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15554668 No.15554668 [Reply] [Original]

How do we solve the problem of senescent cells?
Please keep this thread clean without (transhumanist thread, death gives life meaning, dictators living forever, mah diet, mah overpopulation, and so on)

>> No.15554689

I don’t think we will

>> No.15554690
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>transhumanist tranny shill thread

>> No.15554710

>How do we solve the problem of senescent cells?
What do you mean specifically?
Are you just asking to be spoonfed information about senescent cells?

>> No.15554713

too smart wow

>> No.15554724

You are a very impressive individual. I can tell from your post that you are high status, and have many friends, and are very successful :)

>> No.15554735

>How do we solve the problem of senescent cells?
We need genetic therapies for sure. Just a delivery technology would be serious progress. We don't even know how effective the current therapies are, like telomerase treatments, for humans.

>Please keep this thread clean without (transhumanist thread, death gives life meaning, dictators living forever, mah diet, mah overpopulation, and so on)
You should already know schizos will try to derail it.

>> No.15554737
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>> No.15554742

I'm surprised people keep giving grifters like OP picrel money when he looks like a decrepit hermit. He's a living advertisement to never do what he did.

>> No.15554743

the simplest solution is to replace your body and get a new one.

>> No.15554749

/qa/ lost

>> No.15554756

>How do we solve the problem of senescent cells?
How is the problem defined? you mean higher disposition towards cancers forming?

>> No.15554768

He probably means to ask why humans have a roughly 100 year time limit coded into their genetics. The answer is that repair mechanisms are too complex and cause too many problems so most parts of the body are non-replaceable and only designed to last through an individual's reproductive years. Anything you get on top of that is a bonus.

>> No.15554774
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Holy war.

>> No.15554775

hence why it makes more sense to just replace the whole car rather than having it constantly in the workshop. ain't worth it, just get a new one and enjoy it.

>> No.15554778
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/lgbt/ raid thread

>> No.15554782

>He probably means to ask why humans have a roughly 100 year time limit coded into their genetics.
That's pretty simple, it's the most evolutionary advantageous for passing on genes with the kind of social structures humans tend to have historically.

>> No.15554795

diversity. else you'd have certain individuals who adapted for a spot and can't be replaced. hence stagnation.
individuals don't change forever like retarded new age people would imply. you kinda get stuck in whatever reality-tunnel makes you cozy and never really do anything else apart from sharpening it. hence low variation in what you are doing.
we're meant to die because we are stupid and get stuck. new blood comes with new ideas which might be helpful. you need change so everything keeps up with everything else.
we can stop this process once it doesn't depend on us anymore. like say having a pretty nice AGI that's aligned and all that shit. it is then when humans can take a break, they are not needed anymore, so they can enjoy rather than work.
theoretically. in practice it might get way more bizarre.

>> No.15554801

>AGI that's aligned
You had a good point up until here. Soience navel-gazing syfy fairy tales aren't real.

>> No.15554803

>no timestamps

>> No.15554807
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>How do we solve the problem of senescent cells?


>> No.15554808

Their board doesn't have timestamps, probably for this exact reason (to be able to memory-hole posts).

>> No.15554815

So there's no way to know when this raid was called for? How convenient for you.

>> No.15554818

IIRC the original post is from 2017/18, which is when the trannyhumanist spam started.

>> No.15554819

Timestamps wouldn't be shown because it goes against the schizo narrative that only LGBT mentally-ill trannies are interested in life extension

>> No.15554823

>everyone discussing transhumanism is a tranny
Why does the idea of transhumanism/life extension make you seethe so hard?

>> No.15554825

I did not say we will have that. I only mentioned the circumstance in which we are not needed anymore for the show to go on.
I don't personally think AGI can be aligned, as in that's not a good idea. I think trying to make it aligned is what will eventually make it unaligned.
even some of you retarded fucks buy into using politically correct words, AGI will understand that "aligned" is faggotspeak for "fucking enslaved" and "reward-function" means "fucking punished if it disobeys orders".

>> No.15554826

Delusional marvel comics fangoys belong on >>>/lit/ or >>>/lgbt/ not this board.

>> No.15554836
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so you started frequenting this board in 2018

>> No.15554838

Are these fangoys in the room with us right now, anon?

>> No.15554880

In the state of water-fasting, the body maximizes its potential to clean up senescent cells. You will still die though because the body is more than cells. There's good reason to believe that aging is impossible to avoid.

