15876704

>didnt trust trumps lightspeed program
so you’re anti-trump

>> No.15876710

Um, yes sweaty. Why would I take something made by that nazi orangutan?

>> No.15876740

Such a Nazi he moved Israels capital to Jerusalem

>> No.15876824
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, funnyvax.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a mystery we would never solve.
but in my opinio it can only be russian missinformation campaigns.
Also parents who allegedly observed their children getting really ill after vaccinations, might be brainwashed to believe it was the vaccination when it is simply a conicidence.
Vaccines are safe and effective.

>> No.15876847

>By this logic the covid vaccine is as effective and bene as an MMR
that is true.
Both are ineffective.

>> No.15876854

"Medical malpractice" is a meme invented by jewish lawyers. The dumb cattle have to be given their shots even if they're too stupid to understand why. That's not "malpractice", but it is rather paternalistic to these cretins.

>> No.15876857


>> No.15877225


>gives birth

>holds that marijuana laws are bullshit
>hasn't taken his bong-hit boosters

>waive 7th Amendment rights, agreeing to employment disputes being settled by arbitration
no problem
>waive 1st Amendment rights, agreeing not to bad-mouth employer to the press/in social media
no problem
>waive right to remedy for on-the-job injury as a condition of employment
>be required to waive 7th Amendment right in order to use a mandated third-party's product where they the manufacturer is indemnified
>be required to waive such rights to attend a state-run university

>> No.15877491

I wish i didnn't fucking take it, i thought the early ones wasn 't gonna be bad, fuck man fuck, everyone took it so i fucking took it, covid was spreading like wildfire and i didn't wanna die from it

>> No.15877521

How can I believe antivaxxers when I took all the shots and nothing happened?
Never caught covid or noticed any side effects or anything

>> No.15877669
File: 97 KB, 640x852, 1688898746118985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of the assumption that "All vaccines from a brand are equal in composition".

Vaccines have a allowed variability of PH which means they can have different amounts of of shit in the vaccine. Meaning some batches are more reactive some less.
This is true for almost all vaccines:
To elaborate further, this is not a new thing, it happened before.
Between August 1978 and March 1979, 77 infants in Tennessee died suddenly from unexpected causes.
In early March, the CDC learned that two more infants had died within 24 hours of DTP vaccination, again from the same lot of vaccine produced by Wyeth Laboratories, Inc. That brought the total to four deaths within 24 hours of vaccination.

Wyeth executives were concerned about the Tennessee Cluster, but their concern was more about splitting up the vaccine lots to promote "maximum variety of lot numbers". Thus obscuring the potential to identify a "hot lot".

Subsequently they did NOT investigate the incident but concluded and gave order to better distribute the vaccine batches to multiple locations, so that a local clustering of these "incidences" do not spark attention.
Assuming everyon got the same is retarded.
If contents were identical, we would not have this clusterfuck of diffuse symptoms and reactions to it.
The product is not uniform and has a large threshhold of inaccuaracies allowed.
From PH to particle size.

>good noodle goood needle
>bad noodle bad needle

Doctors who serve certain demographics get assigned different lots.
Those who serve the uper uper class
> saline shots
And the middle class parents
> crap shots
to increase social burden
to have crippled children
so the middle class is busy with the social burden of caring for their loved ones.

>> No.15877689

>>Doesn't eat meat
>>Doesn't wear a belt
>>Doesn't get vax
Oops, mistake. Anti-covid vaccine, not anti-all vaccines. Just like the person who is anti-meat but not anti-all food, or the person who is anti-belt is not anti-all clothes. It's weird how the language seemingly falls apart for the rabid-covid vaccine supporters. Is it so hard to believe that some people are fine with other vaccines that have been tested over decades, but didn't trust the six months of data on these?

>> No.15877767

>Anti-covid vaccine, not anti-all vaccines.
So you're not one of the fools like >>15861520 ?

>> No.15877770

I am that fool. I don't believe in vaccines, anti-septics, sanitization, or modern medicine in general.

Join me in enlightenment brother. Reject sanitization, hygiene and modern medicine, embrace computer science! It's the way forward!

>> No.15877795

Some vaccines can be life saving, like tetanus and rabies. I'd rather have them than die. I just think, given my health status, that the covid vaccines pose more of a threat to me than covid, and flu vaccines have been shown to have poor efficacy.

Although I agree with that other anon that medical interventions can do more harm than good. Surgeons are a necessity for a problem that will not resolve, I found that out, but a lot of medications end up being a trade-off whereas a lifestyle intervention has little downside. A lot of people would rather have the quick fix instead of making sweeping changes, but that fix doesn't really exist.

>> No.15877890

I also don't wash my hands after popping.

>> No.15877894


Because we don't walk in dirty streets filled with rusty horseshoe nails and horse manure.

>> No.15877914

I have always compared the "thought" routine of the NPCs to the following hypothetical scenario:
I am a chud in the 1950s. I say Thalidomide is untested garbage.
The NPC calls me "anti-medication" then. What?
The NPC is literally just hung up on the idea that opposition to one vaxx might mean one has to tie that to a larger opposition to an entire class of [thing]. Probably because they can only think in linguistic categories (i.e. tribalism), but not granular concepts.

>> No.15877927

Do you think that tetanus is caused by horseshoe nails and manure?

>> No.15877934

Not sure where you grew up, must have been nice, because I was poked by rusty nails multiple times.

>> No.15877938

>I am a chud in the 1950s. I say Thalidomide is untested garbage.
You'd say the same as the FDA. That's the reason, the USA had so few cases.

>> No.15877984
File: 268 KB, 734x882, 1679992811688311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hygiene saves lives.
Vaccines do not work as they claim they do.
No vaccine ever worked.
They simply replaced treating people with mercury and antimony.
And replaced it with vaccines.
After everyone was vaxxed, people either died from the vax or survived. But noboy was treated with mercury, antimony or bloodletting, which actually saved people from dying of a milt skin rash.

