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12340666 No.12340666 [Reply] [Original]

There are too many classes, too many subjects, and too much work to do in undergraduate mechanical engineering that I feel like I'm being strangled and can't possibly remember everything. I'm having to skip classes to work on labs and other things that will contribute to my grade immediately, hoping I can catch up during revision later on. It's basically a 50-60 hour job while having to constantly learn.

>> No.12341020

I feel the same

>> No.12341074

Holy shit, it's almost like engineers get compensated more for their labor because they have skillsets that are both extremely hard to acquire and highly desirable for the maintenance and progress of a first-world civilization.

>> No.12341077

Sack up, drop your social life with dumb college bros and hoes, hit the books, get plenty of sleep and exercise when you can. At the end of your four years, you'll never see the end of an unemployment line.

>> No.12341257

That makes me feel better.
That also makes me feel better.

>> No.12341586

Let me guess, you are taking 15-18 credits because you want to graduate “on time”

Don’t do that. Take the bare minimum course load.

>> No.12341687

I am from the UK, we don't have a choice. We have to complete the modules set by our schools.

>> No.12342252

bullshit, we'll be in a covid great depression and it will not be good for new entrants to the workforce, who will be competing with highly skilled highly experienced laid off workers.

>> No.12342384

If you think an engineering degree equates to a guarentee of a good job then you're retarded

>> No.12342389

what uni?

>> No.12342894
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Just switch to CS it's easy and pays more.

>> No.12342900

Shut the fuck up, take some adderall and get to work. How do you think your peers are pulling it off?

>> No.12343185

Don't worry about it too much. Sounds like you're pretty early in your degree and it's not unusual for engineering students to feel overwhelmed at that stage. Unless you're one of those people that feels compelled to ace every assignment no matter how insignificant you can relax with your workload; there's no reason to be spending the equivalent hours per week outside of class as you are taking credit hours (regardless of the dumb shit they say in your syllabus). Start working your grading scales; if a course's homework grade is only worth 5% then don't spend all your time working on it. Prioritize classes that matter for your learning as you'll get value from these later on when you enter the workforce. Participate in a study group with people who are smarter than you and are good at explaining things. Focus your degree on a specific trade or industry otherwise you'll end up settling for the first company that offers you a job. Biggest piece of advice is start interning early in a field that actually sounds interesting

>> No.12343253

>extremely hard to acquire
lmao don't kid yourself. having a blitz of labs doesn't make the work hard - it makes it tedious
t. mechE now working in mechatronics

>> No.12343297

or just learn easy ass python and become a professional engineer.

>> No.12344247

>Biggest piece of advice is start interning early in a field that actually sounds interesting
Interning is basically impossible with corona

>> No.12344285

God, don't depress me more

>> No.12344465

the secret is not having a social life... you'll get used to it fren

>> No.12344493


Lmao. Dude I got two undergrad degrees at the same time, physics and materials engineering. I was regularly taking 21 credit semesters and I worked a part time job.

Fuck outta here with your whiny MechE is hard woe is me bullshit

>> No.12344518

American schools are a joke, fat cunt

>> No.12344556

>"dude two dregrees!!"
>only one third more credits
you guys are all pathetic being obsessed with those numbers