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File: 469 KB, 2000x1503, 150709140146-nasa-astronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15389770 No.15389770 [Reply] [Original]

When Artemis 3? - edition

Previous >>15387305

>> No.15389775
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>> No.15389776
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We are going. Patience bros.

>> No.15389777
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Reminder that the Hakuto-R moon lander mission is about to happen in about 30 hours.



>> No.15389778

Cool. Cant find any moe for hakuto-r, unfortunately. maybe there will be soon

>> No.15389779
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>> No.15389782
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>> No.15389783

Give me one good reason why this wont crash like all the others

>> No.15389785

there are clearly pictures of it landing

>> No.15389786
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>> No.15389787
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oh shit, i'm sorry

>> No.15389790

Buttplug engine?

>> No.15389791

looks like you need your hands to use it, kind of defeats the purpose

>> No.15389793

looks more like concealed carry. You point the ass towards where you want to shoot and then squeeze real tight

>> No.15389794
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So when do we start paperwork posting for OFT-2?

>> No.15389798


>> No.15389801
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probably in about 2 weeks

>> No.15389804
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easily blown out of space by a few of these firing 30mm depleted uranium shells from their nose mounted GAU-8 cannons, probably even has an unshielded thermal exhaust port a small snub-nose fighter could target to start a chain reaction

>> No.15389806

Will the steel plate make Starship launches louder or quieter?

>> No.15389811

Never, US govt is broke.

>> No.15389812

both, depends on where you stand

>> No.15389815

Have people seen less or more schizo space is fake stuff after this launch? I haven't really frequented places where posting like that would be normal.


>> No.15389864


>> No.15389865
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>> No.15389872
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Holy kek someone actually made it, fuggin saved

>> No.15389875

yeah, me, just for you :)

>> No.15389880

Concealed carry for trannies?

>> No.15389884


>> No.15389889

So, what's the Moon mission planning now, can Starship make it? We can't let the chinks do it, even though they're half a century late.

>> No.15389891

If FAA doesn't delay SpaceX anymore, it should be up and running in few months again and few more afterwards.

>> No.15389893

They'll launch about a dozen starships, then go up there in Crew Dragon and choose the one that looks the least banged up from concrete fragments.

>> No.15389894

So what actually went wrong?
Yeah, some engines failed, but the ship was designed so it could still get to orbit without all of them, right? So why did it start tumbling?

>> No.15389897

Fuck off tourist

>> No.15389899

>can Starship make it?
not a chance

>> No.15389907

>The Federal Aviation Administration grounded SpaceX’s Starship rockets on Thursday after one of them exploded minutes into lift off on its first test flight and crashed into the Gulf of Mexico.

>> No.15389912

hmm, somehow I don't believe this.

>> No.15389917

> The rockets will remain grounded pending an FAA investigation to ensure “any system, process, or procedure related to the mishap does not affect public safety,” as is standard practice, the FAA said in a statement.

> Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), chair of the Senate Commerce Aviation Subcommittee, said lawmakers need to clarify which agency will be in charge of regulating the industry as “space tourism steps up.”

>“We have to decide who’s going to regulate that type of travel. Is it going to be the FAA or is it going to be NASA — NASA is not a regulating agency the way FAA is — coming up with the rules and policies of how we conduct both commercial passenger and commercial freight travel?” Duckworth said. "... We need to sit down and really have a real reckoning as to who’s going to be in charge of this — an agency that has lots of experience with regulating commercial passenger and freight but no space experience, or a space agency that has no experience with logistical moving things around the way the FAA does? So we’ll have to see.”

>> No.15389918

It's over

>> No.15389920
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They've actually shown it, kek, the CZ-9 reusable S2 variant is just Chinese Starship

>> No.15389921
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Thanks anon

>> No.15389928

Its not like they are going to suddenly send up another five because they enjoy firework or something

>> No.15389942

The license was valid for one launch only. So they obviously intended to review the launch no matter what happened.

>> No.15389947
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why improve on perfection?
There aren't many ways to do the reusable second stage desu, you have the Bono/stoke/delta clipper style with the Aerospike/Heatshield or you can do an inline spaceplane/lifting body of which the starship is basically a low crossrange vertical landing optimisation.

>> No.15389950

can't you see the trigger bar? all you need to do is clench...

>> No.15389954
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We solved this shit ages ago

>> No.15389958

they're trying to come up with a solution that doesn't involve digging a skyscraper-sized hole into a swamp

>> No.15389961

now that the 1st stage can be reused are SSTOs officially dead?

>> No.15389964

Anyone who thinks starship is the bottleneck is genuinely retarded, uninformed or they have an agenda

>> No.15389965

This is my headcanon.
Once a meme, always a meme.

>> No.15389984 [DELETED] 
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Replace NASA with SpaceX, same shit. Sciencesois on suicide watch. It's a amazing how much bullshit the NPC's will take all because they want to badly believe the lies.

>> No.15389994
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where is his video of himself gloating?

>> No.15389996

on earth pretty much if some meme power source/propulsion method doesnt come about that makes efficiency irrelevant
I'm not sure if fusion is enough for example

>> No.15390002
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no doubt its coming, easy to make a thunderfoot video about the launch or even multiple
you can bad faith argue a number of things so I would be surprised if he doesn't milk this for some content
the musk related videos tend to do considerably better as well

>> No.15390006
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time to get back to work, a storm was nice enough to clean the shit up as well

>> No.15390007
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This was inevitable

>> No.15390008

on the short term yes.
The only way they aren't dead is if staging stays a likely point of failure once volume becomes much larger, in this case it could have an use for crewed launches.

>> No.15390010

SSTO was never truly alive in the first place
for good reason

>> No.15390011
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>> No.15390017


>> No.15390018

>it's tilted

>> No.15390021

Based, the gig is up burgers.
China century is now.

>> No.15390022

yes, anon. We've been over this: It's a launch tower avoidance maneuver.

>> No.15390025

> a launch tower avoidance maneuver.
I've heard some other theories

>> No.15390029

Let’s fucking go, don’t ever say chyna lacked faith of the heart

>> No.15390032
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So Scott Manley skipped Starship launch event for ULA factory tour.

Would you have done that if you had the capacity to go in either direction?

>> No.15390035

>ULA does factory tour with popular youtubers right as Starship is launching
What did Tori mean by this? Is he declaring war?

>> No.15390037

Starship will be around for the next 100+ years and only get better. Vulcan will only be here for maybe 20 years at best. So yeah he made the right call I guess
More serious answer: while the SS flight would have been really fun, I get scott wagered his options and felt that the first actual tower landing attempt would be a better launch to attend and that passing up a VIP tour offered to him would have been a bad idea

>> No.15390038

ULA Sniping

>> No.15390040

lmao fuck no. what a retard
>going to some dime-a-dozen factory tour that you can do literally any other time
>witnessing the birth of the new age in spaceflight, stories of which will be told for decades to come

>> No.15390042

The funnier thing, in my opinion:
>speculation starts to form that SS will fly in the coming days
>Blue Origin goes on a twitter crusade posting their “hardware rich” (big quotes) factory operations to seem relevant

>> No.15390044

Starship launch is once is a history event. Its a pure emotional ride that can be told as a story for future generations. ULA factory tour can be booked anytime. Like literally.

Personally, if I had the choice, I'd skip out on the tour for a week and go for Starship launch event. You're skipping out on living history because you're suffering from EDS

>> No.15390046

Honestly between the 3rd stage, potentially expendable S2 (I know SX will do it too) and possibility for Downrange landing it does seem like a better medium term BLEO launcher than Starship.

>> No.15390048

kek, he didn't want any serious musk 1s there.

>> No.15390051

Ehlers–Danlos syndrome?
that's rough

>> No.15390052

There was no guarantee of launch and if he turned down ULA probably no further access to them them. He has no special access to SpaceX and would be there just as bystander.

>> No.15390055
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For me, the black tiles and white ice remind me of a whale


>> No.15390056

Ofcourse from a business perspective, ULA tour gets in their good grace. But thats a compromise someone like Scott Manley made.

>> No.15390058

such as?

>> No.15390061

Personally I think its shitty of ULA to book him in for a tour during the launch period of Starship, like someone must have thought about the fact he might already be booked for the Starship launch right?