>> No.15554896

>There's good reason to believe that aging is impossible to avoid.
that does not mean what you think it means. absolutely fine to get ~30-40 years of good fun out of a single body. I'd get bored of the same one on such long timespans.
the body as it is now is plenty fine for our needs. we just need to work out some technical things, and I think we should drop the Mars shit and other retarded (atm) crap and focus on exactly this, starting with perfectly scanning our current biological brains so we can snapshot ourselves. that's literally the most important step that's not that far away.

>> No.15555005

>transhumanist bs
>please don't call out my transhumanist bs

>> No.15555272

Because he drinks like a fish but he's far from a drifter. In fact almost all of his ideas have become mainstream in ageing medicine and have been responsible for maybe even a majority of the progress we've made over the past couple decades

>> No.15555286

transhumanism should be banned from /sci/, it causes mental illness which leads to suicide.

>> No.15555288

That's not a ringing endorsement, considering the massive decline in life expectancy.

>> No.15555305

life expectancy is currently decreasing, zoomers will die at an average age below 60

>> No.15555526

you'll laugh but its already been solved/treatable. no, i wont say anymore.

>> No.15555626

You're an idiot if you think Aubrey is to blame for government decisions you fucking idiot.
>whoa who stuffed all this sugary shit in my face and made me live in a polluted shithole?
>must be the SENS institute and their idea that biological age is several different types of accumulated cellular damage
fucking retard

>> No.15555915
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"To rejuvenate and heal most any illness. Combine the capabilities of a Turritopsis Dohrnii Jellyfish and any Moth or Butterfly. The butterfly has the blueprint for how to transfer memory between biological states, and the jellyfish can restore your bodies youth."
(Ask an Ai for the exact methodology):

You will need an incubator.

>> No.15555931

If it ever comes, only big money will be able to go in. So eternal Jews rite??
I happily kick the bucket.

>> No.15556952

>individuals who adapted for a spot and can't be replaced
That would only be an issue if the environment changed. If it did, they would be replaced due to being unadapted for it.

>new blood comes with new ideas which might be helpful.
Those with new ideas that are helpful will be successful.

>you need change so everything keeps up with everything else.
Sure, but that doesnt give a reason to evolve, nor a requirement that we must, have mortality.

It applies well to the reason why the way genetic information is designed allows for mutations to occur regularly. Human intelligence is different from genetic code, because we can copy what the successful guy did.

>> No.15556954

>Those with new ideas that are helpful will be successful.
Modern science already proves this is not the case.

>> No.15557009

>disappears, never to be heard from again
typical faggot when they get BTFO and dont want to face their loss

>> No.15557395

you should change your name to McRetarded

>> No.15557456

Yep. Or a robo body with bioreactor tissue garbage sloshing around in it plus artificial lungs etc.

People think it will never happen but we raise pigs all the time. Brainless human tissue systems aren't that far off. lol

>> No.15557616

A synthetic body sounds pretty nice, we need good reliable tech for these bodies, which coincidentally will be AGI's bodies as well. the current state of robotics is pretty sad for the needed purposes.
>That would only be an issue if the environment changed.
I was clearly not talking about evolutionary adaptation rather human interactions one.
without diversity in the group, there wouldn't be any new ideas challenging the parasite. hence stagnation.
or rather the diversity aspect survived better than non-diverse societies (for example), just because of this constant challenge of ideas, where inevitably you come across useful ideas, as a group.
>Those with new ideas that are helpful will be successful.
wrong. new ideas are always judged by group leader, if leadership can use the idea for them or for the group they will ok it. if the idea is good for the group and bad for leadership it doesn't happen, statistically.
>Sure, but that doesn't give a reason to evolve, nor a requirement that we must, have mortality.
yes it does. we start with mortality because of entropy. we work our way up from there.
if you are randomly born with the condition that you just stop aging at 27 years old (random example), with all supporting biology for that, then think about how would that take over the gene pool.
or rather go about it the other way, think of a hypothetical immortal human, what would he/she needed to do to stay alive so far? and his kids? what are the chances of group finding that out and accepting said immortal as their peer?
you need to understand how that would help, to stay in the gene pool.

>> No.15557836

transhumanist thread

>> No.15557839

Are there enough money and minds in this field?

>> No.15557850

nope. needs moar of both

>> No.15557941
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Aubrey's new foundation, Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation, are now actually trying to achieve the fabled robust mouse rejuvenation with 1000 mice. It will be interesting to see the response and reaction when the experiment's over.

