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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 209 KB, 1080x1285, PSX_20230915_102800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15746282 No.15746282 [Reply] [Original]

In this study they literally just surveyed vegan cat owners and found that they reported their cats to be healthier. Yet this study will probably be cited by veterinarians and cat food companies to start pushing vegan cat food.

>> No.15746326

So? Junk studies are junk studies. They've been around for all of human history. From "tribe members report more rain after rain dances" to "studies show that most people think the apple falls faster than the grape, so it does!".

Just add crushed lump charcoal to your cat's food. It will improve their digestion, clean out toxins, and reduce the smell of their litter box.

>> No.15746335 [DELETED] 

>Is science just a meme at this point?
Always has been. "Science" is an utter fabrication from start to finish. There has never been any "science" as such.

>> No.15746339


>> No.15746342


>> No.15746361 [DELETED] 

Small minds like yours will always be stuck in artificial constructs created by social engineers and marketers.

>> No.15746396

>tricking cat ladies into slowly killing their cats with malnutrition
Based scientists causing suffering to insufferable animals and insufferable people. I see nothing wrong with that.

>> No.15746521

not a cat owner but aren't cats well known for being obligate carnivores? as in, they really should eat exclusively 100% meat?

>> No.15746572

No. Cats eat all kinds of shit. Obligate carnivore just means they need meat to survive in the wild, but they still eat other things. If they get all the proteins they need then there's no need for real meat, but they'll probably appreciate the taste of meat more. That said, the meat in kibble is nothing like fresh or cooked meat and might as well be replaced. Just cook your cats a chicken breast every now and then and they won't care what kind of kibble they get.

>> No.15746578

There was a study that concluded cats who get fed on anything but meat become weak and develop brittle bones and lack of balance after 3 generations
So no, your own cat is probably ok with mix diet but not her kittens

>> No.15747032 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 850x400, einstein says soyentist are shills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, scientists are just paid professional liars

>> No.15747035

I doubt those cats consent to being vegan. Were they given the choice by being presented with meat products and vegan products simulatenously? I doubt it.

>> No.15747122

Protein isn't the only thing that meat offers, that plant-based diets can't. That would require supplements, and trying to get a cat to take multiple medicines daily is a fucking joke and stressful to the cat. It's people projecting their feelings onto creatures that can't argue against them.

>> No.15747136 [DELETED] 

>It's people projecting their feelings onto creatures that can't argue against them.
Classic example of the cycle of abuse. Veganism is highly correlated with being raised by a narcissistic mother.

>> No.15747228

What supplements do you imagine would be required and why can't that be included in your cat food, and why would that be any different than feeding them low quality chicken meal and corn meal baked together?

>> No.15747489

It just shouldn't be expected that your human diet should be transposed onto animals that have different dietary needs. Just keep mice or some kind of cute rodent that can live exclusively on a diet that you can respect if you're a vegan that can't deal with it. Why do they do this? I wonder how ass ravaged they get when they find their cats happily gobbling down bugs and mice that made it inside.
There's plenty of cat food out there that's grain-free and has freeze dried chicken or better quality meal. There's even fresh options at the grocer now, or like you mentioned before, just giving them chicken breast alongside whatever other food. Giving them exclusively ground pea or onions protein and whatever other also extremely processed bullshit that doesn't even touch daily food requirements for B12 and taurine.

>> No.15747531

>doesn't even touch daily food requirements for B12 and taurine
>Implying that can't be added
It's like you have no idea why cereal is so nutritious even though it's mostly just wheat and corn

>> No.15747543 [DELETED] 

What is it with these insane trannies trying to defend feeding highly processed, artificial goyslop to everyone and everything? Feed goyslop to your child, feed goyslop to your cat, water your plants with Fukashima waste water, it's safe and effective. Truly deranged. Anglos need to be wiped out ASAP.

>> No.15747554

But it's not nutritious. It's just carb-heavy slop with below floor quality micronutrients through fortification. How much of that is even bioavailable?

>> No.15747559 [DELETED] 

The correct way to handle shills is to ignore their posts and simply override anything their argue while minimizing their opportunities to dump the payload.

>> No.15747562

Most people can't afford to feed their cat steak every night. Hell, my cat doesn't like meat despite me offering it to him dozens of times. There's nothing actually wrong with cat food.

>> No.15747563 [DELETED] 

If you can't afford to feed a cat, don't keep a cat, you sad virgin parody of a nigger.

>> No.15747632

I feed my cats stew beef, chicken gizzards, liver etc. They don't eat much so it's not that expensive. I probably spend less than fancy cat kibble, but it's way better for them.

>> No.15747638

Anyone who says "doing science" or "the science" i consider borderline retarded.

>> No.15747639

Why are you feeding a cat on steak? That's terrible for them.

>> No.15747651

I can afford to feed a cat. Like I said, cat food (my cat loves meow mix) is totally fine.

My cat really isn't a huge fan of it though. He'll sometimes eat bits of chicken or bacon, but most times he'll taste it and decide not to eat it. I can't see him ever eating raw meat since he doesn't like soft food.

>> No.15747668

Have you ever read the nutrition facts? The fortification is considerable for what is supposed to be a single meal or even part of a single meal.

>How much of that is even bioavailable?
At least as much as your meds

>> No.15747669

Nonsense. Cats are carnivorous, and eat protein and fat from animal sources. Unless you are feeding them the heme protein from Impossible Burgers, I can't see how they could possibly survive on a vegan diet.

While the difference between domestic cats and their desert relatives is a slightly longer intestine, used to digest vegetable matter, and support a gut culture of bacteria, this is not so that they can survive on vegetables, but so that they don't die from bowel obstruction eating them.

>> No.15747695

Isnt peer review supposed to stop junk studies from being published?

