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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 67 KB, 700x464, vegans are faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15371874 No.15371874 [Reply] [Original]

Anti-veganism is now a mental illness
>Unpacking the social psychology and ideology of anti-vegans
>Despite the established health and ecological benefits of a plant-based diet, the decision to eschew meat and other animal-derived food products remains controversial. So polarising is this topic that anti-vegan communities — groups of individuals who stand vehemently against veganism — have sprung up across the internet. Much scholarship on veganism characterizes anti-vegans in passing, painting them as ill-informed, uneducated, or simply obstinate. However, little empirical work has investigated these communities and the individuals within them. Accordingly, we conducted a study using social media data from the popular platform, Reddit. Specifically, we collected all available submissions (∼3523) and comments (∼45,528) from r/AntiVegan subreddit users (N = 3819) over a five-year period. Using a battery of computerized text analytic tools, we examined the psychosocial characteristics of Reddit users who publicly identify as anti-vegan, how r/AntiVegan users discuss their beliefs, and how the individual user changes as a function of community membership. Results from our analyses suggest several individual differences that align r/AntiVegan users with the community, including dark entertainment, ex-veganism and science denial. Several topics were extensively discussed by r/AntiVegan members, including nuanced discourse on the ethicality and health implications of vegan diets, and the naturalness of animal death, which ran counter to our expectations and lay stereotypes of r/AntiVegan users. Finally, several longitudinal changes in language use were observed within the community, reflecting enhanced group commitment over time, including an increase in group-focused language and a decrease in cognitive processing. Implications for vegan-nonvegan relations are discussed.

>> No.15371903

This is science in a nutshell. The profession is dead.

>> No.15372059

Scientifically speaking, why is narcissism an essential characteristic of modern science?

>> No.15372207

Scientists should probably take classes on how to detect sarcasm and satire and shitposting

>> No.15372235

this is not science. that being said, i do eat vegan, so fuck all those retards.

>> No.15376219

Practically every cell in your body is technically an individual living organism that can adapt in many different ways to its own environment.

That's why there are vegans who think meat is the devil, and carnivores who think vegans are vegetables.

>> No.15376895

>Despite the established health and ecological benefits of a plant-based diet
lol pass

>> No.15377140
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>> No.15379781

Because we live in a generate era. Facebook bragging rights is the only thing that matters anymore. Reality is an afterthought

>> No.15379838
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Yes Check it Out

>> No.15380419

>naturalness of animal death
We should phase out wild animal suffering, eventually. This can be established without modifying natural predators too much, via diverse mechanisms, all highly technological in nature.

If I use "eventually", the ordinary intellectual peon means I talk about an ordinary political term length, like 100 or 1000 years. This is absolutely not the scope of that "eventually". But it ought to happen.

Why? Why not? It's not like this goal has to compete with e.g. making humans spacefairing. Do you think it's realistic humans or our descendants will forever not have any projects of such a kind?

>t. vegetarian who finds all sides of this debate to shrill and low intelligence

>> No.15380581

So should we start adding killswitches on gazelles or start breeding vegan lions?

>> No.15380593

Euparasites: these are synthetic, self-replicating parasites that would become part of the ecosystem, infecting most vertebrates.
These euparasites can have various beneficial effects to the host. Particularly, suppression of birth rates in herbivores. With carnivores they could have the negative effect of disincentivizing predation, besides upon the following automata.

Epicurean automata: these are synthetic carbon based automata. They are edible. As they are just mindless robots, they are non-sentient. Predators (current and future evolving) may hunt these, but not sentient animals.

The production facilities and blueprints for these systems are stored in a permanently shadowed crater of the Moon, run by AI, in perpetuity, until the oceans boil away. Every million years or so, the current iteration of these two systems are replaced by an original, identical. This is to prevent Darwinistic emergence of sentience in these synthetic automata.

>> No.15380598

so every million years you commit a planetary-wide genocide on emerging intelligent life?

>> No.15380640

the author is some phd candidate in social psychology and part of an animal think tank, this should tell you everything. Do you actually research the shit you post?

>> No.15380643

what's funny about this if you just looked up her pictures you can actually tell she eats a vegan diet from the way her face is shaped because they mostly eat soft foods. I can't imagine the shits these people have to take with all the fiber

>> No.15380734
File: 1.38 MB, 3008x914, Vegan Psychologists Declare No Competing Interests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Despite the established health and ecological benefits of a plant-based diet
sigh. is it worth reading anything else in this garbage paper?
>Declaration of competing interest
how the fuck do they get away with this?