>> No.15390062

they keep coming out with these power points every month
it means nothing

>> No.15390063

They know their social media. Manley has been critical of Musk since twitter and knows he's suffering from mild EDS

>> No.15390065

immediate engine failure(s) causing the rocket to move laterally

>> No.15390068

actually like someone else said, the launch scrubbed once already, saying fuck you to ULA might worsen the relationship with them
the decision to go to the starship launch vs ULA factory tour would probably depend if I'm doing content or not
no content -> Starship launch
content -> ULA tour

>> No.15390069
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Earth Departure Stage?

>> No.15390070

if you can book a tour whenever then of course I would go to the starship launch in either case t. >>15390068
is it actually true or just speculation? If this is true, then cuck manlet is even more of a retard than I thought
I just keep losing respect for him
how is that even possible

>> No.15390076
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China going full Starship. And I think 1st or 2nd stage will land on ocean platform as well afaik

>> No.15390077
File: 62 KB, 450x757, 450px-MH_ISRU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros I found the ISRU bible. It's amazing. I think one of my favorite parts of space colonization is ISRU.

>> No.15390080
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>copying something Musk has made
>copying something Musk is making
>copying something Musk will make

>> No.15390084

>meanwhile US gov will stop Musk at all cost

>> No.15390090

how will the villages be pillaged now?

>> No.15390094
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Somewhat relevant to spaceflight and fusion has been talked about here a few times
how much better would a fusion ship be compared to something like NTR anyway? I guess if you just used it as a heat source then not particularly much?


>> No.15390101

Since international media is censored, and they're only exposed to domestic propaganda, do they think Musk copied China?

>> No.15390103
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So I went, it was amazing. People as far as you could see. The crowd excitement was palpable. It was a roller coaster of emotions -
>Seeing raptors ignite
>Think they shutdown
>See Starship start to rise
>See Starship start to go sideways more than up
>Clearly crooked
>Starts burning up engines, going really really slow
>Never looks that far away
>Starts to spin
>Is this gonna come back at us?
>What the fuck is it doing
The whole thing from our perspective looked out of control, I'm surprised they didn't blow it right after liftoff. The entire time it looked like it was absolutely crawling and struggling to gain altitude. Maybe its was just the sheer size of it made it deceiving. It also wasn't as loud as I expected. You could feel it in your chest but I saw the Shuttle and that was deafening. My theory before I heard anons theory in SRB sound was the viewing area for the shuttle was downwind, whereas Starship we were parallel with the wind.

>> No.15390104

No, Elon has a good following in China and the space followers are well into SpaceX/Starship. Thats the whole reason many are copying SpaceX/Tesla

>> No.15390105

Least obsessive anti-Musk cultist

>> No.15390111

Man I’m so jealous
Stupid question, but if you’ve already been there, why not go all the way to Mexico where there was a better view?

>> No.15390113


>> No.15390117

tomorrow. the storm filled the new deluge crater.

>> No.15390119

Banditos. I asked the Mexican American hotel receptionist if going across the border like I used to in the early 2000s is still commonplace and she said absolutely not, border tourism is dead and it's too dangerous.

>> No.15390128

A 15th Long March 9 design has hit the towers

>> No.15390129

Yeah I had heard about that, but the beaches seemed crowded on the other side of the border on launch day

>> No.15390134

Yeah border used to be safe during the day but now everything north of Mexico City is not even worth contemplating, especially if you’d be obviously foreign

However dangerous you think it is, it’s much worse than that

>> No.15390141

> The DIU wants a nuclear power source that could provide electrical power out of a device the size of a toaster oven or microwave some time in the next five years, said Mr. Weed, who pointed to a need for small satellite propulsion systems in cislunar space, the area between Earth and the moon.

>> No.15390142

It was probably crowded with criminals waiting for stupid americans.
I remember when someone asked my mexican colleague if you needed any shots or whatever if you were travelling to mexico and he said "No, you just need a gun".

>> No.15390144

It does look like they had a hell of a view. Just not worth it, especially with my complexion.

>> No.15390145

*and water bottles

>> No.15390149

I do think Scott is overly critical of Musk (and SpaceX it seems too, even though you can seperate one from the other)
But its not like he goes out of his way to dunk on SpaceX at every occasion, at least trying to be unbiased about things. Main reason we can tell that he does have some issues with musk/spaceX is because he is often overly uncritical to blue balls/Astra/virgin and all these other companies that hasnt really delivered (sorry if I stepped on any toes, but if I did I do appriciate any Yous I may have sent my way)

>> No.15390152
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Ameriwokes? How do we cope?

>> No.15390155
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even nuevo leon and monterrey?
tesla is going to start building a gigafactory in the outskirts of monterrey soon, which means musk is probably going to visit the place from time to time

>> No.15390157

they are kidnapping americans/tourists or what?

>> No.15390168

Those black people got killed/held hostage in Reynosa I think a few months ago but that was most likely a drug deal gone bad. You just never know. Odds are if you stay smart and keep a low profile you'll be fine, but there's no guarantee. I went to Hermosillo for a business trip 4 years ago and it was fine. I also went across the border for work in Tecate and it was fine, but I had local Mexicans with me the whole time, exploring was discouraged.

>> No.15390169

It's over. America won.

>> No.15390170

why is Mexico such a crime-ridden shithole?

>> No.15390172
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>> No.15390173

the illegal drug trade has given cartels immense money and power

>> No.15390174

Mexians made it that way, the culture comes with this idea of - because I as a little girl wore just worn out flippers and a simple white dress as a poor girl, I must now ensure that my children does not suffer poverty - therefore I will deal in crime/do drugs etc etc.
What happens? Those around her suffers, but at least her children can move to America now that they have ripped through everyone elses pockets and economy

>> No.15390190
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>> No.15390191
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>> No.15390193

fuck we need to get off this planet fast. IQ rates are fucking dropping like stones, even in iceland. We might be done for.

>> No.15390195
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>> No.15390197

Is all gone be okay my lil nigga

>> No.15390200

If IQ rates are dropping, how is spaceflight more promising than ever?

>> No.15390205

Monterrey? Yes. Used to be one of my favorite places in Mexico. It’s simply beautiful, built into the foot of the hill. Nowadays cartels hang people from the bridge. You can go to Monterrey and be fine - but I would literally never go again. There isn’t a way to guarantee your safety. Musk has enough money to be safe though.

>> No.15390207

nta but low iq post

>> No.15390209
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what are you implying

>> No.15390211

It’s genuinely not all of it, the Yucatan is completely safe. But Mexicans have Stockholm syndrome about cartels, probably because they believe (probably correctly) that no one is ever going to actually wipe them out so when the police or Americans antagonise them it’s just going to bring chaos down on them

>> No.15390212

I meant what I wrote. Are you so used to word games you think there's a subliminal message or something?

>> No.15390214
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>> No.15390220

Elon has collected a large amount of the most intelligent people left and put them in spacex.

>> No.15390223

you have to legalize drugs to wipe out their main source of income, which would then weaken them and wipe them out

>> No.15390225
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>> No.15390227

very nice, anon.

>> No.15390240

do you all think this launch will make them design a proper stage separation mechanism, or will all flightsw going forward attempt the chad flip(tm)

>> No.15390241

My nog they make fentanyl, originally from Chinese imports. You would have to legalise any and all substances and cease controlling the flow of pharmaceuticals, and even after that you’d have to completely open the border because they do a lot of human trafficking, and even after that you’d have to legalise child prostitution. And the cartel would still be able to make money in that scenario
People who think you need to legalise weed dude just to destroy organized crime are retarded.

>> No.15390244

I have a gut feeling the next thing to fail miserably in the program will be that stage sep. There's a limit to how much you can simplify engineering before it just becomes pointless.

>> No.15390245

I hope they try it again, losing engines and gimbal control of the inner engines due to hydraulics exploding means they didn't really have a chance to test it yet

>> No.15390246

they would be able to make money, sure, but nowhere near what they make now

>> No.15390258

I'll be honest, seeing people like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos thinking fusion is right around the corner has done more to make me cautious about it than anything else.