>> No.15747706

The cancer is journalism, not the science itself
The harm done by junk busywork papers is zero until you add in the grifters in the public sphere misinterpreting them for personal gain

>> No.15747861 [DELETED] 

>not the science itself
No, the scientists are the cancer. Journalists didn't create the """replication""" crisis, which is really a crisis of outright fraud thats been given a more polite, PC name. Scientists did that and they did so intentionally

>> No.15747912

>Most people can't afford to feed their cat steak every night.
then don't buy a cat you stupid nigger, also he doesn't need to eat steak every time, chicken, pork, fish is perfectly fine. your hyperbole doesn't prove anything

>> No.15748033

You didn't raise him on it. I raised my cats on raw meat from when they were kittens. They wouldn't touch "cat food" if they were starving to death.

>> No.15748034 [DELETED] 

>I can afford to feed a cat.
You've already conceded that you can't. Soi isn't food.

>> No.15748048
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You assume that junk science is just a small subset of papers which is ignored by a given field anyway. Junk science is all-pervasive in nearly every field. Even experimental work in the hard sciences is becoming meme tier with statistical trickery.

>> No.15748070

i got him a shelter. he was already 3-4 years old at that point. from the get go he hated wet.

cat food isn't onions.

>> No.15748074 [DELETED] 

>cat food isn't onions.
You're onions and your cat is onions.

>> No.15748077

My cat isn't onions, it's Mr sparkles

>> No.15748177

My dick is bigger than yours.

>> No.15748829 [DELETED] 

pics or its not true

>> No.15748830

I bet my cat could beat up your cat.

>> No.15749710
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>> No.15749717

>be hack writer
>need to push vegan cat diet to make leftoid females happy and feel justified in harming their cats with shitty diets
>search for studies
>find a survey where the same femoids report their cats being "healthier" on the vegan diet
>report it as an absolute fact that vegan cats are healthier

Wa la, shitty "science" for shitty people. Cue headline sharing amongst the target crowd, and get free outrage clicks from places like this because it is basically pushing animal cruelty against cats. Writer gets promotion for making shitty article get lots of clicks. Makes more shitty articles for ragebait/offense porn.

>> No.15749736

>The cancer is journalism, not the science itself
Nigga, science itself IS the problem. We have anti-vaxxers BECAUSE a shitty doctor wanted to sell more vaccines! Poor science literally created the anti-vaxxer movement with all the vax causes autism shit. People got that from a science authority, aka the "experts" journalists cite. Then you take a look at the social sciences, and holy fuck, it is terrible. Non-repeatable findings, people literally publishing Mein Kamph under feminism and getting AWARDS for it. The processes are all fundamentally broken, absolutely none of it filters wrong science. And that isn't it, that is just the malicious stuff, the leftoids pushing politics over science.

The accidental retard stuff is all over too, because peer review is a fucking joke. I've actually conducted peer reviews, holy fuck do people not care a god damn bit when it comes to peer reviews. And that isn't counting the fact that funding determines what you look at and say, especially if you want to remain funded in the future. Corporate & government line towing is THE standard, not the exception. Then you get silly mistakes - a great example is the marriage study that "found" 7 years of difference between the divorced & single men and married men, with nothing for women. A better study came through and separated out single men from divorced and found out it was divorced men who were losing 7 years off their life, the single and married men were equivalent. Yet people still quote marriage as being "good" when it isn't. Divorce is "bad" for your health when you are man. Which makes way more logical sense - women always profit from marriage, and win during divorce. Single men are the control group, and divorce saps an average of 7 years off his life. Men don't just "gain" 7 years of life from marriage. They lose it in divorce. This kind of dumbshit is far more likely with DEI hires now.

>> No.15749814

Um ackshually it's "voila," as in the French for "look there."

>> No.15749884
File: 613 KB, 1028x557, 1694593474039696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the scientific consensus on why do I want to beat the shit out of that cat for making that stupid face?

>> No.15751182
File: 451 KB, 750x603, soyence men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feline soi face

>> No.15751199

Evil dog abuser

>> No.15751201

Cats must eat meat. It won't die if it occasionally eats a bit of vegetable or fruit, but you must feed the cat a steady diet of meat. Doing otherwise is abuse.

>> No.15752153
File: 67 KB, 700x464, vegans are faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't eat real food like people have been doing since before the dawn of recorded history!!
>you need to eat goyslop instead!!

>> No.15752158
File: 50 KB, 800x450, 1665043364225117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I diagnose you with hypermelanosis.

>> No.15752206

you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.15752288

You're right this is bullshit.
Let's see... 7% less likely to visit a vet.. probably going for alternative cat medicine or some shit. A cat chiropractor.
15% less likely to be on meds? Probably don't give them. Might contain animal byproducts.
55% per cent less likely to be on as special therapeutic diet?? A vet diet would probably have meat, they won't do that.
These markers they choose are horrible for this specific study, it's like they're trying to get this conclusion.

>> No.15753486

>The processes are all fundamentally broken
>leftoids pushing politics over science.
The scientific method was invented by Christians and for Christians. Science is a subset of Christianity. Non-Christians are not capable of doing science any more than someone who never learned math is

>> No.15753560

>Frosted Flakes with milk
>20% daily vitamin D
>15% daily calcium
>40% daily iron
>6% daily potassium
>20% daily vitamin B6
>50% daily vitamin B12

>Steak with mushrooms and onions
>27% daily vitamin B6
>54% daily vitamin B12
>22% daily iron
>9% daily iron
>low calcium
>low vitamin D

I'm sorry you can't understand how to read nutrition facts.

