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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 191 KB, 1320x1554, 3QhAfGyXNrRm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15799780 No.15799780 [Reply] [Original]

If the covid vax is effective enough to be genuinely worthy of a Nobel prize then why do the people receiving the prize need to wear masks?

>> No.15799786

Because they can't vaccinate against the other humans in the room.
Unironically, I think that a lot of those people that are still masking up (and not from regions of deadly smog) have crossed a threshold of sanity around microorganism paranoia.

>> No.15799926
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physically ugly people like wearing the masks because they're rightfully ashamed of their hideous faces
mentally ugly people like wearing the masks because its a means of virtue signaling

>> No.15799934

interesting how masks were uncritically known to be something that food workers, factory workers, and sick people wear to reduce the amount of shit they breathe over everything until a bunch of horse paste eating geniuses decided ackthually they don't work for totally non political reasons

>> No.15799946

Yeah, we can pretend like it has one reason for why people do it and then go for the most shallow

>> No.15800007

>need to wear masks?
What need? Intestinal parasites spreading the words of their masters is the normal. Trueman show has more realism.

>> No.15800120
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The vaccine is effective, but not completely. Masks are also somewhat effective. You can and should use both, because covid is quite bad for you.
>inb4 triggered retards

>> No.15800130

>nobel prize
>look at photo
>awarded in person with something obviously not the nobel pize
are you *sure* that this picture was taken in 2023 anon? Because that looks like the Japan prize in 2022, which had a universal mask policy...

>> No.15800544

I'll use neither.

>> No.15800547

They don't really work

>> No.15800556

[citation needed]

>> No.15801645 [DELETED] 

covid doesn't exist, its as real as """"swine flu"""" was

>> No.15802227 [DELETED] 

""""Covid"""" was as fake & gay as global warming is and as the dead babies in Israel are and as the whole current conflict there is.
Clownworld is an artificial homosexual construct

>> No.15802252

how big is the reduction and why didnt we see a dip in covid cases when masking was at 95%?

>> No.15802991

you're receiving the nobel prize
this is the most important moment of your entire life
your whole career has led to this moment
and you're wearing a fucking face mask when you receive it

>> No.15803008

oh do fuck off you bore

do you have a job?

>> No.15803046

>vaccine is effective
just like a placebo

>> No.15803054

was it a nobel prize or a nobel peace prize. the later is given out like knighthoods.

>> No.15803085
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Hey idiots, explain why I didn't get the vaccine and I never get sick, and yet my mom and brother and dad are all vaccinated against covid yet they get covid like twice a year now.

>> No.15803087
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>> No.15803097

>The Exposé
Why screenshot a fake news website instead of the actual CDC report?

>> No.15803098

even if they are fake news, I still don't get sick and my vaccinated family does all the time. simple as.

>> No.15803112

A jabby got hired at my work this week, but he died before he could get on the insurance lmao

>> No.15803191

>Nobel prize winning "scientists" can't be bothered to read Cochrane review on efficacy of physical interventions to prevent or reduce viral infection

>Creates shot with an order of magnitude higher reported adverse reactions than any vaccine in history


>> No.15803193

Masks aren't effective at all, why are you lying, anon?

>> No.15803210

this is your brain on social "democracy"

>> No.15803212

The CDC literally spouts objectively unscientific dogma 95% of the time.

>> No.15803262

This, the vaccine protects you from getting the virus but it doesn't stop you from getting it from other people

>> No.15803272


>> No.15803677 [DELETED] 
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>the horse meme

>> No.15804194

The vaccine doesn't protect you from harm or keep you from getting the virus, it only stops you from being able to spread it. That's why your selfish refusal to get vaccinated harmed your family while you were most unaffected.

>> No.15804201


>> No.15804948
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>> No.15805236

you sure about that pal?

>> No.15805239

why do the countries with highest vax compliance also have lowest excess deaths then?

>> No.15805240

brilliant. you keep taking your boosters and ill keep giving you covid

>> No.15805803

>it only stops you from being able to spread it
Your propaganda hasn't been updated for ~2 years. LMAO.

>> No.15805824

>female scientist
that's how you know it's fake

>> No.15806689

jewish ones are just as implausible. cripplecocks are very effeminate.

>> No.15807732 [DELETED] 


>> No.15808340 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15808380

governments and "health" agencies want you sick and uninformed

>> No.15809119
File: 30 KB, 300x289, coin-cidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>666 gaoxin east lake rd wuhan china

https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020060606 "world order 2020 666"


covid spelled backwards is divoc or dybbuk in hebrew which means demonic possession.
c(3)o(15)r(18)o(15)n(14)a(1)=66 and there are 6 letters in corona

how is this a coincidence? hang this nigger

>> No.15809369 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 1024x1022, Western Health Ministers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15809547

Because it's flu season.

