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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15510281 No.15510281 [Reply] [Original]

Oh you think you're real special, with your 4.0 GPA, perfect SATs, Mensa membership, letters of recommendation by your STEM teachers, AP classes, prodigious autistic obsessions over STEM, some python tinkering, and 3b1b and MIT OpenCourseWare.
Well guess what, everything you do is only useful to have been done once and someone else far more ambitious, intelligent, driven, and privileged is already doing it. What, you get put into a high school full of niggers, go through puberty, stumble across a few popsci that eventually lead to "hard material" you discuss with your Master's of education teachers who failed to be real scientists, and suddenly you're the shit. Bwahaha! Give me a break.
A math proof has to be only done once, a physics explanation has to only be created once. Only the best who sacrifice all else to arrive at a single one of those being mentored by the previous generation of large name geniuses and associated with near exclusively other large game ever get to that. You think these people didn't obsess through their possessive curiosity like their ass was on fire? You think that's you? With your backwater town and normies and nigger classmates and acquaintances?
Yeah, sure buddy, keep coping.

>> No.15510287

Nice diary entry, fag

>> No.15510298

I'm from a third world country, retard

>> No.15510308
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That must be why you're too stupid to understand that a single paper is not enough to have a given explanation be accepted as fact by the scientific community.

>> No.15510353

>be accepted as fact by the scientific community
Cute. I'm sure Newton, a complete schizoid who hid his work, was obsessed with that.

>> No.15510355
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I just enjoy learning stuff. Simple as.

>> No.15510389

enjoy being pour

>> No.15510409
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Wouldn't matter if he was, or not. The work has to be reproducible, and any explanation that the work provides for the observed phenomena must be rigorously tested, either generating a wealth of evidence to support the claims being made, or falsifying it. This is how a hypothesis becomes a theory, and it takes the contributions of more than a single scientist.

>> No.15510416

So what? That has nothing to do with being the genius person that comes up with stuff, that's just being a labmonkey cuck. Geniuses' genius ideas are right irrespective of whether scientists perform all this falsifying, it's just that after the falsifying the actually true stuff rises to the top, but it has always been true, it didn't suddenly become true because million algebra drop-outs aped around a hadron collider.

>> No.15510421

so true, anon

I see it all the time stupid people signing up for pure maths to feel smart whereas when someone smart signs up for engineering their peers claim theyre an underachiever

I think its some sort of field inflation where major of choice becomes a market signal even though the person made no contribution and has actually been a net negative to the field and their pursuit of the field led to a net negative training and preparation for the employer

but the employer sees the degree, assumes intelligence, and hires for example a pure maths preferentially to a cs major... its fucking cringe and pathetic srs

>> No.15510424
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>reddit spacing

>> No.15510438

Anyone who is out to become a scientist thinking they're going to be the next Nobel laureate, let alone the next Newton is a fool to begin with. The idea that you must go down in history as one of the greatest scientists of all time to be a "real scientist" is pure nonsense, clearly coming from someone who hasn't spent a day of their life actually doing research. People who become scientists generally are curious, want to learn, and discover new things. What kind of moron would not pursue their passion merely because they might never be the equal of the most famous people to ever grace the field? I mean shit, even the characterization of the scientists at the LHC as "algebra drop-outs" just shows how absolutely far off the mark you are.

>> No.15510439

to ape around a lab?

>> No.15510441
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t. retard who has never even stepped foot in a lab outside of a classroom setting

>> No.15510446

Yeah, I'm sure anally and repetitively performing the same exact experiment over and over and over again with virtually the same exact or disappointing results for days, weeks, months, years, decades at a time really instills deep curiosity and passion in oneself.

>> No.15510452

Damn, you really outed yourself, you haven't done research before have you? You're essentially describing a typical industry job you could expect to get with a BSc - a lab tech. Maybe after you finish your first year, and you know, get some real experience you'll find that you'll work on various projects different projects, and have opportunities to explore different fields. Good luck with calc 1 bro

>> No.15510461

no I'm merely a pure maths flunkout europoor pseud who spends my days watching cartoons and jerking off to porn. I'd like to blame being dumb, but I went to a psychologist and am the extreme opposite of dumb. I guess I'm just a mentally ill aimless loser like the rest of the people on this website. I'm probably too old by now to return to STEM anyways and to even return would be a massive cope, age aside.
Though what you say does explain this Aspie girl I knew from some e-community around the superstition of MBTI from Hong Kong that was extremely smart and prodigious and pursued natural science master's at UCL, but flunk out with a Bachelor's instead due to getting addicted to Genshin Impact and now is some labrat back in Hong Kong living with parents who strictly monitor her electronics usage. I'd breed her pussy so hard to the point of removing her delusion of asexuality and breed eugenic children, but I don't know where she lives and rape is illegal or something.
Tangent aside, I know empiricism is the epistemological equivalent of touching grass. But it brings me great unease to know that it's all standing outside of oneself, almost taken as-if on faith, because you couldn't have been there for all these experiments nor can afford the equipment to replicate them for your own eyes. It's like this foggy impenetrable unknown black box.

>> No.15510472

sunk cost much

>> No.15510473

how would said children be eugenic if shes from hong kong and youre a europoor?

>> No.15510474

> But it brings me great unease to know that it's all standing outside of oneself, almost taken as-if on faith, because you couldn't have been there for all these experiments nor can afford the equipment to replicate them for your own eyes. It's like this foggy impenetrable unknown black box.
This much is true, it is the case that despite the background research our own might rely upon is taken "on-faith" to the degree that you're trusting the peer-review process was rigorous enough to determine that whatever underlying assumptions you're using for your own work are true, or at least accurate approximations of the truth. This is just a necessity for there to be forward progress, because the alternative is that we manually verify each and every paper's findings with our own experimentation before proceeding with our own research. It is a good point though, so I'll give you that.

>> No.15510508

sry meant to say dysgenic

>> No.15510654

yeah ur dysgenic idiot hahahaha

>> No.15510688

>math only has to be done once