>> No.15390263
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>> No.15390266

>probably because they believe (probably correctly) that no one is ever going to actually wipe them out
Why don't we just kill them all?

>> No.15390267

I think they’ll stick with it until a) it works, or b) they’ve attempted it multiple times with all SH/SS parameters in their favor and it still fails

>> No.15390269

Does ESA have an overarching goal?

>> No.15390271

How the hell will it work with more sensitive cargo?

>> No.15390273

so the drugs are not the problem but Mexican society itself?

>> No.15390275

To keep funds flowing to the various aerospace companies under their umbrella.

>> No.15390277

Yes. They've been like this for literally centuries. Not always in the way they are now, but always with the violence and instability.

>> No.15390278

were there any launches in the past 6 hours?

>> No.15390285

like what? nukes?

>> No.15390289

Like people and things more sensitive to being shaken around.

>> No.15390290

So the day before the launch Tim Dodd was wondering up and down the street along the OLM for hours having his celebrity moment. I passed him twice, he was saying hi to everyone, you could tell he was looking for people to recognize him and acknowledge his presence. We was with a chick and a gym fag with his shirt off harassing all the women. It was really douchey.

>> No.15390291
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If we can seed other planets with life, does that prove the possibility of extraterrestrials?

>> No.15390292

The same way. If you’re flying on a manned starship you better hold on for dear life

>> No.15390293

Why would it?

>> No.15390296

There's no space you retard.
Do you also believe the earth is a globe you braindead vaccinated goylem.

>> No.15390297
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>> No.15390299

I mspainted this and I can't believe someone saved it

I can't even remember what the point was. I think it was booster catching before the tower was explained.

>> No.15390303

Because it means extraterrestrial life can exist obviously

>> No.15390304


>> No.15390307
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>> No.15390314

We are here arent we? If the sort of evidence you need to conclude your belief in ayy lmaos is true, is that we can reseed life on other worlds, when we already have proteins and acids which is arguably the most complicated piece of the puzzle. The most complex piece of the puzzle for reseeding is longevity, we could send some waterbears to Mars right now and wed technically have spread life to other worlds

>> No.15390316

>Shiro Sagisu
I kneel, he also made the soundtrack for Evangelion.

>> No.15390332

It's over.

>> No.15390333

No, YOU are over

>> No.15390334

Is this the reddit thread?

>> No.15390337

/sfg/ paint drawings are always comfy even if they depict stupid or unrealistic ideas

>> No.15390342


>> No.15390344
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VELY implessive

>> No.15390345
File: 61 KB, 899x470, Flying Saucers and Outer Space by Mollie Brown illustrated by Gerry Wood ufo 1969 c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> rockets

>> No.15390351
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you are mega retarded. You should leave.

>> No.15390352
File: 93 KB, 1027x577, bernal colony toast future 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A toast to my fellow Spin Kings

>> No.15390353

Find someone in your life who is as much of a fan to your work, as the Chinese to Musk's products.

EVs and batteries

>> No.15390355
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>> No.15390357

Why no steel? The Starship's selling point is reliability/re usability

>> No.15390359

silly anon. notice that compasses don't point straight down?

>> No.15390362

Because it’s literally just smoke and mirrors. I have seen more designs for long march 9 than I have seen spacex clickbait youtube videos. None of them have gone beyond a PowerPoint. This isn’t even the first long march 9 I’ve seen this year

>> No.15390367

they just do science. Honestly for an oldspace org they're respectable.

>> No.15390369
File: 127 KB, 724x811, doomer suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15390370

clearly that saucer is simply landing on one of the poles

>> No.15390373

decadent earther lifestyle = decadent earther selection pressures = dysgenics

>> No.15390375

Spinhabs are the most kino form of colonization.

>> No.15390378


>> No.15390383
File: 48 KB, 593x659, the well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15390389

you cannot dispute it, albeit.

>> No.15390395

What does seeding Maya prove?

>> No.15390400

Mars is such a dogshit planet

>> No.15390402

Any planet that you're on is a dogshit planet.

>> No.15390403

Venus? Oh you mean like my peenus?

>> No.15390405
File: 44 KB, 459x344, well nig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15390406
File: 2.17 MB, 4902x6133, photo-output.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who could be the next company to make a super heavy vehicle?

>> No.15390413

god I love the way SLS looks. The orange, the pair of SRBs, the tapered design. It really is the way rockets should look

>> No.15390415

aren't spinhabs just garbage science fiction?
pop sci mush, in other words.

>> No.15390417
File: 63 KB, 774x573, well nigg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15390418

or they just glorify gangster style thinking it is some apex level existence

>> No.15390419

ITT: Earthers that unnerve me

>> No.15390424

In the US? I think Blue Origin is the only one even vaguely attempting.

>> No.15390426
File: 356 KB, 1170x1100, 58DBA013-0776-49FA-B061-EB46164FBC02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15390428

Yeah, just like large scale human presence off of Earth is. It's science fiction until it isn't.

>> No.15390430

no, perfectly possible to build with steel

>> No.15390431
File: 123 KB, 1252x642, 1682349826460788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of their ancestors were making human sacrifices to the sun gods before the first ytebois even appeared over the horizon

the bloodthirst is in their genetics at this point

>> No.15390434

Just make shit up, go ahead

>> No.15390435

It will be sad if it crashes
I want them to succeed but lunar lander history doesn't give me hope

>> No.15390436
File: 14 KB, 587x637, 1679855939723392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was just taking the waifu and her bull out for a walk

>> No.15390438

anon, they're mostly spanish

>> No.15390441
File: 489 KB, 900x860, 1682201623136980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mixed with aztecs and every other tribal a conquistador got a steel hard on for

>> No.15390443

They're garbage if you want to study microgravity, which is 90% of what the ISS does. They also have sone payload and R&D cost. Manageable, but more than goverments are willing to pay for some crew comfort.

>> No.15390445
File: 359 KB, 651x829, 002893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15390450

please dont post this fat ugly fuck, i can smell him from here

>> No.15390454

I've officially unsubbed from NSF on youtube. After Starship has flown, their purpose is fulfilled. I feel as if a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders

>> No.15390457
File: 263 KB, 948x1280, Man_of_steel_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15390458

no? the forces involved are well understood and making a steel donut in space is not much of an engineering challenge.

>> No.15390460
File: 1.80 MB, 1273x714, 002894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15390465

cool. Now build it

>> No.15390466
File: 78 KB, 698x513, rombus launch pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't Elon build this?

>> No.15390469

well im on Mars so my point stands

>> No.15390472
File: 402 KB, 1170x1276, FBB2DF89-186B-471C-B7F1-BA1581C4B880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the best part is no part

>> No.15390473
File: 395 KB, 836x480, Screenshot 2023-04-17 143959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15390474

all well dwellers to be expelled from the airlock

>> No.15390476

I will use thermite on your shitty little spin station and it will kill everyone in side

>> No.15390478
File: 149 KB, 1049x746, Mars Attacks Card Set (Topps 1994)(Max Zeus)_0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>35m to reply
Damn, Mars must have australian-tier infrastructure.

>> No.15390480

>i... im dwoooling

>> No.15390482
File: 74 KB, 749x1184, djt tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> a concrete bowl with water in it is absurd speculation

>> No.15390483

like this?


>> No.15390484

it's not that easy in bowletry

>> No.15390494

Musk should pivot to China. America is dead

>> No.15390496
File: 1.46 MB, 1536x864, BDCCDF63-B823-406F-8664-24A6F2CCD839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Northrop Station wen?

>> No.15390497


>> No.15390510


>> No.15390512

How long until we get a space station with a rotating section for gravity experiments? 2150?

>> No.15390520
File: 306 KB, 3289x1721, Pressphoto_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you give them digits, could you have a reliable workforce in space?

>> No.15390521

I want to see the human robot fuck the dog robot in the butthole :)

>> No.15390523


>> No.15390524

why theyre just robots

>> No.15390525

~10 years after ss is proven viable. so early 2030s.

>> No.15390526

thats what the thumbnail looks like desu

they're gonna do it whether you like it or not. they are alone in space without any vaginas nearby.

