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15491729 No.15491729 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15491750

Man...Ive got a number of theories with citations of tech/patents etc of each that are all connected to make something quite similar to this, a bunch of fields of Physics and Biology into one "Holy shit...this...this might work." kind of thing.

Shit be fucked, man...

>> No.15491783

it's kind of bizarre nobody seems to acknowledge the shit charles lieber was making in wuhan before getting arrested
literally injectable radio controlled nanobots lol

>> No.15491810

If the public is at the stage of
>this might work
Stage, what stage is the government in?

>> No.15491824

dammm dat sus ongggg nocap

>> No.15491845

>the public
Nah, more like a bunch of papers or patents laying in the open and one needs to be knowledgeable enough to think "Hmm, what if I took these two things and did this to them."

The question I have is anyone in the government that smart, as I mostly *know* the answer is no, and if someone is then its super deep double-top-secret nameless splintercell shit thats transnational and operates idependently from the rest of the agency kind of shit, which I have dealings with so for me its mostly just an alert at whats possible and I use it to theorize my own shit for my own research.

>> No.15491891

>he doesn’t know how compartmentalized DOD shit is

>> No.15491903
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>he doesn’t know
Oh? I'm aware of "Cells" that awear no allegiance to the United States and have their hands in places like DPRK and the Taliban.

>> No.15492074

You don’t know shit.

>> No.15492082
File: 76 KB, 720x720, 2023-05-26_21.29.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know planet Earth, human-mortal.

I know your soul, better than you do.

Post thy field of experitise, I shall pop-quizeth ye.

>> No.15492132

I think you mean “I shall pop quiz thee”.
Physics, go ahead.

>> No.15492143
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>Intentionally too vague to grade.

The fact you intentionally made it so broad as to be impossible means youre not genuine, Im docking 50% for half lying. If you're going to lie and obfuscate yourself as much as possible in a vain attempt to "own me" then youre flunked.

Youre the reason students need to be tested, because you'll lie and cheat to "win a diploma".

>> No.15492150

You just got outed as a pseud retard

>> No.15492159
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Get a job, lazy shitbag.

>> No.15492161

You first, subhuman.

>> No.15492163
File: 13 KB, 275x183, download - 2022-10-18T040036.094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, not murdering your species.
You're not a Evolutionary Biologist or Geneticist, let alone BioPhysicist, so stop LARPing (Lying!).

>> No.15493421


>> No.15493459
File: 336 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230406-050951_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Pseudo-Psychiatric diagnosis is offensive to those adept in Pharmacology.

Youre not a Doctor, stop LARPing (Lying!).

>> No.15493473

>ever notice how the internet isn't really faster or different in any noticeable way with 5g?

no, because I'm old enough to remember previous generations of wireless data transfer AND I'm observant enough to notice how much data gets transferred even for simple websites

>> No.15493480

Because you got censored and scrubbed for mentioning it, remember when they just blanked "5g"

>> No.15493483

>patents laying in the open
those papers and patents that have coincidental mispellings to make them hard to search for.

>> No.15493484 [DELETED] 

crop biology

>> No.15493489

Modern website blooat design is absolutely staggering

>> No.15493494

>Yo do dis be fax doe?
fucking kek

>> No.15493505

Or the concept of the patent is sound but the diagrams are all wrong. Its to protect it from being used by evil retards.

Or how google searches have this thing (forgot what its called) where is shows a result only once and for you but no one else, or you again. Ive come across many things I will never find again, tons of private youtube videos etc.

>> No.15493527

I saw an old video of some tv pastor demonstrating how evil porn is, and the early-aughts website design really took me back.

>> No.15493536

Untestable theory. You just can't experimentally verify it

>> No.15493542

It's so easy to google "5G" and find out what it is, these people have to be deliberately choosing to remain uninformed and afraid.
I get it, conspiracy theories are fun. I used to watch tons of UFO documentaries.
But the inability to tell fact from fiction is a hallmark of mental illness.

>> No.15493553

If the vaxx made your body magnetic, then it would be virtually impossible to handle electronics without damaging them anymore, let alone repair them manually.
>Here's your data recovery... oops my vaxxhands accidentally wiped the sector in question.

>> No.15493558

only extremely strong magnets have that effect. i even tested it with some toy magnets i had as a kid that were strong enough to hold at least a pound of weight, and they still had no effect on phones. obviously the magnetic effect of nanotechnology would be much weaker than even that, too weak for (You) to notice.