>> No.15380818

Old 4chan would find a way to get that paper retracted and their reputations dragged through the mud. They might even have their PhD revoked

>> No.15380883

> Cited by 5
a bunch of crooks, that nobody pays attention to

don't retards and don't demonize the whole science world; there were were always retards in it; nothing new.

>> No.15381125

Who cares how many cited it? They passed peer review despite lying about having not conflicts of interest. That puts the entire journal under scrutiny.

>> No.15382061

>That puts the entire journal under scrutiny.
it should, but it doesn't

>> No.15383688 [DELETED] 

Maybe in 10 of 15 years Retractionwatch might get around to doing an article about them. Retractionwatch is a good organization, but its only 4 people, they should have at least a few thousand more to make the kind of impact they need to make any significant difference in the way things are going.

>> No.15383974 [DELETED] 

>how the fuck do they get away with this?
peer review. how many non-vegans do you think are doing peer review in veganology?

>> No.15383982

>To address the first aim, we compared the wider Reddit activity of r/AntiVegan users against that of a sample of r/askreddit users (N = 9500). With over 33 million users, r/askreddit is one of the most popular subreddits on Reddit. Given its popularity and the neutrality of its content, this subreddit has often been used as something of a “control group” for group-based comparisons (see, e.g., Bagroy et al., 2017).
>Given its popularity and the neutrality of its content

>> No.15383997 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 1072x1295, 1HlcL0mikruz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The global warming orthodoxy is the result of groupthink enforced by cancel culture, not independent thinkers coming to the same conclusion


>Consider the case of an Italian scientific conference last year that had to be canceled, not because of the pandemic, but because participants withdrew en masse after an Italian newspaper whipped up a crusade over one of the papers to be presented—a paper that expressed skepticism about the size of the human role in global warming. Rumors swirled that one of its authors was a “denier,” and everyone stampeded toward the exits. (See another report on an academic conference that got a similar reception.) This is “cancel culture” in climate science.

>Or consider a recent book by Obama-administration official Steve Koonin—former undersecretary of science for the Department of Energy—which questioned some of the conclusions of the established view. In a letter to Scientific American signed by a dozen other scientists, he was promptly denounced as a “crank” and a “disinformation peddler,” with plenty of insinuations that he must be bought and paid for by Big Oil.

>I think we’re starting to get an idea of how we got that “consensus.”

>> No.15384009

Great. Scifi without the fun

>> No.15384898

if meat is so good then why do you feel bad after eating it

i don't feel bad after eating apples

even coca-cola is seemingly more natural (and enjoyable) to consume than the burgers they're so readily paired with.

>> No.15385524 [DELETED] 

nobody is forcing you to stop being a mentally ill vegan

>> No.15386902 [DELETED] 

>Rumors swirled that one of its authors was a “denier,” and everyone stampeded toward the exits.
is yelling denier in a crowded climate conference protect speech or is it the same as yelling fire in a crowded theater?

>> No.15387909

How many vegans are in the field of nutrition. Regardless they should state their conflict of interest, they don't get a pass.

>> No.15388183
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meat bros... life seems to lose its meaning...


>> No.15388198

They might be some merits on vegan diet, but is not found in stuff like imposible burgers or vegan cheese.

>> No.15388262

>we examined the psychosocial characteristics of Reddit users

troon "science" is pure cope and navel gazing

>> No.15388323

None of these studies control for healthy meat eating versus unhealthy meat eating. For example, one would expect different health outcomes for low temperature versus high temperature cooking. That's why plant pushers will forever be dishonest cunts.

>> No.15388375

I feel like shit after eating apples, no clue what you are talking about.

>> No.15388382

It's the same thing as when they refer to a diet high in sugar and fat as a "high fat diet" in order to portray fat as harmful.

>> No.15388603
File: 443 KB, 1200x1200, global-warming-conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're just political activists posing as scientists, just like all the other scientists. honest people don't go into that line of work anymore, they get shut out by the political activists via the peer review process

>> No.15388640

Veganism is a legitimate threat. Products keep getting reformulated as vegan and they become incredibly disgusting. Veganism is taking away my food.

>> No.15388808

Yes and another plant pushing deception is generalizing saturated fat as harmful. For example, one would expect different health outcomes for eating cheese versus drinking milk and eating chocolate versus adding coconut to a stew.
Discussing science is a rigged game though, because people only care about exercising power over others by any means necessary.

