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15512546 No.15512546 [Reply] [Original]

Sci bros this question might sound dumb but I want insight from smartest people on 4chan
How to learn?
How to find motivation?

>> No.15512552
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>How to learn?
By suffering when you dont.
>How to find motivation?

>> No.15512565

find interesting questions and try to find the answers to them

>> No.15512578

You are already motivated every day.

>> No.15512592

>go to exercism.org
>pick a language that's well documented
>do some exercises until you're fluent enough to make simple programs
>go to projecteuler.net
>have a blast solving the problems
It's that easy

>> No.15512628
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pick a topic and do a project, like you're in school. make a presentation or a poster or some shit. go find an article that you agree with or disagree with and see if you can fact check it yourself. go get in an argument with chatgpt by probing it until it says something that you disagree with, and convince it that you're right, and then question whether there's another point of view that you're not considering that might make you wrong

>> No.15512648

One time I took a week off. It was the first time in a while that I had both money and free time. I could do whatever I wanted. Ideas didn't come. I started writing out things that would objectively help my life. Or things I thought I wanted to do. It was very difficult to let my mind wander and write down where it was going honestly. I started reading it back, looking for contradictions, and found several. Eventually I found out there were things I had wanted very badly, but had at some point repressed, and I was convinced those things didn't exist or were somehow impossible. I think it was an effect of my subconscious. I think this act of suppressing then forgetting deep desires is a universal process, and I think it is the main explanation for why so many people feel dissatisfied but can't point to anything in particular that they want.

>> No.15512668

>but I want insight from smartest people on 4chan
wrong board kek

>> No.15513019

>I want insight from smartest people on 4chan

>> No.15513043


>> No.15513706

>How to find motivation?
If you're asking this you probably lack discipline, if that is the case you should exercise, specifically lifting + cardio, committing to this is imo the best way build the discipline you'll need to see things through. Furthermore a healthy body means a healthy mind, so all this exercise combined with a good diet should lift the goyslop induced brainfog that you perhaps have.
>How to learn?
I don't know what you're trying to learn or why you're doing it. If you're trying to learn something out of obligation rather than desire you'll find that discipline is rather important. I remember when I was in highschool I literally could not bring myself to learn something I wasn't interested in, my mind would always wander.

>> No.15513969

anon if you're still around.
>Eventually I found out there were things I had wanted very badly, but had at some point repressed, and I was convinced those things didn't exist or were somehow impossible.
How did you find out?
I think I'm very aware of the things I want.
Problem being most of them I cannot do in the near future.
How did you get to (new) things you wanted but had repressed?

>> No.15513998

>Climate change globalists that control the media literally want to take your rights away and turn you into a China 2.0
>they infiltrated your federal departments and used the law against you
>Your kindness to Open source information has been used against you.
No more kindness to those who those that think it is "clever" to take advantage of good-will.
Like the past hundreds of years, innovate and make sure this time not to give it away for FREE to those who cannot innovate (commies).

>> No.15514705

Shut the fuck up retard gosh you're extremely fucking stupid. I woke up at 4 AM to do cardio before school 6 years ago. Over these 6 years, I picked up lifting and did both especially cardio and some lifting weekly, with cardio around 3-4 times a week and lifting 1-2 times a week. I also had a ridiculously precise diet over this entire duration of scaled grams of whole grains, being straight edge etc. I've kept at it all the while. But when I don't do these things I lay in bed too depressed about my life to do anything. I can only use my extremely healthy mind with a fully assessed intelligence of near-ceiling before all this (when I was completely sedentary) that is now boosted by all this shit beyond the ceiling of the test to troll retards on 4chan as my education is slipping away into malding over TF2 and cognitive decline research.

>> No.15514707

Fart in my mouth in the holocaust museum sweetie.

>> No.15514713

Anyhow, anon, if you want motivation start taking meth. Best way to get it is to go to a psychiatrist and fake ADHD. If the psychiatrist calls you out, just go to another and then another until you find one that gives meth to you.
It might ruin your life, but it will definitely make you want to do things you don't want to do, which I suppose if you hate everything like me could be a net positive. It also makes everything super interesting.
Personally I'm straight edge, so none for me.

>> No.15514902

i thought i was the only one having silly thoughts like that while lifting

>> No.15514909

To defeat "them"
Donquixote wasn't wrong about the windmills

>> No.15514917

you missed the part where he said he wrote them down

>> No.15514936

>How to find motivation?
why would you want to figure out how to manipulate yourself into wanting to do something you dont want to do?

Dont do that. Instead figure out what you want to do. What you want to do, not what you think 'being a doer of' sounds appealing. Thats looking for a mask to hide inside of.

>> No.15514945

Motivation comes through experience. An example would be a writer. Writers get their material through experience and subjection. The more you subject yourself into the world of what you want to do, the easier it will be for you.

In terms of how to learn, look into the pareto principle and find a routine that works for you. I use the pomodoro technique for studying. Although its controversial on whether or not it works, it does for me.

>> No.15514989

Can you provide background info:
>What's your age?
>What's your education level?
>What career field are you in?
>What career field would you like to be in?

>> No.15515060

I’m in college economics
I had interview today for Sales Reporting role
I want to become Data analyst > Senior Data Analyst > Data Scientist

>> No.15515062

I dont really care about college tho self studying Statistics / Probability, Excel, SQL, PowerBi, Python First only Excel and basics of other stuff
Also I want to study math

>> No.15515095

Well then if I were you I would read about companies, finance, stock market, etc. That's pretty easy to get motivated about since the more you know, the more money you can make by being accurate.
If I were you, I would spend more time studying math (especially statistics) and maybe even switch majors to a more difficult math major.
Then, I would try and get a job (any job) at a large financial bank, and work your way up there.

>> No.15515139

Yes am really interested in trading I want decent career to get capital for proper trading
Thanks I will focus hard on math I have basic background which I can build on is it possible to self learn math if I devote most of my time to full-time job?

>> No.15515141

I just hate university and way they teach
also I’m coping with fact that I live in the Eastern EU so in most of English speaking companies my diploma wont matter as much

>> No.15515194

The best way to learn math is lectures, videos, and practice, every day.
There are tons of math-related youtube lectures, MIT OpenCourseware, Kahn Academy, etc.
Then I would buy/rent whatever finance-related books you can get your hands on.

>> No.15515213
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>> No.15515368

I already have. It's just a list of things I want, some of which I can accomplish now some not.
There's no "contradiction" to find, except for the fact that dedicating time to one of these things means less for the others.
And apparently without a contradiction I can't find the alleged repressed desires that he found.
Why would there be contradictions to begin with, do people give that little thought to what they want?
and how do I find these alleged repressed, further things I want but don't know?

>> No.15515377

>Dont do that. Instead figure out what you want to do
I see anon, but that's going to be a problem.
I already know what I want to do.
In exquisite detail.
Other "people" won't like it, so in the meantime one needs a mask, does one not?

>> No.15515643

lmao take a chill pill dude, or maybe some meth like that other anon suggested that might make you less of a fag

>> No.15515649
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I literally wrote this in a YouTube comment the other day.
Feels good to proselytize, my Crab King.

>> No.15517485

go towards the pain

>> No.15517492

>I want insight from smartest people on 4chan
Reported for off-topic.