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File: 259 KB, 724x1121, EiAehIkXkAEPbh5-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12509094 No.12509094 [Reply] [Original]

Waiting for Artemis Edition

previous: >>12506019

>> No.12509100

root for VIRGIN

>> No.12509320


>> No.12509340


>> No.12509411
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>Funding secured.

>> No.12509437
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Be honest SFG, how much of a pathetic loser would one have to be to work at Boing? Like to join the losing team and also the most hated one

>> No.12509452

Money. Ssme reason people go work for Oracle.

>> No.12509454

Just a wagie who works for who'll take him. It's probably much easier to get work at a collosal company like Boeing than SpaceX and certainly BO.

>> No.12509464
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Why did the soviets make the best space music?
https://youtu.be/x5DR7v04YnE - "And on Mars there'll be apple blossoms"

>> No.12509477

as we all know, chinks do not care aboud ecology or international regulations.
does that mean that they will cinstruct orion drive?
that would allow them to completly dominate space.

>> No.12509486

I thought that was just inept pajeets and interns

>> No.12509512
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>> No.12509514
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>> No.12509520

>More repurposed shuttle stuff
In other words totally overengineered and unsuitable for the job as evidenced by that maze of plumbing?

>> No.12509521

Jesus fucking christ.
Just look at that shit, all that only to be used once.
Somebody make a comparison picture with this clusterfuck and a starship upskirt shot.

>> No.12509533

It’s an AJ10, which was originally on the Able upper stage of the Vanguard rocket (so literally the second satellite the US launched), saw use as an upper stage for a number of Thor, Delta, Atlas, and Titan variants, and was the service module propulsion system for Apollo. It’s probably the most prolific American rocket engine.

>> No.12509588

>Using thrusters from half a century ago

Why do futurist fags believe technology is advancing?

>> No.12509593

cuz spacex

>> No.12509596

SpaceX doesn’t really advance technology at all. They’re just fumbling around in the dark to reach the limits of optimization allowed by pre-existing scientific knowledge and engineering

>> No.12509601

The AJ-10 is about as simple as a rocket engine can get. There’s not much to improve when it comes to a pressure fed hypergolic engine.

>> No.12509605

It is, which is why the guys using 50 year old engines are laughable.
All technology is based on existing scientific knowledge and engineering, retard.

>> No.12509610

>All technology is based on existing scientific knowledge and engineering, retard

And increases in technologically applicable scientific knowledge have stalled in most fields decades ago.

>> No.12509614

>It is, which is why the guys using 50 year old engines are laughable

No one is using thrusters based on new technology. Ion engines were figured out decades ago and methalox was always possible; just not utilized.

>> No.12509616
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>be rocket engineer

Work for national agency
>paid to study hypothetical manned flag planting mission
>only allowed to reuse and upgrade 80yrs oldspace design
>no unproven newspace technology allowed to be tested
>have to wear cap made of red tape
>every few years your budget and design goal reset
>do mission-critical R&D side-project that will never be used
>people call you a tax-thief with a cushy-job

Work for private company
>paid to build a mars-rocket right now is it done yet?
>free hands to try any imaginable new engine and concept
>no uncool technology allowed to be tested
>green paper fall from the sky
>subsidies money keep coming no matter how much explode
>get all mission-critical R&D for free from national agency
>people glorify the CEO who hired you to make gravity his bitch

>> No.12509624

>successfully landing and re-using orbital rockets is not advancing technology

>> No.12509627
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>> No.12509633

That became possible about twenty years ago because of advances in computer miniaturization; basically the only field of technology with significant advancement since millennials were born, and that technology has begun plateauing due to processors running into physical limits on how small they can get.

>> No.12509642

First of all, that depends entirely on the problem you're tackling. If no one has approached a problem in the right way, then chances are the actual relevant inquiry hasn't actually been done. If no one was asking the right questions, all of the existing answers are meaningless. That's basically the state that reusable rocketry was in which allowed SpaceX to take over.
Second, technology is the synthesis of engineering and scientific understanding. It doesn't matter how well you know something if you've never put a wrench to the problem. A rocket that only exists on paper is not technological progress. Hence >>12509614 wishy washy answers like "we could have done it but didn't" is meaningless.

>> No.12509676

>That became possible about twenty years ago
Then how come they weren't doing it 20 years ago, Einstein?

>> No.12509685

Governments are dumb.

>> No.12509702

That awful mess is nothing to be proud of. I could hardly tell what the fuck im looking at

>> No.12509732

Are these cable ties?

>> No.12509738

...and more

>> No.12509743

Seems to me like a not finished wiring job.
Allthough it sure looks messy as fuck even for that.

>> No.12509759
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>/sfg/ warned us

>> No.12509773

Does Mars have sedimentary rocks???

>> No.12509788
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Why did they have to contract a company for cable ties wtf why can’t they just fucking go to Walmart or Target and buy some wtf?

>> No.12509823

Because they needed at least 1 contractor from Wyoming to say they have contractors in all 50 states

>> No.12509834

>upskirt shot
>no pantsu
>just nasty growth everywhere and bandaids


>> No.12509849
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>> No.12509851
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Because they can't use normal cable ties anon
They have to be Space Cable Ties™

>> No.12509864

>cable ties
You misunderstand. They sell more than just cable ties.

>> No.12509884

To be honest, that's the one thing were I consider >>12509685 to be enough aswner.
We've known for decades that national space agency are mere shadow of what they were, forbidden to do anything costly, risky that would hurt their image.

The technology didn't evolve that much. We just had no drive at all to make us of it.

>> No.12509885

ye it's in the name

>> No.12509886
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Now that the dust has settled, how feasible was this?

>> No.12509897

this>>12509823 but the And More is probably an understatement. It'll be a plastic factory making tiny L bend brackets and odds and ends.

>> No.12509905

what will happen to iss after nasa stops supporting it?
i dont belive it will get deorbited. maybe once starship goes operational, resupplying and expanding it will be so cheap that some private company will just buy it?
i imagine iss being moved to higher orbit so it does not need so much station keeping due to atmosphere drag.

>> No.12509908

They would have put it higher before but the Shittle couldn’t go that high

>> No.12509916

fortunetly shittle is long gone. but other crafts might also be that limited. and there are probably science related reasons for low orbit. but once musk buys iss and turns it into space brothel, these probably wont matter.

>> No.12509946

FAA is seeking feedback from public on SpaceX expanding in Boca Chica. Make your voice heard or else SpaceX might be denied.

>> No.12509957

>but other crafts might also be that limited.
IIRC Soyuz and Dragon/F9 aren't as limited as the shittle.
However radiation migh get more of an issue in higher orbits as you're getting closer to the Van Allen belt.

I'm looking forward to a Hubble-repair mission with Dragon though.

>> No.12509970

>However radiation migh get more of an issue in higher orbits as you're getting closer to the Van Allen belt.

The belts don’t start until like, ten times higher than the ISS is right now

>> No.12509976

They'll deorbit it to prevent orbital debris. Few modules might be detached but that's it. Commercial ISS is a meme - its a money sink. And space stations have no use outside of being hotels.

>> No.12509982

Aren't the russians planning to detach the russian segment and making that into it's own station?

>> No.12509996

Yes, but radiation allready increases at that altitude.
Not an issue for short missions, but a factor to keep in mind when you keep people up there for months.

>> No.12509997

Fuck space save the human race!

>> No.12510002

why cant iss be used as a hotel then? it has laready power generation, life suport, radiators, cool window. waste to throw it all out.

>> No.12510024

the ISS is gross and smells like farts

>> No.12510025

Alter human DNA so we produce energy from radiation

>> No.12510029
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ISS is old gross and probably moldy, very uncomfortable and cramped, full of technology that's nearing the end of its life due to age, and full of scientific equipment built into the structure of the station, and mazelike
There's no point in holding onto a dated relic of Old space when starship will allow large skylab sized modules and inflatables to be combined into new, large modular stations, ISS needs to be replaced with something larger and better now that we will have better access to space
The best future ISS deserves is a place in the Smithsonian, or a soft crash in the Indian ocean

>> No.12510033

It would cost so much to get there it would be pretty unacceptable from a hospitality standard to expect paying guests to live in that smell.

I wish it could get dragged into Lunar orbit or something and preserved but that's likely impossible.

>> No.12510038

>Caring about radiation
NASA is replacing ISS with Gateway

>> No.12510039

mold was problem with mir, i read they used experience with mir to avoid issue on iss

>> No.12510040

chomp it up into the starship chomper variant module by module and re-assemble it on earth

>> No.12510041

Someone post the text about the ball of stinking slime behind a panel in Mir

>> No.12510042

Why? There is no reason to de-orbit useful materials from space, either park it in graveyard orbit or plant it on the moon for someone else to use later.

>> No.12510046

does gateway even make sense? it will be used as parking for reusable landers, but anything else? to randezvous to gateway you need to use delta v any way, so going there dutring mission will just add to delta v requirements

>> No.12510049

>at the end of its life

Keep in mind outfitted starship is roomier and a lot more luxurious. No need for ISS if your capsule is bigger, better, and cheaper.

>> No.12510052

How do you propose to plant it on the moon, give it a push?

>> No.12510055

anyone else mildly annoyed by name musk choose for starship? i mean starship is general theme, so now when anyone searches for starships ingeneral, this vessel will show up
he could use some kind of greek/romam mythology name as per tradition

>> No.12510060

Yeah. If we gave a shit a bout lunar colonization we would be using orbital rockets to put every defunct satellite and bit of space junk into a pile in a moon crater so the people there would have some resources for later.

>> No.12510061

ISS is an old dog, either put it down, let it die naturally, or taxidermy it
She's hurting bros...

>> No.12510063

it'll make sense when manned starships start getting names and people will say "the starship endeavor" or whatever.

>> No.12510064

i know iss is guant money sink, but im kinda attached to it
i remember watching nasa tv streems in 2010s with shittle missions assemblying american modules to it

>> No.12510070

i read somewhere that people were butthurt where mir was deorbited too

mir was really kinda kino station, with all these accidents. progress colission was something like from science fiction.
and it looked cool. russian modules have much better asthetics that nasa gay alluminium can modules.

>> No.12510076

Nah I don't expect to live long enough to see actual or at least more deserving of the name Starships in operation so it's I like the name.
I'm reminded of his speech about how people need something to wake up for and his motivation to inspire people. Talking casually about Starship and using that name is also a positive kick for my morale.

>> No.12510078

>Does gateway even make sense?

>> No.12510084

Mir was awesome. I have a vivid memory of watching Mir reenter the atmosphere from my parents bedroom that night but given I'm in Northern Ireland and it reentered over the South Pacific Ocean it's probably my imagination.

Skylab and Mir have such fantastic stories. The only interesting EVA stories I've ever heard including the Lunar EVAs.

>> No.12510087

looking forward to mars exploration is actually one of reasons why i didnt killed myself yet

>> No.12510090

You can't do lunar missions without it. Orion loiter times in NRHO alone can't cut it. It will also play an incredibly vital role in the mars sample return that will have to be brought to it and analyzed by astronauts launched on SLS to guarantee minimal contamination and risk to earth.