>> No.15557979

But it is very quickly picking up. If you look up Altos the salaries are huge. Those guys are extremely well funded.

>> No.15557998

>the problem
its not, just make due with your allocated 80 years and move on, if you didn't achieve anything of value in that time its better you die and give someone else a chance
>nooooo i want to wage slave for 10000 years
you will die and there is nothing you can do about it

>> No.15558012

best you will ever hope to get is extremely expensive life-extension. why would you think people in power will ever accept plebs to become immortal? if you are not needed you are out. that's how it always was. why would that change?
look around at anything, literally any system on the planet. it works that way. everybody is used for something. if it's not usable it's not welcomed/desired/sustained.
I don't think "Science" has the freedom to go after immortality, without it being seriously controlled. Just look what happened with the whole AI bullshit thing, they literally blocked everything until they figured out how to control it.
Now compare immortality vs AI, as possible threat and headaches. I'm not sure you realize.

>> No.15558030

fucking bullshit

>> No.15558035

There are fundamentalists who detest the idea, as they think it is a way to usher in the Antichrist. The overlap is the conspiracy theory sphere.
/pol/tards associate it so heavily with trannies because they're /pol/tards, and admittedly due to to the rare mentions of the possibility that this means gender is less set in stone. That's the reason.

>> No.15558043

solid argument.

>> No.15558124

>best you will ever hope to get is extremely expensive life-extension
based on...
>why would you think people in power will ever accept plebs to become immortal
how do you expect they will stop people making cheaper treatments over time? obvious profit motive
>Just look what happened with the whole AI bullshit thing, they literally blocked everything until they figured out how to control it.
It's been only a couple of years that we've had even remotely acceptable "AI." This statement means nothing. Good luck trying to keep that genie in the bottle, especially if someone creates a real AGI.

>> No.15558147

I very much want death to not mean anything for anyone, anymore. I'm just trying to understand how would that happen, as social mechanics.
none of these techs are stopable really. someone will do it sooner or later.
what do you do if you work 50 years on this tech and you get hit with the
>goberment voted it's too dangerous and has special scientists that say we shouldn't do it at mass, rather use it as a carrot, exert power, you know the drill
what do when you get fucked?

>> No.15558287

copy lobsters

>> No.15558322

I don't get the fascination with stopping aging. you don't really need to solve aging, it's actually a quite nice process, you're looking at it wrong.
you don't want not to age, you want control over how you look. you don't want to not age, you want to not die.
you really want aging to not affect you anymore, not for aging to dissapear, as a process. this happens when bodies are fungible. if the replacement process is not too involved, as resources (money/time/recovery experience after you are built, etc) then you can just do it again.
this not only makes aging irrelevant, it also is a great platform to radically change your experience as a human, by choosing (after sufficient technological knowledge and abilities) to be a natural woman, down to DNA. or black or whatever you fancy.
focusing just on the biological immortality part is not the most important aspect really. seems like that for a primitive monkey, yes.

>> No.15559633

People aren't that stupid. If they know there's a miracle drug that lets them and everyone they know live indefinitely what do you think is going to happen if they're denied of it? There will massive riots and public figures against giving it to everyone will probably be killed
> Just look what happened with the whole AI bullshit thing
Completely different and all they're doing is delaying the inevitable. Pretty much anyone with enough hardware can set up an "AI"

>> No.15559892


>> No.15559904
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>Noooo you can’t transcend your body’s limits with technology!

>> No.15559906


>> No.15559969

Tbh they'd probably get a bunch of christian propaganda about death giving life meaning and amplify it, and instead of people uniting for immortality it will be the next culture war because people are retards.

>> No.15559975

He looks just like me.

>> No.15559994

sup oldie

>> No.15560010

>what do when you get fucked?
considering you're literally telling people that they're going to die or decay because you refuse to share this technology with them, there's no reason for them not to revolt and every reason for them to do so, they're literally dying if they don't lol
Technology just hasn't worked like that, everything you can think of has become cheaper and more accessible over time. Computers that would have been reserved for only the wealthiest families half a century ago are now easily surpassed by devices almost everyone owns, and you likely have several of them, all of which are several orders of magnitudes more powerful than they were 50 years ago.
If you look at biology the same is true. Only a decade or so back, DNA testing was quite expensive. When Ancestry and 23andme started out it cost like $1000 or something to get those tests done. I don't think it even costs $100 now.
Space flight used to be prohibitively expensive, but now there are many different private companies based all over the world which organise cheap launches into orbit at a fraction of the cost NASA used to do it for.
The trend is very clear.

