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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 452 KB, 402x536, F6VjZ31bcAA5VkX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15754416 No.15754416 [Reply] [Original]

We Will Never Desert You - edition

previous >>15750932

>> No.15754423
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First for real American hero

>> No.15754433
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I thought the point of SRBs was to be cheap. Why do they clock in with such high prices

>> No.15754439
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>> No.15754447

> srbs supposed to be cheap
You lose the savings Many Times Over on all the safety equipment bullshit needed to make sure you don't kill 500 workers and go bankrupt from workers comp.

also you have to build 20 to launch one otherwise you have no idea what the safety factors of anyshit are

>> No.15754448

difficult to manufacture
dangerous to manufacture
more difficult to test and characterize a consistent enough engine for use in rocketry
expensive and restricted chemicals needed (hypergolic rockets have this issue as well)
liquid oxygen is so cheap it's practically free, and hydrogen/methane are low-cost too

>> No.15754450

>nasa pays more for one srb than musk pays for a falcon 9
thats what happens when you're spending other people's money

>> No.15754453


>> No.15754457

also: transportation, handling, and integration are much more expensive because they aren't just empty metal tubes like LRBs

most of the SRB use is driven by governments wanting to keep the SRB industry healthy because the same industry makes their ICBMs. That's the one and only area where solids have any kind of advantage, the essentially zero-maintenance multi-decade shelf life; but because of that, fleet replacements don't happen often enough to keep the industry alive on their own

>> No.15754464
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south african*

There are no real american heroes, it's immigrants all the way down.

>> No.15754490
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The point of SRB is
-thrust, particularly with hydromeme first stages
-no fueling involved
-overlap with military procurement leading to healthy industry demand

Liquid boosters are superior in payload and vibration but require more infrastructure.

At this point if there was an American liquid fueled booster it would probably have to use BE-4 engines.

>> No.15754503

>~~immigrants~~ """disadvantaged proles"""

>> No.15754528

By this logic, there are no real homo sapien heroes, either. It's *insert hominid here* all the way down.

>> No.15754532
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>we have to waste dozens of billions for mtf black transbian women to go to the moon or whatever
meritocracy is why spacex is succeeding right now. look what astra gets for prioritizing blm over actual results, delisting. nasa has been slowly decaying because of their need to play politics as a government agency, and unlike astra they get an eternal gravy train from tax payers for mediocrity. what a sick joke of a world

>> No.15754655

late night sfg sure gets slow

>> No.15754657

those are the liquid engines idiot, the SRBs for SLS are likely well over half a billion dollars per flight, and they're enlarged for Block 2

>> No.15754663

some musk for your nighttime slumber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFK9rblm69E

>> No.15754664

>crawler transporter
>river rocks
>insane water deluge system
>integration taking multiple weeks
SRBs require more infra than LRBs when you expand your view beyond literally just the quick disconnects on the pad, even the lack of need for fueling isn't an advantage because they're absurdly retardedly heavy as a result

The entire unfuelled SLS minus SRBs weighs less than 20% of just one of the SRBs on its own. NASA unironically actually needs the river rock bullshit, purely because of how heavy they are.

>> No.15754670

Not to mention having to repair the mobile launcher every time because the booster exhaust is not good for the structure

>> No.15754673

Rocket Lab 'We Will Never Desert You' Launch

>> No.15754678

>Hold + Ria not live
I'm going to sleep and watch with Ria tomorrow.

>> No.15754687

its a shame the chinks aren't retarded, imagine what they could do with their bottomless mountain of money if they were white given that their government doesn't care even slightly about sjw stupidity

>> No.15754699

page 1 is always such cancer
if only there was a way to post a reply without bumping the thread

>> No.15754703

Retards will forget to sage every post so no point even trying.

>> No.15754709

Meant for >>15754699

>> No.15754710

Rocket Lab's "We Will Never Desert You" launch looks like it failed at second stage ignition. Telemetry was lost immediately at engine start.

>> No.15754713

>anomaly during staging
It's over for RLcels

>> No.15754714

Launch coverage concluded. Loss of mission.

>> No.15754715

>we will never desert you
>2nd stage deserts them

>> No.15754721

Who posted that photo last thread of the dude working on the second stage >>15753128


>> No.15754722

I like RocketLab but their fans are so annoying lol

>> No.15754723

Oof, they haven't had a mission failure in a while

>> No.15754726

Rip Neutron (shares going down)

>> No.15754731

Why is Astra stock a few $$$ now? They were at less than a dollar a month ago

>> No.15754735

Man, all four of electron’s failures have been due to upper stage issues. Wild.

>> No.15754736

Reverse stock split

>> No.15754737
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>> No.15754740

They weren't going to try for recovery on this one right? So loss of telemetry means it exploded

>> No.15754745

Nah telemetry stayed but video feed cut as soon as the engine ignited. Perhaps it did blow up but something survived and transmitted telemetry.

>> No.15754759

Rocket lab is nipping at SpaceX heels. Invest now!

>> No.15754762

Transporterbros…we won

>> No.15754769

I think there will be some interesting developments that come out of their industrial spies at SpaceX. Chinks as a whole are retarded soulless bugpeople (much like the average corn syrup fed American), but just by having such a huge population they have a lot of really excellent individuals. Once starship is proven and the CCP realises the value of it then they will have a crash project to build a competitor and have the world's biggest spaceport inside ~5 years, maybe less. No FAA bullshit and government red tape, it will get brute forced through with unlimited funding.

>> No.15754774


will you people shut up about the chinks? America already had a much cooler competitor but they imploded in 1991

>> No.15754778

You're right, SpaceX should be the only one doing reusable rockets so that they get relentlessly cucked by a single government before the country hosting them collapses into a shitshow.

>> No.15754794

Don't forget all maiden flight 2nd stage failures from earlier this year

>> No.15754797

Maybe it's better to wait for transporter missions, at least you know it will get to orbit.

>> No.15754803

wasn't there a transporter mission that lost a bunch of cubesats due to issues on the part that holds them?

>> No.15754852

why is booster has methane fuel if it never leaves earth and doesnt need to be refueled on mars? kerosene is just better for booster, right?

>> No.15754858
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Here is a hint. Boosters are painted white.

>> No.15754861

kerosene works for f9 boosters, and superheavy isnt painted

>> No.15754869
File: 1.62 MB, 352x288, crover.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sea was held. At the conference, Zhang Chongfeng, Deputy Chief Designer of China's Lunar Exploration Lander, shared the feasibility of using lunar lava tube caves for the construction of subsequent lunar research stations.
Compared with the Earth, the Moon has almost no atmosphere, which brings huge temperature difference between day and night, high intensity cosmic radiation, and impacts of micrometeorites, all of which pose safety risks for human beings to establish a long-term scientific research base on the surface of the Moon, said Zhang. The inside of a melt hole provides a huge space, and compared with the extreme environment of high and low temperatures on the surface of the Moon, the inside of a melt hole is relatively constant in temperature, which naturally provides protection against radiation, meteorite impacts and moon dust.
Exploration of lunar melting holes will be the first time that mankind enters the underground space of an extraterrestrial body, and will have to face challenges such as "passage through and access to extreme terrains", "navigation and detection in dark environments", "communication and energy support inside the melting holes", etc. "The team of Zhang Chongfeng focused on the screening of static and dynamic space. Zhang Chongfeng's team has selected two lunar melting holes, Jinghai and Zhongfenghai, as the main exploration targets, and is carrying out the design of the exploration programme.


funny rover

>> No.15754873
File: 527 KB, 1280x592, Electron yeet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Rocketlab suck so much with their second stage? This is like the third flight in as many years lost to it

>> No.15754874

It doesn't work as well as it should. The goal was reuse in 24h. Fastest booster turnaround is around a month.

>> No.15754876
File: 563 KB, 640x480, Delta II GPS IIR-1 Launch, January 17, 1997.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SRB bros...??!??!

>> No.15754877

Quite a lightshow. What was the cause of that RUD?

>> No.15754879

>The launch occurred at 16:28:01 UTC, on 17 January 1997. Thirteen seconds later, the rocket's flight termination system was activated by its onboard computer. This detonated explosive charges aboard the rocket, causing it to explode. At the time of explosion, the rocket was 490 m (1,610 ft) above the launch complex.

>> No.15754880

Electron pulled off a landing?

>> No.15754882

Alright but WHY was the FTS activated?

>> No.15754892

>Hello my baby, hello my honey!

>> No.15754894


>> No.15754899

One of the SRBs didn't ignite properly, and the FTS was triggered by breakwires when the motor case ruptured.

>> No.15754913
File: 248 KB, 574x669, PaywallForElonMusk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all users of Twitter could go behind a paywall

>> No.15754916

Whatever it takes to get us to Mars

>> No.15754917

Fuck yes, finally he's being serious about killing that garbage platform.
I can't wait for my japanese artists move back to pixiv.

>> No.15754927

I guess i'll never see ift 2

>> No.15754929

Yeah same. No way I'm shilling out money to watch some streams

>> No.15754934

/sfg/ will defend this because he landed rockets

>> No.15754937

Does this now set precedent for NSF to paywall their own coverage?

>> No.15754938

I will defend it because twitter needs to die asap

>> No.15754939

I'll defend it because Twatter is a disease and paywall is the cure.

>> No.15754940

probably not as they have a lot of streaming competitors. But this will earn them more money undoubtedly

>> No.15754944

That's because it's mostly butt-blasted yuros seething at murricans because eesa can't get erected. And a few vatniks too.

>> No.15754947

We are all waiting for wagies to finish their papers anyway.

>> No.15754957

I'll defend it because im a musk sycophant

>> No.15754963

Is he retarded, if there's money to be made paywall won't stop bots.