>> No.15493559

Look, if you don't understand the conversation it's ok to stay quiet. Maybe you'll even learn something!

>> No.15493593

5g and 6g as high fidelity person tracking are well layed out technologies. you have to be incrediblly dishonest to dimiss them

>> No.15493659

Yeah, because people always have the phones on them. You have to be incredibly dishonest to portray them like that.

>> No.15493729

I don't, throw that thing in the garbage (or pawn shop)

>> No.15493736

So you have nothing to fear from advancing cell service transmission generations.

>> No.15493786

5g is pretty fast for me thoughever
also you could easily track people very accurately with LTE or UMTS if you want.

>> No.15493820

with 6g they literally won't need you to carry anything

>> No.15493824

What makes you say that? What exactly about more discrete bits per wavelength will make cellular service gain magical properties?

>> No.15494533

The 5g is used to get near microwave levels of radiation to rotate the particles. They needed specifically heavy metals so that it would be stored in the brain.

>> No.15494848
File: 28 KB, 392x590, 1686055352632869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unhinged schizo is throwing a tantrum and needs to take his meds

>> No.15494910


>> No.15494919

Please leave

>> No.15494922

>look buddy electromagnetism is a yes/no scenario either you are magnetic as fuck or you aint

>> No.15494935
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>> No.15494939

I've been saying this and its time for everybody (even your enemies) to get EM Jammers. So they can't track you.

>> No.15494940

What? Magnets do not damage electronics, that was debunked years ago.

I think OP knows what 5G is, what you are not understanding is that the OP thinks 5G comes also with some "added features" not told to the consumer.

>> No.15494948
File: 963 KB, 2062x1160, cover3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few elements since you seem so inclined to think of yourself as a paragon of sanity. Let's test how reasonable you think you are. In no specific order :

>why has 5g been ushered and implemented during the worst stages of the pandemy when it was literally illegal to go outside, and when the situation appeared to be out of hand ?

>what is the frequency range that 5g tech uses and what other tech uses this same range ?

>why is hyper speed internet globally required today despite there being no global need to share extra large files on the daily or to employ lightning fast communication beyond what we already have ? Shouldnt 5g at least answer a global demand of a sort ?

>what other applications can be given to 5g frequency range and how could this impact civil life as a citizen ?

>which countries will lead the 5g operative industry ?

>who are the people who back up the entire rhetoric for 5g being inevitable and much needed ?

>smart cities ? What for ? Isnt there greater challenges to work on first ?

Last but not least, usefull to study any subject mediatically covered as a "conspiracy theory" :

>how is the term "conspiracy theory" used by officials, when is it used, and who first created the term ?

Go on, answer all these. Please don't rush it. You dont need to prove anything to anyone, just study the questions enough so that you can answer them. Do that and you'll be a saner and a more lucid person than 80% if this shithole. Take your time.

>> No.15494961
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>bunch of random bullshit
I don't know anon, data seems to speak for itself.

>> No.15494967

>bunch of random bullshit
If you dont care firsthand why give yourself the headache to pretend you do ? Lmao go make your own thread lazy faggot

>> No.15494971
File: 47 KB, 680x651, 20220913_170116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre an idiot and everything you know is wrong...I can prove it too...you just wont comply so you can pretend to not be a retard like; >>15494848. Ha, what a worthless jackass....*ahem*


>> No.15494973

I have never, in my whole life online, ever saw someone reconsider because of a good argument. There's absolutely no letter arrangement that would make you even reconsider the things that you already decided are true. This is pointless. Just fuck off.

>> No.15494979

I was gonna write a long answer to all these, but then I realized that if you actually knew the answer to any of them you wouldn't be asking such asinine questions in the first place.

>> No.15494987

> have never, in my whole life online, ever saw someone reconsider because of a good argument.

I do, I have, if one demonstrates that what I thought to be true was not with a complelling argumentation with less flaws than my original one, then I change my mind. Why do you even come to the sci board if you're legit gonna say some shit like that ? That its all headcanons and that no one here's to learn anything ? Fucking peasant, you fuck off. Suffocate on gruel you have no place here.

Nice bullshit, I doubt you have anything to answer to these actually. Fucking dodger.

>> No.15494991

I have answers, but you would just find them confusing and I didnt want to embarrass you

>> No.15494993


>> No.15495123

You really got that schizo fuming lol