>> No.15388868
File: 46 KB, 504x492, scienceys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left-wing politics has destroyed the credibility of all science for perhaps generations or even hundreds of years now.

>> No.15389835
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>> No.15389867

And here's why that's a good thing: draining the swamp to make science great again. A great reset of the science to build science back better. A science that is not a threat to our democracy. Yes we can. For the people. Especially the children. Imagine a global science treaty without foreign intervention. A science that allows freedom of speech, diversity and inclusivity without hate speech or misinformation. A science that punishes criminals and illegal immigration. A science that does not depend on Russia and China. A science that encourages upward mobility through hard work like our founding fathers did. A new scientific order. God bless America!

>> No.15391422 [DELETED] 

Why do vegans even want to eat burgers even if they are ersatz ones? Why do that want to present the illusion that they aren't vegans? Is there something wrong with being vegan?

>> No.15391428

Damn anon, that's beautiful.

>> No.15391431

>Is there something wrong with being vegan?
Obviously. It is against Nature. Same as being a homosexual/troon.

>> No.15392440

Good question.
I don't want to eat steaks that look like tofu.

>> No.15392546

Apparently because meat tastes good, but killing animals is icky.

>> No.15394486
File: 65 KB, 530x600, 1615957636533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but killing animals is icky.
Its funny that the same ppl who virtue signal about not wanting to harm animals also all have genocidal fantasies and love abortion.
Why is killing animals bad, but mass murdering humans OK?

>> No.15395215
File: 494 KB, 634x940, satan_prodava_odpustky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>killing animals is bad
>murdering babies?
>everyone should do it

>> No.15395604

>i do eat vegan
Healthy cannibalism? This must be like eating grass fed beef, right?

>> No.15395861

"mommy, mommy look i finished all my vegetables!!! am i a good boy now?!?!" is now an established scientific discipline
science is just a bad joke these days

>> No.15396903

>healthy meat eating versus unhealthy meat eating
No such thing.

>> No.15398369

People who consider eating animals to be "inhumane" are people who don't differentiate between humans and animals, which also makes them people who have no issues with treating humans like livestock

>> No.15398390

It's true. Not wanting to be vegan is one thing, but being anti vegan is a mental illness.
Getting angry that other people don't want to increase animal suffering or contribute to an immoral industry is a mental illness. Not wanting to eat animals is not a mental illness. And I'm not vegan.

>> No.15398394
File: 347 KB, 402x511, Vegan kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No such thing.

>> No.15398400

That chick is cute

>> No.15398404

I feel great agter eating meat though

>> No.15398428

It is mentally ill to attack people who eat meat instead of thinking with them. Tax and downsize factory farmed products. Subsidize and stimulate organic farming. Encourage local involvement with how meat, dairy and eggs are produced and discourage buying neatly packaged animal products from the grocery store. Start giving good examples of plant-based cooking instead of all those malnourished looking influencers eating slop. Veganism made a joke of itself.

>> No.15399323

is that kid hideous from malnourishment or is it due to race mixing?

>> No.15400294

>i can't tell the difference between people and animals
low iq or mental illness?
too many talking animal cartoons as a kid?

>> No.15400612
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>and the neutrality of its content
big assumption, reddit's former, possibly current, head of moderation is ghislaine maxwell, who has family ties to mossad that go back at least 50 years

>> No.15402106

>i'm different from you non-vegans!
>i'm better than you non-vegans!
>*eats burger*
lack of self awareness
and very low IQ

>> No.15403213

I wonder if we could figure out how to make ersatz lettuce out of bacon?

>> No.15404693

more like onions fed

>> No.15405367
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>> No.15406010 [DELETED] 


>> No.15407321 [DELETED] 

>studying reddit gets you into a peer reviewed journal

>> No.15408557 [DELETED] 

The premise of their article is that Reddit is some sort of open to the public free-for-all, rather than a tightly controlled and moderated propaganda outlet.

>> No.15410058
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>> No.15410597
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reminder: a 60 kg tiger in a zoo will get 3 kg meat daily, needs no dentist

>> No.15411284

Yeah thats absurd, they have fake hot dog too, its just tofu in a tube shape with flavorings. They should be happier eating plain tofu instead of something that resembles an animal product, if they want to avoid animal products.