>> No.15754973
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Yes, I will.
X (formerly known as Twitter) is where all the billionaires and government officials hang out to deliver their announcements and where the public gets to roast them directly for it.
If you want to hang out with other poor people, Facebook and Reddit are free.
Most users are net negative since more users = more servers
unless you sell the private data like or receive funding to engineer public opinions by shady methods
A paywall will filter out most Pajeets and bots (same thing really), which don't have any value whatsoever as far as user data goes.

>> No.15754975

Yeah I was thinking in some situation paywalls may even benefit bots. Like people usually browse site without paying, but if someone is already running bots for commercial purposes it would make sense to also invest some money into breaching the paywall. Ultimately I think the way to beat bots is to require some ID verification when signing up to sites.

>> No.15754989

Unironically true. Musk will prove all the retards wrong yet again
>Y-you can't just charge for a product or service!!
He can
>N-no one will buy it!!
They will, and X will obliterate Facebook and Reddit market cap

>> No.15754994

I don't know about that, but I support any method or action that filters midwits and retards from the internet public forum.

>> No.15755001

actually a good point
but I'm still kind of on the fence about this, having even a very minor paywall (lets say something like a dollar per month) will deter a lot of people because they don't want the hassle
the unique stuff twitter offers might make it work though

>> No.15755006

Fake news. Musk is just saying $2 verification for now accessibility. Not removing free service. Yellow journalism is anywhere around Musk and his companies

>> No.15755009
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apparently that is a misinterpretation

>> No.15755011

Then don't make people pay to read, just to post.

>> No.15755014
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>> No.15755016

they kind of already do, if you don't have x premium you have much lower reach

>> No.15755021


>> No.15755024

>really the single most important reason that we're moving to having a small monthly payment for use of the x system
That's not fake news. That's Musk verbatim. If he misspoke he can blame himself.

>> No.15755027

Maybe Musk should speak clearly because news sites are just quoting him

>> No.15755033

Journey collectively catering themselves isn't myself problem

>> No.15755036

>a payment system was the only way to counter bots
Oh yes, because there no blue check scam-bots currently.
Nice of Netanyahu to tell him how to extract more shekels from the goyim.

>> No.15755042
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It's over :(

>> No.15755046

People used to pay hard money to newspapers in the gilded age that would make up fake stories to hold people’s interest.
Paying for twitter is nothing.
Eventually, having your company funded solely through adware and data harvesting will be seen as unfashionable.
Most streaming sites already have no ads, so we’re basically already there.

>> No.15755049

How many fail is that for Rocket Labs? I seem to remember that they had few failures just last year

>> No.15755052
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>> No.15755056
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pic is the whole thign

>> No.15755081

why are second stages so hard? yea the conditions are different from what you get with ground testing, but I swear the ratio for 2nd stage failures vs first stage failures has to be something like 3:1, even ESA had 2nd stage issues with Vega C and they actually have ground testing facilities to simulate altitude properly

>> No.15755086

Was rocketlab flying any reused engines on this one?

>> No.15755093

>why are second stages so hard?
Your last hardline connection to the stage ended somewhere between two and three minutes ago. You've put it through flight loads that go up to 5+ Gs. All of your engine start hardware is on a stage whose performance capabilities drop in direct proportion with the stage's mass. Earth's gravity is not there to provide free propellant settling. There's just a lot of stuff that you can't take for granted with second stages, and this is by no means an exhaustive list.

>> No.15755096
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buy the dip

>> No.15755098

You can scroob a first stage, but you only get one shot at firing the second stage.

>> No.15755105
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>> No.15755106
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>> No.15755107 [DELETED] 
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The earth is flat and stationary with a dome. They are never ever leaving this enclosed plane alive, and neither are you sciencegoys.
CGI is all you get in this life and if you are vaxxed, I know many of you here are well boosted, then the Mars landings will be livestreamed straight into your vaxxed brain.
Also with the latest Neurolink brain processor you'll be able to watch multiple landings at the same time, with the same bitrate and no loss in quality experience.

>> No.15755108
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>> No.15755111
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>> No.15755112

it's over

>> No.15755113
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>> No.15755114
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its going to be a long wait

>> No.15755116
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>> No.15755117
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>> No.15755119
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> - Kenya’s President Ruto visited SpaceX’s Headquarter in Hawthorn on Saturday. During his visit, Ruto implored SpaceX to work towards reducing the cost of Starlink access in Kenya and across Africa. He further called for a collaboration with Starlink’s authorized dealer in Kenya, Karibu Connect, to ensure a more connected and innovative future.

>> No.15755121
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> - Mie Torp Hansen shared the story of a village of Ranvetlam on Ambrym in Vanuatu using SpaceX Starlink an online-only boarding school for the island's children and those from neighboring islands. Per Mie, “I am incredibly excited to witness what the future holds for these remote corners of the world.” Pics in the thread.

>> No.15755122
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>> No.15755124
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>> No.15755125

It's not even screwed to that plywood platform, it's gonna blow off if there's even the slightest breeze. You would think they could have brought a metal pole and a hammer along with the satellite communication terminal.

>> No.15755126

I think I can see one nail but yeah that doesn't look very stable

>> No.15755127
File: 8 KB, 261x217, 1631524951735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of giving a satellite service to people who live in straw huts?

>> No.15755130

muh education or something, but realistically it's just for porn.

>> No.15755131

It's kinda nuts that you can trek through the sub Saharan Africa, though jungles and shit, travelling to distant lands, entering the hut of the local shaman and you can ask him to borrow a phone charger.

>> No.15755132

you can enjoy their shitposts too

>> No.15755134

Uncle ted absolutely rolling in his grave kek
Sentinelese will have fiber optic and a space program before the century is out

>> No.15755149
File: 38 KB, 1200x690, electron-acadia2-1200x690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of Electron failure news
> Electron fails during Capella Space launch
> Live video from the second stage, though, was lost right after separation, when the single Rutherford engine ignited. Telemetry displayed on the webcast for several seconds after stage separation showed the vehicle’s velocity decreasing, suggesting the engine had malfunctioned in some way.
> “Following lift-off from Launch Complex 1, the rocket successfully completed a first stage burn and stage separation as planned, before an issue was experienced at around T+ 2 minutes and 30 seconds into flight, resulting in the end of the mission,” Rocket Lab said in a statement after the failure. The company did not disclose additional details about the issue.
> The failure is the third for the Electron in a little more than three years, with the previous two involving problems with the upper stage. An Electron in July 2020 failed to reach orbit when the upper-stage engine shut down prematurely, which the company blamed on a faulty electrical connection. Another Electron launch in May 2021 failed when the upper-stage engine shut down seconds after ignition. Rocket Lab said that failure was caused by problems with an igniter that corrupted signals used for the stage’s thrust vector control system, causing the engine to shut down.
> Rocket Lab suffers anomaly during launch, Earth-observation satellite lost
> The Sept. 19 launch, Rocket Lab's ninth of the year, did not go well.
> Rocket Lab stock drops 20% after first satellite launch failure in over two years
> Shares of Rocket Lab fell as much as 26% in premarket trading from its previous close at $5.04. The stock was up 34% for the year as of Monday’s close.

>> No.15755151

Now draw it as a sad rocket girl

>> No.15755152
File: 338 KB, 1829x1366, 61D31E5E-E39A-4847-B07D-9B223FDF2C35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone recommend a good program for opening images for windows? Has to be open source

>> No.15755157
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Article about the SpaceX monopoly question

> SpaceX launches a debate on monopolies
> “Having such a dominant launch service provider is probably not healthy in general for the commercial prospects of the industry,” said Vikram Nidamaluri, managing director of the telecom, media, and entertainment group at investment banking firm Lazard, during one of the first panels at the conference last Monday. “No one wants a monopoly choking off one point of the value chain.”
> One major constellation company that has—so far—avoided working with SpaceX is Amazon, which is developing the 3,236-satellite Project Kuiper system. Nearly a year and a half ago, it announced contracts for up to 83 launches with Arianespace, Blue Origin, and United Launch Alliance (see “A megaconstellation megadeal”, The Space Review, April 11, 2022).
> The problem for Amazon is that none of the vehicles it signed contracts for, the Ariane 6, New Glenn, and Vulcan Centaur, have yet to fly. All three were once slated to begin launches in 2020, but have suffered years of development delays.
> Amazon may be satisfied with those answers—a Kuiper official speaking at the conference later in the week expressed no reservations about meeting the FCC deadlines—but others are not. Last month, an Amazon shareholder, the Cleveland Bakers and Teamsters Pension Fund, filed suit against Amazon’s board of directors, alleging they failed to do proper due diligence when approving those multibillion-dollar launch contracts.
> The suit illustrated that with tweets from Musk over the years taunting Bezos. After all, one can be both a genius and a jerk.

>> No.15755159
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>> No.15755160

There’s a huge difference between a monopoly who strong-arms their way to sole providablility with greedy tactics, and a “monopoly” that exists simply because they are the only ones with working hardware while everyone else is sitting on their asses. SpaceX doesn’t have to apologize for jack shit. Maybe everyone else can get Vulcan, New Glenn, Ariane 6, commercial Space Launch System, and Neutron working and then they can complain. But until then they can all shut the fuck up and go finish their rockets

>> No.15755161

3 failures out of a total 41 launches; that's an under 10% failure rate so Neutron is still better than Proton

>> No.15755168

The pendulum went from “this Musk guy is a buffoon, who the fuck reuses rockets” to “AHHHH SAVE ME MR GOOBERMENT THEY ARE STEALING ALL THE CLIENTS” reeeeeal fucking quick. Like, the difference between seven years ago and the present is night and day

>> No.15755173

Any sufficiently advanced foreigner is indistinguishable from an American.

