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14778886 No.14778886 [Reply] [Original]

1. They are too primitive. They all follow a certain ruleset.

2. Some (personal experience, small sample size so can’t say most women) women act the same when encountered with truth about true female nature, similarly to a chatbot.

3.They lack emotional qualities of a human.

1. They choose their partner solely by scanning for good genetics. It takes one fifth of a second for a female to realize whether or not a male is worthy of passing on her genes. All females seek superior genetics due to evolution. Personality plays a very insignificant role in complete attraction. Females will treat you better if you have good genetics looks wise and vice versa if you have poor genetics.
There was a study of how men and women reacted when a politician was encountered with criticizing questions on his actions.

When the politician apologized, females were seen to be disgusted and hateful towards the politician.

When the politician stood by his actions and defended them, females showed respect towards the politician.

Males had no changed emotions in both situations.
Another statistic: Attractive criminals receive 119.25% or upwards to 304.88% less jail time than unattractive ones when judge is female.

>> No.14778891

2. This one's a personal one but I am dead sure someone here has had same experiences.
Since starting working out, getting lean and dressing better I have begun to receive much more female attention than before, which has led me into various relationships.

During this summer I received overwhelmingly high female attention and had 5 relationships which all ended because of my increased disgust in women. In all of these relationships I eventually wanted to tell them the truth about why I am so successful in dating and the depth of female nature. At first the females tried to argue, then tempt me into changing subject, then denying facts, playing dumb and eventually just forcing another topic into the conversation. Please note that I wasn't being too pushy and occasionally asked the females if they agreed with me and if not then why. Now this might seem like I was being annoying but what does a person do if their position is being attacked? They defend. When they realize they can’t defend anymore they accept fate. These females knew I was right but they would not admit it. They cannot admit to something so horrible yet so true as the real female nature.

>> No.14778898

3. Females lack the emotional components of a human. To them, virtuous emotions like gratitude, regret and sadness are all qualities which make you appear very weak. Oftentimes you see females stating the opposite however this is done only to appear like decent human beings and to attract beta, provider males who can provide the female with sufficient materials for survival but is unsuitable for reproduction.

This might seem like some cringeworthy social media wordage but please bear with me.

The uncaring, alpha male is someone with very good genetic qualities and very masculine and strong characteristics on behalf of personality. It is very likely that you’ve seen females obsess over these seemingly terrible males. Why? Because these alpha males are the ones who held a strong masculine frame and had good genes. The female is unlikely to find someone to keep as superior as their last partner who was alpha.

While true alpha males get lavish treatment for just existing, betas receive nearly none. Betas are often chosen to be providers because an alpha by nature does not usually provide materials necessary for survival but only his superior genetics. It is truly sad to see a beta male being manipulated by a female but that is the harsh nature of evolution.

>> No.14778902


The apology test:


Beauty privilege in the court system:


>> No.14778906

Females are more emotional, how is that not human?

>> No.14778908

Oh and yes, love does not exist. It is just sexual attraction.
There is no good guy.
There is only the superior and the inferior.

>> No.14778915

They act purely on emotion. They do not use reasoning while males do.

>> No.14778914

>improve health and appearance
>get gf
>"no, admit it; you're only attracted to me because i look healthy and attractive - its quite shallow, don't you agree?"

>> No.14778916

It's animalistic therefore not huMAN, big difference.

>> No.14778923

Women put the hu in human tho, you cant say human is just the man, theres also the hu. If humans had no animalistic tendencies they would be robots.

>> No.14778926

Have you tried just being yourself, anon?

>> No.14778940

No such thing as human, we are all animals.
Are you fucking retarded or some shit?
Of course we are gonna be attracted to attractive people, its ingrained in us, in our biology, in deep of our brains.
Where the fuck do you live? Are you from earth?
We cant be attracted to everyone we meet, and love everybody.
At least not for now, not until CRISPR advances.
Stop being a retard.

>> No.14778945

I did get female attention before working on my looks however the amount has increased significantly. My friend who once got no female attention is now the classic tiktok pretty boy and receives plenty of attention.
My point is that attractiveness is the most important quality in having success in the dating market.

I forgot to add this personal story but here goes...
Before I became the "pretty boy" I am today, everytime I was in an dispute with a female they would not forgive me for a very long time and even after forgiving me they would still remind me of making a mistake.
After becoming more attractive I cheated on one of my girlfriends in her apartment. She was mad at first but after talking to her for an hour she was all cleared up and me and her ended up having sex the next morning. Now that I'm more attractive she has started to bring me gifts for all the dumbest reasons and asks me out nearly every day.