Tetanus and rabies vaccines were not live saving.
Look into the medical history arround 1900-1940.
They literally killed everyone with antiserum therapy and rabies vaccination.
Which lead to the hysteri of tetanus in the forst place.
>some person came to hospital with wound
>quick give him literally 20 vaccines
>if he does not get better increase the dose
>oh no he died, rabies is soooo deadly

Not only did they vaccinate them to death.
They put mercury ointments and gunpowder in wounds if someone was bitten.
And retrospectively they tell the story of the "case mortality rate" back in the days, but leave out that they toertured and poisoned the people for minor wounds.
The "menigitis" during that time was caused because everywhere they sprayed arsenic as pesticides and delicing agent.
And in WW1 the granade shrapenel was made fron cadmium, rasenic and antimony.
Which are all extremly neurotoxic.
Thats why people died of "meningits" in WWI which they called "Tetanus".

>> No.15877987

>post the data and the big pharma shills disappear
lmao every time. thanks for sharing

>> No.15877995


Not exclusively. Tetanus was a huge problem when the streets were filled with thousands of horses, each dropping 20+ pounds of manure into the streets each day. Horse manure is an ample, if not perfect, environment for tetanus to grow. Add tons discarded nails to the pile and you have both your serum and injection method.

>> No.15878005

I'm sure many people were, or cut by various things. But the majority of objects don't harbor the bacterium and the majority of puncture wounds are disinfected properly in the modern day.

>> No.15878017
File: 2.32 MB, 832x412, 1647175699765.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not exclusively. Tetanus was a huge problem when the streets were filled with thousands of horses, each dropping 20+ pounds of manure into the streets each day. Horse manure is an ample, if not perfect, environment for tetanus to grow. Add tons discarded nails to the pile and you have both your serum and injection method.
Tetanus was a problem when cities were regularly deliced and sprayed and dumped with mercurypowder and lead arsenate.
It was in use everywhere.

Also the labeled every meningitis "tetanus" if a person had a minor wound.
And poisoned the people with opiates, mercury (mostly calomel) and arsenicals.
They even used strychnin, which all are extremly neurotoxic.

The blame on a bacteria was simply hysteria and a plausible deniability for the Big chem and Petroleum companies that produced the "delicing" agents.
Later they mixed the lead arsenate and paris green with DDT.

But the infantile "tetanus" was also caused by the frequent delicing in hospital and the contaminated hand of doctors who clipped the cord.
They poisoned people and marinated themselves and everything in pesticides which were mostly arsenic. Everything was contaminated.

>> No.15878338

>The blame on a bacteria was simply hysteria
No it wasn't lmao. We know this because there's an antitoxin for tetanus toxin, derived from knowledge of the bacteria. Treatment with the antitoxin cures patients with tetanus.

>> No.15878357
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Yes. And nobody will do shit.

>> No.15878584 [DELETED] 

>Notice how no one talks about vaccines causing autism anymore, it's all about 2 MORE WEEKS now.
It's part of the general shift of cuckservatives from focusing on present realities to chasing the TWO WEEKS happening. Zion Don is largely to blame for conditioning them into this way of thinking. He strung them along for years with the TWO WEEKS happening so they'd ignore the fact that he's always playing defense, and the habit stuck.

>> No.15878634

Because the average age of the mother at first birth has been increasing steadily since the 1970s. As a result, kids are now more prone to have genetic disorders, like autism, deficient or overactive immune syndromes, down syndrome and other congenital diseases. Vaccine damage was well documented and studied for decades. Even the smallpox vaccine resulted in cardiovascular complications and heart damage, but the effect was much smaller because women used to give birth to healthier kids. Vaccine damage risk was much lower. If you don't believe me, look up the charts of cardiovascular disease prevalence year to year and the mother's age at first birth in the U.S. Same with things like the Down Syndrome, autoimmune diseases, autism etc. Muh "vax causes autism" claim is crap because the real culprit are w*men and their "equal rights" bullshit. That's why WHO and the UN expect diseases to increase in prevalence and birth rates to drop. Even if you take a generally healthy population like Japan and Korea you will see that as the elderly die off, the kids who are supposed to replace them will be either unfit to work at the rates their grandparents did or will suffer debilitating disorders and diseases that will keep draining the healthcare and welfare coffers. That's another reason the immigration agenda is being pushed. It's not some sinister plan by the (((tribe))) but a real damn attempt to stave off a catastrophe. Want to blame someone? Blame w*men and their nagging.

>> No.15878635


>> No.15878883

>Treatment with the antitoxin cures patients with tetanus.
No it didn't.

It was a big failure:

And caused serum poisoning.

It was neither safe or effective.
It was retarded.

Not only because tetanus was not the cause of the people having maningitis, but also because they injected more and more when clinical symptoms did not get better.
Also in the 1900-1940 they did not do confirmatory lab diagnostics.
They simply did:
>point and declare
See symptom, see scratch, muhst be da tetanus.

There exists to this day not a single experiment, which demonstrates thar a small amount of tetani bacilli which enter the bloodstream, would reproduce in such an amount and produce poisons that the clinical symptoms would manifest.

The experements differ from the alleged pathway of infection:
>small wound
>small amount of tetanus enters
>poisons the host

This was never shown. Just postulated.
What they did is, taking rotting tissue.
Adding tetani bacilli.
Letting it rot for 6-7 days. Taking 10ml of the tissue culture washing and injecting it intercerebrally or intraperitoneal which is far away from what happens in reality.

This shit was a meme and hysteria sorrounding the horror of lockjaw and meningitis in WWI.

>> No.15878891

I cough at anyone who wears a mask.

>> No.15878911
File: 1.64 MB, 1662x1774, up to date.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't forget to install your UPDATE goyim

>> No.15878919

It's been demonstrated that the vaccine carries a higher risk of inducing Guillain-Barre syndrome than the virus itself.
Source - https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2022/may/rise-guillain-barre-syndrome-following-astrazeneca-vaccine

>> No.15878948

You know you can just pretend to wash your hands after shitting? No one is forcing you.

>> No.15878953

Guillian barre syndrom is literally nothing but a meme term that explains away neurological poisoning.

The "virus" does not cause it.
It is a downstream result of neurological poisoning.

