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15634228 No.15634228 [Reply] [Original]

Any new scientific cure for ADHD? I'm not taking no fucking meds (meth)

>> No.15634238

There's no cure for developmental disorders. Take your meds or shut up.

>> No.15634248

Fuck you pussy

>> No.15634255

>starting a task that is boring, challenging or stressful is haaaard
The cure is growing up and stop being a fucking child

>> No.15634257

>I don't want to live with the symptoms of my disorder, but I also don't want to take medication that's on the market for many years, and established as safe and effective REEE
>b-but you're the pussy

>> No.15634258

You're posting on an image board

>> No.15634260

Meth works because it's meth... everyone would be productive on meth but it's not good for you.

>> No.15634263

Statistically he's a sperg with ADHD himself. That's his internalized hate speaking.

>> No.15634270

>everyone would be productive on meth
Ah, yes, when I think typical meth user, I think productive member of society.
>but it's not good for you.
Provide a source that ADHD medication in normal doses is bad for you.

>> No.15634273

Meth does make you productive. You can read about meth users they will tell you
>Provide a source
This isn't reddit my man

>> No.15634291

Sorry, I'm not interested in further discussion with a methhead.

>> No.15634297

The nazis literally took over Europe with the help of meth. The only difference between meth and adderall is a methoxy group that allows the compound to cross the blood brain barrier more effectively. Which gives it greater abuse potential. They are the same and meth is even perscribed as a last chance treatment for ADHD

>> No.15634308

Ok, so what's your point? ADHD medication is bad because people stay awake long enough to bomb Russia and fly back if they take 50 times the dose of a chemical which is a little bit similar to Vyvanse?

>> No.15634316

Isn't it normal to find it difficult to start a boring/challenging/stressful task?
Sounds almost like a Barnum statement.
>Hmm, I think you're very special. You probably occasionally find it difficult to sustain focus during extremely unpleasant or arduous tasks, right?
>You are so unique that I believe you may sometimes have difficulty getting to sleep because you have too many thoughts racing through your mind
>Is it possible... sometimes you're lazy? This is a very specific psychological condition which can only be corrected with medication.

>> No.15634322

not a medical term

>> No.15634323

No it's not normal 99% of the world has no problem doing basic tasks like paying the bills and taking out the trash.

>> No.15634326
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>Is it possible... sometimes you're lazy?
Everyone is lazy sometimes, but ADHD isn't laziness.

>> No.15634333

True photo. I sit sometimes on my chair with my eyes closed to 10 minutes just asking myself why i can't just get up and clean my room and i never do

>> No.15634338

Same. I wish it was like the "ADHD ain't real" people say. That I just chill and relax and have a good time. But instead I stress myself for hours, get nothing done and still haven't relaxed in the end. It's just dumb, but not in a low-iq sense. If I had a choice I would choose to not have ADHD.

>> No.15634342

Hyperfocus is a superpower though. When it hits you can do more than any normal person could ever dream

>> No.15634353

Yeah, I can do more in the night before a deadline than normies. But I'm pretty sure that I'd get more done if I started earlier. Also, finishing work by working a few hours every day for 2 weeks would feel much better than 2 weeks of guilt and a night of extremely hard work.

>> No.15634926
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>safe and effective

>> No.15634936

Exercise and habit over a long period of time (a few years.)
Your mind and body will self-regulate. Lift heavy things, do cardio.

>> No.15634955

When your testosterone inevitably plunges from age, are you going to take the HRT route?

>> No.15634991

I lift and do cardio it's done nothing sadly

>> No.15635031

How long?
>in my mid 70s
At that point I'm hoping my brain will just be skating on its previous state for a decade or so until it degrades, who gives a shit about 100% focus when I'm 90 and frail?

>> No.15635136

>How long?
Year and half now.

>> No.15635150

Ah, I'm sorry then anon. I've been lifting for 5 years now and my brain finally unfucked itself after like two years. I don't do hypertrophic exercises though, I squat 4 plates and do strength training. Do you do micro/macro optimization for your diet with protein? And have you enforced your daily habits?

>> No.15635159

I just eat carnivore diet so lots of meat every meal.

>And have you enforced your daily habits?
Wat u mean

>> No.15635175

Try thinkin about them beans, too.
>And have you enforced your daily habits?
I mean just having a schedule for things that you follow without fail. Are you sure that you aren't just exaggerating your ADHD? Or are you unable to focus 100% of the time.

>> No.15635205

move out of America, it seems to be a problem only there

>> No.15635316


This photo is exactly my life

>> No.15635319

The theory is it's the fluoride in the water so it would only be here

>> No.15635590

Me on top

>> No.15635595
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>> No.15635698
File: 42 KB, 1040x582, 1668447379731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lock yourself in a featureless white cube until your mental illness goes away.

>> No.15635767

I did this for 7 days because of that detox /sig/ post. was not fun