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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15307992 No.15307992 [Reply] [Original]

what is your goal in life?

>> No.15307994

>what is your goal in life?
right now it is to finish my degree with good grades

>> No.15307999

get a wife that loves me and have kids.

>> No.15308005

This and turn that into a great career. My hope is to become a millionaire by 30.

>> No.15308009

to insult every individual sentient being in the galaxy in alphabetical order, dickhead

>> No.15308023

Become and saint so I can perform miracles. Then I will conquer the world and reshape it to my liking. Billions may die.

>> No.15308028

>By 30
Another worthless talentless trash got into a uni with worthless ambitions just like his intellectualy abilities, enjoy your degree I guess

>> No.15308033

I also enjoy what I’m studying, and I’ve done pretty well. What’s wrong with wanting to be wealthy?

>> No.15308034 [DELETED] 

too big to be properly understood honestly

>> No.15308124

Not sure, I'm trying to figure out what to do after my current postdoc

>> No.15308164

To do the best I can

>> No.15308169

Share a piece of it

>> No.15308180

Return production to the USA, seal off all the exits

>> No.15308188

Why seal off the exits, and not the entrances

>> No.15308190
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no goals, just running out the clock

>> No.15308209

crash this plane with no survivors

>> No.15308212

being as comfy as possible

>> No.15308236

To overcome faggotry

>> No.15308245

To have sex.
Seems impossible which is crazy to me but here I am.

>> No.15308255

>18 replies to an offtopic thread
everyone here should be banned

>> No.15308261

the complete and utter destruction of the jews

>> No.15308271

That's not a goal desu
Get a career /profitable goal or you'll hurt yourself once you graduate.

>> No.15308279

>to be a bitch

>> No.15308282

Ignore the miserable, he's fighting his demons. Focus on yourself.

>> No.15308301

Thanks mr. miyagi.

>> No.15308310

conquest and genocide, mainly. vengeance too.

>> No.15308317

Omniscience, omnipotence and eternality.

>> No.15308405

Can either of you explain at all how you're going to accomplish those

>> No.15308483
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>> No.15308995


To invent a working von Neumann universal constructor

>> No.15309720

how do you plan to become a millionaire by 30. what do you expect your income and expenses to be

>> No.15309812

Develop amazing videogames

>> No.15309816

Prove flat earth.

>> No.15309828
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>> No.15309837

i wanna be happy

>> No.15309894

to fix this shit.

>> No.15309985

To ensure complete global saturation.

>> No.15310021
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>> No.15310031

Hacking the mind. Specifically, I want to develop a formal language to communicate with the unconscious and use this to program the involuntary systems of the body.

>> No.15310069

everything and nothing
I have mid-life crisis as 22yo

>> No.15310121
File: 329 KB, 1144x1616, SpecialK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science taken to the "Omni" level.
Potency taken to the "Omni" level.
Ternality taken to the "e" for exponent level.

You start by breaking down science into smaller steps. Then unifying them back together as one. Like multiple stratas in a line of music. Each denoting a particular frequency and time for sustaining a "note" of sorts.

Science is comprised of three major disciplines.
Biology, chemistry and physics.
The attempts of unifying these has failed multiple times in the past in almost everything save for compendiums of wisdom and knowledge like encyclopedias and digital AI reference tables.
Namely because of the limited lifespan of a human being and the accompanying decline in neuroplasticity.
This is why, counter intuitively, biology must be tackled first, as this gives you the basis to manipulate that lifespan and achieve an extension or prolongation that will allow you to learn physics and chemistry in extreme quantity. Then it is simply a matter of focusing your attentions on engraining the knowledge into your head. Quality. Negative, positive, aggressive reinforcements, all that kind of stuff. However there is a caveat. Space and memory. A human brain, with rough approximations using the average neuron as a unit of calculative power can carry only 2.4 petabytes of digital information. So you are faced with yet another biological limiter. Which of course can be overcome with a litney of clever compressional algorithms, physical manipulations or biological alterations.
After that, it's just a process of tackling the most important subjects first.
If you have the omniscience and eternality portion complete then it's simply a matter of potency.
Taken to an omnipotency.


>> No.15310157

this ones mine too. whats your plan? mine is to make a bunch of money.

>> No.15310172

>the humble encyclopedia is closer to omniscience than the average person
Eye opening.

>> No.15310178

Etymologically obvious. It even has part of the word "cyclopse" in it. ;)

>> No.15310182
File: 96 KB, 840x508, 187-1873995_monkas-dont-overuse-mo-twitch-pepe-scared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ARE you?

>> No.15310193


What about everything else? Lol.

>> No.15310198

To be a product developer and have a project car that I throw money at

>> No.15310381

To seek comfort for another 40 years or so and then die.

>> No.15310390

Attach a camera to a weather baloon and take pictures of the disc. Post results.

>> No.15310397
File: 112 KB, 800x542, AHH, SO IT'S LIKE THAT, HUH. I UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING NOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna be the very best. Like no one ever was.

>> No.15310472

reddit moment

>> No.15310494

Enough money that I can just neet it up. Basically what I'm doing now, but with more money

>> No.15311244

To make sure my future kids are well taken care of I guess and to make sure I'm up in life. :)

>> No.15311245

Kill whitoids fuck their bitches.

>> No.15311249

You jew

>> No.15311253

talking about myself on social media is my only goal in life

>> No.15311261

not this guy but our world is a pile of shit thanks to these kind of approach

>> No.15311262

Enjoy playing "everlasting catch-up" due to rampant inflation. Your grandparents could retire on less than 100,000 and live comfortably for two decades of retirement.

>> No.15311269
File: 159 KB, 360x360, ED667C52-D279-4EC0-A7FA-FF5F2D9E397B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To kill the titans! I won’t stop until there isn’t a single one remaining!

>> No.15311277

To be a good paypig

>> No.15311285

dude, stfu

>> No.15311295

The cattle, are assured by the breeding program. You lot seem ready to be harvested. Truth hurts. You are aware this is all a sham life to bait your soul in the fake light at death yes?

You fucking weak enablers.