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15537466 No.15537466 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you see this requirement in a JD?
Doesn't it seem kind of ridiculous to be imposed on like this?

>> No.15537470

If you can’t describe technical ideas in simple terms you’re low IQ

>> No.15537472

If this is showing up on your job applications, it's most likely a midwit role where you will not be doing any of the intellectual heavy lifting but merely serving as a middleman to help minimize the damage your retard technically illiterate boomer manager does to the actual work being done by the competent adults

>> No.15537520

>the damage your retard technically illiterate boomer manager
Current gig has one of these. He's a total schoozing overly polite talkative con artist (always sounds like he's trying to sell someone a shitty used car) with zero technical abilities. He couldn't even figure out how operate our incredibly easy-to-use FTP system. His title would lead one to believe his has substantial technical skills.

>> No.15537526

What's the purpose of this reply, just want to shit up the board? Never said it can't be done, only that it is a ridiculous imposition with the level of stupidity in the general non-tech population.

>> No.15537975

you're the one who's stupid if you can't figure it out

>> No.15538030

It means you're likely in a management position or interacting with the non technical in some way. Someone HAS to write the manual anon. Someone has to bridge between the non-technical and technical since it is dangerously difficult to get people to communicate reasonable requirements. Rarely do you have someone who is highly skilled in both communication and technical thought (typically these people take over fields). Most of the time you're lucky if you get a girl with a STEM bachelor degree to do all your communication (I'm not joking).

Also, this is how you secure funding. You will NOT secure funding by being a mega autist. The best you can hope for is that a benevolent communicator who also has technical ability takes over the project and lets you be autistic in peace (this is what I do).

>> No.15538406

Actually enjoy writing metadata and SOPs. Helping people try to understand 5th grade level shit who are making better $$$, not so much.
How do you deal with depression from realizing how incredibly stupid some of your non-technical coworkers really are? Didn't see this requirement in JDs until the last 5-10 years. Before it became a requirement knowledge of coworker's stupidity wasn't so obvious in one's face.