>> No.15755175
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>> No.15755178

ULA admitted they are a good launch provider which automatically mean SpaceX is not a monopoly

>> No.15755181

>superheavy isnt painted
low IQ moment

>> No.15755182

pretty bizarre to know that all this is made out of kitchen fork/spoon material

>> No.15755184

>to work towards reducing the cost of Starlink access in Kenya
That's a good thing, it could help reduce their birth rate if everyone gets hooked on internets.

>> No.15755189

>no flat surface anywhere to put it on
It's like straight outta WoW toon land.

>> No.15755192

"I support any method or action that filters midwits and retards from the internet public forum," he wrote in a post on 4chan.

>> No.15755199

Are you a monopoly when everyone else is tripping over their toes?
Are you a monopoly when a big customer like Amazon Kuiper can avoid using you? (or at least try to, while everybody else flails to get their shit together)

>> No.15755202

ubuntu + chromium

>> No.15755209
File: 36 KB, 340x267, otrag plateau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do a lot with wooden huts, anon.

>> No.15755214
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Russia plans to build a ground tracking facility north of the Arctic Circle in the Republic of Sakha to support the assembly of the post-#ISS space station in near-polar orbit.

>> No.15755218

>19th century psyop laws comes back to haunt your descendants
Remember kids to never fuck with communism even as a joke

>> No.15755219
File: 766 KB, 854x480, Russian Orbital Station, ROS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian Orbital Station (ROS) concept

>> No.15755225

It'll give them access to the broader local, regional and global economy as well as more equitable access to otherwise distant educational resources, resulting in their future children not living in straw huts where running water and basic sanitation are but a legend.

That's the idea anyway.

>> No.15755228

This is a joke right? Looks like back to the Salyut era.

>> No.15755233
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oh nyet nyet nyet
And where's the bit where it throoosts wildly at the end? Roosky rockets just love to throost.

>> No.15755239
File: 575 KB, 725x712, BRICStation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is... Russia welcomes members of the BRICS to its next generation space station

>> No.15755250
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Hello white devils! My name is !Muongobongo, and I am a 5th grade student in my village of OogaBoogaDoogaLooga, Kenya! I have for the first time, Starlink Internet from Elon Musk SpaceX! How are you?

>> No.15755258

Those conflict diamonds aren't going to mine themselves, chop chop kid

>> No.15755276
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space photo

>> No.15755277
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>> No.15755285

Oh yeah, it's all coming together

>> No.15755291

Kenya suck on deez nuts lmao

>> No.15755297

You'd think they'd have figured it out with the rest of humanity thousands of years ago. Do people actually think a few magical internet boxes will fix them?

>> No.15755320


>> No.15755321

getting uncomfortably close to the insurance tipping point

>> No.15755325
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Nowadays people say the moon landings were faked, 100 eyars from now people will say the space shuttle was fake. It's such a surreal and insanely cool looking vehicle. Such a shame it was too expensive and reusability didnt work.

>> No.15755364

India and China probably don’t give a shit lol. Brazil maybe? I doubt they will care in the end. South Africa might send up a few astronauts on Soyuz but let’s be honest, nothing will come out of this and Russia will take 20 years if not more to build up what is basically a shitstation fifty years removed in capability

>> No.15755369
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> this is definitely some of the maniacal urgency magic that made spacex work

>> No.15755370
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>> No.15755388
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okay hue

>> No.15755402

Could varda just land the capsule in Australia?

>> No.15755407

russia needs to expand their space collaboration. it's the only way their human spaceflight program will remain relevant. sign more countries up for a soyuz trip to the iss. work on getting russians to the chinese station. work on a new iss with countries like india, turkey, iran, brazil, etc. it doesnt even have to be a big space station, it could be a handful of modules.

>> No.15755409

Get in trouble for bypassing FAA probably

>> No.15755414

india is trying to build their own space station, but its been super slow going. maybe collabing with russia would speed things up.

>> No.15755467

>Shut the fuck up Mueller learn the art of the deal!

>> No.15755469
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Mount Thor has the highest vertical cliff on Earth, almost 1 kilometer. Are there any bigger vertical cliffs in the rest of the solar system

>> No.15755470
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Article about the health hazards of space and how to mitigate them, Tracy Dyson going to space with Soyuz in 2024, Arianespace launching narrowband Internet-of-Things satellite with Vega
> How scientists are mitigating space travel’s risks to the human body
> Spending time in space comes with different health hazards.
> Space radiation, Gravitational changes, Mental health and isolation
> NASA astronaut assigned to International Space Station mission with Russia, Belarus
> NASA astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson will make her third trip to orbit aboard a Russian spacecraft in 2024, joining previously announced Russian and Belarussian crew members.
> NB-IoT provider OQ Technology moves to next Arianespace Vega mission
> TAMPA, Fla. — Launches for OQ Technology’s narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) constellation are set to resume Oct. 4 after Arianespace moved the Luxembourg venture to its next Vega mission, instead of an upgraded version of the rocket that failed last year.
> Arianespace had planned to launch OQ Technology’s European Space Agency-backed MACSAT (MAChine SATellite) in March on a Vega C, which has not flown since a second-stage malfunction during a December 2022 launch that destroyed two Pléiades Neo imaging satellites.
> Alongside other startups, established satellite operators including EchoStar and SpaceX are also seeking to grow market share in the fledgling market for connecting Internet of Things devices from space.

>> No.15755475
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Make a spinhab.
There, I solved your problem.

>> No.15755487

>almost 1 kilometer
Wow, it's hard to imagine that would fit inside Starship's fairing!

>> No.15755490

Probably. Earth gravity limits how high mountains and cliffs can go.

>> No.15755491
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imagine having to retroactively file an international flight plan because some of your space debris fell on the wrong dirt

>> No.15755495
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Blue Origin continues to build and expand different facilities, Startup developing autonomous space traffic coordination framework called Pathfinder 3.0, Spanish space startup developing a space tug/servicing satellite
> Blue Origin preparing for New Glenn testing at LC-36 ahead of maiden flight
> Over the past few months, Blue Origin has continued making progress towards the maiden launch of its orbital class rocket, New Glenn. The company has continued testing systems at Launch Complex 36 (LC-36), and recently submitted plans for a refurbishment facility near the Cape Canaveral Skid Strip, expanding Blue Origin’s already impressive spread of installations on the Space Coast.
> During a panel at the World Satellite Business Week, Blue Origin’s Jarrett Jones stated Blue Origin has four boosters in various stages of production, and testing is going well.
> Kayhan raises $7 million and offers autonomous traffic-coordination service
> SAN FRANCISCO –Kayhan Space raised $7 million in an extension to the spaceflight safety startup’s seed round and unveiled an autonomous space-traffic coordination framework.
> UARX Partners with Sener to Continue Development of OSSIE OTV
> OSSIE (Orbit Solutions to Simplify Injection and Exploration) is designed to be capable of performing a number of missions, including satellite delivery, debris removal, and in-orbit servicing. It will be capable of carrying PocketQubes, CubeSats, smallsats, and hosted payloads to orbit. OSSIE has a maximum payload capacity of 1,000 kilograms and will be able to service multiple orbits up to and including lunar orbits.

>> No.15755496

I bet Valley Marinaris has a bigger one

>> No.15755502

They'd have to get it cleared by the australian equivalent of the FAA

>> No.15755507
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Total Space Exploration

>> No.15755510


If it weren't for the open source qualifier I would have recommended IrfanView

>> No.15755523


>> No.15755530

"Trolling outside of /b/"
Get this man an all-inclusive vacation /sfg/.

>> No.15755541

> country hosting them collapses into a shitshow.
spacex is based in russia?

>> No.15755548
File: 11 KB, 329x141, FALCON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>former CIA and NASA director took an interest in SpaceX early on
>spaceX was a part of DARPA's FALCON global strike program
>spacex had access to US military island in the Pacific for Falcon 1 launches
>fast forward a decade NASA selects SpaceX as a part of its COTS program
>fast forward another half decade DoD selects SpaceX for military Starlink (Starshield) program
Thoughts on SpaceX being a secret military project?

>> No.15755556

All US aerospace falls into this

>> No.15755558

the twins of 4chan and reddit need more traffic

>> No.15755562
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>> No.15755567
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I'll just say it right now, ZUMA tested the feasibility of Falcon 9 to deliver a warhead.

>> No.15755571


>> No.15755574

Poor testing and design for test. Can they even run the entire engine plus batteries on the ground? The batteries are probably single use so they can't be tested at full power and the first indication they get of a defect is when it grenades on turbine spin up.

>> No.15755576


>> No.15755579

who's the twin of 4chan

>> No.15755584

Hes implying they are twins clearly a newfag who needs to go back

>> No.15755617
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>> No.15755629

>spaceX was a part of DARPA's FALCON global strike program

Hello Phaeton.

>> No.15755631

>Coleman said that, of the 63 corrective actions listed in the mishap report, 27 are linked to public safety. “So one thing that we’ll need to see before the next operation is evidence that shows that the company has closed out the corrective actions that are specifically tied to public safety,” he said.
>“We’re on a pretty good schedule,” he said, affirming comments made by the FAA’s acting administrator, Polly Trottenberg, at a conference Sept. 13, where she projected that a modified license could be ready in October. “It’ll probably set us somewhere in mid to late October for conclusion of the safety review.”
>“That piece is a little bit of a wild card,” Coleman said of that environmental review. “We’re hoping that piece will wrap up somewhere in proximity to the safety review.”


>> No.15755648
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anon told me to go here
I am playing Starfield and I wanted to know if in real life, hypothetically we had the necessary technology, if I were to slam my ship into another ship, would the crash be similar to a car crash, in that they would both be totaled? or would it get pushed out of the way.

t. retard

>> No.15755653

how is it possible for a steel tower on wheels to cost $1B?

