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16032841 No.16032841[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Science says exercise is bad for you. Why is science so fake and gay all the time lately?

>> No.16032848

If you do cardio you will be fine

>> No.16032849
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> Daily Fail
> No link to study
> Correlation is not causation
> Bait thread

>> No.16032859

Can't it damage tissue if you have a high oxygen debt for a prolonged time?

>> No.16032861

Especially if you're black you mean? Or that mostly whites with heart disease are obese or gym rats?

>> No.16032919

>3x the recommended amount of exercise is not good for you

>> No.16032920

To much cardio makes you retarded. That's why you don't see geniuses running around everywhere

>> No.16032922

Holy shit this is such a faggot article. Humans *evolved* to be exercising an order of magnitude more than we currently do (maybe even 2 orders of magnitude for some of you couch potato fatasses).

>> No.16032925 [DELETED] 
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Cardio is for fags. A real man fucks little boys in the asshole to inject inside them a massive testosterone dose, so they don't become little fags.

>> No.16032930
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Humans are so selfish. Too much exercise and testosterone ruins their meat texture and flavor.

>> No.16032934

I'm going to exercise more. Though I'm not on roids and I'm unvaxxed.

>> No.16032948

>study finds

>> No.16033040
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Males yes
Doubt it's going to affect white males more as heart problems almost never do (for) them more than black ones. Google says something about family history

>> No.16033053

That was like 100k years ago. Because we were cavemen once doesn't mean we still are

>> No.16033069

Excercise is bad.
More miles a car has, the worse off if is.
Body is exactly the same way.
Humans were meant to be sedentary creatures that are once a day at the most.

No gym. No city. No work. Good diet. That's how you live to 130 years old.

>> No.16033084

>all the time lately?

>> No.16033125

Post vaxx sure lol

>> No.16033137
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>> No.16033386

I'm sure that chuds tell themselves that all media outlets, left-leaning and right-leaning outlets alike, write headlines purely to grab attention and get ad traffic, but have the chuds really internalized this belief? Apparently not given the way they continually torture themselves reading the trash.

>> No.16033401

You can get heat stroke and your muscles can start to breakdown (rhabdomyolysis) and enter your bloodstream which can kill you. This is if you do countless hours a day, regular people won't reach this level

>> No.16034382

>chuds live in my head rent free
>i can't see anything without wondering "what would chuds thinks about this?"

>> No.16034953
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>> No.16034995

>get your science news from the Daily fucking Mail and co
>Why is science so fake and gay all the time lately?

>> No.16035041

Correlation does not equal causation chud

Usually white men that exercise that much are weightlifters that take PEDs which tremendously fuck up the heart. They lay on the pounds which also increases your risk of heart disease and load on your organs including heart.

>> No.16035046
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>Lives a long life
>Intelligent, dedicated his time to studying and becoming a physician, improving the health of hundreds or thousands through research and clinical practice
>Wealthy and raises his offspring well to become professionals themselves
>Dies in his 40s if not 30s
>His pursuit of vanity helps no one but his fragile masculinity
>Testicular atrophy and infertile from abusing steroids
>Genetic dead end
>Worshiped by closeted homosexual women-hating chuds that get excited over muscular males

>> No.16035054

Most people think that exercise= over exertion, and that's what our gym/fitness culture teaches. In reality humans evolved as Hunter Gatherers who do low and medium level exercise every day in their normal routine. They don't over exert, and especially don't lift weights

>> No.16035115

bodybuilding exercises for each muscle segment maybe. but 20 minutes gymnastics are good for you

>> No.16035134

Remember when they closed all the gyms once covid hit? "Germ nexuses" they called them.

Fat unhealthy people are ruining the world for everyone. They WANT you to be as fat and unhealthy as they are.

>> No.16035164
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>> No.16035171 [DELETED] 
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Eat the bug and fuck off you morons.

>> No.16035194
File: 79 KB, 1200x901, MarkZWavingFlag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I try to do the Murph challenge with the girls every Memorial Day as a tradition to honor those who defended us. One of Lt Murphy's favorite workouts was running a mile, then doing 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats, and then running another mile -- all while wearing a 20lb weighted pack. This year I got it done in 39:58.
Zuck is a genius but whatever you want to tell yourself, lardass. Look at Zuck's delicious thighs closely. These are the thighs of a genius who SQUATS and RUNS.

>> No.16035327

This is true, if you got the covid mRNA gene therapy

>> No.16035350

Hmmmm must have nothing to do with some kind of clotting concern.
But in truth exercising too much is a bad thing for anybody.
At a certain point you will accumulate more injuries than awards, and that's my biggest regret was ever wanting to compete especially aiming for the highest level. After my first I should have just stopped.
Run 1 mile a day do chin ups
You will be aesthetic (lean and top built) from less than an hour of work.