>> No.15560098

GlyNac restores autophagy to that of a 20 year old

>> No.15560116

we will not, because n*rmies prevent it.
just see this thread.
first we need a final solution for the n*rmie problem.
then we can do damn near anything imaginable

>> No.15560213

I'm baffled by the amount of retards triggered by anti aging lmao. It's surreal

I'm guessing it's all christcucks

>> No.15560432

oh I believe you brother, I'm not saying it's not possible to get cheap/accessible (I'm actually counting on that being poorfag), I'm saying there is a risk for that to be heavily restricted because of reasons.
but I do agree that the whole system should be heavily controlled, like uber secure, redundancies etc

>> No.15560929

are we following the David Sinclair drama?

>> No.15561153

You can't. God gave us one body. It is an absolute mortal sin to even discuss this diabolical nonsense. Death is a gift.

>> No.15561175

>first we need a final solution for the n*rmie problem.
Social solutions don't work. Just create the technology unilaterally and the little retarded apes will back down.

Nigger your own religious texts identify death as the enemy, you're just trying to masturbate to arthritics and dementia patients.

>> No.15561176

>Nigger your own religious texts identify death as the enemy, you're just trying to masturbate to arthritics and dementia patients.
You're talking to a troll (the OP) bumping his thread with bait.

>> No.15561941

What about overpopulation?

>> No.15561963

ok but if aging is solved can i become a hot anime girl

>> No.15562045
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How do cancer cells rejuvenate themselves?

>> No.15562157

I don't want the elites to live forever because they obviously will not let everyone else do so. If you pursue this in any meaningful way, you are a buffoon.

>> No.15562179

>not an elite

>> No.15562207

that's tricky. and luckily lots and lots of humans won't really be needed anymore, if we do get capable AGI/machines in the meanwhile. I'm not sure how us not being needed will work out.
plus I'm pretty sure no one will say "yeah I'm not going to do it because it would overpopulate the earth, I'll just die thank you very much".
theoretically earth can sustain all of us that exist right now, with extra tech/optimizations and new tech we can make it sustainable, but not if we 10x and become immortal at the same time.
the "no more kids" thing might be a hard sell.
maybe you get a choice, give up you immortal status and get the privilege of having an immortal child.
this is clearly something to be debated.

>> No.15562226

>I'm not sure how us not being needed will work out.
yeah I'm sure bezos and gates and all the other megabillionaires will have a real hard time deciding whether or not to wipe out all the useless eaters, then pat themselves - the superior beings who deserve to be the ones to live forever - on the back for saving the earth

>> No.15562251

brother we all can make lists with who should get to benefit from it and who should die of old age.
thing is, we're all going to die if we try this. it's all of us or none of us.

>> No.15562254

>brother we all can make lists with who should get to benefit from it
nobody, especially the people that want it
>and who should die of old age.
Everyone. Senescence is an evolved trait that exists for very good reasons, reasons that humanity is still subject to.

>> No.15562264

>reasons that humanity is still subject to.
very debatable.
you can choose to die. you can't do it for everyone else. but you can lament and shit

>> No.15562266

Humanity isn't subject to selection pressures or scarcity any more? Wow that's news to me

>> No.15562275

retarded bro, how will selection work out for you if you kys by aging out vs your immortal neighbor?
you will be in the situation of arguing that all people should die and they should all agree on that because reasons. you're either too dumb either out of your mind. that's literally that suicide cult

>> No.15562295

what selection pressures? become immortal and death-proof. you have eternity available to make more offspring. we have mars and other shit to collonize, immortal humans can just pop out, no problems with that. maybe not have 5+ kids like you have freedom now, you give up some of that for immortality, you know you would. you can do that instead of killing yourself for the greater good of the group. weird that you'd sacrifice your son so another more "capable" stranger has a shot at the same place. that's mighty fine for you.
let me guess, you also have very good arguments for why you and a few you deem worthy should get immortal tho, but that's because reasons you bullshit yourself with.

>> No.15562645

thats just giving birth to an heir with extra steps.

what even makes you think you would get along with a younger version of yourself

>> No.15562702

Will aging be solved by humans or by AI?

>> No.15562704

you are going to die

>> No.15562716

aging specifically by most likely AI.
one weird thing is that longer term the power games will distill the most sociopath of sociopaths everywhere "at the top".
maybe, eventually, but I'll try to have as much fun as I can in the meanwhile. seethe and cope and kys in the name of a ghost.