>> No.15390531

Boston boner bots

>> No.15390533
File: 703 KB, 1536x2048, 1675724399255716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit starship is huge
this is to scale

>> No.15390536

corridor crew guy
wonder if we will get a space vid from them

>> No.15390545
File: 64 KB, 899x547, thunderf00t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is his problem anyways?

>> No.15390548

He is a rocket expert now didnt you know?

>> No.15390551

His entire grift is based around being "correct" and an "authoritative figure" on youtube despite only having real knowledge regarding chemistry and only a very specific set of chemistry.
He's a layperson in most things he has an opinion on, yet uses his degree to pretend otherwise. He's an imposter making bank off retards.

>> No.15390550
File: 333 KB, 640x480, 1664270271640212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is yours?

>> No.15390552


>> No.15390553

If starship didn't eat an ass fuel of concrete and shockwaves i would agree with him

>> No.15390554
File: 713 KB, 633x827, blumpf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will remind them

>> No.15390556

Reminder that this "person" said that Falcon 9 was basically a Mercury-Redstone with modern engines.

>> No.15390557

serious answer: they lost one APU near liftoff, and the backup APU about the time it started tumbling. These provided the pneumatic pressure to gimbal the engines. (Irrelevant to future development, since they are switching to electric actuation.)

>> No.15390558

When you boil it down to the absolute retard pop sci layperson terms, they're all tanks of propellant with chemical reaction engines on the business end.
It's fucking retarded to boil shit down to baby fodder like that though.

>> No.15390559

>says the man who has never ran a successful business in his life

>> No.15390563

I want to see him locked in a cage with 10 spacex engineers

>> No.15390564

but I don't understand, didn't this guy say that starship wasn't going to launch at all in the first place? why is he moving the goalposts?

>> No.15390566

because he's a twat with a two bit degree and a youtube channel that wishes he was a billionaire with a rocket company

>> No.15390568

>starship will never be reuseable
>ok so you can reuse it but it will never be cheap
>sure it's cheap and fast to reuse, but they'll never get in orbit refueling down
>ok so they have working tanker variants, but they'll never get mars ISRU down
>sure the mars colony was a huge success but it will never be self sustaining

>> No.15390570
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>> No.15390571
File: 230 KB, 763x840, Sinews of Strength Avco Corporation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Starship has a staging disaster
> SSTO bad! bleats /sfg/

>> No.15390572

Spacex sources say they never lost hydraulics btw

>> No.15390573

why no use a balloon to get to space

>> No.15390574

it wasn't a staging disaster, unless you count the pad as a stage.

>> No.15390575


>> No.15390577

Apart from the odd space plane fetishist, we've been pretty firm on SSTOs being dogshit for a very long time, son.

>> No.15390578

Astral projection

>> No.15390579

Read L2, subscrube to NSF YT, join the Discord

>> No.15390580


>> No.15390581

severe Musk Derangement Syndrome (EDS) and generally cynical about anything new (granted a lot of the stuff he talks about is truly bullshit, but not everything is)

>> No.15390582

>anon doesn't realize that starship is ssto

>> No.15390583

Oink oink

>> No.15390586

>Spacex sources
nothingburger as usual

>> No.15390587

>it occurred to me from behind a paywall

>> No.15390588

thats what he does, the goalposts will be moving forever
when the first people land on Mars, its going to be about not 1million people getting there by 2050

>> No.15390591

You guys pissing yourselfs when you could just STFU and get L2 and never need to come to /sfg/. Jealous

>> No.15390592


>> No.15390593

People/payloads would be strapped in/down anyway for launch so I imagine it wouldn't be that bad really, just like going around a loop on a rollercoaster.

>> No.15390594

Might be waiting for more pics of the olm ruins

>> No.15390595

but i love /sfg/, go back.

>> No.15390597
File: 296 KB, 1179x781, 1194EBB5-1E48-4B7A-8561-469B941DEB1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love you to anon, no homo

>> No.15390598

They can't because they are dumb ass NEETs/thirdies

>> No.15390600

go back

>> No.15390601

you calling me poor?

>> No.15390602

Fusion has been "right around the corner" for decades now, I don't think anything that's happened recently is grounds for thinking it's anything less than 10 years away.

>> No.15390603
File: 258 KB, 867x1459, MH_ISRU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb nigger

>> No.15390604

yet you post here (to advertise)

>> No.15390606
File: 161 KB, 1130x2048, BDEE2EE9-73CF-4F98-892D-5A255342CCBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta say, atleast the Chinese are smart enough to copy SpaceX. I wanna see what the Starship Super Chang can do, hopefully we get a serious competitor to SpaceX to light a candle under their asset

>> No.15390609
File: 93 KB, 900x900, ED45200D-FB3D-4804-A232-09A21FCD2575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you didn’t buy a Starship torch then yes you are

>> No.15390610

capital investment and materials advancement. neither imply practical application but now we'll actually find out

>> No.15390611

>Musk Derangement Syndrome (EDS)

>> No.15390612

Just link like 20 Starships together ina ring and we're set.

>> No.15390613

I bought that metal sheet for $500 but i would never buy that stupid dildo lmao

>> No.15390615

Fucking poorfag

>> No.15390616

You joke about this but some retards in 30 years will do this

>> No.15390617

The E stands for Elon's ;)

>> No.15390619

You are so fucking dumb it hurts

>> No.15390623
File: 200 KB, 1152x2048, FubMf_YWAAExSmM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15390625
File: 662 KB, 1780x1188, 1672251860142194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nunchuck Starships.

>> No.15390626

Wait a minute...you could a carry a rocket inside another rocket

>> No.15390627

You're hired

>> No.15390628


>> No.15390631

Not sure what tether you think would support that tension anon, or how liftoff/controlled burns would work

>> No.15390633

My brain can’t comprehend this. It looks like a Starship and then SuperHeavy and everything else is photoshopped

>> No.15390635

Only the second stage

>> No.15390636

Not that easy in nunchuckery...


>> No.15390640

yes, steel rope beyond human comprehension

>> No.15390641


>> No.15390648

literally will never happen

>> No.15390650

There will be no such thing on Mars.

>> No.15390654

Yeh, been around here 3 months so still fairly new. Is this possible without memetech then?

>> No.15390657

>>it occurred to me from behind a paywall

>> No.15390660

>some anons last thread
>Primal Space is just a copypaste farm nothing original

>> No.15390666

He's a loser. A loser who has done nothing with his life. So the angst got him to become a youtube "skeptic" which impressed midwits and idiots. Then with that new found pride, used it to attack Musk and all his companies.

There are many like him.

>> No.15390668
File: 27 KB, 350x350, A56BAAB2-BB76-41B8-9168-95343A7E537B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15390679

You think this refutes that in the slightest? Are you a fuckin retard?

>> No.15390682

Severe Elon Musk Derangement Syndrome (EDS)

>> No.15390685

Kino alert, folks

>> No.15390687

(you're replying to the channel owner)

>> No.15390689

>You think this refutes that in the slightest?
Yes, theres more original content than copying press release/twitter thread content like spacebucket, which was the main argument you made yesterday

You lost, deal w/ it

>> No.15390690

The one they used to lift SS up, back when chopsticks weren't in place. It's not hard.
>b-b-but I need 10x safety factor!
Oh no, the tether broke!!! What a catastrophe!! Now the ships are ... slowly drifting apart(!), whatever shall we do?!

>> No.15390693

So he's advertizing? Good that makes it easier for me

>> No.15390694
File: 166 KB, 1024x682, FuWnp_ZXwAYGAXA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have any official word from SpaceX about what caused the failure? Or are they still assessing damage?

>> No.15390698

Radio silence

>> No.15390702

what does the site look like post tornado/rainstorm

>> No.15390705

It’s pretty fucking obvious what the cause was retard

>> No.15390707

most of all grifter content from minor channels poster here is (and some major ones see the nsf posts with "sauce" you were invitedto pay for up the thread. i hate that these cunts ruin everything but its just an extension of ethot gaming streams or whatever other interest that has been ruined by money/attention seeking cunts.