>> No.12510097
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You are welcome

>> No.12510098

>space is empty why would you want to go there
Probably the most detailed list of the things you can do in space.

>> No.12510099

and yet, they plan to expand it with axiom modules
or is it just a meme?

>> No.12510103
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>You can't do lunar missions without it.

>> No.12510105

you dont actually think that nasa will send crew to mars with sls?

>> No.12510109


>> No.12510112
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The only reason I haven’t commit suicide is because I like watching SpaceX stuff. I hate Christmas Jesus Christ.

>> No.12510117

Orion is too heavy to be sent with a lander to LLO and also lacks the delta v needed to return from there. You will need probably three SLS launches and a mission profile that involves
>SLS 1 - oversized lander in orbit
>SLS 2 - transfer+injection stage in orbit docking to lander
>SLS 3 - crew on orion docks to the assembly
>4 - TLI burn
>5 - oversized lander (probably with drop tanks) burns and enters LLO together with Orion
>6 - undocking and landing
>7 - ascent and docking
>8 - lander acts as transfer stage to the Orion that returns
>9 - Orion finishes the burn and returns to Earth

It's a bit more complicated but can be pulled off with big enough budget.

>> No.12510122

What a pathetic life. Stop being a little bitch

>> No.12510125

The mars sample return is meant to be prepared by the upcoming rover, packed by another rover sent in the next decade, and finally launched back into NRHO orbit where it will be docked with the gateway. Then the crew to inspect it will be sent from earth. Nobody's going to mars.

>> No.12510126

Oh I thought you meant in general, yeah you're right it's probably not easily workable to do anything with SLS if you don't also have Gateway.
That's an inherent problem of the Artemis program though, not with the rest of rocketry.

>> No.12510130

They have talked about it in the past, but i dont actually think they will have the money to do upkeep of it when NASA stops paying them all together for soyuz rides&etc...

>> No.12510132

Meditate. Learn something. Build something.

Emulate what gives spacex life.

>> No.12510136

ok, understood

>> No.12510142


>> No.12510167

Why not like just land it with a chute on Earth? Is money that cheap?

>> No.12510187


>> No.12510193

I love it. There's actual symmetry and order here.

meanwhile this is just a clusterfuck

it's a miracle orion works at all

>> No.12510198

gotta link?

>> No.12510199

Same. Space exploration is the only thing that isn't depressing these days

>> No.12510208
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>> No.12510211


>> No.12510218

fucking stop

>> No.12510231


Email: spacexbocachica@icf.com

>> No.12510236

Mir also had a working shower at one point.

>> No.12510241
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>see a recommended video
>it's a channel I like, and they're touring a rocket factory
>about to click
>wait a minute it's ULA

>> No.12510245
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>love child of Sea Dragon and Venture Star

>> No.12510250

This would be the coolest fucking Starship flex ever

Imagine ISS partially reconstructed in a special new building exhibit in the Smithstonian instead of deorbited and destroyed on re-entry

>> No.12510255
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>> No.12510256

This. It would also be MUCH easier to refurbish and clean the modules if you can smell the stench better.

>> No.12510257

SLS is just shuttle with a botched tranny surgery

>> No.12510285


It is a literal Frankenstein monster by assembling rocket parts coming from different rockets. It has a warped, deformed Shittle tank with a thrust puck hammered into its bottom and stuck 4 SSME into it. On top, it has been cut open, extended and attached to a Delta-III upper stage (The rocket that failed EVERYTIME it launched btw). Completing this monstrosity are a pair of SRB's to act as a first stage to help lift this sorry excuse of a rocket into orbit.

>> No.12510301

That's actually a really good video. I highly recommend it.

>> No.12510331
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SN10 getting its missing flap

>> No.12510336

eh, it's oldspace but Tory is pretty cool

>> No.12510361

Tory should just revive the Venture Star
They don't stand a chance with Vulcan Centaur

>> No.12510363

It's simple to get the SLS reusable in a cost effective way:

>step 1. add two more rs25 engines below to boost performance
>step 2. add wings and heat tiles at the price of performance to the core stage that will be used to bleed off the sub orbital velocity and land it on a runway

Its trivial. You can even use legacy parts from the shuttles like the wings and tiles and even landing gear. Since its all proven tech and flight regime it won't even need much testing.

>> No.12510366

I half expect ULA to be bought out by Blue Origin

>> No.12510371

I agree, it's pretty cool to see they still need humans to do hyper precise stuff like pressing the barrels. Reminds me of how telescope mirrors are polished .

>> No.12510377

>How to waste 10 years and another 10 billion dollars
The only way to save SLS is to cancel it.

>> No.12510379

Vulcan Centaur will only feel heat if New Glenn ever materializes. Which is probably won't. Not until a good few years after Vulcan is already active, at least.

>> No.12510386

Jeff Who can't even convince the NASA to let him get away with the same shit Boing was doing for past decade.

>> No.12510394

Exactly. If Tory saw BO as a threat, he wouldnt be buying their engines. BO will never fly New Glenm

>> No.12510395

Do aerospikes have any future?

>> No.12510398

Not without state backing, that's for sure.

>> No.12510401

Yes, of course. Thanks to ARCA aerospace aerospike engines have a bright future ahead.

>> No.12510402

Considering that nobody bothers with them and everyone wants supersonic retro propulsion to build their own F9 in the next 50 years, and that the aerospikes if they even can be made up to specs make sense only for ssto's... No.

>> No.12510407

based and griftpilled

>> No.12510411

Imagine if Congress scrapped the SLS and diverted all of its budget to SpaceX

>> No.12510417
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>> No.12510421

Imagine if they scrapped the SLS and purchased flights from Spacex to do a space program.

>> No.12510427

We will soon divert SLS budget to buy climate sats. Thank God for Joe Biden

>> No.12510440

>Biden can't show favoritism for SpaceX
>Cancels SLS in the name of mitigating climate change
>Climate sats will be launched by SpaceX
>SpaceX gets SLS money
Mission accomplished

>> No.12510453

Jesus Christ what the fuck is this
Why so many engines ?
What a disaster
A 20+ billion dollar capsule there

>> No.12510470

>SpaceX announces Falcon Ultra Giga Nigga ship
>2000 tons to LEO, fully reusable, NTR upper stage

>> No.12510481
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Would it even be possible to design an upgraded AJ-10?

>> No.12510484

Is there a real market for all those new New Space companies ? seems like they all bet on cube and small sats. You know, the companies founded by former NASA guys or just engineers

>> No.12510489

It's a deep space spaceship that will one day carry people back to the moon and maybe even mars. Of course its complicated and expensive. Rockets aren't something you can just build in your garage with a hammer and a torch. Space is hard. Making capsules for people in space is even harder, as Boing will gladly testify.

>> No.12510496 [DELETED] 
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>Yo, what do we have here?
>A huge space craft pulling up to the cockship?
>Yo, what are those letters I see?
>N, I, G, G, A
>Dot X X X
>A huge space craft filled with niggas?
>Ohh fuck
>Forty naked niggas coming aboard the cockship
>Huge, hard, throbbing, 12-inch cocks, hard as rocks

>> No.12510506

what is this?
and why do they need to put niggers everywhere? they could at least put some good looking one like will smith, not this baboon looking one,

>> No.12510509

fuck ula, am i right?

>> No.12510512

holy shit you are right
you will never be a rocket lol

>> No.12510518

Maybe from a cost and ease of construction standpoint, but it's pretty decent as is.

>> No.12510524

- Do you know how the SLS first came to being? It was shuttle once, taken by the dark powers, tortured and mutilated. A ruined and terrible form of rocketry. And now, perfected. My fighting SLS.
Wmo do you serve?

- Congreeeeess

>> No.12510529

wach everyday astronaut video on youtube about them

>> No.12510536

what do you think about idea of starships flying in pairs to mars? that way, if something fails on one ocket, potentially people can move to second one.

the problem i see with this is that with time, these rockets would moove away from each other, so they would need station keeping with each othr in kerbal if some objects velocity differed even by 0.1 m/s, after timewarping this small diffference resulted in large distances

>> No.12510548

I was under the impression that was also the idea? No reason not to launch multiple ships with some excess capability in each for additional people if some pebble decided to strike along the way. If things are stuck to one ship flights then something went very wrong along the way.

>> No.12510573

Those companies bet on military contracts.

>> No.12510574

I doubt they will be that close to another, but the plan is to send multiple per transfer window

>> No.12510577

I would love a job there you fucking faggot, I'm a new grad desperately applying to every Defense contractor in existence. You're clearly a NEET to be talking down on any engineering jobs in today's job market, I would take Boing in a heartbeat.

>> No.12510580

No they are just grant grifters otherwise they would have done the same as Spacex with building cheap open cycle lox/kerosene engines and aiming for real payloads to orbit

>> No.12510581

tfw you are filtry foreginer from country that biggest accomplishent with space related things were some sounding rockets in 60s and you can at beast just watch youtube streams of space related things

>> No.12510583

the plan is hundreds to thousands of crewed starships per transfer window, with 10x as many cargo starships

>> No.12510616

The Apollo CSM one had twice the usual thrust, ~91kN instead of 45kN. I think a lot of that was just adding a bigger bell to the engine.

>> No.12510630

Artemis is possible without gateway:
>launch lander on superheavy wit 2 refuelings
>launch crew on Dragon XL/Starship
>dock in LLO
>transfer crew to lander
>land on moon
>launch from moon
>board Dragon XL/Starship
>return to earth
>launch lander with FH and yeet it into LLO parking orbit
>launch crew with Dragon/F9
>launch Orion+additional long therm upper stage with FH in aspargus stage mode to not use up the Falcon upper stage
>dock in LEO and transfer crew
>perform TLI with Falcon upper stage
>dock with lander in LLO
>land and come back
>dock again to transfer crew
>come back to earth using long therm upper stage

>> No.12510636
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yeah, I feel like SpaceX is going to retain their #1 position regardless of what New Glenn does. Unless Bezos subsidizes the shit out of it, but even then it's immature tech compared to F9's proven track record. It could maybe take some contracts away from Falcon Heavy but it's not like there are a lot of those to begin with. And even if things go perfectly (they won't) for NG it's still going to have cadence issues for a while.

It would more likely compete with Vulcan as the "not spacex" option, which they obviously don't want as then it's BE-4 vs BE-4. But, again, Vulcan is much more of a known quantity than New Glenn's giant, unproven ass. At least Starship will have numerous test flights under its belt before it ever carriers a payload. And it'll probably do Starlink for a while before the first true commercial flights.

And I still don't get how they're going to propulsively land a giant booster on a retrofitted ferry that has PEOPLE in it when they have very little experience doing so. New Shepard means jack shit. It doesn't even land efficiently because they can't code a hoverslam.

I struggle to find a place for New Glenn. The SpaceX + Vulcan dynamic covers most bases I feel until Starship potentially changes everything. 5+ years out. What do you guys think?