>> No.15755654
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it would be worse than a car crash

>> No.15755657

buy specialty milled bolts that cost 10k each instead of buying some off the shelf for 10 cents

>> No.15755661

relative velocities in space travel range from a fender bender to kilometers per second.
for collisions in the former category, a car crash
for collisions in the latter category, a big explosion

>> No.15755666

usually the velocity will be much higher, when satellites crash they create thousands of different piece flying in different directions

>> No.15755669

If you're both going 10km/s but you're moving parallel to one another you'll just bounce off like bumpers in kids' bowling. If you're moving opposite directions at that speed and strike one another you both atomize on impact. Relative speed matters.

>> No.15755671

Not sure if youre joking, but that's not really possible

>> No.15755672

Yeah I was surprised as well. A steel tower with some hydraulic pieces isn't some cutting edge tech. Costs estimates should be accurate.

>> No.15755675

At single digit km/s collision, metal act like fluids during collision, you just turn into dust.
After you just vaporises.

>> No.15755678

>ars will write an article about some guy 7 years ago saying that starlink will have 20 million subscribers
>ars wont write a story about starlink's new reflective coating which will make them almost invisible
when is berger leaving that shithole again?

>> No.15755691

That's less than half a percent of Starlink satellites. There is still time to write an article about it.

>> No.15755696

The tower is maybe 3% of the cost. The crawler is the bitch.

>> No.15755702

nobody gives a shit about starlink light pollution anymore because they never saw the satellites to begin with and it was never a real problem, just misleading headlines from the Bezos Post intended to make people think they were going to be visible to the naked eye. And even with the legitimate claims of interference in astronomy, in comparison to the obvious, unambiguous good that connecting rural communities and disaster zones does, it feels stupid and petty.

>> No.15755704

Coincidences lmao

1) They took an interest because Musk drove a fucking rocket down and he hired few fomer nasa officials to hunt down the Russian rocket sale
2) For few hundred grands in funding, nothing burger now but it was merely a funding round for early SpaceX days
3) The Island for launching F1 was because air force wouldnt allow them to launch from Cape due to national security launch
4) They had to sue NASA to be allowed to compete, otherwise it would have gone to Kistler or some other shit
5) Starshield is bourne because Starlink is a civilian project and military wanted use of it, Starshile is the alternative

>> No.15755705

i saw them, but that's only because i was on the look out. most people never look up into the night sky.

>> No.15755708

And the roggs.

>> No.15755710

How? Buy four 3000t chassis from Liebherr for $15M each, link them in software, and call it a day.

>> No.15755718
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The point of SRBs is to be shelf stable and increase the thrust to weight ratio of ICBMs so that enemy early warning systems have lower reaction times.

Launchers sometimes use them because the government, for better or worse, tends to see high tech national industries holistically rather than the individual sticker costs.

>> No.15755727

>Governments buying and modifying off the shelf stuff

>> No.15755730

nooo you can't just use off the shelf solutions for our rocket

>> No.15755732

I have no doubts Elon has been involved with secret government agencies from the start

>> No.15755752

Back when falcon 1 almost failed, Elon managed to somehow pull some strings and get the USAF to transport the rocket from a repair shop to the launch site in a C-17.

I might be misremembering the story but it's something like that, so it would not suprise me if Elon has lots of connections in the DC think tank/ national security state milleu.

>> No.15755755

All news sites use click bait headlines. It's the business model. Doesn't matter if he spoke clearly.

>> No.15755756

NASA OIG has to be one of the most soul crushing jobs in existence; I bet working in a meat packaging plant is less damaging to the psyche

>> No.15755758

Change orders. Lots and lots of change orders.

Artemis I wrecked ML1 and they panicked because it meant that not only did they fail to account for the SRBs in ML1, ML2 is going to have the "better" SRBs wrecking it even harder. One billion dollars is a conservative estimate for the amount of testing, verification and engineering work making the tower safe for Block 2 is going to entail. EUS is set in stone so it's not like they have a "requirements changed" issue like they did with ML1, but this is essentially a new launch structure for a new rocket.

>> No.15755759
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>> No.15755761

I guaran-fucking-tee there will either be an ML3, or, no Block 2 SLS; but ML2 will NEVER launch a Block 2.

>> No.15755762
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Could you use the starship like a bomber? IE put a big payload bus onto an intercontinental suborbital trajectory and then re-enter? ideally without passing over the target.

Iirc this was something the Soviets were paranoid about regarding the space shuttle, especially with it's retarded cross range requirements for single orbit missions, but it seems a lot more feasible with starship's hypothetical lower costs.

>> No.15755766
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It's not that easy in tower-ry

>> No.15755771

bet this thing only cost like 150$ million

>> No.15755776

It would be of limited use. Plane changes are so expensive that everyone within five degrees of its launch inclination would be ready for it.

>> No.15755785

People grossly underestimate how much engineering work goes into creating something. The tooling, the workers, other associated and unexpected costs

>> No.15755788
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>> No.15755794
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$175 for this one and it's like 400ft tall.

>> No.15755799

The OIG's June 2022 report highlights how fundamental the changes are for Block 1B. The new rocket is 40 feet taller, (requiring two completely new umbilical arms and relocating others) and they're worried that high winds will tip the whole thing over. That being an issue is also something that came up with Artemis I, specifically because they had a limited number of times they could move it to the VAB and back.

>> No.15755816

That's not aerospace grade (i.e. the materials and parts used in construction are not sourced from all 50 states)

>> No.15755820

>it seems a lot more feasible with starship's hypothetical lower costs
hypothetical being the key word. We will have to see how starship pans out. It may have faster turnaround time than the shuttle, but it's way larger and will probably cost more to construct than a shuttle launch stack all else being equal.

>> No.15755824

There's something deeply kino about the thought some rovers headlight shining into a billion+ y/o cave that's never known light. What do you think they find?

>> No.15755831

Moon cavemen

>> No.15755834
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The military wishes. They're very lucky SpaceX happened to them.

>> No.15755837

Verona Rupes, on Miranda, a moon of Uranus, is 20km high, though I'm not sure how vertical it is.

As far as I know, there's basically no large vertical cliffs on Mars (you can search here for example https://murray-lab.caltech.edu/CTX/V01/SceneView/MurrayLabCTXmosaic.html)), the steepest slope I can find are ~50% in calderas
Not a rogg scientist, but I think that's because there have been no serious geological activity on Mars for a long time, but some weathering continued for billions of years. Or maybe the data isn't precise enough and this smooths the results.

>> No.15755838

We'll find out when SLIM makes it to the moon, since it's putting a rover into a lava tube

>> No.15755849
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Neuralink human trials about to start

>> No.15755856

> will probably cost more to construct than a shuttle launch stack
no it fucking won't, nowhere close

>> No.15755859

photophobic roggs (they’re shy!)

>> No.15755860

I really do hope it works out and helps people

>> No.15755863
File: 272 KB, 1x1, PRIME-Study-Brochure.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15755864

>sauce: my ass

>> No.15755871


>> No.15755872

>even ESA had 2nd stage issues with Vega C and they actually have ground testing facilities to simulate altitude properly
They can test a second stage in their facility but they can't test the flight article because the solid rocket motor burns itself up with every flight. This means they have to quantify each aspect of the second stage to catch issues by inspection without firing the rocket. In this case, they learned something about the carbon-carbon nozzle insert.
> The erosion of the insert, he said, was linked to higher porosity of the carbon-carbon material, confirmed in other testing of the material but not detected earlier. “The acceptance criteria established for this material were not able to detect such a weakness,” he said.

>> No.15755874

how do you know?
before you answer I said all else being equal, so in a world where NASA didnt have retarded massive costs asociated with doing anything. Shuttle is a smaller vehicle with a tiny fraction the number of engines and uses the same complex and fragile heat shield as starship.

>> No.15755876

as soon as liebherr hears about the offer from a gov entity the price goes up 4x at minimum.

>> No.15755877

at least 1 truss has to come from every state

>> No.15755881

see >>15755874
explain to me why starship will be cheaper after reading those facts

>> No.15755883

What does it mean for a light source to be X Watt/(m^2)? And what are the implications if that light is an UV light? I’ve been looking through the internet but i don’t see anything in the specifications. it’s my first time working with lights and I’m at a loss

>> No.15755888

there's too many cranes around for them to be able to do that

>> No.15755891

you can't just say all else being equal, where do you stop?
shuttles heat shield is more complex than Starships, the engines cost way more than raptors, you have the external tank and solid rocket boosters
the starship stack is just welded steel

>> No.15755893
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>> No.15755895

the more watts of light there is per unit are the brighter it is. Perhaps if you could be more specific we could help you. And it it's UV lighter the more watts/m^2 the faster one gets burns

>> No.15755896
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>> No.15755897

Because it's not managed by NASA.

>> No.15755902

>there's basically no large vertical cliffs on Mars

>> No.15755904

These gateways offer large upgrades for Starlink V2 as well. Bandwidth/latencies is supposed to be improved with these new ones

>> No.15755905

i can say all else being equal. Im talking about the fundamental design. I have been a hardcore spacex fan since back when they were testing the F9R. There seems to be an assumption that starship will be an order of magnitude cheaper than anything before, but we dont know that, and unless it has significantly better ease/speed of reuse than shuttle combined with a launch frequency higher than the total number of global launches it will never be cheaper for orbital flights than a normal falcon 9, and may even be more expensive than the shuttle, ignoring how much more cost efficient spacex is than nasa.

>> No.15755909

cont. Zubrin has a similar view, in 2016 when ITS was revealed he was not happy because he thought it was way too big to ever be cost effective, and he has the same view today about the smaller current starship concept, hes just quiet about it.

>> No.15755915

>we dont know it will be cheaper
It will be order of magnitude cheaper to put stuff into LEO for certain due to capability increase.

The large cost to manufacture the Starship is likely the same or even less than Falcon 9.

>> No.15755920

tinnitus fix WHEN

>> No.15755923

>It will be order of magnitude cheaper to put stuff into LEO for certain due to capability increase
why dont they use falcon 9 heavy for every leo launch?