>> No.15390709

>3d printing, blockchain, chatgpt
if anyone brings soitech up then you know their project is full of shit

>> No.15390712

lmao no you retard, I just love proving anons here wrong when they dont know what they're talking about

>> No.15390713
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x780, 20230420_073922.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to start posting some of my vids and images. On the 20th about an hour before launch we walked out of our hotel on South Padre and decided to walk the beach the whole way to Isla Blanca Park and there was this surreal scene of a massive unorganized crowd all going the same direction on the beach.

>> No.15390716

lol I post content from everywhere completely indiscriminately if I see it hasn't been posted here (except L2, don't have it)

>> No.15390717

Dude just stop. Go back. You're painfully obvious

>> No.15390718

Are you the sign anon?

>> No.15390720

you were called out, you made effort in one video, now you're sharing it here to redeem/advertise

>> No.15390721

one person walking in the other direction

>> No.15390723
File: 62 KB, 750x1000, world-beard-and-moustache-championships- cool chinnc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A good insight into China's Miyin exoplanet project. Miyin aims to detect habitable planets around nearby stars using interferometry, using 4 telescopes & a beam combiner at Sun-Earth L2. On-orbit tests in 2024, launch an experimental sat in 2027 year, active ~2030.


>> No.15390729
File: 32 KB, 360x296, 1656186587368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons think I'm primal space shilling because they can't admit they were wrong

This is too hilarious holy fuck

>> No.15390731

you wanted us to look for the sauce of your claim by signing up to paid services instead of screenshoting it and posting it

>> No.15390732

just call it MDS REEEEEE

>> No.15390733

We'll probably have found them all by then lmaoo

>> No.15390734

>doubling down
You want a content strike or two? I can make that happen

>> No.15390735

Why do we have so many schizos accusing of same gagging and being e-celebs in this general? It’s every single thread I swear

>> No.15390737

L2 deramgement syndrone

>> No.15390738

you have schizophrenia

>> No.15390739

try grifting on /biz/ you'll have an easier time

>> No.15390743
File: 3.50 MB, 1100x618, 20230420_083754.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am. We found where all the spacex employees were watching (this blue ampitheater thing in the bg) and hung out on the beach in front of it. Lots of spaceX people wearing black shirts with the mission patches on the back and hanging out at the beach with their families. it was really special.

>> No.15390745

By all means go ahead I posted that to prove a point and BTFO this anon >>15388113

idc about anything else, if he goes down there's always SpaceBucket to watch which has become quite good and also sometimes mixes in OC tangents in his videos

>> No.15390746

Hey guys, just invested in Astra today. Feelin' #teamspace up in here

>> No.15390747

everyone read the posts. if you have that information share it without directing us off site to a place we have to subscribe to.

>> No.15390750


>> No.15390752

cool but what's the wavelength? xray? visible? ir?

>> No.15390751

is this something new? 4 satellite interferometry

>> No.15390753


not be confused with


>> No.15390755

LMFAO you're that shitty channel with the 8min videos? AHAHAHAHA

>> No.15390757
File: 174 KB, 999x915, 1640311405042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what are the pajeets up to these days? cant let changs outgun them if they want to be space superpower 2023

>> No.15390758

its EDS, can't change the name anymore

>> No.15390759
File: 475 KB, 1465x1099, 20230420_074636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some cool beach art we saw on the walk

>> No.15390761
File: 58 KB, 517x517, 1568232743670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAH I knew your paranoia would take you there, this is too easy

>> No.15390762

>your average sfg poster
i would've pictured differently

>> No.15390764


>> No.15390765

/sfg/ 1 : grifters 0

>> No.15390766

fucking legend

>> No.15390768


>> No.15390769

He doesn’t even look that bad

>> No.15390771

this shit is starting to remind me of roswell

>> No.15390773
File: 25 KB, 960x552, 1682089494219070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how loud was IT? both pre and after detonation

>> No.15390778

I thought I was PrimalSpace though so which is it paranoid anon?

>> No.15390779

you look like you could work for nsf kek. have you considered L2 membership?

>> No.15390780

Holy based

>> No.15390782


SPTM sound

>> No.15390787


>> No.15390789

>Fusion has been "right around the corner" for decades now
No, no it hasn't. What the press publishes is not indicative of reality. They created the meme and now use the meme as evidence for the meme's permanence. It is a belief that is divorced from reality and ignores any and all progress.

>> No.15390791

Which channel would that be, you've now accused me of being 2 different channels its hilarious desu, do you browse /pol/ regularly btw

>> No.15390796
File: 92 KB, 819x627, ksc tourist nasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15390797
File: 582 KB, 1179x1430, 8D7A8E3D-79B8-415D-99D1-C183C1122A0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SPMTs going in and now chopsticks moving? Doomer sisters what went wrong?

>> No.15390800

I imagine "it's over" was written behind that sign, right?

>> No.15390802
File: 799 KB, 3024x4032, PXL_20230420_144915320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Similar to a jet engine directly overhead. by the time it detonated it wasn't that loud.

Also, I met the most based man in existence after the launch. We were chatting everyone up and this dude came up to me and asked if I wanted a piece of sn11 so now I have a piece of the heat shield.

>> No.15390805

so now thats done, there was never a spacex source that the hydraulics didn't fail.

>> No.15390808

>csi starbase = btfo
>hullo = btfo
>r/spacex = btfo

sfg wins again!

>> No.15390812

Id be surprised if any explanation comes out at all unless they're forced to provide a report to the FAA. They never gave any extensive info on the Starship hop failures.

>> No.15390822


>> No.15390826

Legend, how is your morale after launch? Are you dooming or on hopium?

>> No.15390836

>2024 - Queqiao-2, Chang'e-6 lunar sample return
>2026 - Chang'e-7 - lunar hopper
aww shit here we go
>2028 - Chang'e-8 - 3d printer
lol LMAO even

>> No.15390845


>> No.15390846

literally everyone agreed the tower was fine

>> No.15390854

Why is china trying to emulate the soviets with a modern twist? do they know how the story ends?

>> No.15390855

hopium addict here, there was so much "we're so back" energy on that beach I can't wait for what comes next. doomers get the rope

>> No.15390856

It doesn't need to be extensive, they can just say whether rocks just fucked it, or the staging went wrong or sth. At this point, we don't even really know whether the hydraulics failed or not.

>> No.15390858


Rare rocket bathing sounds!!!

>> No.15390860

i remember seeing doomposts because the chopsticks hadnt moved

>> No.15390862
File: 48 KB, 703x560, Carter Emmart for ‘The Case for Mars’ JPL video 1986 biconic landing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15390863

This better be Clear bathing ASMR

>> No.15390864


>> No.15390865

>NASA wants to use Orion?
>Why don't we put Orion within Starship

>> No.15390866
File: 46 KB, 712x500, Carter Emmart for ‘The Case for Mars’ JPL video 1986 biconic isru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15390869

Absolutely homosexual behavior.

>> No.15390871

What the FUCK she's a slut????

>> No.15390872 [DELETED] 
File: 2.10 MB, 1912x1080, 1681928632330484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15390874
File: 63 KB, 709x577, Carter Emmart for ‘The Case for Mars’ JPL video 1986 base greenhouseisru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15390875

because they are ussr 2.0 in almost every way. Started out back with their god emperor Mao which was deeply jelly of the vatnik union. To the point of causing mass famine so he could one up SU in food exports and steel production

>> No.15390876

its a japanese girl thing

>> No.15390877


>> No.15390880

Cute and funny

>> No.15390882

She's 20

>> No.15390886

Clear(ly advertising)

>> No.15390887 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 750x1332, FuCrXTyagAIEdxO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15390890

i hate vtubers

>> No.15390892

I'm using this as my alarm for every morning, thanks.

>> No.15390894

i love vtubers

>> No.15390900

Shut the fuck up, you god damn faggots.

>> No.15390904
File: 3.01 MB, 498x373, 4chan-dubs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15390908



>> No.15390910

martian rovers: do they go beyond vehicles for people to move around in, do they send heavy equipment for moving rogs, digging holes etc?

>> No.15390911

yeah, here >>15390858

>> No.15390912

>dead when lunar night comes
who cares?