>> No.12510637
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SN8 and SN9 together.

>> No.12510641

it's going to be a bloodbath, but a few of them will succeed and have a good time.

>> No.12510642

Simpler trick:
>get old shittle out of storage
>upgrade avionics
>launch it unmanned
>launch crew on Dragon and dock in LEO
One can't be sure about it.
They do have certain advantages in lower stages, but their advantages are rather small and somewhat negated by their weight and complexity.

>> No.12510646

And how many years will NG be delayed when Vulcan blows up which rockets inevitably do

>> No.12510647

>Finish what I started, SN9

>> No.12510653

What does “succeed” mean
5 small sat launches a year?

>> No.12510654
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>> No.12510657

Is BE-4 even ready yet?
Haven't looked into it lately, but IIRC they had issues and delays with it.
Meanwhile Raptor has been flown on suborbital flights allready.

>> No.12510663

>that painstakingly machined iso grid
>all thrown into the ocean
watching this video makes me sad

>> No.12510665

One real launch like what SpaceX is doing with their SN8-9 testing is worth years of computer modelling

>> No.12510666
File: 113 KB, 500x584, 1590867553312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12510667

>>get old shittle out of storage
Needs specially designed Shuttle Transportation System, $500 million + 6 months
>>upgrade avionics
Raid ebay to find Commodore 64 parts, turn on Shuttle computers, run tests, replace computer with iPhone 1. Lose screw and launch investigation to find it again. Cost: $300 million, 4 month delay
>>launch it unmanned
2 years of testing, $1 billion
>>launch crew on Dragon and dock in LEO
Blows up on launchpad because the missing screw fell into now-empty computer casing spot, causing vibration issues and a rattling that tore the ship apart.

>> No.12510672

based satan

>> No.12510673


>> No.12510676

Yea, Delta isn't a badly made or designed rocket, it just is based on a flawed concept.

>> No.12510679

if the BE-4 really has problems NG and BO are turbo fucked. Right now the BE-4 is the only thing keeping BO afloat in the sense that it's all they can point to to justify their existence.

But I think it'll likely be ok since I hear that ULA stepped in when BO couldn't get the turbopumps right. ULA has too much invested in these engines for them to allow it to fail.

By the way, wouldn't fuel-rich combustion be easier than ox rich w/ methane? At least you don't have to worry about turbopump as much then.

Rocketlab is doing fine with 12 launches a year, or put differently launching a rockets as soon as they can build them. The bottleneck with these smallsat companies appears to be production rather than available sats.

They have said that they worked out the kinks, if you trust them. ULA has received "pathfinder engines" which will take part in a Vulcan WDR but won't actually fly. Flight engines are supposed to appear in the summer, barring delays.

>> No.12510684

Still cheaper and safer than SLS...

>> No.12510687

Give me SLS.

>> No.12510693

Wtf is wrong with Boeing ?
How do you create one of those "successful" companies ? like how much do you need to start and how do you start the production of your rockets ?

>> No.12510698

They are mega-fucked.
That kind of handling things is what companies tend to do when they know they are fucked but try their best to hide it.
And "next summer" is 6 months, you can't know how fast engineers will find solutions at that kind of timescale.

>> No.12510703
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, reaction-engines-skylon-space-plane-4-537x402-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats up with that?

>> No.12510712

They've got the engine partially ready, the rest of the vehicle doesn't even exist yet.

>> No.12510719
File: 153 KB, 433x368, kussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-it's so big...

>> No.12510721

With no budget and an engine that is years from actually being fired
What a meme

>> No.12510744

Wont be out until 2040s maybe 2060s. Who knows.

>> No.12510752
File: 325 KB, 1079x1239, Screenshot_20201225061613_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did Zubrin become so omegabased?

>> No.12510754

>Step one, build the engine.
>Step two, build the whole rest of the spacecraft.

>> No.12510756

wasnt it 10 years ago? compared to pace of spacex, they are literally doing nothing at all

>> No.12510759

What's wrong with Midnight Sky? Actually curious, I know nothing about it.

>> No.12510760

newfag here
what is he mad about?

>> No.12510762

it's Netflix race mixing propaganda with a thin veneer of space

>> No.12510767

dont tell me that zubrin called them out on THAT

>> No.12510771

he didn't explicitly, but if you take away the race mixing propaganda it's literally just 2 hours of vapid half ass "spaaaaace" featuring Laythe magically appearing around Jupiter

>> No.12510774

Yep, they propositioned the Britbongistani government for funding in 2000 and they've essentially gotten nothing but crumbs. They said that 12Bn would be enough for them to have a flight ready vehicle by 2020, but since they essentially got a friendly pat on the shoulder instead of money I'd say the program is about where you'd expect it to be.

>> No.12510777

You forgot
>bird flies into heat shield tile which falls off and kills everyone

>> No.12510780

to be honest, i would watch anything with at least semi realistic space travel, i would just skip nigger parts

>> No.12510782

you talking about skylon or new glenn?

>> No.12510791
File: 136 KB, 512x413, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... I'm done. I've tried so fucking hard to convert my friends into spaceflight fags, but it's just impossible. Thought that maybe the SN8 bellyflop would convince them, but no. Showed it to some of my friends and they were all like "wow, cool" aaaaaaand end of the story. Seems like I will never ever find someone to talk about space for hours IRL. Fucking abysmal.

>> No.12510794

all you can do is plant the seed. Maybe one day it will sprout

>> No.12510796

fuck normies

>> No.12510799

No, he and the space folks don't like the stupid dramas/romance shits that plague the "SCIENCE/SPACE" genre that's making its rounds. I forgot his name, but the canadian astronaut criticized Gravity movie's portrayal of astronauts in the movie. They had the actor/actress flirt while working in space, no NASA or any space agency operates like this in mission critical work. They had the actress shown as hapless maiden instead of a trained astronaut, just for the dramas sake.

Many other space/science movie revolve around romance/drama as well, that annoy many space enthusiasts.

>> No.12510806

>Thinking Biden won’t suck oldspace cock anytime he cans

>> No.12510810

On the topic of space movies, are there any good ones that don't have this kind of stupid drama?
The Martian for me is one of the best space movies, no retarded drama in there. 2001 is also kino. Any other good space movies worth watching?

>> No.12510811

make new friends on mars

>> No.12510812
File: 26 KB, 220x308, 220px-BBCspaceodyssey-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should like this one then
movie plot is 100% "for science"

>> No.12510816


>> No.12510817

Speaking of unnecessary drama, has anyone else watched the new Expanse season?
>everyone is super bitchy
>everyone is retarded
There most be something in the air filters

>> No.12510822

Europa Report is kind of low budget, but it's great. Just a bunch of experts facing the unknown for the sake of discovery.

>> No.12510828

he’s beginning to become dangerously redpilled

>> No.12510829

yes it was disapointing
the first season were brilliant though

>> No.12510831

So nothing changed? I struggled to get through the first season because there's not a single likable character in the entire show

>> No.12510837


>> No.12510839

man of culture i see
i love that scene

>> No.12510841
File: 489 KB, 1280x558, Screenshot-2020-12-23-at-10.29.34-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at least semi realistic space travel
I'm not going to fuck with you here. This is the actual premise of the movie.

>astronauts go on a manned mission to Jupiter
>they discover that Jupiter has a 100% earthlike moon that nobody has ever seen before, it even has trees and you can walk around without a helmet
>excited at the most important discovery in history, they fly back to earth to report the good news
>they discover that everyone on earth has died in a massive solar flare (the half of the movie's plot is George Clooney, alone at an Antarctic research base and dying of radiation, desperately trying to rig an antenna to warn them DON'T LAND EVERYONE'S DEAD also in an incredibly contrived coincidence the woman on the spaceship is his daughter)
>they eventually get his message, turn back around and fly back to Jupiter, land on the magic secret Earthmoon and live happily ever after, repopulating homo sapiens from a starting point of one man and one woman

>> No.12510844

Finish the flight

>> No.12510845

not movie, but i highly recommend 2001 nights manga
very hard sf

>> No.12510848

Everyone is even pissier than usual, Amos' entire The Churn arc got compressed into like two episodes.

>> No.12510850
File: 148 KB, 728x1126, issue_01.2001_nights_issue_01_pg_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres example page

>> No.12510853

>and the man is a nigger because netflix

>> No.12510855

ok, this is epic

>> No.12510858

Just keep sperging about it from time to time. Once Starship is throwing ecelebs at the moon and it becomes cool to be into spaceflight, those who have any potential to actually learn about this stuff will remember that you were the protoautist and will come to you with questions.

>> No.12510862

find smarter friends

>> No.12510865

Could be worse. At least you didn't date a girl who was into space for years only for it all to go to hell.

>> No.12510867

At this rate, I doubt I'd live to see 2025 (2023 Dearmoon isn't just happening), so yeah, rip.

>> No.12510879

Just hold out man. Play more KSP, wait for the next SpaceX launch. Did you really spend decades on this planet just to miss out on the coolest era of human existence?

>> No.12510881
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dont tell me she was pic related

>> No.12510883
File: 218 KB, 1920x1080, EqMWjzHU8AACDyg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last, I finally see

>> No.12510893

If you ever had the good fortune to land on a planet where it's a balmy 70 degrees Fahrenheit, the atmsophere is a comfy 20% oxygen, gravity is about 1G, and what looks like grass and trees are flourishing everywhere, isn't it basically completely guaranteed that taking one unprotected breath would both result in you dying within hours of flesh-melting super AIDS and also everything on the planet getting devoured by an endless wave of murderous earth microbes from your body?

>> No.12510894

>dude I totally can’t spend 2 yers without killing myself

>> No.12510898

Moon (2009) is classic, slow, boring sci-fi
Sunshine (2007) is nice but has a bit of dumb character drama. It makes it up by having a beautiful soundtrack though. Listen to the main theme.

>> No.12510900

Kinda, yeah. She wasn't super tomboy-ish in a lot of her mannerisms, but she was mostly interested in traditionally masculine topics. She was way better at hands-on mechanical and engineering things than I was. Sort of like Kaylee from Firefly in a lot of ways.

>> No.12510903

alien microbes might as well ignore you completly

>> No.12510904

extremely slow and steady due to no governmental interest in funding it.

>> No.12510907

But there's still the retard who doesn't follow orders, plays reckless character. Thats common trope of retarded movie making. Humans/actors should be rational decision makers, not irrational nonsense rule breaker. The irrational should come from the unknown/unexpected as that's already whats asked of them.

>> No.12510910
File: 577 KB, 1000x568, sunshine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sunshine was absolute kino

>> No.12510912
File: 27 KB, 768x431, D6QDmzaVUAIUR-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you fuck that up Anon?

>> No.12510917
File: 113 KB, 800x1241, 035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to reserve your space babe well before your flight

>> No.12510919

I know that. SpaceX is literally the only reason I'm still breathing rn. I just don't have anything to live for. There hasn't been a single fucking day in the past few years where I don't think about inhaling helium or jumping in front of a train. The last time I actually felt glad to be alive was when SN8 bellyflopped, and that lasted for a whopping two days.