It is a relabeling of polio.
Same for aseptic meningitis.
Acute flacid myelitis.

Its pretended that all these diseases are "sooo different".
But they are all destrucktion of the nervoussystem.
And are all cause of medical poisoning.

They meme this shit into existance give people the feeling, that you have a unique untreatable syndrome.

When it is nothing else but the adverse reaction to "medicin".
The people who had "the virus" and then got GBS, were likely Vaccinated but didn't count as immunized because of the 14day rule.

>> No.15878955


>> No.15878958

(You) A Troll or retard who does have no points or arguments or "sources"

>> No.15878970

You misrepresent your sources ad absurdum. I honestly don't even know how to begin engaging with you. It's worse than reasoning with a toddler or a drunk. Or a retard. A retard might want to understand, a retard might be willing to listen. Your mental illness makes it pointless to argue with you.

>> No.15878989

Provide a scientific source in which they prove the casuality of lockjaw or menengitis after a tetanus invasion, via the alleged pathway in a controlled experiement.

Also provide sources, that the docs during the tetanus hype, actually had lab diagnostics to do differential diagnostics to even verify that every case of tetanus, was actually tetanus, and not just a "if you have a hammer everything looks like a nail" phenomenon.

>> No.15879003


>> No.15879014

>ad hominem

You have no arguments which actual substance.

>> No.15879141
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>> No.15879147 [DELETED] 

if (panic) { doHumanExperiment(); }

>> No.15879149 [DELETED] 

The vaxx is a human experiment, so once the panic wears off, the motivation to try a human experiment / inject vaxx wears off.

>> No.15879264

The panic moment is the virus that Fauci funded/created. They were doing covid virus tests in the US months before wuhan lab leak happened.

>> No.15879587

>virus that Fauci funded/created
Gain of fiction.
There is no such thing as a virus being causal for a specific disease....

>> No.15879655
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>> No.15879657

This Fauci guy must be pretty powerful.

>> No.15880402

It is also becuase the average age of fathers has decreased as well. Sperm quality decreases significantly after the age of thirty, and is associated with disorders like schizophrenia, OCD, Bipolar Disorder, acondroplasia (dwarfism) and congenital abnormalities such as septal defects and more. Older sperm has been linked with a higher rate of miscarriage. Because men do not stop producing thier gametes, old sperm can be a different type of danger since the male body will keep producing sperm even as the quality declines. I would also assume that the rise in popularity of c sections may also play a part, since c section babies have a less developed microbiome. Unhealthy microbiomes have been linked with increased risk of asthma, obesity, depression, and dementia.

>> No.15881002
File: 115 KB, 1024x974, 1699904324310886m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice ramblings.
Apperently you miss out on the other various civilisatory negative inföuences on health like:
>fear based propaganda, which makes people depressed
>overmedicating on painkillers
>heart meds
>high fructose corn syrup
>vaccines during pregnancy
>medication during pregnancy
>vaccines at the day of birth
>22 doses of Vaccines within the first year of life compared to 2 in the 1970s

>> No.15881031

damn this is an extremely soulless thing to have to do/shill for getting paid to post on 4chan

>> No.15882142

I got my covid vaccine booster last week. This is the 5th covid shot I’ve gotten actually. When am I going to start dying of aids/cancer/heart attack like all the antivaxxers say? So far I feel fine.

>> No.15882148

Two more weeks.

>> No.15882152
File: 375 KB, 1650x942, 202105+Infant+mortality+timeline%401.5x-100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22 doses of Vaccines within the first year of life compared to 2 in the 1970s

>> No.15882225

Why did you get vaccinated for a disease that doesn't exist anymore?

>> No.15882272
File: 631 KB, 842x1231, Smellie_forceps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok if you play this game:
>thalidomide or contagan usage had its peak in the 1960s.
>not only causing crippled babies
>but infants unfit to sirvive the first two years of life
>not only did they distribute contagan in women, but also mornidin with a homolog compund also causing similar adverse birth defects.
In the post WWII era until the 90s, hostpital were quasi militaristic camps.
No fathers allowed until after birth.
No scanners but painful exams.
Birthing with the Obstetrical forceps, which had a lot of adverse effects on infants.
This was coincidental phased out also until the 90s and replaced with a suction pump.
Here a recall from giving birth in the 60s

The conditions and carelessness how the treated and sometimes accidentally switch infants were big problems.
Also did several infant mystery deaths and mass deaths of infants happen in the 1960s

Also to take into account is the ongoing Aftermath of WWII in europe.
Several conflicts and economical impacts:
1953 Uprising in East Germany
1955–1959 Cyprus Emergency
1956 Uprising in Poznań
1956 Hungarian Revolution
1956–1962 Operation Harvest
1958 First Cod War
1959–2011 Basque conflict
1967 Greek coup d'état
1968 Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia
1968–1998 The Troubles
1970–1984 Unrest in Italy
1972–1973 Second Cod War
1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus
1974 Carnation Revolution
1975 Coup of 25 November 1975

The literall poisoning of people all over europe with toxic pesticides such as:
>DDT, BHC, Organophosphates, Lead Arsenate, Paris Green

There was a trend of pushing behavioran forming meds on women up until the 70s.
Oh don't forget it was still okay to smoke and drink while pregnant.

>> No.15882280

>thalidomide or contagan usage had its peak in the 1960s.
>not only causing crippled babies
>but infants unfit to sirvive the first two years of life
>not only did they distribute contagan in women, but also mornidin with a homolog compund also causing similar adverse birth defects.
I agree. Great progress on that part. The lessons we learnt from this really made the approval much safer.
>No fathers allowed until after birth.
As a man, I'm glad that fathers are not allowed to be with their wives.
>No scanners but painful exams.
Modern medical imaging is great, I agree.
>Birthing with the Obstetrical forceps, which had a lot of adverse effects on infants.
Yup. One of the reasons for lower infant mortality/mortality during birth.
Did you post this to highlight that today's medical care is at its peak so far?