>> No.15390914

>progress bad

>> No.15390917
File: 239 KB, 977x1302, Chinese_next-gen_crewed_rocket_mockup_2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no longer any need to restrict the Long March 9 to conservative and proven technology because there is no longer any need for schedule certainty. Most of China's heavy lifting needs, including their future manned Moon missions, can be performed by the Long March 10 which is planned for 2027. So it doesn't matter if the Long March 9 becomes delayed several years. And so it makes sense for them to aim high with the LM9 and design it to make use of the most ambitious technology they think they can pull off.

>> No.15390927

At least they might have the benefit of knowing to construct a suitable launch pad from the beginning.

>> No.15390928


King shit

>> No.15390930

we won

>> No.15390937

she is starting an OnlyFans or something?

>> No.15390938

every major space company ceo browses and gets their memes from /sfg/

>> No.15390943
File: 58 KB, 929x651, TESSERAE Tessellated Electromagnetic Space Structures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

progress would be a gizmo that doesn't die without sun for 2 weeks

>> No.15390944

Wouldn't surprise if one day Elon finds out about Clear's existence and starts promoting her.

>> No.15390948
File: 1.33 MB, 1080x810, 9.5m-diameter-propellant-tank-test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The YF-130 has performed hot fire tests.
However they're probably going to cancel that engine in favor of the 200t FFSC mox Raptor clone they're working on, assuming it passes sufficient technical milestones.

The YF-79 has also been tested.

They also built 9.5m diameter tank structural test aricles and 9.5m diameter interconnector structural test articles for the previous design.

>> No.15390949

we've had a mature understanding of fission since the 1950s

>> No.15390952
File: 449 KB, 680x742, seat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the transporter things >>15390797
have little operator seats now. No more sitting on buckets or walking behind it

>> No.15390954

Why don't you go ahead and spam promote her to Elon if that's your calling. We don't need you here.

>> No.15390961


>> No.15390962

same >>15388076

>> No.15390968

NG is arguably a super-heavy class launcher because it would have had a throw weight over over 50 tons to LEO if they had designed it to be expendable. Apparently, BO finally has the BE-4 flight-ready, so likely them. The alternative is CASC and their Long March 10, NET 2027. Afaik Yenisei is suspended indefinitely and effectively cancelled (as if any other outcome was ever likely)

>> No.15390973

>Apparently, BO finally has the BE-4 flight-ready
*widespread laughter *

>> No.15390977

Copying just makes sense in this case. If someone invents a car, are you gonna make your own version of a car or come up with some retarded monowheel thing

>> No.15390989


>> No.15390992

I made it up (it rhymes)

>> No.15391004
File: 42 KB, 600x340, 211105-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have:
* The YF-100K and YF-100M engines have both already performed hot fire tests
* The 5m tank diameter is already in production and use
* They did a structural test article of the first stage thrust transmission structure and first stage tank back in 2020
* The YF-75E is a minor modification of the YF-75D that already exists
* The manned spacecraft did a reentry test in 2020
* The Chang'e 5 was essentially a down-scaled integrated test of an Apollo-style moon landing

>> No.15391008
File: 10 KB, 112x112, 1646755981829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How else is Vulcan launching this summer?

>> No.15391017

Reminding the stans that SLS is 40 year old tech really triggers them.

>> No.15391022

I always find it funny seeing attempts spending so much effort to "change the world" with fusion when fission is just sitting there, ready for widespread adoption to change the world. Prevented only by retarded normie FUD that, if wanted, establishment elites could've trivially overrode. Won't all these fusion project generate neutron irradiated waste too? Of course it's a nothing burger but normies won't be freaked out the same once this is "exposed"?

All I'm saying is, if the (((establishment elites))) in reality gave a single flying fuck about "abundant green low carbon energy" enabled by fusion, they could accomplish it with vastly less effort simply by shilling nuclear fission to normies or even forcing it despite protests and shit.

I'm not against fusion, but nigger, you haven't even used fission at it's 1% potential yet, who the fuck are you to fusion?

>> No.15391025

Starship is just a modified Redstone
-someone, probably

>> No.15391036

sure but it's pretty meaningless. 737s are 56 years old but they've been through design iterations and are still good planes. the only real issue with SLS is that the program is exorbitantly expensive for what it offers.

>> No.15391037
File: 5 KB, 225x224, blast deflector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just letting Elon know that if something shaped like this, faced with tungsten steel and around 10 ft by 10 ft at its base (and maybe pre-cooled by venting some liquid nitrogen on it, or even just filled with water/glycol with a little hole to allow the steam out) had been place under the booster it wouldn't have been able to dig that concrete up under the launch mount. That is all.

>> No.15391038

SLS is not exactly identical to STS - piping and structural loads are of course different and thus some things need to be redesigned - however it's close enough that it shouldn't have taken this amount of time and money to develop SLS.

>> No.15391045

4ss midwit engineering team has arrived

>> No.15391046

Based, sound version when?

>> No.15391047

>STS hardware
>iteration development


>> No.15391049

CVN-65 Enterprise hasn't been disposed of yet. Wonder if the navy would sell it to SpaceX to land SuperHeavy on.

>> No.15391051

let me guess, you believe yourself to be a resident highwit?

>> No.15391055

SpaceX does not need to get into maintaining those 8 old reactors.

>> No.15391057


>> No.15391060

no im a fucktard and even i can see why diverting the exhaust gasses 10ft away from where they were using 1/4 of the planets yearly output of tungsten is a poor idea

>> No.15391063
File: 3.99 MB, 3000x2000, Fuf4c2oacAAIE_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Launcher Orbiter

>> No.15391068

>The rockets will remain grounded pending an FAA investigation
I hope this investigation drags on for years

>> No.15391074

Anime paedos seething because they're mad everyone has accepted Krystal as /sfg/'s official macot

>> No.15391077

its a run of the mill thing, so its going to be over before the next Starship is ready to launch
so fuck you, YWNBW

>> No.15391078
File: 12 KB, 233x216, 6D649A56-4341-488C-A426-8AAA0012A87C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15391081

krystal is a joke, not a mascot

>> No.15391084

Imagine if Musk headquartered in China instead. No diversity, no regulations. One billion high IQ and high morale citizens.

>> No.15391088
File: 127 KB, 585x399, 81243D2A-E621-4A81-B747-E731D3EA023A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15391093

China doesn't (yet) have the same number of experienced engineers in aerospace and materials that the US has.

>> No.15391095

Brilliant post, anon. I agree with you.

>> No.15391105

no diversity, no regulation, under the whim of some politician that happens to oversee the project

>> No.15391107
File: 83 KB, 639x518, 8A50A426-E0CA-4FD9-9394-57E846C5DFBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15391108
File: 1.36 MB, 3000x2000, Crawler-transporter_cab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know they're not entirely comparable, but I love the contrast with this

>> No.15391109

So Starship with no regulations?

>> No.15391119
File: 17 KB, 421x259, captcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That monstrosity must have cost hundreds of millions of dollars, wouldn't surprise if it's expendable too.
Also, captcha insulting von Braun's rocket in picrel.

>> No.15391120

you win most stupid individual in the thread award

>> No.15391127 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 216x255, 0083A1A2-BCA5-4CCA-855A-16596A3DC549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does NASA have such a large following of trannies?

>> No.15391133
File: 138 KB, 1024x732, 1617391379397edt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

multi-lane drifting

>> No.15391135

>pic is clearly not an anime girl but a soijack troon strawman

Weird edit but ok

>> No.15391137



>> No.15391140

Why the fucking doors, just make it a hole

>> No.15391144
File: 942 KB, 1280x720, answerswithjoe_status_1650289081589309440_1280x720.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15391145
File: 637 KB, 720x758, Screenshot 2022-10-23 at 00-50-46 Sound Mirrors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those petals are getting blown to hell

>> No.15391147

Krystal is anime

>> No.15391151

what am I looking at ?

>> No.15391153

elon get off /sfg/ and fix your pad

>> No.15391154

SLS stans can't decide whether it's shuttle derived or not lol.

Apparently a modified tank structure and a new thrust structure are much more important than the SRBs and the RS-25 test fired like 1000 times over the life of the shuttle program.

>> No.15391156

piping plover bros, I don't feel so good...