>> No.12510923

All of them answer to cabinets full of men.

>> No.12510929
File: 11 KB, 266x190, pobrane (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so literally pic related

>> No.12510930
File: 26 KB, 800x450, its miller time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first season
>there's not a single likable character in the entire show

>> No.12510931
File: 41 KB, 556x666, A toast to Starship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those faces
Cheers, I'm traumatized

>> No.12510935

those girls are all transgender men now, so i can pick them up by the throat (one in each hand) and toss them down elevated objects, i guess...

>> No.12510936

I got pretty severely depressed, she got tired of being my only emotional support system, and eventually decided to move on with her life. It's been years, and I still haven't really recovered, but I'm finally starting to work on school again, so it's slowly getting better.

>> No.12510937

Pretty much. When I was younger, I had fucking hope for BO aswell, but those fuckers have turned into Oldspace v2 now.

>> No.12510939

Musk will die in a car or airplane accident.

>> No.12510941

that's so fucking retarded holy shit

>> No.12510943

no retard, the redpill is that they're throwing a thin veneer of "diversity" and "yass queen slayyyy" over literally hiring Raytheon and Boeing board members as Pentagon procurement leaders

Occupy Wall Street was killed by feminism and left wing racial essentialism

>> No.12510946

anime was much better

>> No.12510947

Nah, he's much more likely to go the Howard Hughes route and go full schizo.

>> No.12510949

They couldn't keep blaming all the crime in Baltimore on white men if they'd stretched it out longer. People would notice.

>> No.12510953

That's TRIPLE gay. From that screenshot it looks like a good movie about terraforming a Jovian moon.

>> No.12510955
File: 561 KB, 1280x822, 7d0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kikes will pay for this one day

>> No.12510956
File: 75 KB, 482x427, 83892549a9bf8dc8350bf28f36d92dd79d0b0ad4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, what are the chances that Artemis will actually ever be "realized in metal", so to say, and will not end up being a huge waste of time, resources and effort? Is it just more reasonable to assume that private like SpaceX, Blue Origin and others will be first to reach the Moon on their own? NASA just seems to a joke, as every new administration has "new ideas".

I just want to see people on the Moon again in my lifetime.

>> No.12510958

I was wondering why Baltimore was suddenly white as fuck

>> No.12510960

europa report has some issues but europa report is still 1000x better then that shit

>> No.12510961

Literally the only way Artemis will ever put boots on the Moon is if Trump declares himself emperor and has Congress hanged for treason. The entire procurement and development structure of Artemis is wrong.

>> No.12510965

>allowing any double digit IQ members of congress to have ANY say in spacex operations
no thank you

>> No.12510966

artemis is dead bro

>> No.12510970
File: 126 KB, 706x1024, 8a8d320eaf35425ee4dd9cfaa9f91af0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Starship works, Starship isn't made out of magic unicorn dust. It's just a paradigm changer like the Ford Model T was, within a few years everyone will have rockets with similar capabilities.

If the concept meets even half of its promise, the inner solar system is ours. The only caveat is the Space Shuttle had similar levels of promise in the 1970s.

>> No.12510972

But Anon if your moon gf gets that long she'd never be able to return to Earth.

>> No.12510976

Just gotta hope that Elon will put a proof-of-concept colonial base on the Moon before he goes to Mars

>> No.12510977

>BO asking 10 billion for a fucking lander
>reaching the moon

>> No.12510978

Literally worthless outside of being money source. We are looking at mars colonies not shitty expensive remakes of something just because chinks are about to pull it off few decades later.

>> No.12510979


Good, earth sucks big dong

>> No.12510980


>> No.12510981

Cold War aerospace budget projections and "we build these things out of scrap in a Texas swamp and have already demonstrated most of our aerodynamic profile" are very different backings for a promise.

>> No.12510989
File: 267 KB, 600x398, just throw it away lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just saying I'm old enough to remember the era of "two weeks between missions" and "under $1,000/kg to LEO" and "we can build an awesome space station out of those cleaned and emptied fuel tanks that are practically already in orbit anyway"

>> No.12510990

The Last Starfighter... it's not /sfg/, it's a /v/ movie, but it was the first movie to use a lot of CGI, and it's got Robert the fucking music man Preston in his final role.

>> No.12510991

I think he knows this himself. It’ll be something to watch. I think hes only going to get better.

>> No.12510996

Get a job man. You could probably transition to engineering work over time assuming you have a degree.

>> No.12511001

I'm curious what third world country had sounding rockets in the 60s, argentina?

>> No.12511002

Don't do this to me. This concern art is just making me feel like there is no hope. Real shuttle was just a brick with wings.
>three-story tall ladder
What is that, a water tower?

>> No.12511005

>clean air born out of ancient ices
>satisfying work with machinery and science
>good food grown and raised in excellent conditions
>lava tubes to explore and strange objects to discover
>friendly kind people, among them your beloved wife and small kids that will grow up to explore the further beyond
>the stars above shining like jewels - the future

>dirty polluted air you have to pay taxes for
>grueling work in Amazon wagie cage that can't be done with machine learning, your body plugged to wires making sure no wrong thoughts waste precious labor time
>artificial food, bug paste is the most luxurious good but expensive and heavily rationed to "combat pollution"
>not allowed to leave your pod's immediate vicinity, social credit score punishments for unauthorized movement
>ruined drug addicted deranged people kept on steady doses of ever stronger anti depressants and stims surrounding you, you have never seen nor felt love from family or someone else
>no past, no present, no future

>> No.12511007

I like obscure movies
>Ikarie XB-1
I'd go as far to argue it's the best pre-2001 sci-fi movie
but I suppose only weirdos would watch black and white sci-fi

>> No.12511010
File: 236 KB, 532x1199, 1608839661359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically want SpaceX to delay Mars missions by two years to set up a moon base first.
Being days away from help if something goes wrong on the Moon is much better than being months away from help on Mars.
Use the moon base as a shakedown to make sure everything you need for a colony is working as intended.
Then you can use Moon Base X as a pit stop for colonizing Mars.

>> No.12511015

They can't test ISRU on the moon without finding a native supply of CO2 so that's kinda dumb.

>> No.12511021

Here we go again. The environments are too different.

>> No.12511020

just exhale nigga

>> No.12511022

the things needed for a moon base is very different from what's needed for mars
it's like going to antarctica to train for a mission in germany

>> No.12511028

its poland so technically second world

>> No.12511030

I'm studying right now, second year of comp sci. I'm also from a small EU country, where nobody gives a flying fuck about spaceflight desu. No way for me to end up in space industry.

>> No.12511031

Whats different is that SpaceX already nearly achieves 1000$/kilogram to LEO with a rocket that was never designed from the ground up for reusability and that expends its second stage, uses kerolox engines, and is made of a lithium/aluminum alloy. Meanwhile, the shuttle averaged like 270000$/kilogram to LEO.

>> No.12511038

never watched it but i heard it was based on stanislaw lem magellan cloud novel
i loved that book as kid, sf as hard as arthur clark books

>> No.12511043

people that decided that you need to bring 7 person crew just to deploy satellite should be skinned alive

>> No.12511044

just watched this movie, it's really not that good.
The netflix logo at the start of a tv series or movie is pretty much becoming a warning sign that it's going to be shit in my mind.
who signs even of on scfi movies like this and AD ASTRA&star trek discovery, they are really shit and are going to destroy the SCFI revival we are having.

>> No.12511045

The government can afford 27k/kg they print money. Remind me again how many space stations and invaluable science missions F9 has done with its cheapness.

>> No.12511048

Only ones really bitchy were Bobby and Naomi. Bobby is always a bitch and pretty down right now and Naomi's just retarded as always(read: a Belter).
I'm just glad the season-long Star Trek(Gate?) episode is over now.
Still kinda weird how the "mystery" they're solving here has already been revealed before the season started but whatever.
Fuck Amazon for doing this shitty one-a-week bullshit.

>> No.12511049

Without that requirement the government would have disbanded the astronaut corps.

>> No.12511052

When they find a material that can take the punishment needed for the spike&cone of a aerospike engine, sure.
I'm talking in terms of reusability of course.

>> No.12511062
File: 43 KB, 262x665, 1607557839469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naomi is the author-avatar for the progressive left.
>mixed-race-but-mostly-black woman genius engineer who also moonlights as an anarcho-communist revolutionary and discarded her infant son to go larp as Che Guevara in an EVA suit
This of course means she's a horrible, obnoxious cunt who in a sane universe would have been clubbed to death and thrown in the bio recycler shortly after reaching the age of majority.

>> No.12511063

collecting CO2 is the easiest part by far
I reckon getting tons and tons of water from regolith is the harder part
but I suppose you could land on Martian polar region, shovel all the water you can carry and then hop to warmer area where the main base could be if regolith is drier than anticipated
>heard it was based on stanislaw lem magellan cloud novel
it is and I love Lem's books as well
there's also Pilot Pirx movie, but I haven't watched it yet

>> No.12511064

Very few because even the public roughly 2000$/kg is still too much for a large space economy. Thats part of the reason SpaceX is developing starship, although the primary reason remains mars colonization and like 95% of starship launches in the future will be for mars related shit, 4% will be starlink, and like 1% will be commercial stuff probably. It'll take a LONG time for the market to catch up to starship, as the market hasn't even caught up to Falcon 9 yet.

>> No.12511065

Mars supposedly has subterranean ice less than two meters down basically everywhere. Just send some shovels and pickaxes along.

>> No.12511066

They were also going for a adam&eve kind of end on a new eden world.
But this being a netflix show, ofcourse it had to be a black guy fucking a white woman.
Also the fact that you need at least 40k humans to keep your colony from dying out from incest problems is not something they think about in this movie.

>> No.12511070

I'm just waiting for sub-$100/kg smallsat launches. 50kg frogsat for $1k launch costs would be amazing.

>> No.12511073

musk will take his own life with a gun shooting his brains out from the back of his skull while his hands are tied up.
And no western journalist will question it.

>> No.12511078

>water is hard

>> No.12511081

what country are you from?
as for lem films, i recommend german adaptaon of star iaries

really nicely recreated surreal themes of these stories

>> No.12511088

>elon musk dies in an accident involving far-right gun violence and his companies will be nationalized here's why that's a good thing

>> No.12511092

>what country are you from?
Czech (Ikarie might have given me away)
I'll give it a look

>> No.12511103

have you watched that one?

>> No.12511114
File: 1.16 MB, 4096x2731, 1604456676127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you have the balls to crawl under a dangling Starship?

>> No.12511119

I'd do anything to touch a fucking starship.

>> No.12511121


>> No.12511124

I feel that getting up close would be the only way to truly comprehend her girth

>> No.12511130

Probably not, two-stage reusable like Starship is superior all around if they can get it to work reliably.
Maybe one day there will be demand for a purely passenger SSTO, but even then it would likely use something like SABRE rather than an aerospike.