>> No.14778949

>There is only the superior and the inferior.
There isn't even that. What's better or worse, completely depends on the environment.

>> No.14778950

This is where separation between animal and man come in. Man has a larger, better brain capable of doing more stuff with it like reason and logic meanwhile animals have less of this therefore not capable of doing much related to bigger brains. Apparently all it takes for man to become more of an animal is to change the gender and thus a lesser number of grey matter neurons.

>> No.14778956

There is a distinction, apparently, when it comes to this stuff.

>> No.14778972

There isnt. Youre only fooling yourself.
You are too guilty of this.
Are you attracted to every female you meet?
Are you attracted to old lonely fat menopaused females?
Our humanity and love has its limits.
Not everybody is cool, not everybody loves everybody. Its just how it is for now.
Are you monogamous or polygamous?
Get a bunch of attractive girls, fuck their brains out, and enjoy your life.
Or get a cute one and start a family and grow old together.

>> No.14778981

>this is about sex
>muh dick muh dick muh dick
>cum cum cum cum

It's not we weren't talking about this, we were talking about how man is above the rest because of the ability to think deeper on stuff. It seems all you can think about is the animalistic basic bitch desire to have sex thus you have a less developed brain and therefore more akin to females.

I will not speak with you anymore, animal.

>> No.14778982

>Since starting working out, getting lean and dressing better I have begun to receive much more female attention than before, which has led me into various relationships.
You're contradicting your first point here.

>> No.14778983

>They choose their partner solely by scanning for good genetics.

If men had choices they would be no different. They always go for the most physically attractive

>> No.14778992

>nooo don’t choose the best males to father your children choose losers like me

>> No.14778994

>if men had no choices they would be no different?
Are you just playing dumb or? That’s just simply not true, men will literally fuck anything that has a pulse. There are countless of examples of men who are married with 10’s but cheat with 5’s. I disagree with OP being a whiny bitch but you’re just as bad.

>> No.14779000

There is no separation between animals and man. You’re just a fucking monkey.
Yeah retard because men can impregnate hundreds of women in one day whereas a woman can get pregnant once every nine months tops

>> No.14779002

These things amplify good features that were already there. I was skinnyfat before.

>> No.14779003

>During this summer I received overwhelmingly high female attention and had 5 relationships which all ended because of my increased disgust in women
5 relationships during the same summer tells me the problem is probably with you.

>> No.14779007

There is no intellectual difference between men and women.
It seems to me that you are hanging with the wrong kind of girls, like those ones from Fresh and Fit podcast, where they're all bunch of dumb shallow whores.
Men can be shallow too, low IQ retards with no intellectual capacity.
You have misogynistic preconceptions and I think this will stop you from getting a cute smart gf in the future.

>> No.14779011

Your reply contradicts my premise and your original statement you fucking tard.

>> No.14779013

I was more so referring to choosing a single long-term partner.

>> No.14779014

Loving your bait mate top shit

>> No.14779016

We're apes with very large brains, there's a difference between us, and monkeys/other animals.

There is an intellectual difference between the genders I'm afraid.. But I'm not gonna be the one to enter this debate, bye.

>> No.14779019

What original statement? I just entered the thread.

>> No.14779021

There’s no more difference than there is between a panda and a brown bear. Bunch of animals. You’re not special.

>> No.14779024

Why would you want a smart woman? Women are for fucking, sucking, birthing, and housework.

>> No.14779026
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>> No.14779043

Mope and cope, not science

>> No.14779050

Because I dont want retardedly stupid children.

>> No.14779053

you're right bruh, they're not human, they're just a rib

>> No.14779058

>Attractive criminals receive 119.25% or upwards to 304.88% less jail time than unattractive ones when judge is female.
6/10 females receive 6969% less jailtime than attractive men when the judge is male, filthy moid.

>> No.14779108

There's no real correlation between female intellect within races offspring. If you miscegenate with a lower-IQ woman sure, but kids with any woman of your race will range around the average of your race.

>> No.14779147

>If men had choices they would be no different. They always go for the most physically attractive
Yep. Men could select for loyalty and intelligence but we selected for tits and ass instead then complain that women are subhuman retards. We're at least as culpable if not more, since we are actually capable of higher level reasoning.

As much as I hate women, I hate men even more.

>> No.14779189
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Thats bullshit and you know it.
If you mate with stupid woman, youre gonna have a bad time.