>> No.15753563

>9% daily iron
daily potassium*

>> No.15753584

A woman, and her dog were on tv. Woman claims dog loves being vegetarian.
It was a few years ago, probably UK or USA, but they decide to put it to the test with a vegetarian and meat bowl.
Dog darts towards the meat.
>Curb your enthusiasm plays

>> No.15753719

I fed a cat exclusively canned tuna for 22 years. Vegan cat would not make it half that.

>> No.15753817

The only real *science* is PHILOSOPHY which is what I lecture at a prestigious state college.

>> No.15753940

the nutrition comes from the milk retard
cereal is contemporary slave food

>> No.15754058
File: 76 KB, 768x768, Frosted-Flakes-Breakfast-Cereal_e1ac6550-b650-4ab0-8e45-f032e572cc57.5bf62b0c80f9df27c601a953b1151531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He still can't read nutrition facts
No, most of the nutrition comes from the enriched flour they put in the cereal. The milk is only contributing the calcium, potassium, and some of the vitamin D and B12.

How do you feed yourself without understanding how to read labels? You should get a blood test and find out what nutrients you're missing from your diet before it becomes a serious issue.

>> No.15754065

Science isn't a meme. People are. You just have to separate the scientist from grifters, which a degree does not do for you.

I. e. this retarded study spits in the face of Francis Pottenger's studies and any scientist in that field worth their salt should know that.
>Pottenger's cats

>What is taurine
>>15746572 to this fuckwit. Never post on nutrition topics again.

>> No.15754126 [DELETED] 

your kot vill eat ze bugs


>> No.15754156

>He doesn't know that seaweed contains taurine

>> No.15754349

Those nutrition labels aren't "facts", you only trust them because you're unaware of what the legal error range on them is.

>> No.15755223

> cat owners reported
LMAO, those cats look for fresh meat somewhere else.
True and real.

>> No.15756340

I remember learning about how the clinton administration changed the nutrition label rules and instituted massive acceptable error ranges to benefit their corporate donors at the expense of consumers. nutrition labels are pretty much works of fiction these days

>> No.15756689

you're right
its hard to argue when its put into print right there on the label

>> No.15756694

The real interesting part is when they're able to get the serving size down small enough that the number of calories is less than 0.5, at which point they can claim it is calorie free. Same with carbs and probably everything else on the label.
There are rules on how serving sizes are determined, companies can't just pick any value they want, but the rules are loose enough that they often can be hacked into something misleading.

>> No.15756713

>just because they need meat to survive doesn't mean they can't eat non-meats only as long as it has protein

you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.15756718 [DELETED] 

Just because they need meat to survive doesn't mean they need meat to survive, chud. My cat eats only insect-based foods and she is a perfectly healthy transfeline.

>> No.15758057

Pretty much everything the clintons did was corrupt
at one point the could have even paid off the national debt in full but "decided not to" which seems fantastical given the current debt is far in the trillions

>> No.15758085

Science is only serious when it comes to non-sensitive topics, such as very technical questions. In sensitive topics where the public sphere has strong opinions about, the scientific production usually becomes a joke because the researchers, editors and also part of the general public are likely also have strong opinions about these subjects. A way to counter this bias, you usually would expect to have the process to pass through many different political views in order to filter the bullshit out, but we all know this is not the case. The peer review process is full of flaws, free speech and open discussion in the academia is strictly forbidden when it comes to sensitive issues and most academics are left leaning. It's a recipe for disaster.

>> No.15758107

I guess that's one way the other is to cloak it in technobabble so that only the actively initiated have any clue what's actually being said but I guess that's the same as the latter part of what you said.

I suppose it's why many people would prefer to go off and study the mating habits of frogs on the other side of the world, but then even that can drag you into political conflict over the "gender" of the frogs or why a certain industrial compound is causing frog genocide a cascade of related problems...

>> No.15758186

Incentives also play a role. You may want to study the mating habits of frogs, but you'll have better odds at publishing your paper if you include that global boiling is genociding these poor frogs.

>> No.15758424

>boiling the frog
I don''t know that sounds like an antisemitic right wing frog whistle conspiracy theory to me.

>> No.15759279 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15759297

>be hack tweeter
>need to push carnivore diet to make rightoid males happy and feel justified in harming their body with shitty diets
>asks researcher for help
>post the survey to your Twitter audience and specifically ask that if people had healthy results from the carnivore diet, to fill out that survey
>researcher publishes the results of the survey
>tweet it as an absolute fact that carnivore diets are healthier as proven by this Harvard study

>> No.15759657 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15759755
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Did you even bother to read anything about this? It's 'vegan' because all the nutrients that the cat needs can be synthesized from non-animal origin and so you can feed cats food made from that. It doesn't surprise me that this would be healthier than those same nutrients + god knows what else that you find in typical cat food.

>> No.15759769


Bless your heart.

Like all human activities, science is political and, because each subfield is getting ever smaller and more incestuous the actual process of peer review becomes a circlejerk between maybe 10 people tops.

Many good papers have been rejected or gutted because of this. Many more shit ones have been accepted because of it.

Also, mainstream media and midwives don't know the difference between a decent journal with a competent editor and some absolute trash autopublish rag. "Study says X" can be dragged from the latter and slapped on a newspaper and maybe 5% of people reading it want to know where it was published, by whom, and what the actual paper says.

>> No.15759781


>> No.15759958

Proper science has never been a joke, the lack of gatekeeping and standards is what allows shit like this to fester and seep into both the academia and the zeitgeist

>> No.15760850 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 1056x457, peerreview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the lack of gatekeeping

>> No.15761680 [DELETED] 

>it wasn't real science
you IFLS faggots are just like the communists. when your soience garage is shown to be toxic and fraudulent you just disavow it and refuse to accept responsibility.

>> No.15761738

This is hilarious on so many levels.