>> No.12511133
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, CwldpxT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can test a lot of other shit on the Moon though. They can test different colony materials, test how equipment built for people holds up to prolonged fine dust exposure, test their recycling and large scale life support systems, etc.
Plus, and probably most importantly, you can use it to put your potential Martian colonists to the test when it comes to psychological mettle. If they can't handle a two year stint on the Moon only a couple days from relief at any time, with constant instant communication with Earth, living in ships and in habitats, then they aren't cut out for Mars and you can ship them back to URF.

>> No.12511136

imagine that iraq war costs were funneled into space exploration
are we exploring alpha centuri already?

>> No.12511137

>not simping for starship
why even live, sfg bro?

>> No.12511139

i remember zubrin being against moon base because this would distract from final goal
but his mars direct plan was kinda poorfag mars mission, saving on everything possible. do ideally, there would be moon base first.

>> No.12511141

yeah, i know
im just messing with you

>> No.12511143

Probably not because fusion propulsion and power don't seem to be projects that throwing money at can accelerate significantly, however with all that money to be had there'd be dozens, if not more large orbital habitats by now. At least one if not more significant colonies on the Moon (populations exceeding just a few families) and probably at least the first Mars outpost.
Plasma drives would probably also be much more mature by now, they'd be working on some kind of HDLT or ELF type of plasma rocket to take people to the Jovian system.

>> No.12511144

wouldn't they be convenient for starship? Its current mix of vacuum and sea level engines is a bit awkward

>> No.12511150

>colony materials
Will be different from Mars especially if local resources are, which they should be, involved in production
>test how equipment deals with dust exposure
Vastly different dust, atmospheric, and temperature environment. Might as well do the test in the backyard.
>test recycling and life support systems, psychology
No need to test those things on the Moon.

You go on the Moon for the Moon. Mars is a different challenge. You may find comfort knowing that earth governments will have some interest in the Moon for propaganda goals and other similar things so there might be small human presence there in the next few decades, if not by the US then by China at least.

>> No.12511152

i just hate jewss man
i really do

>> No.12511154

Damn fuck this gay earth

>> No.12511155

we could have space odyssey style manned spacecraft exploring jupiter system

>> No.12511168

if starship turns out to be another shittle i will literally kill myself

>> No.12511169

Yeah I've never seen the issue of using the Moon to start doing testing and staging for a Mars mission, people who think that way are still treating everything like we're in the Apollo era and you only get one shot and if it doesn't work you somehow "lose" space. This isn't true anymore, the political space race is ended, now space is just sitting there, a resource we tentatively touched during the Apollo era but which is now just sitting there waiting to be explored and exploited for human benefit.
There's also definitely no point in poorfagging a Mars mission, establishing a permanent human foothold beyond Earth should be a long term investment.
Yeah but think about this, cute Lunar girls are only a week away, while Martian girls would be four to six months away.

>> No.12511171

Artemis will most likely be played out even as just a "flags and footprints" mission. If Starship works out then Artemis will swiftly be replaced by a better program that's not kneecapped by a welfare project disguised as a rocket project.

>> No.12511175

it won't

>> No.12511177

Universe is too big, the distances are too vast. Who the fuck came up with this shit?

>> No.12511179

i want to belive

>> No.12511180

A creator, probably

>> No.12511181
File: 130 KB, 1157x700, orange rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all do my friend

>> No.12511182
File: 6 KB, 249x203, pobrane (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this motherfucker

>> No.12511186

this meme triggers me

>> No.12511193

is there any way humans could protect themselves from the radiation on europa while still being able to move around? artificial magnetic field generators on bases perhaps?
kek, at least starship has flown.

>> No.12511194
File: 461 KB, 1196x2048, 1595537683590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is cool. This dude makes paper models and just put out one for Starship: https://axmpaperspacescalemodels.com/index.php/spacex-starship/product/Starship%20SN-9/

>> No.12511199

I don't even understand why writers depend on drama so much. I can understand some of it to fill out the conflict, but some shows just focus almost entirely on the drama while ignoring the space aspects that the show is supposedly based on. Spaceflight isn't boring if you know where to look for interesting development. You don't even need the story to be strictly hard sci-fi so long as you respect the basics of spaceflight. I can come up with 10 that'll work just well without dumb drama.

>> No.12511200

>is there any way humans could protect themselves from the radiation on europa while still being able to move around?

Just walk around under a giant moving vehicle

>> No.12511202

Sleeping+living under the ice and only walking around on the surface when they realy need to do so.
With radiation it's intensity*time=dose
Under a few meters of ice the radiation is nearly nonexistant, and if you spend 95% of your time there and 5% of the time on the surface unprotected, you're subject to 5% of the dose.

>> No.12511206

>Spaceflight isn't boring if you know where to look for interesting development.
its interesting for us because we are autistic
its boring fior normies

>> No.12511213
File: 220 KB, 2518x1024, Chad SpaceX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me a clown, but I'll eat the bait and fishing rod.

>Vigorously tested, looking to become a safe and reliable launch system
Guess this is true, since it can't be dangerous if it doesn't fly
>He has hardware, and a lot of it
True, but definitely not a positive
>Powerful orange body gives off connotations of strength
Inmates are usually buff
>Iconic looks derived from the Space Shuttle, recognized as a real rocket all around the globe
sls israel
>Funding is actually secured
It wasn't, and they had to write it into the fucking law that the funding stays the same
>Modular design allows the vehicle to be upgraded serving all of NASAs future needs
Wasn't the Cargo variant like 30 cm taller and they had to redo a bunch of shit because of it?
>A cluster of RS-25's, an engine respected by all of aerospace
The RS-25 is actually kind of ass. It's got nice ISP but shit TWR and runs on hydromeme, is more complex than a quantum computer and costs more than the GDP of most african countries.
>Patriotic, covered in american flags
>You son, are a disgrace to the uniform
>Actually being built by engineers
So is the Zeitpyramid, which'll probably be ready before SLS is

>> No.12511214

This man >>12511206, normoids are seriously mentally deficient and all of the parts of Spaceflight that are interesting completely bore them.

>> No.12511222

>Unironically calling people normies

Please stop trying to glorify being an autist freak who has probably contemplated suicide and stays inside all day

>> No.12511225
File: 3.19 MB, 4431x1808, the virgin SLS vs the CHAD starship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12511227

what are safety dildos?

>> No.12511229

Hey don't project your garbage life onto me man, outside of being frustrated by this faggy lockdown cutting into my money this year I've been great. Had a great Christmas, working on building a DIY drill press, maybe you need to get the fuck off this board though because I don't think it's going to be for you.

>> No.12511230

I guess I should've been more specific. Sure just showing the raw uncensored rocket porn wouldn't be interesting to most people despite it being hot to space fans, but you can still take something interesting from spaceflight and ask "what would someone use this for?". I mean, there are stories about places cultures and times that most people aren't really aware of and those are still hits so spaceflight wouldn't be too alien to them.

>> No.12511231

Dildos that expand at the end so they don't slip all the way into your bowel.

>> No.12511234

Go back

>> No.12511236

>muh meme engines

What a joke and where do they get power from

>> No.12511238
File: 930 KB, 1638x2048, astra kodiak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For suborbital transportation, Astra has proposed an upgrade to the Rocket 3 family, named Rocket 5. The first stage of Rocket 5 would be identical to that on Rocket 3. The second stage would be similar to the first stage, except with a single engine instead of five. The final stage of Rocket 5 would be the same as Rocket 3’s upper stage. This vehicle could be available for suborbital cargo deliveries no earlier than 2022.
wait what?

>> No.12511242
File: 443 KB, 2552x2780, 1587704014851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if things go well and following the process of previous launches we should see a pressure test on the 28th, static just after new years, wet dress rehearsal between the 4th and 9th and finally a hop between the 11th and 17th correct?

>> No.12511245

I want to master the craft of paper models, but I feel like it requires mastering 20+ crafts in and of itself. Cutting, pasting, patience, painting, detailing... any good guides to get started? Preferably with cardstock?

>> No.12511247

>more stages to an orbital rocket
>it's now suborbital
does not compute

>> No.12511250

sounds like a really shitty version of seveneves.

>> No.12511252

Watch out Elon. SLS will complete its fourth wet dress rehearsal for the test fire for the test flight and you'll feel dumb with your silly tin rocket that actually flies

>> No.12511257


>> No.12511258

exactly the only season i enjoyed, and it was mostly a noir thriller haha

>> No.12511259

i asked if there were feasible methods of protection for walking on the surface.

>> No.12511260

>transported by truck
>rapidly deployable
>secretive company
>military interest
It all makes sense now. Can't wait for the first private ICBM.

>> No.12511261
File: 843 KB, 1920x1080, Wernher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh shit the space force and transcom are shitting themselves to get their hands on Starship how do we compete
>idk add more stages

>> No.12511268

Remember that government article that discussed suborbital cargo and troop delivery with starship? They mentioned astra in it too, so I'm not surprised about this.

>> No.12511270
File: 59 KB, 553x554, images (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12511271

its shit, all drama and no space kino

>> No.12511272

imagine having to deal with a shitty used ICBM salesman.

>> No.12511273

Go hiking

>> No.12511276

>the first private ICBM
Spoiler: Every fucking ICBM was built by private companies for the governments except for in communist states. They're neither first nor novel.

>> No.12511280

Does anyone have that article? I don't remember it saying much about Astra, but I wanna check.

>> No.12511283

The same could be said for all western civilian rockets too.

>> No.12511286

Pretty much, yes. Like it or not, governments will always be the biggest customer but in the case of ICMBs, the governments are the only customers.

>> No.12511290

*ICBMs. I'm in the Navy Strength gin right now. Cheers and merry christmas motherfuckers.

>> No.12511303
File: 195 KB, 1373x770, 1590470410409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas Oort cloud poster

>> No.12511306

nevermind, found it

>Smaller companies, such as Astra, are promising thousands of annual launches with their launch schedules.
>USTRANSCOM and Space Force must establish critical contracts with SpaceX, Blue Origin, Astra, or any other viable launch service provider before the need becomes urgent.
Nowhere does it refer to Astra alone, but I wonder what they meant by the "thousands of annual launches" thing.

>> No.12511312
File: 1.37 MB, 3520x2840, C4mL8seUMAADy-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so tiresome.

>> No.12511318

what is?

>> No.12511322

>shittle this shittle that
Grandpa Shuttle got enough.

>> No.12511324
File: 66 KB, 768x575, kinoshuttle04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They took this from us so they can pay off Senators

>> No.12511340

Go away shittle. Spaceplanes are a fucking stupid idea.

>> No.12511351

..are those jet engines?

>> No.12511356

Shut the fuck up. Spaceplanes is the future that got taken away from us. Weren't it for Musk and his Starship, we would get stuck in 20th century.

>> No.12511365

Starship is a spaceplane and probably glides better at hypersonic speeds than Shittle

>> No.12511367

Sure are. Some SSTO abomination that was not well thought out.

>> No.12511372
File: 153 KB, 800x999, 1461620553065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will we seize our destiny and voyage among the stars?