>> No.15391168
File: 1.34 MB, 1909x1358, SAST_921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beside BO and CASC-CALT ofc

If Super Heavy launchers become the most profitable category in the future, then I could see another chinese company making one, CASIC (or subsidiary) or SALT getting onboard, the later particularly since they still have their studies and preliminary work for a multicore, 3.8m diameter, YF-100k powered bid for the CZ-10/921 launcher which they lost to CALT

ISRO has a bunch of 20t+ proposals but afaik nothing Super Heavy, wouldn't expect anything there in the next 20 years.

In europe, only Arianegroup could do it, assuming the joint venture doesn't break up, they'll probably position themselves using maiaspace for the post-Ariane 6 competitions, There's potential for a methalox monocore RLV that could have a safely Super heavy multicore variant, but I'm not sure there will be any need or desire for that.

The russians are reportedly unfreezing their Super heavy launcher project, some of which are rather ambitious (there's been talks of a 120t Hydrogen Core + RP-1 Booster - energia like - super heavy launcher) but no way that's happening.

Not sure about america, Relativity and RL will probably launch toward increasing their size after Terran R and Neutron, the former being more easily scalable to a SHLV size ofc; ULA has an uncertain future, but maybe Lockheed could scale to SHLV if there are enough DOD payloads for that.

>> No.15391171

why is nsf so focused on starship? they barely talk about anything else. yeah starship is a big deal but there's a ton going on in spaceflight. nsf doesnt have to be 99% starship videos.

>> No.15391175

the other shit doesn't get as many clicks

>> No.15391176
File: 90 KB, 741x1023, A61AB53C-5856-4FCA-922D-4CB851103D0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YWNBAW and SLS will never be an interplanetary rocket

>> No.15391179

other youtubers get plenty of views for their spaceflight videos

>> No.15391184

that will have exactly the opposite effect that you want anon...but ok

>> No.15391193

Ahahahaha no

>> No.15391199


>> No.15391206
File: 75 KB, 1024x683, 1682264430207501m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else just HATE the shuttle at this point? The mere sight of it now just causes an involuntary sense of disgust. Any graph or photo where it's compared to other rockets is a constant reminder of how utterly fucking shit it was. I say this as someone lucky enough to witness a launch around 15 years ago, the sense of wonder I felt then has grown into something malevolent in the face of F9, FH and now Starship

>> No.15391209
File: 1.72 MB, 2968x1950, Space_shuttles_Atlantis_STS-125_and_Endeavour_STS-400_on_launch_pads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15391217
File: 2.88 MB, 3000x2008, STS-129_Atlantis_Launch_Pad_39A_Rollout_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15391218

Fondag concrete shattered at throttle up for lift off? Do you need anything else?

>> No.15391224
File: 3.23 MB, 2000x1052, STS-135_Composite_view_in_EVA_from_ELC-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15391226

didnt used to be that way. nsf use to post cool archival spaceflight footage. now it's all hobos

>> No.15391228
File: 59 KB, 933x933, EfhtklnU4AUEc_y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no bully

>> No.15391233
File: 2.94 MB, 960x540, space_Shuttle_Flip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15391236


>> No.15391241
File: 76 KB, 1183x654, 2A870E39-EDCB-4889-BB86-4EF4A4D95991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15391242

*farts on you*

>> No.15391248

My brain finds this shit more realistic than any super extra high definition mega-lens-flair modern CGI mock-up

>> No.15391250
File: 1.01 MB, 713x1086, 1615671129026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroys your space program

>> No.15391252
File: 168 KB, 1170x780, fishCatchingDoneWrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he just now started hating the Shittle

>> No.15391258
File: 208 KB, 800x1214, planetes_locksmith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15391262

I though Rogozin had no benis :))))

>> No.15391266

holy shit, some of the chunks of concrete went higher than the tower! The visible shockwaves were also amazing.

>> No.15391267
File: 2.99 MB, 960x720, 9rdhU79BC6I21EUx.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that a few days have passed. i feel blooming.
even tho it didn't go perfectly, i can't shake the feel of being perfectly satisfied

>> No.15391273

>blaming the president
blame congress you retarded nigger

>> No.15391276

mfw retards with fucked up eyes see this in 3D lmao

>> No.15391280
File: 157 KB, 1600x1000, 1464109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shuttle was good in that it enabled things that would have otherwise been hard or impossible at the time. ISS wouldn't have been built without it. Hubble wouldn't have been repaired without it. It taught us lessons about reusable spacecraft and assembly in orbit. /sfg/fags get too caught up in raw payload to orbit and cost per launch numbers, as well as the 2 high profile disasters.
Sorry, it was a long successful program that is still held in high regard and chock full of iconic hardware and imagery.

>> No.15391281

it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make

>> No.15391284

question your requirements

>> No.15391285

Ship 27's about to get on the highway

>> No.15391286
File: 302 KB, 1170x1266, 4C1C4927-6DBE-474C-A895-710B71B47A1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this was inevitable, and personally I think it’s really based. But would it kill Zhuang to choose a new livery

>> No.15391287

it's a shell, where are the real starships?

>> No.15391288
File: 95 KB, 497x470, 1574997555750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will live to see the collapse of America.

>> No.15391295

>literally just Starship with a livery
I'm amazed at how shameless they are. The Soviets stole plans for the Shuttle and then spent years trying to make Buran just as effective without being an obvious ripoff. The Chinese make virtual models of Starship and pass it off as a great feat of engineering which will usher in a new Chinese century of greatness. They have zero inspiration or ingenuity, and zero desire to make people even believe they have some ingenuity.

>> No.15391298

that chinese rockets is so much better than anerica by a lot

>> No.15391300

someone post that /k/ infographic of Chinese copies of American military equipment

>> No.15391305

They might have used one of those massive 3d screens at the event, they are pretty impressive

>> No.15391306

If China continues to copy SpaceX instead of NASA, they will easily pull ahead. They’d better stick to something to copy though lol

>> No.15391308
File: 48 KB, 720x540, bezosReptile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15391309

retard, all these things could've been built with saturn V.

>> No.15391310

Bezos is a rotten devil

>> No.15391312

>he didn't call it cannibalism.jpg

>> No.15391313
File: 149 KB, 1380x776, george_shultz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And thank Shutlz we didn't get some tiny shuttle that couldn't even lift ISS modules.

>> No.15391321
File: 55 KB, 573x495, 1660834607609799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bezos will pay for this.

>> No.15391324

Do countries even need their own space programs when they can rent Starship? Just payload delivery isn't illegal, right?

>> No.15391327

No country makes more paper rockets than china holy shit I am sick of reading about the 30 designs and 0 tested iterations of their moon rocket. Flying in 2033? Starship will be doing weekly moon trips by then, not a single person will give a shit about a long march 9.

>> No.15391330

Good thing Long march 9 isn't their moon rocket.

>> No.15391335

Is it me or Long March 9's design changes every other week? When are they gonna start testing it?

>> No.15391338

yeah why don't you remind me which paper rocket is getting china to the moon then to set up their little star shaped moon base?

>> No.15391342


>> No.15391344

They’re just trying to figure out who to copy, they figured out it was SpaceX

>> No.15391345

weak bait

>> No.15391347
File: 127 KB, 620x885, BAF64007-692E-4ED5-8800-15B6BDAA6B00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15391348
File: 854 KB, 750x977, bezosfeld blue origin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to see you try, Mister Anon.

>> No.15391353

This is literally the fit me and my high school girlfriend wore to music festivals kek he’s dressing 40 years behind and it’s weird

>> No.15391355
File: 41 KB, 1080x1080, 1644526786619.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Astra anon still lurking here? Any news on your old company?

According to their last filing, they should be completely out of money this summer. I'm surprised that we still haven't heard stories of employees massively quitting or Kemp begging investors for more money.

>> No.15391373

so we're just going to shitpost for 3 months till the next starship right? nothing big is happening between now and then.
well the moon landing tomorrow will be cool

I think he died

>> No.15391375
File: 93 KB, 640x636, 1682322139848289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes life can be depressing, but it's not all bad, shuttlefags are rapidly dying out

>> No.15391388
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, 067967E1-7232-4444-B94D-3854154DC601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>partially reusable launchpads

>> No.15391390

I think that 3.8m rocket is by CASC-SAST, not CASIC

>> No.15391393


>> No.15391399

>partially reusable cars

>> No.15391402

Yes it's from SAST, I'm sorry for the typo lol, I wrote SALT
They're still supposedly working on it as of 2022, they even teased some 3 core version of it why mayyyy qualify as SHLV

>> No.15391420

Astra just got a USSF launch contract for Rocket 4.

