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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15823576 No.15823576 [Reply] [Original]

Why did my memory improve after playing this game for a month?

Played 2-4 hours a day minimum and did no cognitively challenging activities before this. It was a noticeable improvement, started to remember things I frequently forget, this was the only variable that changed in my lifestyle.

>> No.15825188

league is just real time chess
and its way harder than chess so theres that

>> No.15825316
File: 1.78 MB, 480x480, vax scandal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing 3D-platform video games on a regular basis may improve cognitive functions in seniors and increase grey matter in a brain structure called the hippocampus, a new study suggests

>Being exposed to an environment filled with novel stimuli can benefit cognition, including memory. Studies have shown that rodents placed in enriched environments, compared to sparse environments, experience increased generation of nerve cells in brain regions that are critical for memory encoding and retrieval. Humans may also experience similar neurological benefits from novel environments. However, this exposure can be hindered by those who remain indoors, potentially due to viral pandemics or mobility impairments.

>> No.15825480

>its way harder than chess so theres that
Kill yourself
You've never played chess have you?
Reminder that there are zoomers out there that ACTUALLY believe this

>> No.15825655

someone's ego has been jostled. how is it not more difficult than chess. there are more active variables, moving in real time that has to be coordinated between 5 people. it's easily got a higher skill ceiling.

>> No.15825664

>viral marketing thread

>> No.15825736

All this proves is that your understanding of chess is childish

>> No.15825747

yeah, dawg, i know how chess works. Horsey makes an L. all this proves is that you can't find a reason I'm wrong.

>> No.15825751

>knowing chess is merely knowing how pieces can move
Alas, your understanding your chess is that of a child

>> No.15825758

games have depth beyond the basic rules, yes. obviously. doesn't really refute my point.

>> No.15825884

There was never a point. Your statement was objectively wrong since the start since you don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.15825918

We get it. You are ever so smart because you play chess, the game of kings. please, oh, big brained one, please explain why chess is so much more complicated than the average real-time strategy video game.

>> No.15825927

What's this? Did your intellectual insecurities start spilling out or what?

>> No.15827413


>> No.15827544

LMAO, you are such a fool.
Chess is EZ AF, very few possible actions per turn, very small global state. And that is not even considering online gaming requires team work with people you don't know.

>> No.15827548

If chess is so easy why aren't you a grandmaster? If you played me right now I would destroy you.

>> No.15827549 [DELETED] 
File: 1.36 MB, 1x1, TheWeatherVane__PAPER__20231028.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15827552

Boring game, and becoming a grandmaster is just placing a big target in your back.

>> No.15827555

Please elaborate. How does it place a target on your back? The reason you find it boring is because you're so bad at it.

>> No.15827557

not science or math

>> No.15827576

Still waiting for you to post your 1200 FIDE rating (or chesscom 2000 rating to be generous)
After all chess is easy right?

>> No.15827686