>> No.12511386

idk that sounds like it involves getting up, maybe even putting pants on

>> No.12511387

Well seveneves was already kind of shitty because of the second part. But it was a relatively grounded book at first with hard-ish scifi elements and it had a musk character as well as neil degrasse. Midnight Sky is just another pretentious look at human "relations" in a soft scifi setting, it'll probably bomb like "Away" even with Clooney because space buffs want space stuff and science fiction enthusiasts are looking for an original take on the impact of science and technique on humans.

>> No.12511388

The size of that wing!!
starship is a beast.

>> No.12511389

Still salty that Solo killed the Seveneves movie.

>> No.12511414

Hopefully never. Humans should die on earth where we were born.

>> No.12511417
File: 359 KB, 800x450, pathetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going commando in space
In space; no one will know you're not wearing any pants.

>> No.12511426
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>> No.12511434

Lol starship doesn't glide for shit. Those flaps just provide drag and stability.

>> No.12511440

>Lol starship doesn't glide for shit
yeah but neither does Shuttle
>Those flaps just provide drag and stability.
they demonstrated a couple kilometers of crossrange on the SN8 flight

>> No.12511449

Is there a map view of boca with the SN8 trajectory mapped?

>> No.12511465

I'm not aware of one, but if you watch the recap video they very clearly got a good distance offshore before "gliding" back over the pad

>> No.12511474
File: 23 KB, 425x292, Nobuo-Uematsu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Galactic Federation told us to hurry the fuck up.

>> No.12511484
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>> No.12511485

>Right now the BE-4 is the only thing keeping BO afloat
Last I heard, NASA gave BO the greenlight to start bidding on launch contracts with NG as the launcher.
I bet NASA saw that BO was struggling and is allowing their paper rocket to be a real vehicle so they can start getting those sweet cost-plus contracts that Boing can't get.

>> No.12511487
File: 106 KB, 1196x527, 1582928825585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like it "flies" when going really fast, moreso falls when going slow.

>> No.12511494

>I bet NASA saw that BO was struggling
Why the hell would Blorigin struggle? They have daddy jeff to support them and tons of experienced engineers

>> No.12511495

Go get a job with any rocket company other than SpaceX.
They're all making reusable paper rockets right now.

>> No.12511500

>They have daddy jeff to support them
Yes, he can write blank checks all day, but after billions of bezo bucks and no products to show, I wouldn't be too surprised if Jeff Who starts considering cutting back or something else.

>> No.12511501

Blue Origin hired bunch of military/gov officials to lead the company. They want government contracts bad and they will resort to oldspace tactics.

>> No.12511503

Daddy Jeff's money is tied up in Ireland. He'd have to tax them dearly to bring them back into the US economy. That's the downside of the BEPS medallion.

>> No.12511530

>BEPS medallion
What's that?

>> No.12511535

Baseline Erosion and Profit Shifting. The shit Jeff has done to avoid paying taxes to Uncle Sam and why he's heavily partaking of the pork barrel to fund Blue Origin. He can't move money from Amazon back to the US without having to pay taxes from it. The only thing Amazon brings in in taxes for the US is domestic sales taxes and employee wage taxes.

>> No.12511538
File: 367 KB, 1000x1000, Bepis_can.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12511543

That sounds illegal

>> No.12511545

Anyone participating and enabling this shit should be fucking shot.

>> No.12511546


>> No.12511547

Fully above board and 100% legal. Morally repugnant as fuck though but that's just business. Apple pioneered it.
Until January 1st of 2020 most of them used a loophole to prevent paying any taxes by funneling it through another country.

And yes, they should be put against a wall. It's not just an American thing. It's fully international.

>> No.12511550

Lol bro, welcome to reality. Every single large company does this and have been since pretty much forever.

>> No.12511552

Let me guess. Any proposed law to stop or regulate it has been quietly shut down?

>> No.12511553

Make BO a non-profit and now they are untaxable donations :^)

>> No.12511554

International trade treaties allow it. If you want to put a stop to it, you need to break every fucking trade treaty you have as well as the WTO and invade every fucking country they tuck their shit away in.

But we are trying to put in legislation to cut down on this shit in various countries. It's not fucking working though, there is an entire industry set up to work this shit.

>> No.12511558

so basically the US could if we wanted to but nobody else has a prayer

>> No.12511562

>By the way, wouldn't fuel-rich combustion be easier than ox rich w/ methane?
100%, I can't think of a reason why they chose to do ORSC for BE-4 other than being able to sell the engine as an American technological counterpart to the Russian RD-180 ORSC engine. A sort of "to prove we can do it too" decision.

>> No.12511563

No, since when could the US dictate international trade? Those days are long past. You'd think people would have learned that after the tiff between the US and China. The best they can do now is put in sanctions. They're not in a position do dictate jack shit anymore, nobody is in that position anymore on their own.

>> No.12511568

Never happening ever.
No, they have the air precooler partially ready. The engine development hasn't even been started.

>> No.12511570

Applying unilateral sanctions backed by military force is the definition of dictating international trade.

>> No.12511572

>backed by military force
Yes, go invade Ireland. That sounds like a popular plan any president would just fucking jump to, doesn't it?
Are you fucking 7 years old or something?

>> No.12511576

they managed to steal the blueprints for half a Raptor

>> No.12511579

Tell me anon what happens if Iran tries to export their oil? What do you think would happen to say, Panama or the Caymans if they suddenly said fuck off we won't be your tax havens anymore?

>> No.12511582

Will Mars become a tax haven?

>> No.12511584

Tell me, what happens to a sitting president if he goes "Let's fuck with an ally and invade and sanction them for some shit we've also signed just because we don't like it"?
Use your fucking head.

>> No.12511586

Yeah if you’re willing to convert your whole net worth to dogecoin

>> No.12511588
File: 65 KB, 535x709, usa_yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the American Invasion of Ireland is widely seen as the event marking the end of the 20th century neoliberal world order and the beginning of the American Empire period, spanning 2023–2077

>> No.12511591

You've just invented a strawman. The US dictates global trade by use of threats and application of military force.

>> No.12511593

The US tries to dictate terms with sanctions. It's less than successful these days more often than not. The US is not the manufacturing or economic powerhouse it used to be. WW2 and the boom that followed is long past.

>> No.12511620

>Then you can use Moon Base X as a pit stop for colonizing Mars
No, this never makes sense to do. In fact having Starship's capabilities only makes Moon pit stop make LESS sense.

>> No.12511625

Not like that space station or the Shuttle led to any significant or useful research.

>> No.12511645

I want to BLEVE

>> No.12511657

Crane bros, I've been absent for 2 days. Please tell me.
Is there hope for a hop?

>> No.12511658


>> No.12511675


>> No.12511686


>> No.12511694

Yeah the reason the US won't fuck with tax heavens is not because they can't, but because they don't want to. Big American tech corporations accumulating capital at high speed is ultimately a good thing for the US global dominance (and they lobby/corrupt to continue to do so). Reminder that Amazon hosts a good chunk of the internet, gathers a shitload of data, and works closely with the alphabet soup agencies.

>> No.12511698
File: 119 KB, 402x564, 502DBC9D-802B-4B56-8C75-5BA19AA4B7EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that the American Empire will ever end

>> No.12511708

In 2077 Musk will tire of Earth's petty politics and begin yeeting the belt to purify the planet

>> No.12511713

>Last I heard, NASA gave BO the greenlight to start bidding on launch contracts with NG as the launcher.
fuck, I watched a video discussing this but I don't remember which one it was. Anyways, from what I recall this NASA thing is more preliminary than anything else. There's a tiering system of sorts that NASA uses to rate payload importance, and BO can bid on the lowest level. They'll have to prove reliability if they want to launch anything substantial.
More or less they've gotten the green light to attempt to prove their rocket.

>> No.12511720

Amazon should be broken up

>> No.12511721

it's especially bizarre considering that they were pinning the BE-4 as a high-reliability, medium-spec engine. ORSC is not exactly wonderful if you want to use your engine a great many times, or so I understand. Raptor gets a pass because FFSC lowers turbopump temps and pressures.

This also makes the engine a strange fit for the disposable Vulcan. You'd prefer a high performance engine that nearly eats itself if it's only going to be used once.

Perhaps blue origin wanted to gain ORSC experience for future projects. and ULA is taking SMART reuse seriously again.

>> No.12511725

>tons of experienced engineers
engineers able to fill out their resumes with a bunch of oldspace != genuinely talented engineers. In anything gov the talented have difficulty rising to the top.

>> No.12511729

Start with ALPHABET if it were to be necessary to call the gov't to do some monopoly-breaking. They're absolutely already a vertical monopoly which is already illegal at the federal level.

>> No.12511731
File: 280 KB, 2048x1536, 1600598190303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's on the pad, yeah

>> No.12511740
File: 207 KB, 2000x1332, F5FD922C-1DE9-4F88-AEB3-9AE9AB0D3B1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12511766

Kinda funny to think the location of the first manned mars launches will be at the location of the last battle of the american civil war

>> No.12511773
File: 1.57 MB, 882x944, PotentialSpaceXLandingsights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where should SpaceX set up the mars colony, /sfg/, and why?

>> No.12511792

#3, because it's close to a bunch of the ejecta from that impact crater to the west and has nothing but flat terrain further east. 1 and 2 are good for resources but into the weeds too deep, 4 is like 3 but further from those mountains, and 5 is just far off from any ripped-and-flipped terrain features (which are likely to expose resource deposits, I should clarify).

>> No.12511801

Arcadia planitia is a fairly safe bet given that its very close to the equator and sitting on what is probably an ancient seabed. Isidis planitia might also be a good choice but without any more information the whole thing is just a guessing game really.

>> No.12511805

>>the last battle of the first Civil war

>> No.12511852

In the Valles marineris

>> No.12511854

SpaceX can build wherever they want. I'm going to be the Space Pirate King of Olympus Mons
>magnetic launch track up the western slope
>orbital defense railguns, telescopes, and communication antennae at the summit
>TUUUUUUUBES for living in

>> No.12511892
File: 1.67 MB, 1058x924, 1585289176904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the wiring looks better on SN10

>> No.12511898
File: 2.73 MB, 1452x1000, 1607961196919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is there than one section of steel that looks different and less shiny?

>> No.12511931

different working process for the nose cone pieces. I think they're made in Detroit at a car factory and trucked down to Texas.

>> No.12511956

Older steel?

>> No.12511958

I remember being 17

>> No.12511969

Amazing, I'm a huge Lem fan, always bitter that they only adapted Solaris (twice!), and here are three things I'd never heard of! I'll be checking those out.

I always through that The Invincible would make a great action movie as well,

>> No.12511971

very interesting video on a terraformed mars
valles marineris has massive landslides apparently

>> No.12511972

Despite being only 25% of launches, SpaceX launched a majority of upmass.

>> No.12511981

This is really cool, thanks for posting

>> No.12511986

Is this related to updog?