>The large cost to manufacture the Starship is likely the same or even less than Falcon 9
how will that be the case when it has more engines, the engines are more expensive per unit?

>> No.15755925

I need to find a small UV light that is able to output 27 Watts/(m^2), my problem is that specifications don’t seem to include W/m^2, just the watts. So id like to know how to derive W/m^2 from coming given specifications so I can actually check the intensity of the UV lights I’m checking out.

>> No.15755929

Falcon Heavy requires 3 boosters, complexity costs.

Reusable Starship is a single system has 3-4X more capacity than Falcon Heavy fully expended. Not to mention much larger internal volume for larger size.

>> No.15755938

1337 Raptor engines. They've optimized their engines by cost per ton. $1000 per Ton is what they're pushing forward with. Not just cost but also various performance metrics. 250 ton x 1000= ~250K. SpaceX has been pushing this for a while. The Walter's bio book also has some with the 1337 Raptor optimizations.

>> No.15755939

Falcon 9 is limited by volume and performance. Falcon Heavy has better peformance but the same fairing volume.
Starship has much better performance and larger volume. Moreover, if you launch Starship you use only one Booster, instead of three.

>> No.15755945

>unless it has significantly better ease/speed of reuse than shuttle
Very likely. It's a far more robust design with modern equipment. The TPS and engines were the Shuttle's main issues vis-a-vis reusability, and Starship is significantly better in both respects. Engine reusability is a gimme since they have so much experience with Falcon 9 and designed Raptor accordingly. TPS is a bit of a wildcard, but the overall design is better since it sacrifices some mass margin for simplicity and sturdiness.
>combined with a launch frequency higher than the total number of global launches
Definitely an optimistic scenario, but not impossible if you consider it on a timescale of 10-20 years. In any case it will surpass Falcon 9 in pure kg to orbit essentially the instant SpaceX starts recovering them on a regular basis.

>ignoring how much more cost efficient spacex is than nasa
It's basically impossible to overstate how important this factor is

>> No.15755947

Starlink will be the biggest telecom company in every relevant metric by 2031

>> No.15755951
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Now is the time for a real question.
How will SpaceX solve this issue?

>> No.15755953
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>> No.15755961

After successful launches

>> No.15755963

27 Watts/(m^2) at what distance from the light source? Also, light source wattage is measured from power draw, not output, so there's efficiency losses to be accounted for.

>> No.15755969
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>> No.15755973


>> No.15755978

The locking actuator will be the most complicated thing to engineer, so for the first couple dozen flights it'll just be a mexican in an EVA suit strapped to the payload bay wall, and he'll be responsible for unlatching or securing the door when needed with a common tractor pin

>> No.15755988
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>Verona Rupes, on Miranda
thanks. Now that I think about it, Europa has very many cliffs and generally a very bizarre landscape. Can't wait for Europa Clipper

>> No.15755995

the watts/m^2 value depends both on how many watts the source is putting out and how far away you are from the source.
>Also, light source wattage is measured from power draw, not output, so there's efficiency losses to be accounted for.
not sure about this, I've seen light bulbs specify how many watts of light they put out

>> No.15756001
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>> No.15756003

Why the fuck is it like that

>> No.15756004

I don't like where neuralink is going

>> No.15756012
File: 105 KB, 792x742, 119_PIA01178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thin ice crust over ocean, and very geologically active

>> No.15756015
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>> No.15756019

there's really nothing nefarious about it except that its limitations are fairly clear and will require leaps in technology to pass over before we can get excited about its potential

>> No.15756020
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>> No.15756021

It’s practically next to what I’m trying to “light”. anywhere from ~0.5 to 2cm away.

>> No.15756023

ice pick

>> No.15756024
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>> No.15756027

>not sure about this, I've seen light bulbs specify how many watts of light they put out
I'd certainly believe that some more technically-oriented suppliers would list this, but with any normal commercial product I'd expect it to be a lie or linguistic marketing voodoo

>> No.15756029
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>> No.15756032

>neuralink is doing something that has been part of their roadmap for several years
>oooooohh, boy, I don't know if I like where this is going, guys
Are you mentally challenged?

>> No.15756033
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>> No.15756037

I had the chance to invest in neuralink but I passed. There are other teams doing non invasive BCI’s. I’m an Elon fan but this is a competitive space. I already got $50k into SpaceX so I’m Gucci.

>> No.15756044
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>> No.15756055

yeah some other one is trying to get into the brain through blood vessels
but you know these technologies might work in tandem as well

>> No.15756071

Just ignore it, bro.

>> No.15756074

>The study will take approximetaly 6 years to complete
fucking hell I hope they can start other trials in parallel otherwise this thing is not getting approved before 2040

>> No.15756095

>(11032AD) Archeologists have unearthed a large metal structure from the wetlands of southern Tihas, it is believed to be a helmet from an armor set dated to 2000AD, bolstering the theory that giants once roamed the Earth.

>> No.15756099

Total nuspace SPAC scam death

>> No.15756149
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>> No.15756195

The thing that concerns me with Neuralink is how Elon's primary reasoning seems to be "if we give AI a way to enslave us then it will be less likely to exterminate us."

>> No.15756196

I wonder if people actually believe all the "yeah yeah we can totally launch half the Kuiper sats by 2026" from Arianespace, ULA and BO
There was more than 2 years between the 1st and 4th Atlas V launches and it's pretty much the only rocket that didn't have any failures in its first launches, for Ariane 5 it's more than 3 years with 1.5 failures, and BO never launched a fucking orbital rocket.

>> No.15756212

And at least ULA is keeping some Atlas for the first launches, but the idea that BO is going to launch a significant amount of sats before July 2026 is hilarious.

>> No.15756229

So let me get it straight...
SpaceX failed to
- test second stage reentry on Falcon, so the tiled heatshield tech is completely untested for Starship and it was the major failure factor for Space shuttles
- test propulsive crew landing via suicide burn maneuver, and now they have to somehow test and certify this completely new thing for a giant fucking Starship instead of a Crew Dragon
- test the completely new fuel type and engine on a smaller Falcon rocket before fitting it on Starship
Also add
- completely new stage capture system
- the fact that no super heavy rockets were built by any private company yet
Now they are already adding stuff like hot staging on top all of that, and I'm sure there's more to come...

>> No.15756230

>the website formerly known as twitter
god why is Felon such a retard, I don't want to watch streams on that garbage

>> No.15756234

>"yeah yeah we can totally launch half the Kuiper sats by 2026"
It was a bit more credible of a claim back in Q1 2022. This was back before Vulcan and Ariane 6's last round of big delays. If everything had gone to schedule both of those should have launched their first vehicles by now.

Kuiper also got double screwed when ABL went radio silent about RS1. Those test satellites have had to change rides twice.

>> No.15756239
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hueger than an xbox

>> No.15756244

is this a bot post? it reads like one

>> No.15756250

>X will be flying on X
>so they're testing X on X

but you think that
>X will be flying on X
>so they should first test X on Y

that is retarded and you're a shitty troll

>> No.15756259

>second stage reentry on Falcon
This was never economical

>tiled heatshield tech is completely untested
Shuttle showed that there are times when it's a terrible idea but tiled TPS is several decades away from being an untested technology

>propulsive crew landing
Starship is going to fly several hundred times before they even consider putting crew on it

>completely new fuel type
People have been working with methalox engines since the eighties. Again, it's not a new technology, and even if it was it's not that different from RP1/LOX

Yeah, it does have the kind of vibe to it. There's a lot of shallow emotion but it doesn't really seem to understand how to make a point with it

>> No.15756265
File: 123 KB, 602x895, main-qimg-9b178b798c9cb6b23b24a5ebf9459572-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone explain what the bling on the cargo bay is?

>> No.15756269

Second stage was originally planned to be reusable on Falcon, so your argument is invalid, retard. No they don't have any experience with heatahield tilea because of that stupid desicion.
Suicide burn landing with crew was origonally planned for Crew Dragon on Falcon, so your shitty argument is invalid again. Now they have no experience and certification for propulsive landing with a crew inside.

>talk about human safety
>"it was never economocal!"
And methane is pretty damn new for space tech and you know it.

>> No.15756273

stop replying to the troll idiots

>> No.15756276

Kill yourself, shill. If you have no arguments, why the fuck are you on /sci.

>> No.15756293

I only just now realized you think I'm some flerfer retard, but no: I was making fun of RFA fkr being fucking vaporware company chinese tier new-design-cgi-render-every-week bullshit scam artists, not implying that spaceflight isn't real.

wrong thread buddy, if you want weed growing light tips go to >>>/diy/

>> No.15756294

eat my socks.

>> No.15756297

yes originally planned, but turn out it doesn't make any sense so they dropped it
you are seriously saying it would have made sense to just test tiles for no other reason than to just test them? at first they weren't even going to use tiles
basically just waste engineering resources on random shit because reasons
great idea dude

>> No.15756299
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>> No.15756313

This is an old JAXA page where they're talking about their progress working on CH4 engines. It's from 2002.

This also isn't counting Soviet experiments with methane. Those mad scientists tried damn near every propellant combo they could think of so they don't count the same as a more serious project.

>> No.15756320

cope harder. doing a new rocket instead of changing the old one radically is the objectively correct call.

>> No.15756325
File: 643 KB, 714x428, CRS-18 Starship tiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've learned half their R&D work through Falcon 9 already
Also they have literally tested Starship tile reentry and guess what, it worked
Nice try doomershtein

>> No.15756344
File: 114 KB, 689x880, 006629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://archive (dot) ph/20230919193648/https://www.wsj.com/tech/justice-department-probe-scrutinizes-elon-musk-perks-at-tesla-going-back-years-3493e321

More frivolous shit from the DoJ, this time directly at Musk

>> No.15756345

So instead of testing entire reentry process on a smaller rocket, it's better to skip testing completely and do it on super heavy, which will increase the complexity of the problem exponentially. Great idea.
Same goes for crewed landings. And that doesn't even require any engineering resources, since engines are already there. They just dropped every since thing on the biggest fucking rocket, which is a huge fucking engineering problem by itself, even if you remove all reusability and crew.