>> No.16035407
File: 61 KB, 690x470, 8d84022f-1915-49ea-9ae1-6c60d9268546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SCIENCE SAYS dihydrogen monoxide is deadly. And everyone who's ever ingested it is going to die some day!! It's totally true and not lying with facts by so called "science advocates"!!

>> No.16035617

>Unvaccinated are fine
It also seems to be happening in every single sport like football, was there something they forced on them, Novak is in peak health

>> No.16035625

Both extremes are wrong, eggs contain a large variety of vitamins you would be stupid to completely cut them out of your diet

>> No.16035640

>2010 Reddit meme

>> No.16035650

Just because we lived like that doesn't mean that that is what we're good at. We've evolved. We're not pygmees in the congo. We are civilized people, that have been doing a lot of civilized cra for a long time, and actual fitness is not an ideal, its a goal, and its necessary.

>> No.16036246
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you're just lazy, thats why you hate exercise. you get angry that others do it because they end up making you look bad in comparison because they're not sissified lazy slobs and you are

>> No.16036284

Well it's a statistical analysis not an impassioned plea

>> No.16036591

This world has gone full fucking retard, and retarded millennial/leftist women are to blame (partially).

>> No.16036615
File: 828 KB, 1090x1310, Screenshot from 2024-02-21 14-27-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are legacy institutions so hellbent on making people sick and fat?

>> No.16036633

Fat, sick and retarded means more money and more negative energy expelled so our wardens can have good feast

>> No.16036728

>spends half of his life in agony as his body breaks down due to him treating it like shit
>"dedicated" 20 years of his life to being mentally trained to know things
>raises his offspring to have horrible diets and become gross pudgy balls of fat like him
>will grow old without seeing the beauty and strength his body is capable of
>either dies young or grows old with minimal pain because he didn't atrophy his limbs
>"pursuit of vanity" made him juicy as fuark
>already slaughtered more pussy than you can think about in a day, has 12 kids
>worshiped by "nohomo" bros who want to suck his dick
>has already seen the beauty and strength his body is capable of

>> No.16036813
File: 346 KB, 2233x1080, copium chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with minimal pain
LOL. You don't realize how common injuries are in weight lifting. Almost all the weightlifters I know, especially the ones that go for ego lifts, have injuries of some type or the other. Rotator cuff injury, herniated disc, tendonitis.
>has 12 kids
You are being replaced, chud.

>> No.16036843

nah, being obsessed with tabloid-tier headlines is peak chud behavior

>> No.16037349

too much exercise is bad for you. define too much exercise as exceeding your capacity to recover and they're absolutely correct. it leads to a build up of, amoung other things, cortisol in your body which, being the main human stress hormone, will increase your risk of heart disease regardless of your physical training.

so they're not wrong. but whether that's what they're going for, or that they're acting in good faith, is another thing.

remember kids, always allow adequate recovery time in your training schedule.

>> No.16037353

yeah, a lot of the exercise paradigms these days are out of whack if you ask me. gym culture has become 'die every time you train' otherwise you're not doing anything. that's because it sells. it is somewhat new, the golden age boys ate whole foods, often had sporting backgrounds and partied and relaxed as well. i think most of the current gen will be dead by 50 types.

>> No.16037356

by weightlifters do you mean competitive weightlifters competing in the olympic sport or do you mean guys who go to the gym and pick up things and put them down again.

>> No.16037885

>over exertion
thats excessive by definition

>> No.16037920

>Why is science so fake and gay all the time lately?
It's another thing to add to the chart of 'reasons why you didn't die of the vax'.

The reading age required to understand the Daily Mail varies between 5 and 8.

>> No.16037923
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>> No.16037943

>You are being replaced, chud.
I thought that was just a dangerous conspiracy theory?

>> No.16039345

wimpy soience nerds who are too lazy to exercise did that research

>> No.16040083

After they were done they went home and pathetically masturbated to jewish porno because they're too lazy to output the effort necessary to make them attractive to the opposite gender and no woman will ever be attracted to them.
Meanwhile chads know that you can spend like 15 minutes a day doing pushups and other simple exercises and women will be all over you.

>> No.16040711

Too much kills you doesn't mean it's bad, it means it's bad exclusively at large quantities.

Also I doubt that white people involved in study train without "boosters" and guess what, stimulants cause heart damage.

>> No.16040714

>Meanwhile chads know that you can spend like 15 minutes a day doing pushups and other simple exercises and women will be all over you.
I did 15 minutes because of you
nothing changed

>> No.16040722


I got news for you. Exercise IS RACIST!