>> No.15411636

I was reading Hippocrates and oddly enough, he says vegan diets are for the more resilient and naturally strong men. The weaker ones prone to illness need cakes prepared for them and cooked certain ways while the strong men much like oxen eat grass and herbs which grow here and there. I never thought of it like that.

>> No.15411682

How does a sausage resemble an animal product? Do you eat meat without seasoning or salt? As it turns out they put shit that isn’t meat into sausages to make them taste better.

>> No.15411799

>like oxen eat grass
Humans can't digest cellulose. Eating grass has no nutritional value, zero, Nadal, nix.

>> No.15412781

Why don't you just eat plain tofu instead of ersatz burgers & hot dogs?
>hey goy, eat this fake hot dog then go have sex with a fake woman

>> No.15412917

because plain tofu is plain and it tastes better with a little oil + salt and whatever else they use for tofu sausage

>> No.15413366

both paid for with fake money printed by fake jews

>> No.15413381

Hippocrates was degenerate faggot. cows spend all free time eating.

>> No.15414576

there are plenty of vegan cakes, vegans eat fake burgers and fake hot dogs all the time

>> No.15414880

Cows will eat meat when they can catch it, they prefer it over grass

>> No.15415409

I wonder what snake fed beef is like.

>> No.15416684

in india street cows eat everything they can find in trash cans

>> No.15417348

Snake is fairly chicken-like meat.

>> No.15417718

its cultural appropriation from people with traditional diets, develop your own culture, don't steal from others you sick degenerate freak

>> No.15419020

Scientists blast ‘zealots’ pushing plant-based diets, argue meat is crucial for health

>> No.15419463

the scientific consensus has spoken

>> No.15419849

including snakes?

>> No.15419859

This people will not reproduce or produce really stunted children. They'll be gone in two generations.

>> No.15419932

>Experts behind nine new research papers published in Animal Frontiers
stopped reading there, that's a livestock industry funded site so is no wonder they will try to claim meat is le good

>> No.15420769

> stopped
shill signature. meat is good.

>> No.15421388

Why don't vegans just eat plain tofu instead of ersatz burgers & hot dogs? cultural appropriation is a disgusting habit

>> No.15422444

>they're just political activists posing as scientists, just like all the other scientists. honest people don't go into that line of work anymore, they get shut out by the political activists via the peer review process
yep, "science" is a consensus of lowlifes these days, the peer review system enables that

>> No.15423386

This is how you sell hamburgers. Race mixing propaganda only hurts sales

>> No.15423703
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>> No.15424331

the ecological (land efficiency) benefits are obvious and the only reason meat doesn't cost you a fortune in a world with 8,000,000,000 people is fodder subsidisation, but the "health benefits" are made up. i cut meat from my diet solely because i'm a moralfag. it has done nothing much good or bad to my health after over 5 years.

>> No.15424695

I too have my steak with a side of fries.

>> No.15424709

>land usage
1. Not all land is suitable for farming crops. 2. Land can produce meat in addition to something else. Example: Forests and game 3. Not all crops or plant parts are edible to humans. 4. Crops and animals can form a perfect farming eco system that sustains itself. Crops alone need outside resources. 5. It is not possible to eat vegan if you consume only locally grown food in most of the world. 6. The ocean, you dumbfuck!

>> No.15425651

>i cut meat from my diet solely because i'm a moralfag.
virtue signaling is a sure sign of an evil person.
decent, honest people don't feel driven to put up false fronts like you do

>> No.15426624

> I
shill detected

>> No.15427790
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is this true?

>> No.15427854

who cares. I ain't eating bugs. real men eat military ration diet.

>> No.15428021
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>> No.15428302
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>know-it-all atheist astro student is also vegan
what are the odds?

>> No.15428705

they cry about cultural appropriation all the time themselves

>> No.15429406

If you come up with a very questionable definition of nutritious. Otherwise? No.

>> No.15430056
File: 114 KB, 600x446, Jorge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i want to be cool like the normal omnivorous people, so i made vegetables look like burger

>> No.15430589
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Rough definition of a mental illness
>State of mind that prevents the subject from functioning in a normal way
>It is normal to eat meat
4chan would be better without all the /pol/aks everywhere. But then again, this is just the reflection of real life, where everything has as well been politicized

>> No.15430594

The greentext is useful to
Certain parts of the. Did this related actually write a whole ass book without a line break?