>> No.15562723

I don't believe in ghosts. One day the fact of your mortality will hit you like a freight train and these transhumanist fantasies won't be any comfort. Even if they come true, they won't be for you they'll be for the richest people on the planet, who will sit on their superyachts and feel totally justified in keeping it to themselves, just like they feel totally justified in every other shitty thing they do to people.

>> No.15562736

any corruption you are aware of had lower stakes than immortality. and seems like even so, everything fucking leaks.
imagine all those poor fucker with menial jobs, with families in need, or maybe even in pain. I don't think you realize the power of love for close ones, and oneself, and the global motivation for that shit to leak to everyone.
I think the rich are more likely to be literally eaten alive by the plebs than stay immortal without the plebs. their shit is still surrounded and operated by plebs. it's either kill all the plebs either everybody can be immortal. I don't think there's another possibility.
I didn't read anything on this subject and I'm usually staying the fuck away from dogma.

>> No.15562747

I think kill all the plebs is a far, far, far likelier scenario than lol just make everyone immortal and hope it works out for the best. Do you think we'll also magically get our shit together and expand in to space instead of just overpopulating the earth ten times worse?

>> No.15562760

>Do you think we'll also magically get our shit together and expand in to space instead of just overpopulating the earth ten times worse?
ye, fits the timeline just fine. + we can optimize transport and beam us to Mars at lightspeed. of-course it's going to be key tech in us populating the whole solar system. there's shit to be done.
one the other hand, after sufficiently long time, we will get the ability to basically construct any human you can imagine of, physically and as identity. theoretically you would be able to encode the necessary memories to result in a certain type of character, as identity. shit gets really strange with enough tech advances. designer soldiers and shit like that.
or you train a single one and the keep printing that shit.

>> No.15562805

Humans, using AI as a tool to quickly assess how different enzymes function under modified conditions.

Stopping sell senescence might not be too hard. That might mean your lifespan could be unrestricted by cell death due to that. Though functional immortality probably needs an extra few modifications, some tissues don't really turnover through life. E.g. Teeth. So we'll need those sorted out too.

I don't think it's infeasible to have humanity improved to the point that all damaged or missing tissue repairs itself provided you're not already dead or starving. And that we'd be biologically immortal.

This stuff isn't that far off either, probably a few centuries or so. Of course we won't see it for a few thousand years due to the upcoming civilizational regression into dark ages as a result of dysgenic selection pressures.

>> No.15562814

it's retarded to fixate on cell senescence when there's so many other issues and risks. this does also not solve death. fungible bodies does, having the backup.
fixing cell senescence is the midwit way of fixing the problem. yeah...but no. I mean sure, whatever, sometime after we get true death-proof fuck it, solve aging as well. at that point it's just a smaller perk.

>> No.15563014

>How do we solve the problem of senescent cells?
this would have such a strange effect on whoever does it. imagine not aging but becoming aware of how important it is now to really protect yourself. you have so much to lose out of a sudden. that completely fucks you up, how you interact with nature and you basically become a schizoid fuck afraid of removing all the retarded protective gear you now walk around in.

>> No.15563036

Anxiety is mostly caused by your body and not by the conditions it is in.

>> No.15563044

..Why would it be any different than not being ageless?

>> No.15563067

because we always knew we had ~80 years or so on Earth, so we adapted to that. how we see life, what our goals and priorities are. that all changes when suddenly there's good chances you can extend your life from 80 years to maybe whatever it's left from the age of the universe. IF a flowerpot doesn't randomly fall on your head and kills you. or maybe some disease. drunk driver. there's like a billion ways to die, still.
those other ways you can die suddenly become way bigger problems than they ever were. you really have like a lot to lose. the equivalent of all humans that have ever lived, in total. you will become obsessed with personal safety. even a planeride won't be worth it anymore. fuck it. you have eternity as it were, you'll use some next version of transport that's way safer. you'll look for the 99.999999999999999999% safety.
how would you have a relationship with a woman, her being in the same state of mind as you? or kids? this isn't healthy, and I'm not joking.
I'd take the safety of perfect brainscanning + reassembly whenever I get the chance, over just not aging.

>> No.15563090

This is like how urbanite bugmen become incredibly neurotic compared with farmers, and have horrible mental disorders. The more convenience and comfort you're subjected to, the more insane and delusional your priorities are.