>> No.15761760

If it was some retarded junk study that confirmed their worldview, they'd be making infographics out of it and posting it here for a different type of validation.

>> No.15762141


>> No.15764442 [DELETED] 

>"studies show that most people think the apple falls faster than the grape, so it does!".
AKA "the scientific consensus"

>> No.15766019 [DELETED] 

>Is science just a meme at this point?
pretty much always has been except in a few rare instances

>> No.15766737

What percentage of vegan cats are also trans?

>> No.15766764

Meat has other things than protein so he is wrong but he's not very wrong.

>> No.15766941

lol, wait till you learn about their involvement with international drug trafficking, how Hillary Clinton made 1000% returns in a day by trading meat futures lmao, or how Bill was an active communist when he was young

>> No.15766947

"Included among the articles that were published were arguments that dogs engage in rape culture and that men could reduce their transphobia by anally penetrating themselves with sex toys, as well as Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf rewritten in feminist language. The first of these had won special recognition from the journal that published it." Bros, these leftists retards are better trolls then we are...

>> No.15766948

Do you know who started modern peer-review?

>> No.15766953

no, peer review is meant to prevent dogma from being contradicted

>> No.15766959

>most people think the apple falls faster than the grape
It almost certainly does fall faster because it has far more mass in relation to its overall surface which is what induces drag and reduces an object's speeds.

>> No.15767008

>start pushing vegan cat food
RIP literally 99% of all birds and small mammals

>> No.15767270

In theory, yes, however, people are not infallible, and there is no person on earth that is free from biases, ergo there is no person on earth that should be trusted to say what is true or untrue

>> No.15767745

>Do doesn't understand physics
What possessed you to come to /sci/?

>> No.15768894 [DELETED] 

>doesn't understand physics
you don't

>> No.15769052

So you know that falling bodies behave identically until they reach their terminal velocity, which would not be achieved from you dropping fruit on a table, right? Do you want to go drop some fruit and report back?

>> No.15769064

The royal society

>> No.15769073

I knew about the drug trafficking, I saw a documentary about the strange deaths of a group of boys in the state clinton was governor for, they stumbled across the drug smuggling and got whacked then every police investigation into their deaths got subverted.

corrupt to the bones. not even forgetting selling state secrets
Hitchens called them the worst oeople on earth after I think mother teresa

>> No.15769303

Thats social science based on anecdotal evidence, surveys in general are the lowest form of observation

>> No.15769336 [DELETED] 

Terry Reed's book "Compromised: Bush, Clinton & The CIA" tells the whole tale in detail as far as the drug smuggling goes

>> No.15769431

cute agression

>> No.15769742

>A billion years of evolution is dumb
>I know a better way
Common line of reasoning amongst the soience lovers who all also claim to have faith in evolution. Dissonant af

>> No.15770996 [DELETED] 

Vegans are constantly telling lies to try and shill their religion

>> No.15771154

>the people teaching our kids are regulars on fourchannel dot org
>teenagers pay six figure sums to get taught by /sci/copaths
Maybe the world isn't as bad as I thought it was...

>> No.15771186
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>> No.15771263

but my cat will still be cuter than yours because he's orange

>> No.15771401
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Not only is science completely fake and gay, its also actively harmful

>> No.15771918 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 815x1024, wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

science is just a means of control for the ruling classes, no matter what the situations is, the ruling classes can always find a greedy conscienceless scientist to elevate to public prominence and tell the goyims whatever lies are needed to justify whatever the ruling classes want to do. they do the same thing with their other media personalities too.

>> No.15773054

Its a dead meme, atheists killed it

>> No.15773729 [DELETED] 

>atheists killed science
Thats a fact, atheists don't have consciences so they can't do science.

>> No.15773739

don't worry, they still gatekeep things they don't like

>> No.15774693 [DELETED] 

>it wasn't real science
just like the commies

>> No.15774711

In nature wtf is a cat supposed to eat that isn't meat?
Name even one fruit/vegetable/grain they could feasibly consume and be enticed into consuming.
It does not exist.

>> No.15775308
File: 285 KB, 692x842, OP is a faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread ripped off of Twatter. Do not reply.

>> No.15775457 [DELETED] 

That Tweet is from Sept 21, OP is from Sept 15.
You are low IQ

>> No.15776663

Twitter steals content from 4chan, not the other way around

>> No.15777298

People who are proud of being vegan are people who have no accomplishments of genuine merit to brag about. Anyone can avoid eating meat. Just don't put it in your mouth, its that easy. Only a low IQ would consider something like that an accomplishment.

>> No.15778475

yeah, bragging about having enough self control to avoid eating one type of food is on the same level as bragging about having learned to shit in a toilet

>> No.15778597

A buzz article that makes claims is not science.
Science is not intended to give the truth, it's only a way to create models that can be improved or disproved.
A published scientific article does not give an answer, it gives data which necessarily has biases.
We must take a critical look at what we read, and use the data in a reasoned manner to slightly modify our current models (which will always be different from reality).
If you want to read science, don't look at what journalists publish, they can write anything, because thousands of studies exist with more or less different data depending on the nature of their protocol.
Read directly the base product, (the scientific articles) and compare them, compare their credibility and way of doing things, and then look at the data and don't try to dwell on their conclusion.
Also take statistics classes, it's important to understand the data

>> No.15778671

Have you ever owned a cat? They eat everything including things they aren't supposed to. Tomatoes, chives, watermelons, grapefruits, raspberries, mushrooms, grass, catnip and other mints, leaves and sprouts of all kinds. A shorter list would be what cats won't eat.