>> No.15430870

every vegan has this gaunt zombified look to them, are prone to mental instability, and generally seem fucked up and will still claim their diet is healthier and will die on that hill, citing sources that would never be able to identify the potential issues which are clearly happening to most vegans. The propaganda they foist on others non-stop is just working against them now

>> No.15431038

the purpose of this site is to stupefy cattle, the only reason it exists

>> No.15431067

>If you come up with a very questionable definition of nutritious.
That's the thing btw. Don't trust any statistic you haven't forged yourself.
There's a million ways to make it look to support your agenda.

>> No.15431520

they live for virtue signalling, presenting a false image of themselves as virtuous, which they are not (thus the need for the false image)

>> No.15432622

theres some good memes and info on that reddit sub

>> No.15432632

The health benefits are true when measured against the standard American diet, but fucking anything is better than that.

>> No.15432639
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>we conducted a study using social media data from the popular platform, Reddit

>> No.15433834

yeah, reddit is censored asf
the study is going to necessarily be massively skewed in favor of gay liberal shit

>> No.15434562

>i cut meat from my diet solely because i'm a moralfag.
virtue signalling just proves that you're a terrible person with nasty, shameful secrets to hide. so what are they? what are you trying to cover up for?

>> No.15434851
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>> No.15435032

>yeah, reddit is censored asf
Your opinion isn't exactly what we deem the correct one?
Sorry (not sorry), you're banned for life.

>> No.15436319

Good wisdom from Musk

>> No.15436345

It's just reddit to hate him now because he took over Twitter. (The very same people who wished their axe wound could naturally wet just shortly before that).
Honestly, the guy is just an autistic retard.

>> No.15437154

its a shame, 10 years ago reddit had some good boards for topics too specific to discuss on 4chan

>> No.15437252

>established health and ecological benefits of a plant-based diet
Those are some serious assumptions.

>> No.15437952

being vegan is low iq

>> No.15438025

I just hang out occasionally on very off the mainstream shit like astro photography. It's hard to implement black holes matter. But, it's not beyond them to try make that a thing.

>> No.15438136
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>OP Pic.

>> No.15438163

>Minister of health

>> No.15438169
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>> No.15438191

Friend of mine is going for politics now.
He's fascinatingly right wing.
However, we're in Switzerland, which has a special place in Europe despite heaps of immigrants.

>> No.15438852
File: 539 KB, 609x1017, p2rn76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is picrel true?

>> No.15438892

Your lifestyle choices are mental illnesses.

t. Soviet science

>> No.15439329

cultural appropriation is supposed to be some sort of sin, but vegans don't mind doing it themselves, stealing burger culture and making it gay vegan culture
i bet they have vegan rappers too

>> No.15440527
File: 66 KB, 500x539, u3rhf95lw10b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come fake vegan milk looks like liquid diarrhea while real milk looks so pure and white and perfect?
is god trying to tell us something?

>> No.15440532

Don't forget
>recombinant bovine growth hormone

>> No.15441149

ok, but how come fake vegan milk looks like liquid diarrhea while real milk looks so pure and white and perfect?
is god trying to tell us something?

>> No.15442316

God is trying to tell us vegans are evil and deserved to be punished, so he forces them to drink liquid diarrhea

>> No.15442602
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>> No.15442625

>ancestors consumed it for millions of years
>millions years
If that picture wasn't retarded enough that one sure is the cherry on top.
Dairy consumption is really recent on the historical sense like we have been eatings grains for longer than dairy. Also most of the fucking planet is lactose intolerant lol

>> No.15442846

Scientifically speaking, why is it so difficult for incels to understand how science actually works?? Sorry bud, it's not a liberal conspiracy.

>> No.15443021

globohomo > money > people who call themselves "scientists".

>> No.15443025 [DELETED] 

Anti-globalhomo has even more money and nearly as many "scientists".

>> No.15443075

nope. earth is ball.

>> No.15444252

My dad has 3, three, PHDs.
He was head of a research institute. They told him what the outcome of research has to be.

>> No.15445077


>> No.15445706

that seems like a pretty reasonable explanation

>> No.15446837

Yes, unfortunately.
t. Swissyland

>> No.15446861

Vegans are based

>> No.15446865

>Despite the established health and ecological benefits of a plant-based diet
Citation needed.
If the whole world switched to a purely vegan diet most of the world surface would be needed for farmland, no this is not hyperbole. Also the amount of pesticides and over worked fields would be huge. So, ecologically it's not beneficial.
The health benefits only work in a combined diet or a vegan diet carefully tailored. Your 5 per day is good advice. Eating purely vegan wont kill you.
>everyone is science illiterate
>Everyone I don't agree with is either stupid or a part of an in group
What is projection?

