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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 3.60 MB, 1024x1024, 20231214_1024_0131.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15987728 No.15987728 [Reply] [Original]

Not enough people appreciate what a great sun we have. In preparation for the solar maximum, I will try to see if this idea has any traction here. I'll even bake some webms. Prove to me that this board is anything more than /r/askscience + retarded delusions + career advice. If not, I guess I'll just go back to looking at the sun alone...

QotT (question of the thread)
>What is your favorite SDO channel? Least favorite?

>> No.15987904
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>> No.15988438
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bumping again
I wasn't expecting much of a response to begin with, but I honestly did not think there would literally be zero interest. Can I at least get a free bump from someone posting about stupid shit like coronavirus or the geocentric model while I'm away from my computer?

>> No.15988444
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>> No.15989176
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>> No.15989239
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Attention anons!
Seems that my unchecked digits caused a CME yesterday and I didn't catch it.
G2 mag storm starting tonight (Jan 22 0500 UTC), continuing into Tuesday.
If you have a UPS/voltage controller, make sure it's working. If you don't and you're worried, just unplug any sensitive electronics if you're at high latitudes and make sure you know where a flashlight is :D

>> No.15989373

I think that big Sunspot up north is going to blow up soon!!!

>> No.15989445

So cool. Thanks for the thread.

>> No.15989497
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>> No.15989584

How do I into this shit? What do the different colors mean?

>> No.15989590

I wonder if there's a live feed

>> No.15989656
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I'm not so sure about that, but that certainly would be interesting to see.
Glad you like the thread, anon. I hope you stick around
Each image is a different instrument on the SDO (+ combination images) and some are annotated. Most of the colorful stuff you're seeing is from the atmospheric imaging assembly (AIA), which measures intensities of various wavelengths of light (measured in A on the bottom left). Let me know if you want to know more :D
The SDO takes images every minute and they are published online. Pic is the most recent image (there is some lag between when the photo is taken and once it is received on Earth and processed). If you need help navigating the SDO website, just ask!

>> No.15990818
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Shes gunna spew her load all over us

>> No.15991352
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Seems we did end up grazing that one. Max Kp was under 4.
Still very pretty :)

>> No.15991371
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>> No.15991446
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3559 certainly is a big one :D

>> No.15991462
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>> No.15991632
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>stop posting in threads I disapprove of!!!!
>pay attention to me and nobody else!!!!
you're not important or interesting, people like those other threads more than they do yours

>> No.15991714

what the deal with that suspicious observers tard on utube always talking about the sun sploding and sheit?

>> No.15991719

id like to see that explosion in real time and not speed up

>> No.15991723


>> No.15991993

I think hes fallen off the loonie bin and managed to take a few people with him as well. He thinks the the sun is going to cause earth pole flip. He's a huge Trump supporter.

>> No.15991996

that would be a very long video

>> No.15992550
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Seems we had an R2 HF radio blackout last night

>> No.15992559

>/zog/ observation general
this is pretty tame for a noticing thread

>> No.15992563

what is the surface of the sun like?
flat from high gravity, or like a massive storm at sea with mountains of plasma?

>> No.15992586
File: 112 KB, 1080x1080, 3jyz0mg0s0x51-4009477994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its like being inside of a shaggy carpet of plasma tangled in high intensity magnetic filaments

>> No.15992620
File: 3.93 MB, 1920x1080, DKIST-First-Light-MZ-crop1-loop_FHD-H264.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great question! :D
In very simple terms, you described it best: like a stormy sea of plasma.
However, your question brings up an important concept; if the entire sun is plasma, where do we define the "surface" of the sun? Generally, the uppermost surface of the convective zone (photosphere) is treated as "the surface" of the sun, as it is the lowermost portion that is visible to us. It looks like boiling water on your stove :)
That's a pretty cool photo. H-alpha?