A hypercarnivore is an animal which has a diet that is more than 70% meat, either via active predation or by scavenging. The remaining non-meat diet may consist of non-animal foods such as fungi, fruits or other plant material.[1][2] Some extant examples of hypercarnivorous animals include crocodilians, owls, shrikes, eagles, vultures, felids, most wild canids, cetaceans, snakes, spiders, scorpions, mantises, marlins, groupers, piranhas and most sharks. Every species in the family Felidae, including the domesticated cat, is a hypercarnivore in its natural state.

>> No.15778699

Hahaha my toxoplasmosis brain likes the cute kitty hahahaha

>> No.15779347 [DELETED] 

>you have to really a thousand replication crisis articles to find out if cats like vegan diets
stfu retard

>> No.15779582

>I cant trust anything unless it's been published in a peer reviewed study
t. sòyence loving midwit
kill yourself

>> No.15780819 [DELETED] 

OP predates that tweet retard

>> No.15781388
File: 46 KB, 500x448, Vegan-Kitty-Nearly-Dies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15781460

If taurine is important for cats, why shouldn’t humans supplement it?

>> No.15782569

The problem here isn't the vegan diet. It's more so that vegan diets hard to manage in general, which makes it very hard to balance for a cat. You have to be aware of what to eat and how you supplement to keep to keep yourself healthy, but the benefits in health and ethics outweigh the hassles it brings.

>> No.15782601

Where's the nice rug hooman?
Urk urk urk!

>> No.15783037 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15784048 [DELETED] 
File: 1.49 MB, 434x766, Carnivorous Horse.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

veganism is an eating disorder and a mental illness
even """herbivorous""" animals aren't vegans
no creature can live a healthy life on that diet

deer eating a rabbit
elephant eating fish
cow eating a snake

>> No.15784347

>creatures evolved to live off plants aren't herbivores
yeah instead of making bullshit to demonize vegans, next time you should just admit you're jealous of them. I feel like a vegan girl broke your heart for you to be this upset over something so minor.

>> No.15784490

Academia and journalism are bought and paid for by ideologues. There is no non-fake news anymore.

>> No.15784970 [DELETED] 

>There is no non-fake news anymore.
The yellow press includes the academic press

>> No.15786325

whats ethical about abusing animals by feeding them diets they are not evolved to consume safely

>> No.15787038

its just more munchhausen by proxy style abuse from the virtue signaling sjw crowd
thats their one and only move

>> No.15787262

it helps towards sparing animals harm

>> No.15787317

Do people actually think like this or am I being bamboozled?

>> No.15787370

Well yeah vegan diets are genuinely hard to balance. It's not as simple as eating salad 24/7. There's a guy on youtube named hench herbivore that critiques and provides advice for vegan diets. You should watch him. He might help you understand the complexity of the diet.

>> No.15787418

Peer review comes after publishing these days, at least in the soft sciences.

>> No.15787608

more than 70% implies that cats eat raspberries for like 30% of their food
They don't
They eat 99% meat and sometimes they're retarded and eat something else

>> No.15787612


>> No.15787621

>B12 from cereals
Yeah totally not added slop which can't be absorbed by the body
Also that low levels of potassium, from cereals. lmao.

>>>>>he trusts food labels

>> No.15787630

>need to push carnivore diet to make rightoid males happy and feel justified in harming their body with shitty diets
>implying carnivore diets are worse than vegan diets
Kill yourself dumb worthless nigger

>> No.15788407 [DELETED] 

why is that important? it only comes at the expense of harming plants? don't you have any empathy for plants?
why do you hate plants so much?
plants provide all of the oxygen you breathe, why aren't you willing to do anything in return for them?

>> No.15788698

Our current farming strategies are inhumane. A switch to plants will be fine since plants don't have emotions like animals. We're not gonna die of asphyxiation haha.

>> No.15788721

Take your meds

>> No.15788732

>plants don't have emotions like animals

>> No.15788736

They lack a brain dumbass lol.

>> No.15788773

you project your human emotions on animals because they have a face that makes it simple to do and because it justifies your savior complex virtue signalling habit, and you selfishly presume that the plants you want to murder and eat don't have emotions because that also satisfies your desire to see yourself as a holier than thou savior of the animals.
you happily ignore the fact that plant have the same level of demonstrable emotional life that animals do. emotions are an evolved survival mechanism, any living creature is just as likely to have them as any other.

>> No.15788793

"is science just a meme at this point?" has nothing to do with this case you're talking about

>> No.15788834

I'm not projecting anything. Cows and pigs are known to be emotional creatures. The same can't be said for plants.
>you happily ignore the fact that plant have the same level of demonstrable emotional life that animals do.
No they don't.

>> No.15788842

This isn't a failure of science, it's a failure of modern media

>> No.15789940

Just because you project your emotions on animals doesn't mean that the animals have real emotions.

>> No.15790593

the idea that emotions are anything more than an evolved survival mechanism is itself a massive cope. rationality is what makes humans special, not emotions. plants clearly have emotions because they breed. horniness is an emotion

>> No.15790788

They do have "real" emotions. Have you never had a pet? Would you advocate for eating cats and dogs?

>> No.15790799
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>> check meow

>> No.15790802

Yes bro. Chemistry isn’t real. Mix bleach and vinegar. Fuck the jewish (((basedentists))) who don’t want you to have a clean house. Drug’s aren’t real. It’s all in your head you can just imagine doing meth and it will be real

>> No.15791141

you just can't break your infantile emotional projection habit, if it has a face you'll leap to the self aggrandising presumption that you know what its thinking. you can't do that with plants. nevertheless plants still have chemical and physical responses to stimuli, which is the same thing that causes the emotions you project on dumb animals.
have you ever realized that when you're presuming that a dumb animal has the same thoughts and feeling as yourself that you're also assuming that the dumb animal is mentally equal to yourself?

