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12363912 No.12363912 [Reply] [Original]

This is the worst idea I have ever heard of.

Suffering infinitely until the heat death of the universe in 10^100 years.

>> No.12363964

you don't disprove or prove it retard
1. interpretations of QM are philosophical
2. you don't prove or disprove anything in science, this isn't math

>> No.12364048

>Lol dude what if things that didn't happen actually did happen
Quantum immortality has no further meaning that than

>> No.12364057

If something has to consciously observe the universe for it to exist, and that entity is me, then I should be much older. If that entity is not me, then there's nothing disallowing me from dying

>> No.12364063

In theory, it should be testable.
Simply look back over your entire timeline and look at times you have come close to death and compute your probability of surviving all of your close scrapes.

Compare it to the survival probabilities of everyone around you. If your survival rate is different to a statistically significant degree, that is evidence for quantum immortality.

>> No.12364621


Quantum immortality means that humans from thousands of years ago are still alive. Just in other universes that have separated from our universe.

>> No.12364633

which is how you know it's bullshit. quantum immortality ascribes way too much value to individual consciousness.

>> No.12365032

Quantum immortality is a copenhagen take on Everettian quantum many-world. Copenhagen requires an "observer" aka a soul/consciousness/etc whatever you wanna attach some importance to. That "observer" is the built in assumption of general human outlook and not scientific. The copenhagen people though everettian's pure statistical/wholistic model is stupid because "immortality" through your soul/consciousness jumping from different quantum states. Its a brainlet's objection to many-world

>> No.12365045

You will most likely not be in pain if quantum immortality is correct. Pain implies failing organ systems, and failing organ systems imply higher mortality probabilities.

So it is far more likely that medical technology that keeps you youthful is invented at a 0.01% chance and keeps you alive for a million years in no pain than you miraculously survive 1 million years with a 90% annual mortality rate.

>> No.12366163

>quantum immortality ascribes way too much value to individual consciousness.

100% this

The self is an ever shifting thing
You are biologically not the same person as 10 years ago.
If Quantum Immortality is real, why were you even born in the first place? Why didnt you always exist?

Saying that you're a bunch of moving atoms shifting in and out of life and death in endless rebirth with no memory of it is one thing. But saying you are literally immortal is retarded

>> No.12367085


Will human beings even be around in a million years?

Part of the horror of quantum immortality is that you end up surviving when the rest of humanity becomes extinct. There won't be any medical care to somewhat alleviate your suffering at that point.

>> No.12367111


Why do people seriously still that that medical technology to reverse aging is possible? Juan Ponce de Leon was talking about that more than 500 years ago.

If quantum immortality is correct, I guess in some other universe out there, a 546 year old Juan Ponce de Leon is still desperately hoping for a cure for aging.

Seriously, if reversing aging is possible, then why hasn't it ever been done? MWI only says that things happen if they're actually theoretically possible.

>> No.12367141


Actually, from what I understand, MWI basically does say that you're billions of years old.

I think MWI proponents argue that you more or less always existed in the fabric of the universe (for lack of a better way of putting it) but you didn't come into physical existence until whenever you were born. Basically, your existence was inevitable ever since the Big Bang, so you kind of always existed. And, just like your existence was inevitable, you also can't control much of any of what you do.

I know it sounds like retarded determinist religious beliefs, but that's because MWI basically is retarded determinist religious beliefs. I think it's really embarrassing that this pseudoscience has somehow gained respectability for the last 30 years or so.

>> No.12367547

Get in the track for fast train.

Are you immortal now?
Would you reborn?

Do you really want to try?

Which pill do you take?

>> No.12367610

At some point it's more likely that you reincarnate as a hedgehog rather than survive another second as the human you currently are

>> No.12367635

>we are very special!
This bullshit is just a step along from the idea the Sun, planets and stars all revolve around the Earth.
Humans. The most arrogant and conceited life form known to date.

>> No.12367710
File: 79 KB, 446x435, 454157BB-3BD5-4446-80A4-30D3F6C3E523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You continue posting this thread just for others to keep speaking about this subject in vain and folly. The truth is, there is no way to ‘disprove’ Quantum Immortality, just as there is no way to ‘prove’ it either.

All you will get—and all you have gotten—are answers trying to attack the foundations of the hypothesis through critiquing the Many Worlds Interpretation and it’s kin. That is the only vector that can be taken in trying to ‘disprove’ this idea. Suffice to say, it is not a very satiating or prudent one, and considering that you keep making this thread you have to agree.

Nevertheless, I will go along with this hypothesis just to ponder it and humor myself while doing so. If you do not remember your past lives, and you will not remember the future ones, how exactly is it a continuation of your ‘self’? It can perfectly just be another person or consciousness that only exists because of you; and even so, they are not you. In this model you will continue to live and die, not remembering each life, with personalities and intellects changing, and henceforth you will die as usual, not being allowed to suffer outside of your personal dying of the light.

>> No.12367914


Don't really understand this response.

It is a continuation of you under quantum immortality. It's just a version of you that never dies.

>> No.12367984

Easy to disprove. Quantum immortality doesnt mean you can't loose IQ points, it just says that the thread of subjective experience is never severed.

When you suffer braindeath after your heart stops beating you become incredibly stupid. The stupidest, lowest IQ thing in existence. But there is never any point where the thread of subjective experience is truly severed, that's just an unfounded assumption we have that's a remnant of christian theology.

>> No.12368470


You don't experience any universe where you become braindead.

Quantum immortality says that you basically can only experience universes where you don't become braindead.

>> No.12370119


Not correct. It seems that Hugh Everett believed in quantum immortality. Some people think that’s why he had such an unhealthy lifestyle. Since he figured that his unhealthy lifestyle wouldn’t kill him off in all universes.