>> No.12511990

kek underappreciated post

>> No.12511996

lol the narwol beckons ;)

>> No.12512009

he has venus terraforming videos too btw

>> No.12512024

is this you? If not really neat find.

>> No.12512034

no its not me, just found it

>> No.12512051

Landslides millions of years ago and the valley is hundreds of kilometers across..

>> No.12512054

>increasing solar irradiance
this seems bad somehow

>> No.12512085

Milanlovic crater is begging for a giant dome desu

>> No.12512087

I can't find any information on a 20/80 mix of oxygen and sulfur hexaflouride as a breathing gas, why wouldn't it work?

>> No.12512101

>2.058x10^20kg of water is enough to put half of Mars underwater
>this is less than 3% of the mass of Pluto
>Trans-Neptunian Objects also have a ton of ammonia which will react nicely with water and regolith to produce N2 gas and more water
Huh, crashing thousands of TNOs into Mars seems like it would actually work if we had a torch ship fleet to dow the job, weren't too picky about where they landed on Mars, and had a magnetosphere in place. Then we can get the CO2 vs. O2 mix right with bioterraforming.

>> No.12512109

That would be a G I A N T dome for sure enclosing a crater with a diameter of 118km, it would have 21,000 km^2 of surface area containing a pressurized volume of 430,145 km^3.

>> No.12512111

>all the amino acids and proteins are reverse chirality

>> No.12512112

Just because it's easy to explain doesn't mean it's easy to do.

>> No.12512119

Almost infinitely more likely that the microbes in your body and the microbes in the alien environment would be so completely incompatible that there'd be no interaction between them at all.

>> No.12512126

terraform fags are almost as useless as o'neill fags
>i want to live in a rotating park
>i dont want a space suit waaa
you're fucking not gonna make it. if you want to be comfortable, stay down the well

>> No.12512130

Except for possible basic chemical toxicity issues and maybe allergic reactions, I agree.

>> No.12512137

>Sol's largest geodesic dome, towering high above the Martian surface under 0.3g, providing agriculture for the entirety of Mars and the Belt
>Milankovic Dome has it's own water cycle with clouds forming among agdrones and tourist blimps

>> No.12512145

paraterraformers rise up

>> No.12512150

The truss should be reused.

>> No.12512155

We will terraform mars whether you want us to or not, fag. Also we will be very particular with our methods such that the entire surface becomes a swamp biome

>> No.12512162

Virgin spacesuits wear their gay little suits because they don't have any will to enforce on the land. They're the planets bitch.
Chad terraformers force their own preferences onto an entire planet. Now the planet is the bitch.

>> No.12512166

Based, we tunnel dwelling rat people now.

>> No.12512170

Being able to build our own garden worlds has obvious advantages for colonizing other star systems.

>> No.12512206

>Amazon Plateau
Bezos wins again

>> No.12512217


>> No.12512229
File: 564 KB, 840x333, STRSHPLS-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Landing site 1 satellite image

>> No.12512233
File: 857 KB, 2816x2112, catcher's mitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks familiar

>> No.12512237
File: 1.02 MB, 512x3795, colorimage7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colorized version (also includes more of the surrounding terrain)

>> No.12512248

In the near term, it’ll be easier to modify the human body to thrive in extraterrestrial environments than shaping those environments to our current forms.

>> No.12512250

>it's easier to cuck to a planet than it is to bend a planet to your will
Yes, and? It's easier to eat the bugs, live in the pod and own nothing too.

>> No.12512251

Found a jackpot for starship landing sites on the HiRise website

>> No.12512254

Why, gimme literally one reason

>> No.12512257

It's there and it's still perfectly good

>> No.12512258

wtf i love being a rat person now

>> No.12512259

>it’ll be easier to modify the human body to thrive in extraterrestrial environments than shaping those environments to our current forms.
We can't even solve protein folding yet and you're talking about redeveloping "humans" using different basic biological systems, retard. Bioforming ain't gonna be a thing before muh big domes.

>> No.12512261

pretty sure we solved protein folding like two weeks ago

>> No.12512269

Domes aren’t terraforming. By the time we have the capability to move mass from the outer solar system on the ridiculous scale required to make Mars habitable, it’s hard to imagine we won’t have a fairly decent ability to modify the human body. Medical technology is obviously more complex than terraforming, but significantly easier to develop and economically exploit.

>> No.12512272

The trait that perhaps exemplifies our species the best is that we forcibly convert every environment into which we move into something which is more comfortable for us.
It's not going to be any different for space, people will want to be personally imposed on to the minimal degree, they'll rather spend more time and energy cultivating a comfortable environment even if they have to force it out of an environment which is normally hostile to human life.

>> No.12512276
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No we didn't

>> No.12512277

It's a comparable endeavour. To modify something as complex as the human body and to move stuff on the scale needed for terra forming.

>> No.12512282

>waaaaaa your predictions are accurate but you dont understand HOW it got to the final state
okay goalpost mover

>> No.12512286

No. You're a dumb, weak, bitch who doesn't understand biology, humans, or humanity.
Probably some sort of talc alien who doesn't know shit about how we do things this side of the cluster.

>> No.12512288

>It's still there
Okay, but we could launch a new truss with Falcon 9s very easily, or if you wait a bit we could use Starship.
>it's still perfectly good
No it isn't though, the crew is doing EVAs to fix shit all the time. At best you could say the dumb aluminum structural elements of the truss are ok, which may be true, but who cares? We can build a new truss out of steel in a week if we want, and it'd be bigger and stronger and better. What are you going to use the truss of the ISS for in the event that you decide to scrap the rest of the station anyway?
The thing that Starship does for launch economics applies retroactively to all previously launched hardware, you know. The ISS isn't actually worth $400 billion or whatever just because it was launched by the least economic launch vehicle ever built, that's just how much money we've spent on it. When Starship can pessimistically put cargo into LEO for ~$400/kg, the cost of a brand new custom designed structure in orbit will drop massively compared to even just the cost of refitting the old ISS truss.
Seriously, just burn up that piece of shit and crash it into the Pacific, the ISS has been a make-work Shuttle project which managed to fulfil exactly one actual use over its career; the springboarding of the commercial space launch industry.

>> No.12512289

he's a xeno spy trying to weaken humanity's genetic dominance

>> No.12512303

>reveals that the main characters are a wyt w*man and melanin-enriched gentlemen to accompany the A NETFLIX FILM card

>> No.12512366

it's bacon
the narwhal bacons

>> No.12512371

Actual terraforming is dumb, because by just tenting over the entire planet we can not only turn the entire surface into habitable 'land', that land can be precisely tailored into whatever environment you could possibly want, whether built to indistinguishably resemble Earth biomes, or mixtures of biomes, or even much more exotic biomes that don't exist on Earth today.
Mars today only has enough frozen gasses for a small surface pressure even if fully sublimated, and only enough water for a small northern shallow sea if fully melted, IF we are doing 'outdoor' terraforming. With paraterraforming however you don't get air pressure from a column of gas pressure, you get it from mechanical counterpressure, ie a dome roof. Water is likewise used much more efficiently, as each dome may only need a small lake to fully satisfy a robust humid climate, rather than relying on evaporation from a much larger and deeper single body of water which would mostly end up as snow on highlands and not rain in warmer low elevation areas.
My basic point is that the technology necessary to build massive tented-over areas and stock them with nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water is not technically difficult like bioforming and not logistically impractical like terraforming, AND it offers the best environmental conditions at the end of the day (since neither bioforming nor terraforming are likely to be nearly as successful as an array of artificially temperate/tropical rainforest/seasonal climates under a complex of transparent polymer roofs covering literally all of Mars' surface).

>> No.12512375

so we're going to dig out a series of caves and fill them with a combination of water filtration plant and crab farm right
swamp tunnels

>> No.12512382

If that algorithm can predict the protein that will be made from a given sequence of peptides then the problem is solved "good enough". For example if we still didn't understand how gravity fit with quantum mechanics but general relativity still lets us build a functioning warp drive, then realistically gravity is solved well enough that any further increase in understanding is mostly an academic exercise in masturbation unless some much more subtle and still useful phenomenon are discovered.

I'm still not sold on bioforming becoming a thing for a very long time regardless, because understanding and predicting how the collection of proteins in a cell interact and generate emergent complexity is still way beyond our understanding even in the world of pure math, let alone actual real world chemistry and physics. We will be have a deep understanding of the mechanisms from which we get consciousness, and we will have all the tools necessary to build a true general AI, before we have the ability to create an organism from scratch using novel biology which exists at the microscopic level, let alone the size and intelligence and general capacity of a human.

>> No.12512383


>> No.12512384

okay but seriously talk me out of 20/80 O2/SF6 as a breathing gas mixture
>super heavy – can just fill a crater with it, don't even bother with a dome
>voice sounds funny
>cows are confused
>super potent greenhouse gas, perfect for a planet that's too cold as is

>> No.12512387
File: 54 KB, 453x435, 7fd8ec4914b95f7c096d1189007e7ebe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will the O2 and SF6 actually mix or will they separate

>> No.12512389

Mushroom caves too

>> No.12512400

You will be able to do that if you want to, anon. Mars will have plentiful abandoned mine shafts and tunnels and so forth which will be available for purchase, and since there's no real environmental concerns to speak of you will be able to do basically whatever you want down there. It would be neat to turn an entire mutli-level mine into a sort of massive terarrium with LEDs strung along the ceilings and water pumped up to the high points and allowed to trickle and drip down through to the deep places, creating a weird environment that would be like a cool jungle with high humidity and no open areas, shit would be like a map from a Metroid game.

>> No.12512412

>can just fill a crater with it, don't even bother with a dome
It would still diffuse out, in fact it would be blown out over time. The oxygen component would diffuse out as rapidly as if you had it just sitting uncontained on the Martian surface. Also, even with a gas as dense as SF6 you still need thousands of meters of column above your head to achieve ~100 kPa pressure. No small craters are that deep and no big craters are small enough for this to be much more practical than planet-scale terraforming. Also breathing SF6 can make you gag and get nauseous because it's so heavy that if you move around with it in your lungs the inertia makes your lungs feel full of liquid, and breathing actually takes a lot more effort because you're pumping so much more mass.
More than talking you out of that air mixture, I wanna know what makes you think domes (or more generally, sealed habitats) aren't the ideal solution?

>> No.12512423

sounds like the rainforest cafe

>> No.12512429

Domes probably are the ideal solution but the idea of SF6 based atmospheres is funny

Nobody actually thinks a piss airlock is the best solution, but it's the funniest solution

>> No.12512430

nobody will be able to compete with SpaceX and RocketLab, all the others will fail or become huge wastes of money (like blue origin).

>> No.12512434

And then we can export hillbillies into them and partly fund the by filming next season of swamp murders in them.

>> No.12512436

im not sure how piss airlocks work

>> No.12512438

If all the nitrogen on earth was replaced by SF6. Could we breath?

>> No.12512441

Like a giant toilet u bend that works as an airlock only its filled with piss.