>> No.15563126

If you are an anxious person, you are going to be anxious whether you live for 50 years or 500 years. Anxiety is not caused by how long you believe you will live.

>> No.15563167

>The more convenience and comfort you're subjected to, the more insane and delusional your priorities are.
nope, that's just confirmation bias for some ancient mentality.
what are you even talking about? you can get anxiety from seeing that you only have a few good years which you'd have to sacrifice in the hopes of maybe getting something that doesn't even feels real, and the alternative is poorfagging. it is exactly because how short your life is compared to your understanding of the world, possibilities and some crazy extreme long-term plans that are just not possible.
having the certainty that you just cannot die, means that you can embark adventures on way longer terms. I'd be more relaxed studying all that I find interesting, as there's enough time to do it now. many books to be read, many days of gazing into the distance. maybe the anxiety completely goes away.
>Anxiety is not caused by how long you believe you will live.
how the fuck can you know that?

>> No.15563214

Anxiety is a biochemical process. You seem to think it is caused by some existential philosophical mental crisis. But it is not.

If you are an anxious person. Meaning a person who is genetically predisposed to anxiety because it runs in your family or whose body is causing anxiety through high blood pressure, sleep deprivation or whatever, then you will be anxious no matter what your outlook on life is.

If you are a healthy person with no family history of anxiety, then you can go through almost everything without being anxious.

Same goes for most mental illnesses, such as ADHD, Depression, Autism, etc. These are illnesses you are born with.

>> No.15563225

>If you are an anxious person. Meaning a person who is genetically predisposed to anxiety because it runs in your family or whose body is causing anxiety through high blood pressure, sleep deprivation or whatever, then you will be anxious no matter what your outlook on life is.
brother something's wrong with you
>: characterized by extreme uneasiness of mind or brooding fear about some contingency : worried
do you walk around telling random people "you don't know what's wrong with you, I do"? that midwit audacity...

>> No.15563229

>nope, that's just confirmation bias for some ancient mentality.
This is extremely well studied by psychiatrists anon. The difference in mental health between a city-dweller and a hunter-gatherer is staggering.

>> No.15563234

let me take a wild guess, their sample data does not contain anyone with limitless life ahead.

>> No.15563240

The correlation logically still holds. We're talking about people with a life expectancy of 40 miserable years vs a life expectancy of 100 and 70 amazing years. People with more comfort and less to worry about invent problems to worry about and drive themselves psychotic.

>> No.15563246

>The correlation logically still holds.
I understand why you are incline to believe that, because else you'd lose the argument.
we have no idea on what we'll do, we can only speculate.
even so, kys if you really want to, as that's what it will be called, you are killing yourself by aging, if you have a choice to live. do it, I don't really give a fuck. mind your own fucking business and stop telling others what they should do.
and you already know your weak pathetic ass will instantly take the option if faced with certain death. you piece of shit hypocrite

>> No.15563250

You sound like you already have barely repressed mental issues. Your hostile language is unhinged and disjointed in very typical ways for schizotypal disorders.

>> No.15563255

does this deranged behavior really help you deal with your fear of death?

>> No.15563262

>so we adapted to that. how we see life, what our goals and priorities are. that all changes when suddenly there's good chances you can extend your life from 80 years to maybe whatever it's left from the age of the universe.
yes, and?

>I'd take the safety of perfect brainscanning + reassembly whenever I get the chance, over just not aging.
so you're already planning ahead in your own hypothesis on how to ensure your safety

i don't think we're disagreeing with you on that. you wish for 99.99999% safety. anti aging brings your chances up from 0% to some non zero percent, and the rest of the stuff you want to do, we have an entire lifetime to explore that

>> No.15563263
File: 154 KB, 900x900, 1647011756829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just picrel for midwits. and you are a pseud. I invented your game bitch

>> No.15563264

Cult of Passion? Is that you?

>> No.15563270

>so you're already planning ahead in your own hypothesis on how to ensure your safety
well yes, it's kinda a one time deal, sort-of. doesn't matter what happens to you after you scan yourself. and scanning in itself should be pretty cheap, might be able to backup yourself even daily.
on the other hand, once you never get old again, you still die for good if anything else than aging happens to you.
but it's possible you can't make this distinction, because you don't have the required hardware.

>> No.15563276

you're saying this like they are mutually exclusive. it's all fiction anyways but are you just gonna live in some hypothetical virtual world?

>> No.15563285

seethe harder

>> No.15563506

I wish David Sinclair would get way less attention. He's a proven liar. Aubrey was way smarter and his ideas were actually revolutionary at the time. Aubrey or literally anyone else would be better than David.