>> No.15791156

Animals display signs of jealousy among other shit. If you can bond with something else via oxytocin, you probably have at least some rudimentary way to show "emotion". Plants aren't as obvious and don't have anything recognizable to humans as expressive behavior. They might have emotion too, but we can't make sense of it on the kind of basic observation we make by just watching them.

>> No.15791435

Science has been completely took over by politic.

>> No.15792136

Why do you so desperately believe animals don't have emotions but still try to argue that plants do? I have no clue what you're actual beliefs are.

>> No.15792173

Whats so special about having emotions anyway? What makes something with emotions so sacred?
Just because you have emotions and don't want to be harmed means that everything like you deserves the same treatment? That sounds like just another form of self centered reasoning.
If emotions such as pain or sadness are evolved characteristics then that means that the conditions that cause pain and sadness are necessarily parts of reality.
>nooooooo I deserve to feel happy and safe all the time
what did you do to deserve that?
did you never grow out of being an infant that feels entitled to scream and cry like a bitch the second you aren't getting what you want immediately?

>> No.15792374

If my kitty gets all the fishoil she needs for beutiful hair substitued, and proteins are in correct doses, she can be vegan. No problem. Actually animals with shorter gastro intestinal tracts doesn't have problem with simpler protein, because they can absorb it really fast as they are used to protein polymers.

>> No.15792496

Did you make your himcat into a hercat because that is who she always was?

>> No.15792716

Who hurt you?

>> No.15792978

No, I've got hercat, but she's gone now. When I lived in outeroutskirt of city, I've been feeding random village cats, one or three always had special reservation on my lap.

>> No.15792984

Hahahaha I love this cat pic bump

>> No.15793978

>I abuse animals as part of my virtue signaling routine
I think I'll starve my pets to death, its for the good of Mother Earth. Nature hates animals.

>> No.15794021

this is clearly fake

>> No.15794260

it is, but look how easily the vegans buy into it due to their self centered confirmation bias.
not all media is targeted at a wide audience, the example in OP was likely targeted at vegans who have enough disposable income to keep pets and to manipulate them via their inevitable confirmation biases

>> No.15795240 [DELETED] 

>confirmation bias.
people who lack self awareness are low iq. vegan are low iq due to their nutritional deficiencies, they're over 10 iq points below everyone else on average because their brain can't get the nutrition it needs, as a result of this vegans lack self awareness and are more subject to stupid mistakes like confirmation bias. this makes them very easily manipulated.

>On average, vegans had an IQ score that was nearly 10 points lower than other vegetarians

>> No.15795398

It's not totally fake though.

Because westerners are largely unfamiliar with the vegan diet, they use people failing to maintain it as proof of the entire thing being unsustainable, when in reality it's perfectly healthy. I don't know why, but vegans are often stigmatized in the west despite many cultures around the world practicing it for centuries.

To call vegans self-centered when you refuse to do any real research on veganism is painfully ironic. So many convert despite the increased cost, steep learning curve, and the inconvenience of the diet purely for the sake of animals. You're projecting your self-centered nature instead of acknowledging it within yourself.

>> No.15795425

Obligate carnivores still eat some single digit percentages of plant foods. Byt yeah, cats even have ATP taste receptors, for them meat is the base of the diet and is a full meal.

>> No.15795459

My vet was telling me the cats were getting too heavy and if I didn't do something they were possibly going to get diabetus. They both would usually ignore the wet food I tried to give them and just eat the dry so I mixed the dry with the wet and they eat it all up. Even though they are actually eating more now they both lost weight and are more active.
The last time they went in the vet said their weight was absolutely perfect for their age and size.

>> No.15796391 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15796395
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I buffed your mom's vegan muffin last night

>> No.15796428

Why would you waste a spell slot on something like that?

>> No.15797180
File: 74 KB, 900x700, Ambassador-Big-Meaty-Summer-Sausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reason why the jwst sausage pic was real sausage rather than vegan goyslop imitation sausage was that vegans don't have senses of humor. senses of humor is a high iq trait and the vegan has been proved to reduce iq due to the nutritional deficiencies of the diet

>> No.15798149

>muh replication crisis studies
nice confirmation bias bro, you know that scientific publications are all fake and gay, but you found one you choose to believe in because it caters to your preconceived notions

>> No.15798796 [DELETED] 

>infantile emotional projection habit,
the next stage of development after babies grow out of solipsism is the "everything thinks exactly like me" stage

>> No.15799051

Actually I don't believe "that scientific publications are all fake and gay". I think you got me mixed up with OP or something, because I never said that.

>> No.15799057

the problem is clickbait journalism here not science.

>> No.15800159 [DELETED] 

>muh infallible academics priests are innocent!!!
>dey dindu nuffin!!!
all of those journalists are university trained

>> No.15800660

I saw this about 2 weeks ago and laughed then. ya got another one out of me this time too. cheers anon

>> No.15801695 [DELETED] 

just a bunch of mentally ill vegan shills lying and circulating their idiotic propaganda

>> No.15802030

cope. the study is what's important, not the website.

>> No.15802494

>The problem here isn't the vegan diet. It's more so that vegan diets hard to manage in general
So the problem is the vegan diet

>> No.15802502

I've been eating food for cats in spain, I was approaching stray cats, and they took me to mental hospital for that and called me schizo.

>> No.15802825
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Science became a meme after women won.

>> No.15803604 [DELETED] 

the vegan diet is a slippery slope because the diet makes vegans progressively stupider which makes it ever less likely for them to figure out the mistake they made by adhering to a vegan diet

>> No.15804778

its as if virtue signaling is a form of drug addiction

>> No.15805229

>they took me to mental hospital for that and called me schizo.
did they call you schizo in an insulting way at the hospital? I'd consider looking into the mental health industry as a career if insulting the patients was part of the job, seems like that could be pretty fun

>> No.15805835

No the problem is poor dieting unrelated to the vegan diet. You wouldn't suggest a paleo or keto diet is bad just because it's harder than the average person's loose diet. The same logic applies to the vegan diet.