>changing the old one
It was originally planned like that, you fucking retard. They changed the plan to make it faster and cheaper. The smaller rocket was supposed to be the testbed for all BFR tech, so the only thing left would be scaling it up (which is still super hard). Now they try to fit all of that shit on a rocket that doesn't even fly yet with zero experience with those things (which is ridiculously hard x100, what the flying fuck were they thinking)

>> No.15756350

You're retarded. This way is easier.
Also what the fuck are you baiting?
Starship has had tons of test flights literally more than any other rocket ever had.

>> No.15756361

yes, its better to skip it if you don't need it at that moment
do the testing when it actually advances your goals, don't do random ass shit for no reason because you might use it at some point in the future
how would you test crewed landings with some other vehicle exactly? nothing like Starship has been tried before
the best way to test it is to just perfect it with non-crew payloads, just like they did with Falcon 9 landings
iteratively get it better and better, at some point succeeding and then keep perfecting it until you get it every time
please tell me how you would test the bellyflop manuever on some other crewed vehicle for Starship? you make zero sense

>> No.15756365

I can't wait for the tell-all memoir about all this persecution crap the admin is pushing on DoJ

>> No.15756375

>please tell me how you would test the bellyflop manuever
Exactly, so now having zero certification and experience with any kind of crew propulsion landing, they have to do that, but with belly flop AND giant super heavy rocket size. Genius move indeed.
Meanwhile by the time Starship is finished, they could've done dozens of crew dragon propulsed landings as a proof of concept and to gather statistics/show that it's a reliable landing method for humans.

>> No.15756376
File: 22 KB, 503x518, FINNISHED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.15756382

Just incredibly nonsensical. Nobody is worrying about crew. They want to fly starship 100 times a year at as low cost as possible.
That is the highest priority.
Why do you think landing crew dragon on superdracos would have helped them more in achieving their goals than building Sn8 through 15?

>> No.15756390

>Nobody is worrying about crew
Exactly my point. Just postpone the hardest stuff for tomorrow, surely it will fly good lol. And hot staging copeout is where the problems already begin...

>> No.15756397

The payload is clipping through the cargo bay

>> No.15756399

Your argument is entirely incomprehensible.
The first thing they tested at Boca was propulsively landing the second stage.
They did that over and over again until it worked.
What is even your point, that they didn't right away go for nasa certification?
Do you not remember how Falcon 9 got certified? They flew a bunch uncrewed to gain confidence in it.

>> No.15756412
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should be in about 4h 30min

>> No.15756415
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>> No.15756420
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Apparently Neuralink has developed some app so you can control a computer more directly than just moving a mouse around

>> No.15756422

>an app
it's called a computer program

>> No.15756424

Assuming the collision stops you, at 10 km/s every part of your body and vehicle would release significantly more energy significantly faster than the same amount of high explosives detonating.

>> No.15756428

How would that maximize congressional spending and contractor profits????

>> No.15756429

everything is an app now
the zoomerisation of computers

>> No.15756430

So like this is a bit of a silly question, but we have a drone on Mars, so why hasn't it taken a pciture of Olympus Mons, the tallest mountain in the solar system? It's 24 kilometers tall and i think having a picture of it would be really fascinating. Is it just a question of low priority combined with the drone being very far away from it?

>> No.15756432

Apple has been calling them apps since the Lisa.
It's not a zoomer thing.

>> No.15756436

ingenuity is just a tech demonstrator, it's not designed to perform any science or collect any data beyond proof that it's possible to fly a drone on Mars. I'm sure one day we'll have a fleet of drones flying all over Mars with specific data collection missions.

>> No.15756437

Space engine in vr is pretty fucking cool, bros.

>> No.15756440

Think it will be in the next few decades? Man i'd love to see some good pictures of Olympus Mons in my lifetime.

>> No.15756442

the helicopter is connected via xigbee radio to the perseverance rover which is thousands of miles away from olympus mons.
we'll see good pictures of everywhere on mars once people land on the regular.
humans with a rover are very good at traveling long distances.

>> No.15756443

>Maximum Altitude: 12m
>Olympus Mons height: 21,229 meters
Bit of a disparity. Also doesn't help that Jezero crater, where Ingenuity is right now, is on the other side of the damn planet and it has about a 1,000m theoretical range before it gets out of contact with Perseverance which it needs to stay in contact with to relay flight data and know what to do

>> No.15756445

zigbee xigger

>> No.15756446

who knows what we'll accomplish in a post-Starship world

>> No.15756447
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This was a proposal like 15 years ago. These things go slow.

>> No.15756449

Just land like 10 Starships full of drones in different spots at Mars, you could cover a lot of ground, then use the Starship as a relay station
or perhaps you don't evne need that if you build a Martian Starlink that could communicate directly with the drones (like starlinks should be able to with normal mobile phones in the near future)

>> No.15756454


>> No.15756457
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>> No.15756460

Can you at least post news with actual sources than mere headlines.

>> No.15756463
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Waste of time, skip right to hiring a foreign army and invading the east coast to barricade DC and force total capitulation of the US government.

>> No.15756464

Basically they went in and thought they could build things for a small rocket but then they were like:
>oh fuck SLS Block 1B is a heavy girl, shit we need to redesign everything now.
Redesigning shit mid construction is never a good thing.
It balloons the costs for most construction projects that suffer the same fate.
But there’s also a lot of other weird NASA stuff on there.
Like “weather instrumentation” that was supposed to cost $160k but now costs $430k now, because… reasons.

>> No.15756465

I think its just about the motion to dismiss on constitutional grounds thing

>> No.15756469

Could you elaborate on how you came to this conclusion?

>> No.15756482

Only zoomies play that game slop. The dev is a tranny with a consumption fetish.

>> No.15756484
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The atmosphere at the top of Olympus Mons is much thinner than where Ingenuity is. It couldn't fly at that altitude

>> No.15756485

Even Eager Beaver has handwaved tipping SS over as an easy habitat option but like, every time I've seen SpaceX tip their tanks over they fucking collapse under their own weight. What am I missing here??

>> No.15756489

>What am I missing here??
1 atmosphere of pressure differential

>> No.15756490

The fact that Mars has much less gravity than Earth

>> No.15756494
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>> No.15756495
File: 70 KB, 817x458, tardigrades nematodes space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nematodes and Tardigrades – Real Interstellar Passengers
>While NASA is currently working on sending more humans to the Moon, and eventually to Mars, scientists of Project Starlight at the University of California, Santa Barbara, are working on the future of interstellar space travel – sending probes, and eventually people, out of the Solar System and into interstellar space to explore the Galaxy. Before we ever have the technology to send humans, we plan to send tiny animals that have been shown to tolerate extreme environments of cold, heat, the vacuum of space, extreme dehydration, high accelerations (tens of thousands of g’s), and high doses of radiation – and survive unscathed. These hearty creatures are Caenorhabditis elegans, or C. elegans for short – a ubiquitous species of nematode found in compost piles and soil samples world-wide, and the water-dwelling micro-animals called Tardigrades, otherwise known as Water Bears. These tiny creatures have already been in space during the Space Shuttle program and have flown on the International Space Station.

>> No.15756501
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rocket garden has been shoad

>> No.15756504

university research is so dumb.
you would rather send a computer than an animal, especially some gay microbe that doesn't do anything.
anything less than human does not cross the threshold of intelligence to tip usefulness vs expenditure balance.

>> No.15756505
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>> No.15756508

land being cleared at boca chica village for expansion (upper portion of the pic)

>> No.15756509
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forgot pic

>> No.15756513
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>> No.15756519
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>> No.15756520

Olympus Mons is kind of too big to really take a picture of, in the sense that you're thinking. It's a shield volcano with an extremely gradual slope. Yes, it's 13 miles tall, but the thing is also the fucking size of Poland. There are some pretty spectacular cliffs in some places around its edge, but the rest is a gentle incline.

>> No.15756530

if you parked your car in the spots by the deluge tanks during a launch, would it be fine?

>> No.15756535

Wow, you are fucking stupid

>> No.15756537
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Behold, the west's only operational small rocket

>> No.15756550
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>small lift rocket

>> No.15756552

/sfg/ - spacex fanboy general

>> No.15756553
File: 159 KB, 500x618, IMG_2646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More to come, eventually Starhopper WILL get scrapped

>> No.15756556

Medium lift is cool, small lift is negroshit

>> No.15756565

>Sea was held
Do you even read the shit you post?

>> No.15756568

I used a translator.

>> No.15756570
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Imagine Super heavy launching multiple times a day.

>> No.15756574

Firefly currently has a 50% success rate, Rocketlab has a 90% success rate, SpaceX has a 99% success rate with F9 and a 100% success rate with Block 5, despite flying it 5x as much as Electron. It's not fanboyism when one provider is objectively better than the rest.

>> No.15756575

If you had psychic powers and could instantly kill anyone anywhere just by thinking it, how fast could you get Starship to orbit?

>> No.15756581

>unless it has significantly better ease/speed of reuse than shuttle
I don't mean to be rude, but you sound like you're literally retarded

>> No.15756589

It's tricky, because just slaughtering bureaucrats is unlikely to actually speed the process up and will more likely stall things at first. I could certainly get the world into a state where bureaucratic obstruction to Starship is nonexistent-to-minimal before the end of the year.