>> No.14779214

you're confusing emotions with instincts

>> No.14779224

This but unironically. This has pretty much been my personal experience ever since I stopped being a fat bastard and actually got fit. The fact that these women were only giving me attention now that I actually looked good just made me hate them even more.

>> No.14779254

>I hate women because they want men to look good
Lol what

>> No.14779261

>I hate women because wanting good looking men is the only thing they care about
Fixed for you, and yes.
>Personality? What's that?

>> No.14779268
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>>I hate women because they want men to look good

>> No.14779270

>I hate how evolution works
Sounds like a you problem. Die alone.

>> No.14779276

How dare women have standards and want men who look good and manly instead of desiring recessive chin incels and fat gamers.

>> No.14779280
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>How dare women have standards and want men who look good and manly instead of desiring recessive chin incels and fat gamers.
>Pic related is me by the way

>> No.14779281

It's a me problem that women can't overcome their biological urges? Weird logic, but okay Anon.

>> No.14779283

Why should women act counter to biology? Sounds like a cool recipe for mental illness.

>> No.14779285

Biology tells me to rape Stacy. Why should I act counter to biology?

>> No.14779288

Elementary school-tier retort.

>> No.14779289

Because if men like >>14779285 can overcome their biological urges, it's not too much to ask women to do the same. I thought you roasites were all for equality?

>> No.14779291
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>Elementary school-tier retort.
>Pic related is me by the way

>> No.14779292

I never said you shouldn’t. Do what you like. My own ancestors did plenty of raping.

>> No.14779295

>Do what you like
What I like is a civilized society where I can force Stacy to marry me. Biology tells me that this would be good. :^)

>> No.14779297

>please women give ugly skinnyfats like me a chance counter to what you genuinely find attractive and counter to your evolutionary self-interest

>> No.14779298

Sure. Sounds cool.

>> No.14779300 [DELETED] 
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>n-n-nooo, you can't just drag me into a dark alley and dump a load in me!!
>you need to act counter to your evolutionary self-interest!!!
LOL. LMAO, even.

>> No.14779303

>No argument, just more seething
I accept your concession.

>> No.14779307

The only seething is from incels like you. Women like men who look good, not ugly and weak men who look gross, so if you want one, make yourself look better.

>> No.14779309
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>but muh heckin' womaninooos like X and dislike Y
Literally who cares? I can make a cunt do anything I want by force. Biology approves.

>> No.14779312

Go do it then. Lemme know how that works out for you.

>> No.14779316

Works out pretty well when a critical mass of men finally figures out that no one actually needs to care about what women want, and that women can be forced to do anything.

>> No.14779326

Sounds hot.

>> No.14779329

Should have known the feminist has a gang rape fetish.

>> No.14779332

Retarded thread. Women's sexual preferences vary just like men's so your whole argument is nonsense
And we're about 2 years away from genetically modifying humans to make men small and super athletic and women large and super fecund, so the variation of sexual preferences of men and women don't matter anyway.

>> No.14779354

Why would you want to be a small man lmao

>> No.14779357

He's a manlet and his life revolves around this fetishistic cope.

>> No.14779370

I’m not a feminist.

>> No.14779376

Not when the prospect of getting drilled by two dozen cocks comes to mind you aren't.

>> No.14779378

We're going to genetically modify men to be small, like 3'10", lean, and super athletic, like boys on steroids. Small men like this are superior in modern and future warfare and have greater economic productivity for a fraction of the resource and energy cost. Small men are superior to large ones in quality and quantity.
Women will be made large, like 6'5"+, with large hips and wombs. They will be programmed to super ovulate releasing a few eggs each cycle so when impregnated they always gestate litters. In this way the population will always increase and never fall below replacement.
A society of people designed in this way use fewer resources to support larger populations and have exponentially greater fertility rates. This is the ideal form for men and women. This is how genetic engineering will be applied to humans.
I'm the most important person who regularly posts here. Everything I say is correct and inevitable and crying "manlet cope" doesn't change thing, dumb dumb

>> No.14779408

Yeah the difference is he only has that biological urge towards hot women. You seem to be black-pilled by the basic fact of life that people want to be with someone who's hot. To be fair men have lower standards in this regard , but the point still stands. Personality only matters after sexual attraction.

>> No.14779419

>Yeah the difference is he only has that biological urge towards hot women
Holy shit, you are exceptionally stupid.

>> No.14779423

When you'll overcome yours, retard?
Call me when you start fucking old senile women.

