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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15713391 No.15713391 [Reply] [Original]

Post some of your favorite moments in science.

>> No.15713394
File: 1.53 MB, 1306x1468, Screenshot from 2022-10-24 11-43-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look -- if you're the kind of undergrad who thinks that you are better able to evaluate the virtue of taking a vaccine than a team of world class experts who have spent their lives working in this domain, let's just say Harvard probably isn't the place for you.

>> No.15713396
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>> No.15713397
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>> No.15713398
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>> No.15713401
File: 43 KB, 562x174, Screenshot from 2022-02-18 14-31-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15713404
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>> No.15713406
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>> No.15713408
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>> No.15713411
File: 76 KB, 628x264, Screenshot from 2021-12-01 19-33-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15713412

>science btfos chuddy
>chuddy makes cope thread

>> No.15713414
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>> No.15713418
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>> No.15713422
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>> No.15713424
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>> No.15713425

for me it's the terence tao manifesto

>> No.15713428
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Only morons would waste so much money to get some useless liberal farts degree from that shithole.

>> No.15713429

Therefore it is linked.

>> No.15713430
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>> No.15713433

Based Redpill overdose thread

>> No.15713434

Therefore there is a link.

>> No.15713435
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>> No.15713439
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>> No.15713444

Avoid young hispanic or black "docs" like the pest.

>> No.15713448
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>> No.15713491

on its own that's perfectly sensible reasoning.

>> No.15713550

what is worse than death?

>> No.15713556
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>> No.15713610
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>No evidence of mass formation psychosis
What do you call the mass spiraling into psychosis of a sizable chunk of the population then?

>> No.15714117

Who's that

>> No.15714128

is this real? it's like one week old or smth

>> No.15714326

>team of world class experts who have spent their lives working in this domain
wasn't the vaccine developed in a day by some troon?

>> No.15714359 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 287x307, 1692076965443608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I follow nature and see a lot of their posts
They're all garbage or are garbage popsci FOTM
This thread belongs on pol IMO

ALL of your sources are from news sites garbage journals like "nature". You should stop reading the news websites so much anyway

>> No.15714368 [DELETED] 

You've reduced yourself to be something less human by stayijg "in the know" and glued to the news websites

>> No.15714394
File: 638 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20230829-180627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also from nature:

>> No.15714616
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>> No.15714697

Fucking loled

>> No.15714869
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>> No.15714887

I remember the day when that got posted and all the soience faggots on /sci/ were jerking off to it and exclaiming about how great JWST is and how its gonna see exoplanets and aliens

>> No.15715015

I personally know of someone who had a paper published by them that contained bold face lies.

Regarding the safety of their RNA based compounds too...ironic.

There compounds were giving the poor monkeys seizures but hey they just didn't mention that!

Everything is corrupted to the core.

>> No.15715018

>wasn't the vaccine developed in a day by some troon?
in your fantasy land, it is

>> No.15715020

Vax like totally liberaldoodoo fr fr. No cap i'd never get like "vaxxed" when all deez scientists be telling me too, what do you think i am a silly Billy?

>> No.15715026

You're living it.

>> No.15715245

God! I fucking hate antivaxxers Soo much! Can you guys just fuck off back to pol!

>> No.15715617

why haven't u kys'd?

>> No.15715643

Trump denies basic science like climate change.
Biden doesn't.

>> No.15716114

>immunizations for newborn
>not even babby's -- newborns
I don't get this midwit NPC civilization. Why was it necessary to upgrade from the model where you have like 3 or 4 shots as toddler?
I have started to embrace general anti-vaxxing sentiment. In 90% of cases, being antivaxx is the correct modus operandi.

>> No.15717014 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 1280x767, trump inna head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15717068

jannies need to make a sticky for how to add filters for political bullshit. it will only get worse.