>> No.15756594

The world would suddenly have alot less third worlders

>> No.15756598

No shit, this general only exists because the silly little booster reuse company decided it was going to build a giant ass interplanetary transport system rocket that dwarfs even the Saturn V and they suddenly started building tanks at their maybe-Falcon-9-launch-site in the middle of nowhere Texas. Reminder that when /sfg/ really became a thing, which is still pretty recently all said and told, F9 wasn't even launching like how it is today. Them being le ebig monopoly really only happened starting around 2019-2020 when Starlink started launching and F9 launches went from every so often to pretty much all the fucking time. Shit has ramped up QUICK—and while I am not personally a 1, there is no shame in being a 1 considering how fucking fast SpaceX has disrupted all the other absolute grifting faggots in this gay industry

>> No.15756608

How is this not called out as the most corrupt admin in recent history? Has there ever been an administration that has gone after private citizens for political disagreements this publicly?

>> No.15756612

Shit like this happens ALLLL the time. You just have bias because a) these stories sell like hot cakes so they are covering them as opposed to these things just happening in the background, and b) you have confirmation bias so every time you see a headline on Musk you think he is being personally attacked often. Every company in every industry deals with bullshit like this all the damn time

>> No.15756619

>its confirmation bias
>predicted by /sfg/ before Biden came into office

>> No.15756628
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You need therapy lmao

>> No.15756631
File: 93 KB, 1162x862, Sol917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, in the past they were way better at keeping quiet about it, these new retards can't do anything right. They tried making a ministry of truth and didn't even change up the name. They're not sending their best, folks.
Anyway here's Mars on sol 917.

>> No.15756650

a competency crisis even in the political grifting class lmao

>> No.15756669

nice pic of the nevada desert.

>> No.15756671

Nevada is way less hospitable than Mars and will never be terraformed for human life

>> No.15756672

youre tripping right?

>> No.15756674

Reality-challenged Musk fanboys really need to be euthanized.
The vague overlap between /sfg/ and space company CEOs is truly unfortunate for us.

>> No.15756676

Phoenix is similarly inhospitable to human life, you cannot exist there without life support.

>> No.15756684
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>> No.15756696

Fuck off discord tranny

>> No.15756698

when's the next daytime starlink mission? why do they all have to launch at night now?

>> No.15756703

That's weird. The next two we've got times for are launching at dark o'clock too. How long has this been going on?

Anyway, SFN is live. T-60:00

>> No.15756705

someone post some senator memes, I need a chuckle

>> No.15756714

Reminder, Starship base is led by a woman now. No, not Shotwell, but McKenzie. You know the woman in one of those Starbase images. She's leading the Starbase operations. In the past, it was another Indian American leading the base. But he was moved to another post because Musk and Shotwell considered him "too nice" as in too reserved/unable to criticize the faults in others when they fuck up.

>> No.15756719

On second thought, actually maybe McKenzie isn't a woman's name but a guy's name.

>> No.15756722

Depends, is it a first name or a second name in this instance?

>> No.15756726


I dont recall, it was was from the Walter's book. Juncosa/McKenzie are the goto "fixers" of Elon. McKenzie was assigned the task to oversee Starbase/Starship afaik

>> No.15756737
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>> No.15756744

"subscale" that's basically a Star-37

>> No.15756746
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>> No.15756747

Imagine what would happen if we split into /sfg/ and /sxg/

>> No.15756750

Is there any way to tell the sex of any of these characters just visually?
Apparently that one's male.

>> No.15756756
File: 134 KB, 904x608, astronaut smug coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw clueless zoomers don't know

>> No.15756757
File: 116 KB, 1920x1080, 1638048437495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the kids behave as their actual genders for one. Which is quite a rarity today.

>> No.15756761

>space x general
high energy kids
twitter spammers
pol refugees
musk fanboys

>space flight general

>> No.15756765

T-60:00... again.

>> No.15756805


>> No.15756806

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm54cxTxd7c Clear is live!

>> No.15756807
File: 76 KB, 937x606, 1679309960815408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clear is live for Starlink Group 6-17 Mission!

>> No.15756808


>> No.15756811

Clear is taking it easy~

>> No.15756812

cute yukkuri!

>> No.15756813

Max Qute

>> No.15756814


>> No.15756820

Thanks for the lift booster 1060

>> No.15756825

lol, post a pic of this cute potato

>> No.15756826


>> No.15756830

Elon can't keep getting away with it

>> No.15756831

in todays news: peter beck can't get away with it and elon musk continues to get away with it.

>> No.15756832


>> No.15756836

I'll give Elon serious credit for not talking nearly as much smack about oldspace competitors as he could.
If I had a booster that flew 17 fucking times I would be dragging Tory over the coals for all his bullshit about reuse. I would send an internal cost savings analysis to his house with a knife, a fork, a side of hot sauce, and a note telling him to eat it.

>> No.15756842

1:15 reverse split

>> No.15756848

Tory made a PowerPoint saying that a landing booster needed 10 flights to break even. So SpaceX did it 17 times

>> No.15756872

It’s not profitable until 20 landings. Which yeah… they’re getting close, but I still haven’t seen them reach 30 landings yet. But once they DO hit 40 landings they can begin to compete with Vulcan-Centaur.

>> No.15756891

>10 flights to break even on tens of millions of dollars of hardware that tory tier retards throw away every flight

Lmao what fucking cope. Probably breaks even on the third flight, if not the second.

>> No.15756918

lmao how's it feel hobbits

>> No.15756934

Pipe down youre getting delisted soon, BLDM

>> No.15756936

Even in the visions conjured by the wildest lies of the Serpent, Spacex wins

>> No.15756937
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>> No.15756941

She made out with me in broad daylight at work in the parking lot and she has a boyfriend. and then calls me a womanizer. baka

>> No.15756959
File: 29 KB, 249x255, IMG_2455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this faggot talking about? Did Barkun forget to put on its name?

>> No.15756965

I have heard Elias, the pegasus guy talk about it being 50-60 launches a year to make it viable, not per rocket but total for that type of rocket. Which SpaceX already does

>> No.15756969

It's like any time someone moves the goalposts, no matter how far, Spacex simply scores again anyway.

>> No.15757036

To be fair, Antonio Elias talked about this a long time ago, and it was based on a previous study which the pegasus guys reaffirmed by doing their own study

>> No.15757124

muh muh muh monster kill ill ill?

>> No.15757149
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5G from space tested, French airlaunched smallsat startup partners with Bordeaux airport
> AST SpaceMobile’s prototype satellite makes first 5G connection
> TAMPA, Fla. — AST Space Mobile said Sept. 19 its Blue Walker 3 test satellite that’s been in orbit for a year recently relayed its first 5G phone call to an ordinary smartphone in a cellular dead zone.
> Using the most efficient mobile networking standard released to date, the direct-to-device startup said it also achieved download rates of around 14 megabits per second in a separate test — beating the 10 Mbps speeds it recorded over 4G in June.
> Virginia-based direct-to-device venture Lynk Global launched commercially earlier this year in Palau and the Cook Islands with spectrum from local telco partners.
> On the other end of the direct-to-device market, satellite operators such as Globalstar and Iridium Communications are developing businesses using satellite spectrum to reach next-generation smartphones.
>Space Debris Removal Startup Dark Partners with Bordeaux Airport
> Dark was founded in 2021 with the aim of developing an air-launched rocket capable of deploying payloads of up to 300 kilograms into low Earth orbit. The company has since narrowed its focus and is planning to offer responsive debris removal services with its Interceptor vehicle.
>In June 2023, the company was one of three European microlauncher companies that signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Arianespace to study possible future cooperation. The company is examining utilizing these smaller launch providers to complement the Arianespace portfolio to provide innovative services to its customers. The other two companies that signed MoUs with Arianespace were Orbex and PLD Space.

>> No.15757156
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Hungarian to be on Ax-5 mission, Aerospace trade group worried about more bureucracy
> Hungarian Astronaut to Visit ISS Aboard Axiom 5 Mission
> The Hungarian to Orbit (HUNOR) programme was launched in 2021 with the aim of sending an astronaut to the ISS by 2024. The programme was part of the country’s first space strategy, which aimed to strengthen the country’s international role, among other key objectives.
> Exclusive: AIA Argues Critical Infrastructure Designation Would ‘Adversely Affect’ Space Industry
> A leading trade group is urging the National Security Council to think twice before classifying the space sector as critical infrastructure.
> Eric Fanning, president and CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association representing 320+ companies, sent a letter on Tuesday to NSC head Jake Sullivan arguing that designating space as critical infrastructure could actually hurt the space industry by adding the burden of additional regulations without providing any additional funding.
> “Critical infrastructure designations could come with additional requirements for industry operating in that sector—and likely without any additional federal funding,” Fanning wrote in a letter shared with Payload. “These requirements could adversely affect industry growth and development and could have a disproportionate impact on small businesses.”
> In November, President Joe Biden launched a review of the nation’s critical infrastructure policy, including which sectors receive the designation and whether any updates are needed to the existing policy. As part of that review, the council is considering whether space should be added to the current list of 16 critical infrastructure sectors, Fanning wrote.

>> No.15757223

Not by much, but at least the world would be free from vore artists.

>> No.15757309
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> I present to you the highest resolution image of Starship (for now)
>420 Megapixels!
>High resolution link:

>> No.15757310
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some alignment problems

>> No.15757312
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>> No.15757317
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>> No.15757319
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Starhopper vs Stoke hop
vs Grasshopper


>> No.15757328

wow, an air launch startup that isn't pants-on-head retarded

>> No.15757354

That there's only grind marks on some is triggering my tism. Polish your shit, Elon.

>> No.15757355

Damn, he's getting fat. Better get on that treadmill if you want to fit into DearMoon.

>> No.15757368
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>> No.15757381

thicc necc

>> No.15757400

Pretty much every space forums have had to split spacex discussion from everything else since 2015-2017.