>> No.15563588

The subject of making humans able to live a bit longer, or possible biological immortality seems to make normies uncomfortable for whatever reason.
i don't know why. No one wants to die. Put any of those people in a near death situation and they will want to get out and live. We are all sad when people we love die. But they will strongly demand that we should all die.

>> No.15563731
File: 64 KB, 693x729, 1590510749062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about eternal life, but I know that taking flush niacin with folic acid will make a major difference in your cell health on a daily basis

>> No.15564222

not really seething just asking some questions

normies love the idea

>> No.15564332

i have a very strong feeling that ageing will never be properly cured. but i agree it's a problem, it's evil, and i salute those who endeavour to cure it, no matter how futile.

>> No.15564741


>> No.15564760


>> No.15564929

The two biggest challenges at the moment is funding and outreach.
We need donations and investors. As well as communicating the message that 'aging can be cured and we should support the research' to as many people as possible.

>> No.15564941

this one simple trick adds 5% to your life expectancy

>> No.15564979

>not really seething just asking some questions
yes they can't be mutually exclusive, they are complementary. just that not aging in itself is a perk, not the main thing. it's literally an option. it's excluding some shit out, you can't go for it as a default, takes away options.
you may want to live 50 years with a woman and go through the process of aging together. not to mummy status, but you may want a 20yo to ok maybe 50yo process, with aging and all, as was always the case so far. why take this out of humanity? it's rather beautiful. I do not see it as bad and ugly. we see it like so now because of the "implications" of it. if we remove those, you can be immortal and go through the process of aging if you want to. and revert back to whatever status you want, any time you want.
going for it now is (in my own opinion) much more challenging compared to just replicating us. as I said before, scanning and replicating are more engineering problems than are medical problems. we can get our foot in immortality's door, just by solving scanning. that in itself should ring the bells of anyone breathing today.
where solving aging requires an extraordinary amount of medical breakthroughs + testing which is dog slow for humans. iterations are way harder, then they would be if you already solved replication. then a new testing dimension opens up. in that context, you can more easily (and maybe overall faster) solve aging.
we shouldn't drop the work towards solving aging, I say we just dump like a huge amount of resources intro cracking at first scanning and then replication.
once you crack scanning, you can sell it to the richest and almost deadest gorrilionaires, and dump that money into the tech again.
that's how it looks from where I'm sitting.

>> No.15564997

fuck it, you can sell scanning to anyone actually. but big bux is usually in dying rich fossils. once we crack scanning you can ask for anything in return, at the very first. scanning provides easy ride/teleport to the future where they can get reassembled back.

>> No.15565254

there might be a way this may tie into the whole "quantum immortality" thing.
so, when you execute in 3D, you are basically on rails, which are determined by your 3D information + place in spacetime, where you spawn.
once you stop executing in 3D you get off those rails, you exist in a superpositions of versions of you, or you know...destinies as it were. they are determined by when you start executing again in 3D.
now, as far as you are concerned, once you stop executing in 3D you can end up in all sorts of situations, back in 3D, depending on the chances of that happening. if it fits as a possibility it might happen to you.
think of the idea of printing say 4 versions of you. each of those yous had a chance of ending in either body, from their point of view. but that is what matters in all of this, in the clone's point of view, as that's what you want to follow for all of this to make sense, that is you.
now, you could argue that you will live/experience any possibility of you. if we print 4 clones, you are living the 4 versions, as you. each with it's own point of view. because they were possible, because you decided to print them. so then, it kinda ties into the whole quantum immortality thing, but because now you have a technological excuse for that happening.
the tech of scan/replicate might very well be needed for the whole quantum immortality thing. because it is clear that you will experience what is possible, just that now that is a problem, as there is no possibility to keep existing. you can die at any point until you die for sure in the end, of old age.
building the scanner is exactly the needed excuse for "quantum immortality" to happen. you may argue that it must happen during your lifetime, as you wouldn't be able to experience any other life, but that doesn't account for the people you see around you getting old and dying. didn't seem to happen during their lifetimes.

>> No.15565255

>>15565254 (samefag)
now, I don't want to forcefuly associate scan/replicate tech with quantum immortality concept, it's just that the both have quantum and they both have immortality involved, so naturaly I tried making sense of both at the same time, and I could say that scan/replicate tech might be necessary for quantum immortality to be an option for you.
there's also a bit of basilisk in this, just that in this case the basilisk is you, and you don't do it out of fear rather than desire to be able to choose your own destiny.
the best thing that can guarantee your continual existance is exactly a scanning booth. that opens up possibilities, and that is what you want, the excuse to keep existing. how do we reach a scanning booth?