>> No.15718113

False, Trump demanded that the Chinese lower their emissions, which Biden has not done so far. The big switchover from coal to nuclear that is currently underway in China was instigated by Donald J Trump

>> No.15719554
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>> No.15719561

Biden denies the impossibility of infinite growth on a finite planet. It's 95% as bad as denying climate change.

>> No.15719590

is there a memory hole archive?
i forgot most of the retarded shit they used to say and don't say anymore

>> No.15719592
File: 1.66 MB, 2473x1650, SCIAM-SEX.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


maybe if scientific publications and scientists stopped making political statements.

>> No.15719594

If you're not smart enough to understand how filters work, you shouldn't post here in the first place.

>> No.15719611

Most scientists have a pretty dim view of Nature and only want to publish in it because it's considered "high impact."

>> No.15719614

In case anyone is wondering why this chart is bullshit, it doesn't actually say anything about which gametes people with those conditions produce (almost always the ones you'd guess based on looking at them).

>> No.15720680 [DELETED] 

>Most scientists have no scruples and only care about their public image

>> No.15720690

ofc a high school dropout like you doesn't understand the value of connections and the impact that school has on a resume

>> No.15720706

It's worse, the actual disease is also linked.
We're all fucked.

>> No.15720709

Nobody gives a shit once you have 3+ years of experience.

>> No.15720710

Yes we know you care about status instead of truth

>> No.15720714

This is why I might move to Taiwan or Japan soon.
The west is literally Jonestown nowadays.

>> No.15720717

Worse, it's a memory leaking simulation with nothing but errors.

i.e. chaos.

>> No.15720721

Impossible, they get too much money.
Because money is nothing but a failed institution nowadays.
When you make a ponzi economy, you make nothing but scams.

>> No.15720786
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I have a folder with more than 1000 screenshots.

>> No.15721231

Shame no ones realized that all the new deaths due to hot weather will be made up for by the absence of cold weather.
Also, crops can't grow when it's below 0C.

>> No.15721233

Science is and always has been political.
>archimedies von braun

>> No.15721238 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 512x512, latest_512_0304 (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sun blowing up

>> No.15721242

Polititians should stop making scientific statements then

>> No.15721902

I ain't reading ALLAT

>> No.15721947

Unfortunately that's not how it works, I know a freshman at Harvard studying drama and she's already accepted a position at a megacorp when she graduates (I won't name it so I don't dox her). They peel from the top, meaning that if you got in you're already invited into the corporate world at an elevated position regardless of your degree.

>> No.15721955

>error in the very first step

>> No.15721956
File: 1.32 MB, 1242x1093, om.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, that is prostitution with extra steps. Is simple as that.

>> No.15723058

delicious astronomy

>> No.15723082

I don't know, I'm not an expert.

>> No.15723159
File: 1.92 MB, 2400x1864, Screen Shot 2023-09-06 at 2.00.53 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other things the illustrious Scottie Andrew has written for CNN within the past weeks (pic).

>> No.15723200
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>> No.15723360

>Post some of your favorite moments in science.
Always remember that Academia is not science, let's not put hate on the real scientists.

>> No.15723372

>it wasn't real communism: soience edition

>> No.15723374

well, that would be an idealist viewpoint, it's not impossible.
we cannot disprove that we're in a simulation.

>> No.15723375
File: 29 KB, 500x565, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that would be an idealist viewpoint
Any simulation theory variant is strictly a matter-worshipping NPC metaphysics.

>> No.15723378

>genetic mutations and other biological mechanisms impacting sex
well these would be the only people that have the right to be called intersex, and they probably don't dye their hair in obnoxious colors or violently advocate for their mental delusion.

>> No.15724335 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 540x607, dr ben carson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soientist tell harmfuls lies and then their retarded ifls soience fangoys show up to defend the liars

>> No.15725537 [DELETED] 

One of my favorite science moments was when NASA intentionally detonated the space shuttle Challenger as a means of buying themselves time to produce the control and operations software for HST without admitting that they were incapable of delivering what they had promised on time.