That’s actually how you quickly tell if a space community was founded around spacex discussion (SX ans Rest integrated) or if it existed before (sX and rest separate)

>> No.15757403

20 th is prob next year

>> No.15757427
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>> No.15757450

prepare for staging

>> No.15757469
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Imagine future anthropologists examining the spaceflight "fandom" a hundred years from now

>> No.15757474

That's not grind marks, have you ever held a grinder in your life?..... Looks like they are testing different surface finishes on the tiles.

>> No.15757505

Do we know what sort of stainless they use? 304, 316, 316L, or maybe some more exotic alloy?

>> No.15757525

europa is the smoothest body in the solar system

>> No.15757531

the tides stress ice cracks and as Europa goes around Jupiter the angle of tidal stress changes cyclically, so you get arcing faults like that.

>> No.15757534

they use the stuff that you brush your teeth with.

>> No.15757536


>> No.15757542

You'll be hearing from my lawyer (and the ADL) about those 60 landings you owe me!

>> No.15757544

They postponed F9 landings too, and now they do it every time reliably.

>> No.15757545

>the gear head [sic] in me
>wedding photographer
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15757548

They're thousands of km away from Olympus Mons and the drone can't communicate to satellites directly.

>> No.15757550

Unpressurized open scrap tank on Earth in 1G gravity vs pressurized intact tank on the Moon in 1/6th G.

>> No.15757554
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It's literally just steel. So I can unironically say my spoon is made out of Aerospace Grade™ metals.

>> No.15757557

Total depopulation of afroeurasia

>> No.15757559
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>> No.15757565

They use a particular type of stainless, not "just steel". The stainless your pans and cutlery is made of does not have the same alloy composition as Starship's structural material.

>> No.15757571

How much did it cost

>> No.15757572

if it wasn't the ugliest dogbreed they could get

>> No.15757577
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>> No.15757579

it's apparently 304L stainless, I'm sure they've done a tradeoff analysis comparing the benefits and drawbacks of using an off the shelf available material vs a custom alloy. Maybe one day they'll have enough throughput to justify requesting that custom alloy but likely not soon.

>> No.15757589

>forgetting about South and Central America
understandable, really

>> No.15757595
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>> No.15757597
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>> No.15757600
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It's literally normal steel >>15757579

>> No.15757602

Yeah, Starship steel is cheaper

>> No.15757610
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folded one thousand times

>> No.15757617
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Imagine if SpaceX finds out that while stainless steel on the other half of starship can survive re-entry, it isn't optimal for material stress and reusability so they just cover it with the fuck ugliest thermal blankets you've seen in your life.

>> No.15757623

Honestly, it would look better with thermal blankets.

>> No.15757622

It pisses me off greatly that no one is seriously considering spin gravity in any of the new crop of space stations we'll hopefully be getting in the next few decades

>> No.15757627

>"you have to hire refugees to build your rockets!"
What's their answer, anons? How does the State justify this nonsensical requirement for which there is no legal precedent? What good would refugees be at a rocket company?

>> No.15757630

lmao complaining about more regulations
Working on anything with NASA funding immediately subjects you to a huge pile of security requirements (NIST standards), auditing and sometimes but not always ITAR controls

>> No.15757636

Everyone with an IQ under 85. This would solve 90% of the world's problems

>> No.15757637

That tends to happen as a launch provider. DoD is gonna be a major customer. Also, rocketry is an inherently military technology. The only difference between an civilian rocket and a missle are payload and trajectory

>> No.15757638


>> No.15757639

It's actually exactly the same, that's kind of funny.

>> No.15757640

If you just put people like that on an island they'd never figure out a way off.

>> No.15757641

I still maintain this is about Paperclipping some Ukrainian rocket scientists

>> No.15757642

Wiseman and Glover are so based it’s unreal

>> No.15757643

Based on what?

>> No.15757645

that is like 70% of world population lol

>> No.15757646
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I'd miss /sfg/ though.

>> No.15757648

Do they even have anyone worth nabbing?

>> No.15757650
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>> No.15757651

Based on chad jawlines and faith of the heart

>> No.15757655
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Why didn't make the strong enough tower at the beginning?

>> No.15757658

Just use the Ares-1 anyway, balls to the wall crewed vehicle

>> No.15757660
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I always thought Rocket's fairings looked like a pumpkin

>> No.15757663
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>> No.15757665

Didnt ask you fat ugly fucker

>> No.15757666
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is this milled aluminum?

>> No.15757673
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I may have just discovered non-toxic hypergolic fuels with better performance than UDMH and N2O4.

>> No.15757678

There was a plan to use Ares-1 to launch Orion and a Delta IV heavy to launch a version of Centaur that can dock with it. To be honest I thought that was pretty innovative at the time.

>> No.15757681

>use Ares-1 to launch Orion
That would be so exhilarating to ride

>> No.15757690

Gotta start somewhere

>> No.15757695
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can't believe this was the result of the NASA study, goes to show lobbying really works

>> No.15757699

Please don’t say hydrogen peroxide, I know that’s what you’re gonna say…

>> No.15757700

disgusting how he constantly runs defense

>> No.15757703
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>> No.15757704

H2O2 is not non-toxic and neither is N2O

>> No.15757708
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Holy fuck I would sooner ride on a DIVH or Atlas V with an interstage nuclear bomb wired to a 50/50 probability detonator than ride on Ares I lmao

>> No.15757710

Storable Octaazacubane monopropellant when?

>> No.15757713

NASA should have used HL-20 instead of the shittle. IT was a safer and cheaper design.

>> No.15757716

To think all NASA had to do was just drop money on AR1 and skip all of SLS bullshit and they could have easily orbital assembled an Orion, a habitation module, and a TLI stage with Atlas V / Atlas V Heavy
Hindsight is 20/20 though, it’s not like they knew New Glenn and Starship would be a thing and that commercial landers could get themselves to the Moon without help of Ares V or SLS or some other superheavy NASA rocket

>> No.15757721
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> DARPA wants new ideas for space weapons
> The U.S. Department of Defense wants fresh ideas on how to maintain military superiority in space.
> The Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) wants small companies to help it find new ways to project U.S. military power in space.
> Specifically, DARPA wants companies to submit ideas about "new methods and technologies that may provide warfighters with disruptive options for protecting and defending space systems." The solicitation is part of the agency's Bringing Classified Innovation to Defense and Government Systems (BRIDGES) initiative, which seeks to connect innovative companies with government agencies in order to solve "challenging problems that exist in the classified realm," according to DARPA's statement.

>> No.15757727
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>> No.15757731
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>> No.15757735

>eight nitrogens all single-bonded to three adjacent neighbors in a cube structure
imagine the sensitivity, would this be stable enough to handle and move around even at LH2 temperatures?

>> No.15757740

>chemical sprayers

>> No.15757741
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OSIRIS-REX re-entry on sunday

>> No.15757742
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You can even see the path of the milling on some of it.

>> No.15757744
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>> No.15757746
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cyclohexylhydrazine and polymer-bound nitrous oxide
yes it contains cyclohexane rings which are less reactive than UDMH's methyl groups but it would be engineered to have controlled decomposition reactions during combustion and the oxidizer is bound to a polymer matrix making it less hazardous.

>> No.15757747

incredibly based

>> No.15757751

Old article, but basically everybody wants out:
>What does Usov expect in case of Ukraine's defeat?
>"The young generation [of aerospace professionals] will leave, they already have a lot of opportunities abroad," he said. "The space industry community in Ukraine, that's three to four generations of people working at places like Yuzmash. They choose working there with low salaries because they are proud of what they're doing in Ukraine. I think if Russia will take over that key enterprise, they will leave.

>> No.15757754

basically, spraypaint vs sensitive naked optics

>> No.15757757

>hybrid rocket
into the trash it goes

>> No.15757762

Chemical sprayers are fucking hilarious, based, and actually pretty damn effective apparently

>> No.15757763
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>> No.15757765
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>> No.15757772

>any ukrainians worth nabbing
The truth is besides general smarts, no. At this point there isn't much we can learn from Soviet designs, we've moved on with methane and reusability etc. In fact we've always had a lead on things like high end fabrication, something they never fully figured out.

>> No.15757773



>> No.15757794
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>> No.15757798

Frozen mercury bullets: whether you miss or hit the bullet/bullet debris will warm up in the sun and melt in minutes, evaporate in hours or days. Useful at short range for killing targets dead using small, mobile weapons platforms.

Neutron beam: generated by accelerating high energy deuterium ions at a lithium deuteride target, the neutron beam can be configured to stay columnated over significant distances, and damages electronics and other components directly thru energy deposition and indirectly by activating materials in the target, so it becomes radioactive. Most effective at shorter range.

Fission fragment beam: a high surface area fission source emits high energy heavy nuclei which are redirected into a beam by a strong magnetic field, then neutralized into an ultra fast low density gas jet. On impact, the atoms still act like super heavy ionizing radiation, causing damage directly and depositing lots of heat.

Hypervelocity dust beam: a long high power coilgun accelerates iron microparticles to around ten km/s. On impact the microparticles cause intense and rapid erosion of the target. Pulsed shots can take out entire solar and radiator arrays.

>> No.15757840

that's why Elon made nosecone sharp like katana

>> No.15757848

Olympus Mons is indistinguishable from a hill

>> No.15757860

The longer SpaceX keep NASA out of "certifying" anything the better. Why the proposed law to require NASA astronauts on every space flight is mega gay.

>> No.15757861
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>> No.15757876

your dad is indistinguishable from my sex slave

>> No.15757879


>> No.15758063

Wasn't Vast saying they could spin up their little station they building atm.

>> No.15758074

And that's why everything sucks.
>pretty damn effective apparently

>> No.15758174

>when 20th landing

>> No.15758216
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Here Elon, I fixed your vacant lot troll problem.

>> No.15758234