Just because the diet is hard, that doesn't mean it's unhealthy.

Eating a vegan diet is never a mistake. There's so much good that comes from it.

>> No.15806691

>There's so much good that comes from it.
No there isn't, vegan diets are slow death from malnutrition, the diet reduces the vegans' IQ to the point that they're too stupid to figure out their mistake.

>> No.15807773 [DELETED] 

>vegan diets are slow death from malnutrition, the diet reduces the vegans' IQ to the point that they're too stupid to figure out their mistake.

>> No.15807830

False. There are lifelong vegans out there who are perfectly healthy. With modern scientist, veganism is not only feasible, but borderline optimal. The good ethics involved in the diet is reason enough for it to be a good diet.

>> No.15808428 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 680x680, WQAAUAEd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you think killing plants is so ethical? what did they ever do to you? did you get a poison ivy rash and now you're looking for revenge?
vegan diet causes reduced IQ, does that explain your ideas about ethics and your out of control emotional virtue signaling?

>> No.15809719 [DELETED] 

vegetarian diets kill more animals than normal diets do because of the massive amounts of pesticides used in agriculture

>> No.15809729


>> No.15809734

>There's plenty of cat food out there that's grain-free and has freeze dried chicken or better quality meal.
Since changing my cats to grain-free, they throw up about half as much and their other digestive issues have disappeared. Definitely worth the money.

>> No.15809840

you guys are literally just making shit up.

>> No.15810614

out of interest, would you eat a pig if it didn't have any emotions? If they could grow a cow in a lab that's been basically braindead since birth, you'd be OK eating that?

>> No.15810859

Enjoy your heart attacks at 40 yo.

>> No.15810863

You know literally anybody can publish a 'scientific journal' right?

>> No.15810864 [DELETED] 

Meat is a dirty substance. I don't eat meat. It tastes like shit. Stupid people enjoy meat. It makes them feel masculine.

>> No.15810875

Wind resistance does not suddenly kick in when a body reaches terminal velocity

>> No.15810880

Yes, unironically that is how science works. It's a lot more work than normies are willing to perform, which is why we train people to specialise in doing all that.

>> No.15810887

You can't even trust something that has been peer reviewed, retard. Peer review is basically a glorified spellcheck to make sure the paper is readable. Not necessarily correct.

>> No.15810906

Emotions are generated in the limbic system which all mammals have. Humans have larger brains and thus more complex emotions, but all mammals have emotions.

>> No.15810910 [DELETED] 

Cats can't be vegan
They don't make rational choices.
It's just eating what food it's got
If you gave it meat, it would eat it
This is the epitome of human stupidity

>> No.15811744 [DELETED] 

>I know what animals are thinking because I saw it on the bill nye soience tv show
you should think about growing up and breaking your infantile emotional projection habit

>> No.15812080

No, because that whole practice sounds impractical and inhumane. There would be no reason to grow an entire, living cow or pig if you can just grow the meat.

>> No.15812102

Don't overlook that
>No reductions were statistically significant.
and yet they claim that
>cats fed vegan diets tended to be healthier than cats fed meat-based diets. This trend was clear and consistent
I wonder why? Ah, here we are
>This research and its publication open access was funded by food awareness organisation ProVeg International

>> No.15812912

>If they get all the proteins they need then there's no need for real meat
They must have taurine. Kind of hard to find that in plants or cooked food.

>> No.15812930

Veganism officially started in the 1950s. There are no studies on the longevity of vegans or long term studies on vegans.

>> No.15813047

This, post doi

>> No.15813559

What's your point, anon? Are you suggesting that there aren't any lifelong vegans?

>> No.15813669

You are projecting your own lack of theory of mind on others.

>> No.15814650 [DELETED] 

you can't do math because your brain is atrophied from lack of nutrition

>> No.15815514 [DELETED] 
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Veganism is a slippery slope in the way, people who get into it eventually become too dumb to get out of it

>> No.15815533
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>> No.15816089

no but there isn't reliable data yet for whether vegans live longer

>> No.15816099 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15816952

Sure, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Though, we need to specifically find lifelong vegans to prove that the diet is healthy. And truth be told, the moral and ethical benefits of it makes it worthwhile

>> No.15816988


>> No.15817371 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15817491

It's actually true. Cats have nutritional needs that involve micronutrients, macronutrients, acidity (pH), and water content. All of these needs can be met on a vegan diet as long as the food is specifically made for cats and includes all of the necessary nutrients such as arginine, taurine, etc.

>> No.15817506

>need meat to survive in the wild
So, just like humans, they’re naturally carnivores and the modern world is just filling them, like us, with shit that has low bioavailability to us?

>> No.15817636

Frosted flakes are loaded with sugar. Eat some oats with milk and fruits in the morning. And get the steak with mushrooms and onions twice a week.

>> No.15817639

why do people do this?
why would you see a post on twitter, and go "i should repost this!"

>> No.15817833

>he thinks clickbait new is the same as valid science

>> No.15819027 [DELETED] 

yeah its a dead meme

>> No.15819959

to trigger you

>> No.15820969 [DELETED] 


>> No.15821045

That's completely irrelevant. I'm asking for a link. I'm not asking if it is peer reviewed or whatever. I'm asking for a fucking link so that I can peruse the findings of the researchers myself. Midwit faggot. Bet you felt so clever that you got to call out someone asking for a peer reviewed source so you can post your gay little video when all I want is the DOI pointing to whatever they have, which could be a preprint or a dataset.