>> No.12512442

no, the oxygen would separate out and float to the top of the atmosphere and then we'd all suffocate
this happens with any gas significantly more dense than oxygen/nitrogen
it already happens with argon

>> No.12512443

that shit would react with cosmic rays / solar wind and turn into hydrofluoric and sulfuric acid with time. Nasty stuff. Would never use it to terraform.

>> No.12512446
File: 305 KB, 714x475, vietnamdescent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture like this except the network spans a footprint of a few dozen square kilometers and drops down to a depth of at least a few hundred meters, but possibly over several kilometers. The entire thing could be contained completely underground or the surface above could also be domes over, with natural clouds and rain forming, sustaining the tropical surface environment, with the streams and small rivers flowing down through the huge network of caves lit by artificial means, eventually reaching the bottom of the complex, where it would be kept noticeably warm by Mars' interior heat. Combined with the heat generated by the lighting system, and assisted by vertical shafts interspersed in the network, natural circulation of air would pull humidity up from the deep layers and keep the water cycle going. The air would also be refreshed in the deep layers, but since the volume of the cave network would contain plants undergoing photosynthesis, this isn't actually that important for preventing anoxic environments from forming. It would be really interesting to live in a settlement built around (and to an extent inside) this massive 'natural' park habitat, being able to explore it and observe the ecosystems that form, which species are successful and which aren't, which old strategies work best and which new strategies develop, etc. I think one of the best things we can hope for over the course of Mars colonization is a kind of friendly competition to build the biggest, most complex, most interesting and beautiful eco-habitat features, kinda like how on Earth today cities and nations have competed to have the tallest skyscraper or greatest monuments.

>> No.12512447

is that why i struggle to breathe when laying on the floor

>> No.12512448

Fun fact, I drew the pisslock diagram, I know some anon out there has it to post

>> No.12512452

no that's because you're fat

>> No.12512456

i refuse to believe that. i think i have argon poisoning

>> No.12512459

no, argon is below it's solubility level in the atmosphere and won't separate out
this was mostly about drowning in argon while welding

>> No.12512462

Picture a U-bend in a pipe.
On one side the pipe goes vertical for a few meters and attaches to a bottle.
On the other side the pipe goes up straight a few dozen meters then opens to atmosphere.
On Mars we want the bottle to hold ~100 kPa but the surrounding atmosphere is only a few Pa.
By filling the pipe with a liquid until the U bend is covered, then adding more liquid while pressurizing the bottle, the additional height of the liquid on the other side of the U bend provides the counterpressure necessary to stop the air pressure inside the bottle from blowing the liquid out of the U bend.
The reason the pisslock uses piss is because while fresh water can't exist anywhere on Mars without boiling, meaning the tall side of the U bend would have water boiling off constantly at its top, BRINE can actually exist across a range of pressures that exist on Mars' surface at low elevations. Since brine is salty water, and piss is both salty and produced by astronauts, ergo pisslock.

>> No.12512469

if this isnt delightfully counterintuitive, idk what is

>> No.12512470

>no, the oxygen would separate out
Gasses aren't like liquids, they are all miscible and don't separate out. For instance, in any video where you see an aquarium filled with SF6 floating a tinfoil boat, that aquarium still has nitrogen and oxygen in it too, it's just that the SF6 dominates the amount of mass present in the aquarium tank.

>> No.12512475

what animals can be kept in an SF6quarium

>> No.12512481

>any gas significantly more dense than oxygen/nitrogen
Argon is barely more dense than air, anon. If you spray pure argon into air you can make bubbles of the gas which will displace air momentarily, but those bubbles quickly diffuse into the air. This is why the 1% of argon that makes up air on Earth doesn't cause places like Death Valley to have suffocation-inducing levels of argon buildup.

>> No.12512483

god i wish there were indians on mars to give them smallpox and just massacre them. half the fun in colonization is genocide, the other half is pillaging.

>> No.12512484

Are you sure? Maybe that's why they call it Death Valley.

>> No.12512487

I don't know about you but that shit is really intuitive to me.

>> No.12512492

nothing can ever be more delightfully counterintuitive than "actually the local optimum for rocket materials is just cheap stainless steel, OG Atlas was right the whole time"

>> No.12512494

Is there poop floating around the space station sometimes? What does it smell like?

>> No.12512499

that's not the local optimum for aerospace materials (that's still lithium-aluminum)
it's the local optimum for hot-structure reentry vehicles

>> No.12512502


>> No.12512504

yes, they are called felotas

>> No.12512505

Apparently farst smell deadly because the scatgas doesn't disperse so fast.

>> No.12512510

All these answers are scaring me I wish I never asked

>> No.12512516

Probably nematodes and other really small shit tolerant of low oxygen environments

Actually death valley is an example of how having remarkably low elevation can lead to the development of a heat island and allow temperatures to skyrocket while humidity drops to almost zero.
Basically, death valley is really deep, deeper than sea level. This means that the air pressure at the bottom of the valley is higher. Since air cools as it expands, the fact that the air at the bottom of death valley is more compressed than at sea level means that the air temperature down there MUST be hotter than the surrounding higher elevation sea-level landscape, for temperatures to be equal. Otherwise, the air at sea level above death valley would be colder than the air surrounding the valley, which would cause it to sink and compress, pulling in warmer air from the surrounding area and mixing it with the air in the valley until the balance point was reached. Anyway, the result is that Death Valley is a fucking desert oven, and the ground is so hot and dry that enough heat gets trapped that it forms a lens of warmer air at sea level that prevents any of the surrounding more moist air from entering the place.
As an aside, it would have been really funny if that insane megaproject idea of damming the strait of Gibraltar and allowing a good portion of the Mediterranean to evaporate actually happened, because all that land that they thought they'd get out of it would end up like a worse Death Valley environment, with hotter temperatures, drier conditions, and saltier soil.

>> No.12512529

>The trait that perhaps exemplifies our species the best is that we forcibly convert every environment into which we move into something which is more comfortable for us.
That's only because we couldn't modify what we find confortable.
Give us the ability to modify our body and we will, just like we will want immortality.

Also if it's more comfortable to live in a space colony with 0 to 1G gravity, than it is to live in a lava tube at 0.3G we fill prefer the former.

>> No.12512542

The tech to build a space colony doesn’t exist yet boys. The best we can do with today’s tech is make a bola with two starships and 2 cubic kilometers of space inside

>> No.12512545

It's the local optimum for any entry-capable vehicle because to an extent all reentry vehicles have some degree of hot-structure to them, but using steel means you can rely more heavily on that factor and save a shitload of overall mass by dropping a lot of TPS thickness and coverage.
As for satellites and orbit-to-orbit spacecraft, Al-Li is nice and light but it's also expensive. The local optimum for the vast majority of applications will simply be the cheapest, most workable materials which are also light and strong enough to get the job done, which means less specialized aluminum alloys and even a bunch of steel alloys will be fine for most applications.
There's also the ISRU factor to consider. On Mars for example, the lower delta V requirements to do things like launch into orbit and shuttle between its moons and so forth combined with the relative easy at which iron and nickel can be refined from available materials means that a shitload of space vehicles and payloads built on Mars are going to be made from materials like typical carbon steel, rather than superalloys. In fact the reduced performance threshold would allow quite shit steel to be good enough, even if the alloys are not consistent and the stock materials vary significantly in thickness and so forth. Mars and Moon and Asteroid industries and performance requirements will allow literal shitbox spacecraft to become a normal affair, which is a truly beautiful future to look forward to.

>> No.12512550

are there any high nickel alloys of steel

>> No.12512565

What's preventing shitbox spacecraft made from salvaged CRX parts and TV avionics from being launched on Starship?

>> No.12512568

>Also if it's more comfortable to live in a space colony with 0 to 1G gravity, than it is to live in a lava tube at 0.3G we fill prefer the former
The problem is that you're conflating what the majority of people will find comfortable with what EVERYONE will find comfortable. There are people today who find living in Utah comfortable. There are people who find living in a tropical rainforest comfortable. There are people who find living on the shores of lake Baikal comfortable. There are even people who find living in cities comfortable.
Will more people someday find rotating space habitats more comfortable than tunnels under Mars' surface? Sure, probably even. Will NOBODY find living in tunnels in Mars under 38% Earth-gravity comfortable? Fuck no, there will be millions of people who will prefer living in tunnels than living in cans in space. It's honestly just a matter of what people are used to and what they choose to focus on (there are downsides to every living situation, and people tend to ignore or minimalize the downsides of the living situation they're already in, and inflate the downsides of the situations they see as alien).

>> No.12512569

The FAA, probably.

>> No.12512571

fuck the FAA

>> No.12512574

Maraging steel (strong and malleable) and Invar (has a near-zero thermal expansion ratio) come to mind, and both would be useful for vehicles for different reasons.
Nothing whatsoever.

>> No.12512584

>Maraging steel (strong and malleable)
I should point out that malleable means you can stamp it and forge it and bend it without it cracking or breaking, which basically means it has high toughness. The fact that it's also got high strength means that anything made of maraging steel would require a lot of force to make it deform, and even after deformation those parts should still be strong, due to being malleable and thus not fracturing after deformation.

>> No.12512588
File: 48 KB, 813x322, 075B637C-F8AD-4164-9E7B-D73A9172E0F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living in tunnels on a planet have their own benefits. For starters, you are not stranded onboard some massive artificial structure - you actually live on an entire world.

Also asteroids are underrated we need manned missions to them

>> No.12512603

I would note that metallic asteroids are primarily made out of iron and nickel

>> No.12512617

Reminder that future colonies will be no smoking. Better get rid of that disgusting habit now.

>> No.12512621

just go outside and smoke

>> No.12512627

There were already several locations taken as candidates, all of them had one thing in common - exposed or easily available glaciers. And of course weren't in the frozen wastelands.

>> No.12512637


>> No.12512639

those things will kill ya

>> No.12512649

Thread staging

>> No.12512653


>> No.12512723

Manned missions to asteroids will come, don't worry. There will be little barrier to visiting some low inclination NEOs with people once Starships are semi-routinely performing crewed missions to the Moon.
Yup, the ratio of iron to nickel in the vast majority of metallic asteroids is far from the right ratio to have maraging steel but that problem is solved pretty easily. You need to melt down the metal anyway to get a desirable crystal grain structure, so adding iron to reach the correct wt% nickel is hardly even a notable step.

>> No.12512725

I don't smoke. I don't vape either. The only drug I take is caffeine and I don't care if that has to come in a pill or I need to grow my own little tea shrub.

>> No.12512919 [DELETED] 

A rotating space colony can have any gravity it want, any biome it want.
You can have a Desert and high mountain one colony away. And linking colony together is nowhere difficult.
Living in an underground biome on mars force you to have Mars like gravity.
You only gain with the hypothetical size of the dome.

No one is going to enforce where you live, but living in space colony will be cheaper and more accessible at first than turning Mars into a factory capable of churning every component needed to live there.

And in the long term Mars is only good to strip mine for better space habitat.

>> No.12512955

I remember thinking living in a bunker my whole life was even vaguely appealing