>> No.14779439

you will be the giantess
you will fuck the small super athletic males
and you will like it

>> No.14779453

You think he wants to rape ugly fat bitches? That’s an insulting assumption.

>> No.14779475

I think your existence is an argument for the necessity of eugenics.

>> No.14779481

eugenics is inferior to genetic engineering

>> No.14779486

Something only a mouth-breathing mongoloid could say. Thanks for making my case for me.

>> No.14779491

im a graduate student doing research in computational genomics

>> No.14779502

Yeah, I know academia is flooded with actual retards these days.

>> No.14779523

ya got me

>> No.14779534

Question, OP:
Do you become aggravated when someone says "one race, the human race"? Because you've just surmised this in such a simplistic set of explanations that you've more or less said the same thing by setting up two major groups with no variability within each of them.
You should widen your sample groups and attempt to be less biased.

>> No.14779560
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>t. picrel

>> No.14779568
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Male or female, that jawline has no business continuing a genetic line.

>> No.14779572

It is the official jawline of this post >>14779534

>> No.14779576

That's my post, but you're sort of proving why selective breeding is a good thing.

>> No.14779578

So that we get fewer posts like yours?

>> No.14779614

So many paragraphs of cope because you can't get laid.

>> No.14779642

Just go be gay

>> No.14779655

Yikes! Really creepy misogynistic incel thread. This is exactly why I post more on Reddit nowadays.

>> No.14779678
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This, but "ironically"

>> No.14779720

The ONLY thing that convinces me that maybe women aren't that different is that animal species generally aren't that much different between male and female. If you see a chimpanzee, you're not going to say that you see a chimpo or a chimpa. It doesn't matter, it's a fucking chimp.

>> No.14779727

You sound like a spiteful former fat chick that intentionally breaks men's hearts

>> No.14779730

we will genetically modify no one against their will, and we will kill you for trying. No matter what you answer, your fate is sealed. Go on and try it.

>> No.14779789

fresh and fit bring on certified phd girls. sure they can be scholastically/academically successful, but instinctually those girls are the same as girls everywhere else.

>> No.14779838 [DELETED] 

Can we just replace women with whores already? or drecks of society? or roasties? or thots? I bet that would fix 100% of 4chan's problems with women by separating actual women from the whores.
I've been on this cambodian basketweaving chinese 2chan rip off for 12 years now and I've heard nothing but woman this woman that why are women soooo superficial and evil and indifferent and plain disgusting asshole jews? :( Jeez could it because you're not actually dating real women? you're just dating the drecks of society? especially now in 2022 when gen-Zers are nothing but the most zombified, superficial, short-sighted, short-term, imbeciles that make the hippies look like geniuses and good people?
12 fucking years .... and you assholes have never ever made me change my mind about women. There's women and then there's WHORES.
You get what you date faggot, a whore. a skank, a harlot. She cannot stop being primitive, it is who she is. it is what it is. You date a skunk, you get the stink, what's not to get?"Waaahh why can't skunks stop stinking" stop dating skunks, faggot.

It's also human society that creates such stereotypes. Animals don't have any easy to identify personality stereotypes they copy from society.
At most animals have personalities they're born with like dogs tearing apart cats, always barking, always biting, sneaking up behind you to bite you, cats being indifferent assholes.

Not all cats and not all dogs are like that. I never once saw a dog chase a cat. Or a cat hissing at me.

>> No.14779865

>You get what you date faggot, a whore. a skank, a harlot. She cannot stop being primitive, it is who she is. it is what it is. You date a skunk, you get the stink, what's not to get?"Waaahh why can't skunks stop stinking" stop dating skunks, faggot.
The problem is that the difference between a skank and a "trad" woman is the structure of her surroundings. Any woman will be a degenerate if allowed, because she has no independent capacity for self-restraint. Men provide that restraint, and if fathers abrogate their duty and society loses its moral laws then you get loose women.

>> No.14780234

>we will genetically modify no one against their will
why not?

>> No.14780239
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yep, most women believe in "viruses", very gullible. earlier they believed in "gods punishment".

>> No.14780274

I disagree with everything you said from persoanal experiece talking to many women and seeing many great women.

Many of your points could be said by a feminist about men too with superficiality.

>> No.14780358

If you're gonna hate women at least hate them for something more reasonable like getting off on rape or something and not the fact they like attractive men.

>> No.14780423

Also, does females decision time of 50ms to determine the attractiveness of a male seem human to you?