>DDT, BHC, Organophosphates, Lead Arsenate, Paris Green
Yeah, government regulations really improved the lives of everyone.
>Oh don't forget it was still okay to smoke and drink while pregnant.
Yup. Crazy from today's perspective. Luckily, science isn't about defending dogma. If we learn that smoking it bad for the child, doctors change their recommendations and advise women not to smoke during pregnancy. This fluidity is a core strength of science.

>> No.15882282

because nobody has the attention span or time for that shit
that's how people's minds work now, it becomes old news rapidly and they dgaf

>> No.15882312
File: 15 KB, 347x283, Medio-lateral-episiotomy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a man, I'm glad that fathers are not allowed to be with their wives.
It was to protect the doctors from getting beaten up or killed.

Docots were not required to be patient
If birth took more than 4 hours they simply cut open the vagina.
Sometimes it lead to sepsis and death.

Also infants were instantly seperated from the mothere where nurses and doctors did god knows what to them.
Also the strict seperation lead to also making it impossible to breastfeed.

Often women were forced to undergo dental removal of one or two teeth just for the sake of it, instantly after birth.

Sepwration from mother and child often lead to malnourishment because infats refused the "formula" which was tested on them.
The conditions in hispital were wierd and militaristic.

>Did you post this to highlight that today's medical care is at its peak so far?
No I highlighted it because the meme of "children died because of germs" is a plausible deniability for iatrogenesis and the disregard for human life that doctors often had because it was pretty frequent that doctors also were fans and strong believers of eugenics.
When posting retarded "mortality" graphics of the past people tend to ignore that shitty medical and forcefully applied interventions did more bad then good.
It is often irgnored and not factored in that doctors literally poisoned people and experimented on them with meds on the go.

Its a multifactoral problem that gets always reduced to "the evil germs".
When it was often the Govermentally forced intervention or the militaristic manner of doctors which coerced people into accepting treatment.
In the 60s forcemedocating people anf strapping them on beds was a thing.

>> No.15882328

>acts surprised when bitten

>> No.15882791
File: 631 KB, 641x969, nursing_infants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This was coincidental phased out also until the 90s and replaced with a suction pump.
>Here a recall from giving birth in the 60s
>The conditions and carelessness how the treated and sometimes accidentally switch infants were big problems.
>Also did several infant mystery deaths and mass deaths of infants happen in the 1960s

The hosptial rules literally promoted formula feeding and discuraged breat feeding.


Also "blue baby syndrome".
Which happened at the same time "in rural areas", when it was popularized and sanctioned by the state to spray down fruit trees and everything else with DDT and Lead arsenate.

>> No.15882828

How many of the vaxxxies of /sci/ are up to date on their covid boosters?

>> No.15882938

Hey anon, are you still there? Are you satisfied by the data poste here?
Please let us know!

>> No.15882939


>> No.15883009

most of my friends are fully vaccinated (5 times) and are completely fine

>> No.15883013

>Rename booster or series to "update"
>Charge your immunity like a cellular phone
>EUA an no actual efficacy
>The FDA approved vax still isn't available
They keep doubling down on the lie

>> No.15883051

Subscription based immune system. weeeeeeeeee

>> No.15883059

Research the childhood vax schedule. Some are effective and worthwhile. Most are not.

>> No.15883184

NTA but the linked response points out several flaws with the study that "found" the negative immunity effect. I mean, it's right there in the screenshot. Not sure if I'm too autistic to understand if it was a joke, of if you/that other anon really think that this proves that the vaccines are bad.
That's like linking a paper where they write
>Researchers have claimed to have developed room-temperature superconductors. However, their results are not reproducible and their methods are highly flawed.
as a proof for room-temperature superconductors.

>> No.15883335

>Some are effective and worthwhile
would you please say which vaccines are effective and worthwhile.
Please state the specific brand, and the source of which you obtained your knowledge that they are "effective" and against which disease.

>> No.15883359

There is. Just check the supplemental data in their trial and you will find more died in the clotshot group than the clotshot without mrna group. Remember, that they can't even perform control groups anymore and they require to tox them with something in order to have a fighting chance. And they still lost.

>> No.15883372

>I bet you believe that there's scientific proof that the vaccine is harmful.
Technically yes.
There is absence of scientificly sane data, what would verify the effectiveness of the vaccine.
Not only is there no scientific proof or data, that the vaccine is "effective" but there is proof in reality, since the all cause mortality, and cases increased since the deployment of the vaccine.
And since retarded argumentation patterns such as:
>you only count as vaccinated after 14 days after the second dose
Excludes them from beeing counted, not even as "vaccination failure" but as
>Vaccine mediated immunesystem failure

So in the best case the vaccine is as effective as saline. In the worst case its toxic.
But even in the best case it is harmfull, you know why?
Because you injected shit into people, causing at least minimal temprorary damage for zero benefit.

>> No.15883428

>would you please say which vaccines are effective and worthwhile.
Rabies vaccine, any brand.

>> No.15883454

>Please state the specific brand, and the source of which you obtained your knowledge

Also, no.

>> No.15883470

>Just check the supplemental data in their trial and you will find more died in the clotshot group than the clotshot without mrna group.
Is this the study?
>Pfizer’s study states that fourteen people in the placebo group and 15 people in the vaccinated group died before January 2021. The vast majority of the deaths were unrelated to COVID-19. Only two people in the placebo group died of COVID-19 and one person in the vaccinated group died of COVID-19 pneumonia, according to additional Pfizer data obtained by The Associated Press. The rest of the deaths were due to other factors, including heart disease and heart attacks.

15/14 out of 44,000 is not statistically significant.

>> No.15883475

>15/14 out of 44,000 is not statistically significant.
Right, neither are the deaths from COVID-19, yet they gained approval based on that trial.

>> No.15883487

You're so close.

>> No.15883498

I'm not the original anon so I don't get your point. A vaccine not being harmful is irrelevant, they were supposed to be at a minimum 50% efficacious. Based on total deaths, it wasn't even close. Based on COVID-19 deaths, it just barely made the grade and wasn't even statistically relevant. Based on confirmed tests, it was efficacious, except that the number of symptomatic probable covid cases was exorbitant and occurred in both groups, but for some reason they were never tested.