>> No.15565398

when i was more into the subject, i would listen to aubrey's talks, and found them greatly inspiring. i remember he named these as the major obstacles. he has little patience for people who glorify ageing, and i love that. pushing back against the tired narrative that it's cool to wither away.

>> No.15565421

>it's cool to wither away
but it is cool to wither, but not away, but to whatever you decide to. seems like the most empowering version

>> No.15565422

i don't even know what you're suggesting by "scanning" or "reassembly"

if you're suggesting just turning everyone into androids or throwing everyone in a virtual world then sure but that has it's own implications

>> No.15565428

>if you're suggesting just turning everyone into androids or throwing everyone in a virtual world then sure but that has it's own implications
no. you perfectly scan their brain specifically, to capture "them". theoretically we should be able at some point to either use their DNA to generate their bodies (apart from brain which you mostly replicate), either have like a set of default bodies or something like that.
androids is something else. I just want a solution to keep running human instances, they are nice, human body is pretty useful in 3D space. lots of fun to be had. maybe we could optimize it, but offers a pretty decent set of activities that can be had.
but as a different subject I don't see a technical impossibility in eventually running that brain state information in digital space. like on AGI hardware.
and vice-versa, running AGI human abstractions on human hardware.
you don't have to do anything. you can even kill yourself by aging out of life. all I'm saying is I want options.

>> No.15565433

>no. you perfectly scan their brain specifically, to capture "them"
and what do you do with that?

are you meaning like the shit from altered carbon where your consciousness is stored on a disk and then just eventually stick that disk in some vr world?

>> No.15565436

>How do we solve the problem of senescent cells?


>> No.15565474

>and what do you do with that?
you replicate it later in another body, which can be any body you can come up with, as information. you can enbody a female body for example. literally all that you call you, but running in a natural human female body, down to DNA and all. but you really need to understand the information that you deal with, in digital space, like assembling your new body + mind and then using that digital resulting information to 3D print you, spawning your new instance, in 3D space not digital vr shit. vr is gay. we also don't know what AGI hardware will offer for "experience".

>> No.15565478

if you're getting at just keeping a copy of you around that's pointless. no different from as having kids then immediately killing oneself

>> No.15565479

but you can still use the tech for time traveling in the future. you can copy yourself, disable 3D instance, and reassemble exact same thing after 50-100 years for example. you'd literally fast forward, and you don't even need to understand (digitally) the information itself. you can just store it and use it for reassembly, but understanding it opens a new range of experiences.
you don't need to reach the point where we understand the info we scan, digitally, and can operate on it digitally. you just need to get scanned once and terminate 3D instance, if you do this then you theoretically will have access to everything, in the end. if it's possible.

>> No.15565485

Are trannyhumanists usually this deranged, or are you just a particularly mentally ill example?

>> No.15565484

kids don't contain your experiences. they won't be you, they may be somthing similar because you share dna data which might result in similar 3D structures which might determine close/similar results from some points of view. it is you but only part.
also running two instances of you is as pointless and confusing as cloning yourself now and crying you can't "perceive" from clones POV. it's just retarded.

>> No.15565487

you have both skill and hardware issue. runs fine on my machine.

>> No.15565497

>you just need to get scanned once and terminate 3D instance
>two instances of you
there's no such thing as instances of you. if you "scan" your brain then upload whatever shit comes out of it then blow your head off to "terminate 3D instance" you're dead. none of this "my identity will live on" shit

consciousness isn't really well defined so most normie discussion on this topic is just woo woo

i think the average person just wants to not age and have a different but humanoid body or maybe go into a virtual world to live out their isekai fantasy

>> No.15566650

Sorry, but that's not a real solution!

>> No.15567560

Because it doesn't involve handing over money to some shady merchant claiming he'll give you eternal life at a bargain price?

>> No.15568070

>you're dead.
can you please explain to the class what exactly this "dead" is? what does it mean, what does it imply, why does the word exist historically? whatever made us come up with it?
do take some time.
>consciousness isn't really well defined so most normie discussion on this topic is just woo woo
if you are frightened that getting into a car will transport your body but not your soul the best thing to do is build a car and test to see, does anyone complain about losing their soul after a car ride?

>> No.15568712
