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File: 281 KB, 1200x1637, richard_dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16018334 No.16018334 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many evolutionary biologists tend to be chuds? Lets take a look:

Herbert Spencer - Chud who believed in social Darwinism

Francis Galton - Chud who literally invented the field of eugenics

Ronald Fisher - chud who supported Eugenics

John Maynard Smith - chud who supported Russia and communism

J. B. S. Haldane - Like Maynard Smith, he also supported socialism and simped for the Russians

Edward O. Wilson - Chud who created sociobiology. Also supported J. Phillipe Rushton and the study of racial differences in cognitive ability

James Watson - Chud who believes in biological differences between racial groups

Richard Dawkins - Chud who has criticized Judaism and Islam and claimed that gender is not a social construct, but is actually influenced by innate sex differences

Also, I don't even want to get into the details, but if you look beyond evolutionary biology towards virology and epidemiology, you'll find a lot of chuds who believe in the lab leak conspiracy theory.

Why does the field of biology, and evolutionary biology, in particular, attract so many chud scientists?

>> No.16018343

>Why does the field of biology, and evolutionary biology, in particular, attract so many chud scientists?
The same reason math attracts unfuckable nerds, astronomy attracts stuck up pricks, paleontology attracts autistic man children, health science attracts hippies, police force attracts wife beaters, the church attracts pedophiles, housing development attracts criminals, politics attracts lying psychopaths and music attracts drug addicts

>> No.16018359
File: 83 KB, 1280x1280, edwardDutton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone said evolutionary biologist ?

>> No.16018365

As much as I find Dutton entertaining, he certainly isn't an evolutionary biologist. He's a competent writer but is more of a sociological researcher than proper evolutionary biology.

>> No.16018379

He definitely isn't but he bases everything around evolutionary biology and is what one could call a >chud

>> No.16018388

uhhh and what reason is that again?

>> No.16018409

I'm pretty sure he's just British. I don't think he's any more of a chud than any other middle aged British man.

>> No.16018413

What makes him a chud is his use of the word dysgenic.

>> No.16018766

Blue, because chairs don’t have yet

>> No.16018918

dawkins isn't a chud and I don't think haldane or smith were chuds either. also evo bio has some major libtards like lewontin and gould I think.

>> No.16019111

Define "chud"

>> No.16019115 [DELETED] 

Fart on my chin. NOw. Or I will fite you.

>> No.16019125
File: 3.42 MB, 2001x2387, 1680189091149361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Bret Weinstein
t.Evolutionary Biologist

>> No.16019127 [DELETED] 


>> No.16019194

Because chuds tend to be right. Due to having no sex and being ugly they will instead spend a lot of time doing thinking.
Chud basically means "wtf this ugly has overly logical thought, but he's really ugly and his ideas don't support my hedonic lifestyle so he's a chud"
Sucking and fucking are all that really matter, who cares about all the chuddie thinking behind being owed sex.
If you're tall and got a big cawk women are gonna wanna fuck you and more.
Intelligence is not a very useful trait, in fact chuds have only used intelligence to terrorize the world.

>> No.16019198

Church does not attract pedos. They prefer becoming teachers at public schools.

>> No.16019226

Is there an Anon who can help to make sense of the mental illness in this thread? I know we better ignore this thread but it seems to be a gathering of posters who have a history of derailing other threads and spamming the boards with nonsense. It's weird seeing them together like this.

>> No.16019373

Youre not scientist of any kind, youre a arrogant and self deluded student at best.

>> No.16019389
File: 242 KB, 1200x675, deep thinkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain antifa.

>> No.16019562

>Church does not attract pedos
Good one, tell another

>> No.16019581

because chuddites are correct
nature is chuddicial