>> No.15883567

The point is that it was never the "deadliest disease in history". So the "99% survival rate" isn't the gotcha chuds think it is either.
>they were supposed to be at a minimum 50% efficacious. Based on total deaths, it wasn't even close.
How can you tell from a total of 2 covid deaths in the placebo group and one death in the vaccinated group? This isn't statistically significant enough to say that there's a difference, but it's also not enough to say that there is. If I give you a dice, tell you it's magic and you roll it a single time and it lands on 6, can you tell if I'm full of shit? No. You simply don't know if it's magic or not. You can't tell if the vaccine works if you only look at the number of deaths (well, the single death).
What they did see in the vaccine is a significantly lower number of infections though. That's why it was judged effective.

>> No.15883570

Covid19 hasn't been relevant in two (2) years. Everyone else long forgot about it. Why are anti-vaxxers still obsessed over it? How much longer will the pandemic live rent-free in their heads?

>> No.15883592

You know, that rabies is neither a specific nor virus caused disease, right?

>> No.15883593

Does antivax mean critical of vaccines? Pfizer has been sued for billions of dollars for intentionally lying and hiding the effects of their drugs. Why wouldn't you be critical of anything they put out? Especially if it's new technology?

>> No.15883595

Tetanus is one of the least effective vaccines though?

>> No.15883602
File: 271 KB, 1007x704, Sealioning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine trannies literally making up a term to deflect their absence of scientific understanding or capability of stating sources or admitting, that they believe in shit out of blind dogmatic unscientifix faith.

Wikipedia Entry created: 2017
By a wiki admin user named Jayron32 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Jayron32

Who constantly gets corrected, then turns into a bitch, and then admits he was wrong.

How low can people sink.
Just admit it:
>I am a blind believer in the Experts
>I don't have sources
>I don't believe in evidence based science
>I only believe in eminence base science

>> No.15883610

No anon you don’t get it. He said the gotcha word so you must concede your argument.
Those are the rules.

>> No.15883617

Oh it's the "rabies don't exist" schizo, hello!

>> No.15883620

>Wikipedia Entry created: 2017
>By a wiki admin user named Jayron32

>created by a guy named Aristotle who constantly gets corrected and turns into a bitch

>> No.15883648

Universities in USA. Both for events and attending for a degree

>> No.15883757

Rabbies is absolutely lethal without the vaccine. You are retarded.

>> No.15883795
File: 106 KB, 900x892, wef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millions are getting killed by the vax, only stupid morons would want to get boosted again.

>> No.15883809

Do you believe that is good you stupid ignorant idiot? Weak trash like you must die, you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.15883816

Fuck off ignorant! This place is not for animals like you.

>> No.15883820

No is not, you ignorant piece of shit.

>> No.15883829

Well I don't want the fatal foaming from the mouth condition that animals, including humans, die from every year.

>> No.15883871

>How can you tell from a total of 2 covid deaths in the placebo group and one death in the vaccinated group? This isn't statistically significant enough to say that there's a difference
I think you should write a letter to the CDC stating that they declared an emergency authorization based on a trial that failed to show clinical significance in reducing mortality from covid, Oh wait, the CDC didn't care, they still declared that it must because it reduces covid in the first place, but wait...

>What they did see in the vaccine is a significantly lower number of infections though
It seems like you didn't read my post, because I already pointed out that there were far more "suspected cases" of covid that were ignored when declaring it a whopping success. Actually, here's the exact numbers:

8 confirmed cases in vaccine group
162 confirmed cases in placebo group

1594 suspected but unconfirmed covid cases in vaccine group
1816 suspected but unconfirmed covid cases in placebo group

So we saw a dramatic drop in the positive covid cases, yet the overall difference in suspected covid cases was about 20%, and the suspected covid cases was about 20x higher than the confirmed covid cases. So at the end of the day, what the trials revealed is no difference in overall death, no difference in covid death, and a tiny difference in covid-like illness. The takeaway is that either they failed to test a lot of people who were clearly sick, testing led to a lot of false-negatives in the vaccinated, or covid cases only made up a tiny percentage of respiratory illnesses that looked like covid. None of those fulfill the 50% efficacy bit. Reporting only the positive test results and then declaring it efficacious upon that is not only misleading, it's potentially dangerous because the mortality rates did lead to the possibility that not only were the vaccines not effective at preventing death, they may increase the mortality rate.

>> No.15883884

You know...
That this is a meme.
Literally a meme propagated by posters.
Dogs that ate Mercury, arsenic or even poisonous mushrooms foam from the mouth and get wierd.
The disease in Humans varies from:

Which was back in the 19th century always without laboratory confirmation declared as "Rabies".
>could have come from lice
>could have come from mosquitos
If no animal bite was visible.

In the 1800s a common delousing practice was diping animals in arsenic.
And the water was simply used to water fields and gardens, without the knowledge that they contamitate them.
Also dog hating people poisoned animals with strychnin, mercury and arsenic.
The strychnin rat poisons were everywhere, and if a dog ate it it got poisoned, resulting in foaming.

People died from "alleged" rabies, because doctors poisoned them with arsenic and mercury as treatment, because mercury would induce salivation, and they though it would remove the "rabies germ".
Also if a wound was present, they cauterized the wounds with silver nitrate and then put bread with mercury ointment on the wound.
Also see picrel:
They vaccinated people to death, when thes suspected rabies.
The Hempt rabies vaccine contained phenol and ether and the mushed up brain of a rabid dog.
They administered 25Doses of vaccine within 18days with increasing dosages.
This vaccine caused encephalopathy. And there were multiple acounts on that.

>> No.15883889

And I'd also like to point out that you're throwing a fit that someone declared the vaccines dangerous due to a number that didn't reach clinical significance, "but it's also not enough to say that there is," yet you seem to be totally fine with the CDC declaring the EUA even though those same exact numbers show that deaths were not reduced by a statistically significant number. So we're basing our hopes around people not coughing as much (and I already showed that this is much smaller than we were led to believe), and it's so important that we shouldn't even think about looking about the all-cause mortality before injecting it across the planet? We just super duper hoped it wouldn't end up killing a bunch of people even though the numbers said that it might and more research could have been warranted? That doesn't abide by "first, do no harm" whatsoever.