>> No.15809553

Gov and health agencies are run by people. People that have done illegal things and people that have profited off of your sickness and death of the loved ones.

>> No.15810128 [DELETED] 

it was the soiyence prize

>> No.15810291
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>> No.15810406

Fun fact. In the majority of countries measured the average age of a COVID fatality is HIGHER than the average age of death in that country. That's the joke.

>> No.15810415
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picrel from the inevitable brain-dead ScienceTM retard who sees and who can't do their own research.

>> No.15811279

conservatives were wrong to reject masks because soon there will cctv on every corner and you will wish it was acceptable to wear a bandana. conservatives fucked it all up because they were short sighted. rare occurrence.

>> No.15811345

you cant bypass facial recognition by wearing a mask, numbnuts. this isnt the 90s

>> No.15811649

Says who? A jury of my peers? If a jury of my peers can't say beyond reasonable doubt who I am while wearing a mask, then I can indeed bypass facial recognition.

>> No.15812830


Are you a literal braindead?

>> No.15812850 [DELETED] 

>it thinks the courts are honest and fair and work like they do as depicted on television

>> No.15812858

This. It's why the Jan 6th rioters got fucked. They were too stupid to wear masks so they were easy to identify

>> No.15812907

Masks reduce rate of transmission.

>> No.15813333

Zero supporting evidence. The CDC's own paper that was published to support Mask mandates were full of holes that doesn't stand any level of scrutiny.


>> No.15813335

Uh huh, the virus that's so small it passes right through cloth and paper like it's nothing is stopped with masks. I would agree if it were N95 masks, but you'd have to replace them all the time to be properly effective. And if every person in the country used those in 2020 it would have caused more issues supplying them to people that really need them. The real answer: if you are so scared of getting covid you insist everyone else protect YOU then you can stay your ass home. Let the normal people continue to live their lives.

>> No.15814602 [DELETED] 

>of a nonexistent virus

>> No.15815505 [DELETED] 
File: 249 KB, 1069x1334, CDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CDC lies about everything, if they say anything, believing the opposite should be your primary default

>> No.15816272 [DELETED] 

Hiding their faces out of shame

>> No.15817178 [DELETED] 

CDC is a government propaganda outlet, not a reliable source of honest information

>> No.15817793

The CDC's current Director is Mandy Cohen

>> No.15818883 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15819945

hmmmm, cohen

>> No.15819964


>> No.15820926 [DELETED] 

>it thinks the courts work as depicted on tv and in the movies

>> No.15820952

it's all optics in memetic warfare

>> No.15820966

I'm sure the inventor of airbags also uses a seatbelt.

>> No.15821795

it always makes it more difficult and introduces more obfuscation possibilities, pessimistic sissy

>> No.15822137 [DELETED] 

>I fantasize about committing violent crimes
you're just a common pussy with emotional problems and violent fantasies that you'll never carry out.

>> No.15822204

Vaporub > all your vax/mask shit

>> No.15822434

>why do the people receiving the prize need to wear masks
Ritual performance. Why do fast food workers need to wear uniforms?

>> No.15823729

violent revenge fantasies are a common coping mechanism for immature powerless children and developmentally delayed adults and especially for women

>> No.15823742

The amount of anti maskers in here... is /sci/ just a hangout for pseudo intellectuals from /pol/?

>> No.15823746

Being against masking is the scientifically validated position.

>> No.15824471 [DELETED] 

masks are a known instigator in pneumonia, anyone who wears one is asking for trouble

>> No.15825743
File: 83 KB, 720x514, leG4LrrwbDif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does a nonfunctional vaccine even win a Nobel prize?

>> No.15826294

Same way the HPV vaccine won one, the people making money on the vaccine paid off the people who select the prize winners

>> No.15827515
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>> No.15828933
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>> No.15830270

>it only stops you from being able to spread it
explain how that works

>> No.15831142

Here is a fine example of one of the many, many instances of leftist political discussion which never ever seems to merit screeching about /pol/, which is just goes to prove that the people who screech about don't do so because they dislike political discussion on /sci/ but because they see screeching about /pol/ as a way to shut down their political enemies.
what they dislike isn't political discussion, its seeing opposing viewpoints that triggers them.

>> No.15832149
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>> No.15832383

Someone in my household had/has covid and I went to fairly significant lengths to keep my distance from them (as much as is possible within reason when you live in the same house, and ignoring the fact that they were probably infectious well before symptoms showed up).
I've caught it anyway, but my case seems to be significantly milder than theirs.

Could this be partly explained by the "viral load" theory (symptom severity being dependent on how much of the virus you initially breathed in)?

If so, does that only make a difference on initial exposure and becomes irrelevant once symptoms show up? Or does it make sense for someone with a mild case of covid to continue avoiding people with a worse case until both have recovered?