>> No.15447337

yeah, that article is garbage, its a psychological profile of a reddit board

>> No.15447665

being a retard and falling for the plant meat psyop is not an argument against veganism, it signals that you're a retard

>> No.15447692

>If the whole world switched to a purely vegan diet most of the world surface would be needed for farmland

This does not make sense. Meat does not come out of nowhere. Cows eat a lot of plant matter to grow. The ratio of plant matter consumed to pound of beef produced does not bear out your hypothesis.

>> No.15447912
File: 140 KB, 1300x953, 99565013-shish-kebab-and-a-glass-of-vodka-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> makes sense
only my body makes what is sense

>> No.15448044

but also cringe

>> No.15449381

>Its a conspiracy!!!
is everyone who disagrees with you really part of a conspiracy or are you just a paranoid schizo?

>> No.15449407

start recognizing paid shills. arguing with them is like arguing with AI, machine.

>> No.15449506 [DELETED] 

Except the AI is capable of simulating the changing of its "mind".

>> No.15450153

>Cows eat a lot of plant matter to grow
They eat grass (we can't eat that) and parts of the crops that we also can't eat like stalks and leaves.
Basically cows are turning useless plant matter that we cannot eat and making beef and milk with it - hyper efficient food machines

>> No.15450785 [DELETED] 

Pigs love to eat horse shit. The let the horses do all the work gnawing on grass and then eat what the horses don't fully digest, its a lot like the cow's digestive system, but divided between two animals

>> No.15450897

we should compare humans with apes, not cows

>> No.15450924

still not a very good comparison, about 3 million years ago our ancestors, homo habilis, figured out how to use tools to kill animals and butcher them to get at the meat and none of the other apes ever learned that trick, so our diets and their diverged dramatically ever since.

>> No.15451398

Science discovers people on reddit aren't well adjusted.

>> No.15452036

The people on r/antivegan seem to be doing just fine, its the authors of the study that are maladjusted, they got trolled substantially by r/antivegan, butthurt to the point that they made a whole stupid publication out of their angst and put their names on it

>> No.15452353

imagine publishing a scientific article about how a reddit pub makes you angry
imagine doing that then having it pass peer review
science is a stupid joke these days

>> No.15452357

"mental illness" is just buzzword used by jews to cancel group of people for their own goals

>> No.15452750

That seems like the type of thing they would do

>> No.15452813
File: 35 KB, 737x472, 1681984439962597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"jews" is just buzzword used by globohomo to cancel group of people for their own goals

>> No.15454010 [DELETED] 

vegans are all retards, they're all nutritionally deficient and have brain atrophy

>> No.15454990

sup jidf

>> No.15455011

even for a shill you are retard

>> No.15455907

because vegans are idiots

>> No.15457109

yeah, thats embarrassing, I might make a reddit account just to stir up this shit a little more

>> No.15457342

>basing the study on reddit
You could do literally any study on them and the result would always be that they're mentally ill

>> No.15457360

>feel bad
Physically? Stop eating high-carb garbage together with your meat, thats the real problem.
Mentally? You fell for the guilt-trip psyop

>> No.15458239

being vegan is somewhat akin to being suicidal. willfully starving yourself of essential nutrition in order to virtue signal is a form of self harm, which is evidence of mental illness

>> No.15459354

I have never had a social media account of any sort

>> No.15459436

Women were brought into the fold.

>> No.15460769

Because "I'm super smart" is a coping mechanism for failure to excel in all other aspects of life. Intellectual capability lends itself to delusions of grandeur because of it's intangibility.

>> No.15461584

>Anti-veganism is now a mental illness
does this mean I can get gibes for being officially crazy?

>> No.15462105

Yeah, you need drive. Intelligence by itself is useless if you don't make anything of it.
So then you are the intelligent guy wasting away in your parent's basement.

>> No.15463415

Those without the drive are not intelligent. If you can't figure out that being smart without making use of your intelligence is useless then you weren't smart to begin with. Its a fairly obvious thing to figure out

>> No.15464616
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>> No.15464722

Blah blah blah.

>> No.15464772
File: 47 KB, 471x705, ctc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kill and eat all vegans, is simple as that.

>> No.15464773
File: 134 KB, 1065x1192, chimp_smile_come.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is none you stupid moron. You deserve to have your face eaten by chimps.