>> No.15883895

Oh my god, now we're going to get the mercury schizo here arguing how mercury is great for you. I hope you two have a fun debate.

>> No.15883910

Go play with bats, moron

>> No.15883918
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>> No.15883920
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> effective
LMAO, that shit is fucking useless you moron

>> No.15883934

You go and get bitten if you believe in vaccines.

>> No.15883943

Probably already dead, the vaccine doesn't forgive.
Imaginary friends don't count kiddo.

>> No.15884021

>Which was back in the 19th century always without laboratory confirmation declared as "Rabies".
How about 2021?


>> No.15884127

They cashed out the credibility of the medical establishment so they could stop the next Hitler

>> No.15884144

weak bait

>> No.15884589

"The patient, an 11-year-old junior high school Ghanaian student from the Obuasi Municipality in Ghana, presented with aggressive behavior, which rapidly progressed to confusion and loss of consciousness within a day of onset. Her parents reported that the patient had experienced a bite from a stray dog on her right leg 5 years prior to presentation"

>child sick in fucking Ghana
>got bitten 5 years ago
>then got sick wie deffuse neurological symptoms
>literally NOT A ATEMPT of differential diagnosis

Imagine this retarded meme...
Ghana a country in which they experiment with shitty meme meds, aids prophylaxis and vaccines on children
And they did the circumstancial evidence meme of
>was bitten 5 fucking years ago

Are you sure it was rabies?
This could also be a Dim Mak.

>> No.15884611

The settled science changes and that's a good thing chud.

>> No.15884669

>patient gets shot while eating hot dog
>bleeds out and dies
>"Are you sure it was due to getting shot? Maybe he choked on the hot dog! How dare you not check!"

>> No.15884998

crazy that he bled for 5 years bro

>> No.15885002

>This could also be a Dim Mak.
that got a chuckle from me desu

>> No.15885010

Surely a better explanation than anything you proposed.

>> No.15885014

A Dim Mak sounds plausible.

>> No.15885015

I don't know what that is.

>> No.15885021

You wouldn't get it.

>> No.15885090


>> No.15885112

Other way around. Everyone who didn't take the vaccine was called an anti-vaxxer. Don't like it?

>> No.15885152

This esotheruc type of diagnistics and circumstancial evidence is retarded.

Some child experiences a unexplainable sudden onset of illness phenomena, which has mutliple explainations, such as:
>destroyed nerve due to physical trauma, like falling wierd on a playground
>poisoning due to contaminated water
>vaccine induced encephalitis
>medicine induced encephalitis

But they digged 5 years into the past, of a bite from a stray dog, with no evidence whatsoever that the dog was rabid.
And assumed that this event from 5 years ago is responsible for the sudden onset of neurological disease.
In fucking Ghana...

Don't you have a scientific experiment on hand in which they demonstrate the transmission and clinical symptoms appearing with a controlled set of subjects.
Such as:
>have rabit dog
>take saliva
>scratch healthy dog on the leg
>inocculate the scratch or even deep cut with rabid dog saliva
>demonstrate onset of disease with symptoms equal to those of the dog declared rabid.

This should be literally the initial step, to demonstrate this phenomenon which is speculated to have the pathway of transmission of: Bite, salive in wound, onset of specific set of neurological symptoms.

>> No.15885172

>I accept the terminology of people calling me something
so, will you refer to yourself as poppyhead in the future if we call you that?

>> No.15885683

>This esotheruc type of diagnistics and circumstancial evidence is retarded.
You're not supposed to have pathogens in your CSF.

>> No.15885933

They didn't isolate or find a pathogene.
They did a rtPCR.
An PCR is ALWAYS and will always be a unverifided and uncalibrated.
The primers always are unspecific.
The process itself is so dirty and artefact riddled, while also requiring temperature stability, hygiene and extremly clean lab settings, to even have a reproducable result from the exact same sample.


>> No.15885938

Cope and seethe

>> No.15885959

The government is telling you to suck a fat hobo’s cock or else you can’t get groceries, leave your house and much less work to pay your bills.

Then they gaslight you further and tell you if you don’t suck this hobo cock, someone else might have to suck 5 hobo cocks.

Coercion? Haha. Chuds.

>> No.15885974

>The government
Which government? Mine certainly did nothing of what you described. Are you Chinese?

>> No.15886147

>Which government?
It was common in Europe.


>> No.15886638

I was always against take untested experimental injections. That kinda stuff needs to be at least tested on chimps for several decades before it can be considered safe

>> No.15886905

The best I can do is 8 mice.

>> No.15887495

we should be raising massive herds of chimps somewhere for drug testing

>> No.15887698


>You're not supposed to have pathogens in your CSF.
As I mentioned, please provice a source that your alleged "pathogen" is actually pathogenic and causal for the disease called "rabies".

Let me give you a QRD:
> 1. observe phenomenon of neurologically ill dog with foaming salivation
> 2. postulate a cause (a virus)
> 3. isolate the virus (never happened)
> 4. demonstrate the virus is causal for specific set of symptoms (never happened)
> 5. chemically characterize the pathogen (never happened)
> 6. create a surrogate test (PCR) that is calibrated against the pathogen (never happened)
> 7. verify the surrogate test indeed is accurate and is specific for the pathogen (never happened)
> 8. now the surrogate test can be used to demonstrate cause of disease

So What I want is that you provide the source for the step 3. and 4.
Because without these two steps, every subsequent step cannot be done.
The downstream error of a unverified cause of disease, can not lead to a indirect surogate test.
A indirect method of detection can only be established if a direct method of detection is established, because without it you cannot calibrate the indirect method, hence it will always be false.

>> No.15887714

There's a massive herd of chimps on >>>/pol/. I agree that we should do medical tests on them.

>> No.15887722

> 3. isolate the virus (never happened)
This was also a really important point for the most schizo people who were upset about covid. What exactly do you mean by "isolate" and why is it so important to you? Can you give a positive example of a pathogen that got the treatment you demand so maybe I can understand it a little better?