>> No.15822335 [DELETED] 

I can tell that you're experiencing emotional distress by your use of profanity. Why don't you take a break from the board an calm down for a while so you can discuss science with us on a strictly rational basis without letting your out of control emotions get in the way?

>> No.15822515

Deflection, tone policing, and failing to address my point. You're not good at this.
You still haven't linked the data. Do you not want me it for some reason?

>> No.15823752


>> No.15824470 [DELETED] 

Yeah, the
>I hate you and I think you're a moron, thats why you should help me out by linking me to the information I want to see
Doesn't not exhibit a tremendous amount of intelligence or self awareness

>> No.15825143

You want me to believe you with no evidence. That's a level of poor intelligence and low self-awareness beyond anything I can imagine. You actually think a screenshot is persuasive.
Also lol he deleted his reply. He doesn't even have the guts to stand by his position.

>> No.15825619

My professor brought this up in class actually, and had us do an exercise for research
>website #1
>no names, contact info, etc.
>obviously fake

>website #2
>school-recognized science journalism portal
>article quotes government and NGO articles
>"now click on those sources"
>literal circlejerks with no data whatsoever
He told us if we were in a pinch at 11:00 p.m. we could use articles like website #2, but if we actually want to learn and develop our thesis, we need to fully understand what we are reading.

>> No.15826037 [DELETED] 

errrry single time

>> No.15827463

pretty much, "science" is a label the means something like "perverted cargo cult"

>> No.15828908

vegans hate animal

>> No.15829689

The vegan diet kills way more animals than normal diets do because of the amount of animals killed by farmers intent on protecting their crops.

>> No.15830485

that's obviously satire you retards. why would a vegan extremist upload this?

>> No.15830571

>surveyed vegan cat owners and found that they reported their cats to be healthier
This is like surveying people who torture monkeys and then reporting that monkey torturers say that monkeys enjoy torture.

Evil. Flat out evil.

>> No.15830766

"Study finds" is a phrase that indicates that nothing following is scientific fact.

>> No.15830776

what about "world shattering breakthrough"

>> No.15831312

science has come to be just a bunch of bullshit academics abuse to shill their leftist political agendas

>> No.15832634

>keeping cats captive and feeding cats nothing but vegetables
essentially thats torturing them

>> No.15833865

what do you expect, these are the same people who want to prevent the inevitable flourishing of nature that will result from a CO2 enriched atmosphere and who claim that they're doing that for the benefit of nature

>> No.15834989 [DELETED] 

>death cult

>> No.15835966

why do vegans hate the natural world so much?

>> No.15836189

NTA but I'm aiming to be dead by 30. It won't be because of the meat

>> No.15837028 [DELETED] 

are you planning to die of AIDS or the vax

>> No.15837073


>> No.15838257

That won't kill you until your late 50s at the earliest, you'll need to supplement with AIDS & the vaxx if you want to achieve your goal. Are you trans?

>> No.15838262

Well they do eat plants. I've seen my cat munch on some grass. I believe they're more omnivores than anything - they'll eat whatever.

>> No.15838270

>That won't kill you until your late 50s at the earliest
Au contraine alcoholism aids me in the things that will kill me by 30

>> No.15838828 [DELETED] 

>I've seen my cat munch on some grass.
they do that to clean their teeth

>> No.15839228

Just like us really, we literally evolved from chimps over animal fats.

>> No.15839415

Its all mostly junk and trash.
The only time science is conducted properly is if their is a product at the end that has a life or death repercussion if it fails. And even then it's not 100% accurate.

Even medical science is mostly fraud and biology is practically a bed-time story deluded academics, that failed to be actual productive human beings, peddle to the world for gibs.

Basically, if your work doesn't produce something real and tangible and is used everyday then its fake work.

>> No.15840423 [DELETED] 

>if your work doesn't produce something real and tangible and is used everyday then its fake work
Right, if scientists were worth 0.01% of what they claim they are then we'd be seeing massive worthwhile end product from them, instead we see nothing.

>> No.15840426 [DELETED] 

>Only midwits believe in that kind of evolution

>> No.15841776 [DELETED] 

because they're mentally ill

>> No.15842360 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15842366
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[creates super aids for publications+=1]

>> No.15843277

>muh soiyence is innocent!!
>it dindu nuffin!!!!

>> No.15844044

journalists aren't the ones publishing replication crisis papers, they aren't the ones peer reviewing those papers either, its the scientists who are solely responsible for turning a formerly useful and respectable institution into expensive garbage

>> No.15845158 [DELETED] 

so you're planning on dying of AIDS & the vax

>> No.15845864 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15846935 [DELETED] 

good pic

>> No.15847723


>> No.15848919 [DELETED] 

>blaming the media
thats antisemitic

>> No.15849482
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>> No.15850807

>And even then it's not 100% accurate
Its often inaccurate intentionally. The vax isn't mass murdering it's victims by accident.

>> No.15850811

Rain dances did work, because they involved giant bonfires and smoke speeds raincloud formation

>> No.15850816

Y'all quite naive little kittens. Do you still believe that clown world just happens to be the unfortunate result of flawed human nature instead of a purposeful attempt to deconstruct and rebuild?

>> No.15851499

I looked in an archive to see what it was and I was rewarded for my curiosity with delicious OC.
Imagine having someone be diligent enough of a poster to actually make OC and then some fag chimps out at seeing it and actually reports it.
When people complain about 4chan not having OC anymore, now you know why, all the people who used to provide all the OC got banned.

>> No.15852713

Yeah, its a shame, 4chan used to have so much OC, but the staff goes to lengths to discourage it so now we don't have OC anymore, instead its all on sites like the sharty

>> No.15852715