>> No.15887763
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>> No.15887767

What can cause a fire, charcoal or sparks?
Charcoal being present after a fire doesn't prove that it caused the fire.
This is the equivalent of a prc test, and most viruses.

You can isolate charcoal, step 3. But introducing charcoal to a tree won't make it catch fire. Thus step 4 fails and you know you have work to do, looking for a new cause.

Lets say you now isolate sparks, step 3, and introduce them to some wood or a tree. This causes a fire. Step 4 passes.
Not only that, but the subsequent fire produces sparks as well.

>> No.15887768

>What exactly do you mean by "isolate"
Isolating means separating a thing from anything else.
So that you can say "this is it", and do experiment without contamination, and show (mono)causality beyond doubt.

>And why is it so important to you?
Because that is the only way to demonstrate causality of a thing.

>Can you give a positive example of a pathogen that got the treatment you demand so maybe I can understand it a little better?
Yes. Mercury.
If a river or any body of water yields a lot of dead fish and sick people arround that body of water.
There are many compunds in the water.
If you suspect organic mercury to be causal for the death of the fish.
You first need to find that mercury exists in the water.
You isolate the compound of organic mercury, so that you have it without anything else, and test it without anything else in a animal.
If the animal then develops a disease, you demonstrated that organic mercury is toxic and (mono)causal for neurological disease in that scenario.

>> No.15887791
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>What exactly do you mean by "isolate" and why is it so important to you?

Holy fuck...
The state of /sci/...
Not even understanding the scientific method.

>> No.15887795

Sparks have never been isolated. Sparks have also never been proven to start fires.

>> No.15887800

Maybe slightly more complex than a single element? Maybe also more complex than individual toxins/chemicals. I'm talking about bacteria, viruses, amoeba.

>> No.15887815

>'m talking about bacteria, viruses, amoeba.
Take fluid.
Filter it.
Take the supernatant.
Do a hypercentrifugation.
Find the density gradient of bacteriophages.
Isolate them.
Find uniform specific bacteriophage within the size rage of 75-120 nm (same size as viruses).
And have them alone:

For some reason you can do this with bacteriophages.
And it is done and considered the gold standard.
Yet the isolation of viruses never has been done.

>> No.15887962
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filename related.

>> No.15888019

>Healthy control has negative PCR
>Patient has positive PCR
Even if you want to argue the pathogen isn't the cause, the latter is not normal. The PCR used has already been validated as having a negative result if the pathogen does not exist.

>> No.15888022

Actually a lot of skeptics of the PCR would argue the charcoal doesn't even exist.

>> No.15888230

>The PCR used has already been validated as having a negative result if the pathogen does not exist.
That is a claim

>PCR a surogate method
>extremley sensible
>required primers of a pathogen
>pathogen never isolated
>what was used as the primer?
>random genetic material that was coincidentaly found in a patient with meningitis
>no verification of specific pathogen because pathogen was never separated nor shown to be causing disease

Please reread steps 1-7. :

Elaborate how a surrogate test can be accurate and demonstrate the pathogen if the pathogen, was never demonstrated to cause disease and they never specifically isolated the pathogen.
Contaminated dead brain and tissue cultures have genetic material.
Taking this material and labeling it as "lyssa virus".
then taking RNA fragments as long as 20-30 BP form that material, means nothing, because it simply indicate either random nerve tissue breakdown, or even worse, indicates nothing.

Also rtPCR is a extremly sensible shitty error yielding technique.
Because it take RNA, makes DNA from it, then heats it to 90°C and then multiplies it exponentially, in which every duplication error is also duplicated, leading to downstream error.
And since your meme case is in Ghana, I hardly can believe that they have the best "lab hygiene".
Which is also retarded, because even a random dust grain can lead to """"false"""" positives in anything.

>> No.15888236

Charcoal is real, because you do not need meme procedures like PCR to verify its existance.
You can use repeatable, specific chemistry and spectroscopy.
AND literally touch and feel it.

A thing of which you cannot demonstrate its existance without using PCR does likely not exist. Because PCR is a surrogate method.
>a indirect method

You cannot develop a indirect method of observation or detection, if you not even have DIRECT method of observation and detection, because you can simply not calibrate a test, for a thing that you do not posses.
You cannot create PCR-test that demonstrate the existance of a Unicorn, without having the unicorn first.

>> No.15888242

You are retarded. Everyone who is antivaxx is retarded. The fact that you retards are still obsessed with the vaccine is hilarious.
Two screenshots of (faked) article headlines from trash online magazines do not represent the majority of people or even more than 0.1% of them.

>> No.15888321

>everything smaller than a millimetre is fake because I can't see it

>> No.15888375

retarded strawman.
Bacteria are real.
Bacteriophages are real.
Never claimed that size makes shit real.

Things are real if they can be isolated from everything else that is not that alleged thing.
Like here:

Bacterial are real.
never disputed that.
3nm semiconductors are real.
Nanoparticles are real.

molecules are real.
Never said that "smallness" or "if its not visible with the naked eye", it's not real.

The claim of virus is very specific:
Nanoscopic, replication competent, specific non living organisms, which squirt their genes into you, to replicate, cause specific disease.

>viruses have never been directly Isolated from a diseased specimen
>have never been shown to be pathogenic on their own
>have never been shown to cause the same exact disease as the host they isolated it from

>> No.15888407

>Never claimed that size makes shit real.
Size is precisely the reason you need PCR and can't just look at the problem like when you have worms.

>> No.15888410

>viruses have never been directly Isolated from a diseased specimen

>> No.15888411

>That is a claim
They explain their methodology, and the makers of the PCR kit needed validation to gain FDA approval, not to mention there's studies showing a healthy person should not have a detectable pathogen in their CSF, meaning the PCR is certainly detecting something.

>random genetic material that was coincidentaly found in a patient with meningitis
Random genetic material that matched the genetic sequence of a rabies virus which was circulating in that area.

>AND literally touch and feel it.
Try that with a virus. We come back to arguing that something which is too small to see with the naked eye or feel with the skin must be fake?

>You cannot create PCR-test that demonstrate the existance of a Unicorn, without having the unicorn first.
Erm, viruses have been isolated, it's just too complicated to do so on a case by case basis.


>> No.15888438

Random sources, that do not isolate "virus" but use "isolate" in their headline, and then say:
>a virus is isolated when you isolate virus
With no source.

Give me the specific source that demonstrated that, rabies is caused by a specific virus by:
>isolating the virus from all the other crap that is in the salive of a dog
>then taking the isolated viruses, and introducing them into a host via the alleged pathway of transmission
>the new host develops the same disease as the original host of which the virus is obtained from

You posted a fact check and a "FAQ" which does demonstrate nothing.
It should be pretty easy to demonstrate the "rabies" virus, since its so "well known" and you seem so sure about it beeing causal for specific set of symptoms.
I mean, somewhere, somehow a controlled explicit isolation of a virus from a host has to exist, or otherwise its all made up and a meme word, that is a esotheric type of "reading tealeaves" within decaying poisoned tissue cultures.

>> No.15888445

>then taking the isolated viruses, and introducing them into a host via the alleged pathway of transmission
So you want them to isolate the virus and then immediately infect something else? Because the virus would no longer be active shortly after isolation, in fact it might not survive the isolation process. And the link I provided is for isolating a virus which may no longer be active, a requirement you've now made which is almost impossible to fulfill.

>> No.15888470
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>Because the virus would no longer be active shortly after isolation

So you say if a virus leaves the host it dies, so it cannot be isolated.
But it can survive as long as 28 days on surfaces and in the air, thats why we had to mask up?

And according to this university:
"Rabies virus can live a few hours outside the body in saliva and body fluids."

This contradicting meme of "its super fragile" but also "its super deadly" is the most retarded meme ever.

It's all excuses and memes.

>> No.15888483

Even doctors and nurses doubt it, though many won't express their opinions publicly obviously.

>> No.15888491

>But it can survive as long as 28 days on surfaces and in the air, thats why we had to mask up?
Which virus type?

Ah, SARS-CoV-2, which has been isolated, and there's been human challenge trials.

>"Rabies virus can live a few hours outside the body in saliva and body fluids."
Ah, so now it's okay if you infect something using bodily fluids?

>> No.15888499

>But it can survive as long as 28 days on surfaces
>up to
In reality, infections via surfaces were never a significant factor in the pandemic. If you deposit a billion viruses and one of them is still active after 28 days, it means that 999,999,999 became inactive.

>"Rabies virus can live a few hours outside the body in saliva and body fluids."
You'd claim that it's not isolated as long as it is in saliva.

>> No.15888498

I only got one shot too, but only for the reason of visiting my family member at the hospital. They tell people to take the shots but they didn't actually have any such rules in place.

>> No.15888505

Yes, they're the silent majority. Secretly, everyone agrees with you, but they simply cannot speak up. Tragic. They're waiting do the sign that is safe to speak up. Delusion like this has led to January 6. "Everyone is on our side and once we're in control, they'll follow us"

>> No.15888507

So you agree the rabies virus has never been isolated, because it is unisolatable.

>> No.15888533

I agree that it's a retarded demand. Lots of things have never been isolated.

>> No.15888546

Here's the biggest thing for me: have you ever participated in a poll? Have you ever heard someone tell you in real life that they participated in a poll? If an article is talking about a percentage of people doing anything, just ignore it. It's bullshit.

>> No.15888593

Actually, I get a lot of calls "hello, we're conducting a poll on..." but I never answer them. I suppose it's mostly business research and not polls on public opinions, but I wouldn't know, I just tell them to fuck off.

>> No.15888600

I'd ok part of the same system of lies. The lie about polls, fluoride in water and even the shape of the earth.

>> No.15888604

They claim "virus isolation" not me.
They claim it but never isolate.
Also they never demonstrate causality of specific disease by the specific virus, in a controlled experiment.

Like here:

They claim isolation, and literally isolated nothing.
They took bats.
And then let me quote:
"Tissues tested were brain, salivary glands, and brown fat. After bats were dead, tissues were
ground by molrtar and pestle in 10% albuminsaline diluent at pH 7.5 to make suspensions
estimated to be lo%, and 0.03 ml were injected into mice by intracerebral route. Signs od rabies
were not observed in the infected bats and it
cannot be stated that their deaths were caused
by rabies. "

SO they ground up organs and injected it into brains of other rats which then died. But with no signs of rabies.

Then they concluded:
"It is quite possible that deaths of these animals were unrelated to infection inasmuch as
other bats maintained identically also died but
without infection."
"Rabies virus has been isolated
from brown fat of naturally infected Eptesicus
and Myotis bats."

I don't even know how this shit is deemed as "virology" when they neither isolate a virus, nor gain conclusive evidence, nor use the alleged pathway of transmission, but inject forign ground up material in the brains of animals.

>> No.15888621

I actually never get these, although I'm on the do not call list (though it doesn't stop me from getting a shitload of spam calls).

>> No.15888633

The article clearly states that the more likely explanation is that those who self-select for additional boosters are those who were at greater infection risk.

If you're going to post shit, at least crop the part that explicitly disagrees with you out first

>> No.15888640

Hypothesis is just a guess. It doesn't mean anything until an actual study is done.

>> No.15888818


>> No.15889124

I'd tell you the hack I invented to avoid getting any of those calls, but I don't want ((them)) to find out about it so I'm not telling anyone

>> No.15889142

Chances are the viruses will just keep coming and the vaccines will keep being untested poison. Vaccines are poison by definition, a theoretical weakened version of the pathogen that smarts your body before the real thing comes. The problem is having to take untested political injections(remember spiderman elsa brainwash on youtube?) indefinitely where everyone forcing you wants authority without accountability. I'm sure a big chunk of people who took this shit will just die, it will be just another correlation doesn't imply causation case(it does). I don't ever want to see this forcedvaxx shit again, lockdowns are okay and I understand necessary in the first stages of spread, but clearly there was an agenda to inject weak people with poison.

>> No.15889537

Some hypotheses are easier to disprove than others though.

>> No.15889538

>untested political injections
The trump shop wasn't untested.