>> No.15391421

>it’s $11m
Literally pennies

>> No.15391424
File: 106 KB, 945x2048, em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15391426

better than eating weeds. this could keep them going for a year

>> No.15391429
File: 18 KB, 600x216, 1682373392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon makes more money from twitter subscription than some rocket companies do in a year

Let that sink in.

Also, I posted the wrong image. Here's what I actually meant to post. Pics (real) related

>> No.15391432

The fact of the chopsticks move is proof that the launch pad is fine stop worrying about it.

>> No.15391438

I'll stop worrying once it's fixed in a coplov months

>> No.15391446

>Elon makes more money from twitter subscription than some rocket companies do in a year
Well so do I, and I have 0 subs
Not a very high bar

>> No.15391457


>> No.15391461
File: 128 KB, 1200x628, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scoop on why this Canadacuck threw in the towel?

>> No.15391464

cup la uiks
eh faught night
1/2 a munf, gif a' take
one and a bakers dozen suns

>> No.15391468
File: 149 KB, 380x543, 1603395096959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep them going for a year
Their cash flow is -50M$ per quarter, -200M$ per year. At best, the 11M$ from the launch will get them 3 weeks of operation. And to touch that money they need to actually launch the rocket.

>> No.15391473

The hit pieces are comin' and they don't stop comin'

>> No.15391480

Eric Roesch, an environmental engineer who has been tracking the impact of SpaceX facilities and launches on his blog, ESGHound, said that particulate emissions are associated with pulmonary and respiratory issues, and are considered a high priority pollutant by the EPA. Health impacts depend upon exposure time and quantity, as well as particle size, and contents of the particulate, he added.

Roesch has been warning the public for months that the FAA and SpaceX had not been careful enough in their environmental analysis to comfortably proceed with a launch of this magnitude. He said, “The possibility of a widely dispersed plume of emissions was not disclosed by the FAA or SpaceX, during the initial environmental permitting and approval process.”

>> No.15391486

One industry chronicler who reported locally on the launch, Lavie Ohana, wrote that the launch was also “one of the loudest” she had ever witnessed, “with shockwaves that just felt like getting punched over and over and over.”

>> No.15391489

>shockwaves that just felt like getting punched over and over and over
Basedjak edit PLEASE

>> No.15391499

He’s a troon so opinion discarded

>> No.15391504
File: 18 KB, 652x212, 002903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15391506

He did it on purpose, the son of a bitch.

>> No.15391515
File: 1.49 MB, 1170x2007, C9379EA5-48FE-47A1-B2E8-CD63ED81DC7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi mate, you got ya road loicence??

>> No.15391517


>> No.15391518

>An environmental impact study is underway to investigate the feasibility of the road extension.

>> No.15391521

NASA’s image archive be like
>post nothing for a whole week
>here are some never before seen photos of the Saturn V being built in the hangar
>post nothing for one week
>50 images of Nelson shaking hands and pointing at his SLS model
>random ass space news about expanding roads

>> No.15391522

>making nearly 10mil per month on twitter subs

>> No.15391523

Its $4/m to subscribe to him. So ~100K/m, but still >1M/y

>> No.15391531

santa claus here

>> No.15391543

We need environmental permitting reform badly

>> No.15391554
File: 51 KB, 678x361, Screenshot 2023-04-24 235351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it never began

>> No.15391563

I just applied to ULA a 2nd time

>> No.15391569

I work in the environmental sector. A lot of it is actually pretty good. Granted I hate my job and also don’t deal with federal shit so….
On second hand fuck the environmental sector, total reform now

>> No.15391570

What would it take to repatriate boca chica beach back to Mexico? Or can the SPMTs move the tower across the Rio Grande? The FAA and environmental shit is out of hand.

>> No.15391571

Anyone here know how to drive hovercrafts? What a sweet gig

>> No.15391572

Based, its time to throw off the yoke of the environmental capture that has ensnared the American government

>> No.15391573

Did anybody come out of Starship OFT-1 better off than the fucking ESG Hound? Pretty much his dream outcome

>> No.15391574

We should find that guy and kill him

>> No.15391576

He doesn't deserve it, fucking hall monitor faggot for the environmental movement

>> No.15391577

>The problem with environmentalism is not simply that it isn't up to the task of building a low-carbon future but that it is actively obstructing that future.

>> No.15391583
File: 2.35 MB, 514x914, 1682227352643531.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

robbed blind then thrown out after the chink copycat has extracted everything they can out of you

Beijing time zone AKA wumao hours are always the most cringe

>> No.15391586

well that is why "he" is pissing in his face. No dick to control the piss canal

>> No.15391595
File: 123 KB, 1529x463, 1680557941448084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face saving mentality is all about implessive facade, not substance. That and try to actually make anything new in a lawless gangster state that has not even any real IP copyright protection

The only thing you can do is copy what others are doing while trying to wipe them out. Monkey see, monkey do

>> No.15391597
File: 77 KB, 565x747, jfk retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In 1999, NASA’s Mars Climate Orbiter demonstrated what happens when things don’t go well. When reporting its thruster firings the spacecraft’s software used metric measurements (Newton seconds). The software on Earth thought that these reports were in pound (thrust) seconds, a smaller unit, and thus underestimated the effects of the thruster firings. This meant that JPL’s model of the Climate Orbiter’s position became increasingly inaccurate and, when its controllers tried to inset the spacecraft into orbit around Mars, it ended up deep inside the atmosphere and burned up.

>> No.15391598

Good thing they already planned to add a water deluge system lol

>> No.15391602

I can also testify that ESG is a flaming faggot with a prolapsed anus. From all the whoring he has been doing pimping himself out to tree hugger grifting

>> No.15391608
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>> No.15391612

The first stage booster supporting this mission previously launched Crew-1, Crew-2, SXM-8, CRS-23, IXPE, Transporter-4, Transporter-5, Globalstar FM15, ISI EROS C-3, and three Starlink missions.

>> No.15391614
File: 2.62 MB, 1080x1351, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your hound, bro

>> No.15391616

The first stage booster supporting this mission previously launched Crew-1, Crew-2, SXM-8, CRS-23, IXPE, Transporter-4, Transporter-5, Globalstar FM15, ISI EROS C-3, Crew-7, Crew-8, Transporter-9, Transporter-10, Euclid, Polaris Dawn 1, Cygnus-1, Cygnus-2, SCATSAT 2, TROPICS-6, TROPICS-7, HakutoR-Mission 2 and ten Starlink missions.

>> No.15391617
File: 645 KB, 1179x865, 53BE30CE-CCED-48B6-ACB5-F2C9B9EF38DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we stop giving attention to literal whos. They mean literally nothing but you retards try to find anything to doom over and give attention to ANYONE who agrees i.e. Scott Manlet, Common Sense Septic, CSI Nogbase, ESGPound (sand).

>> No.15391620

Shut the fuck up

>> No.15391621

Doomer and a woketard. If it is not dooming about SS with a severe case of EDS then he is howling at usual suspects like Cucker Carlson

>> No.15391625
File: 154 KB, 1179x935, FuhCd5_WAAAjNtN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX just got a SECOND Vandy pad
and Berger made it up again

>> No.15391627

Lol. Lmao. Am I getting in the way of your operation?

>> No.15391629

Space Launch Complex 6 (SLC-6, pronounced "Slick Six") at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California is a launch pad and support area. The site was originally developed for Titan III rockets and the Manned Orbiting Laboratory, but these were cancelled before construction of SLC-6 was complete. The complex was later rebuilt to serve as the west coast launch site for the Space Shuttle, but went unused due to budget, safety and political considerations. The pad was subsequently used for several Athena rocket launches before being modified to support the Delta IV launch vehicle family, which used the pad since 2006.[2] The pad sat vacant for a few months after the launch of NROL-91 on September 24, 2022. On April 24th, 2023, SLD 30 announced that they had leased SLC-6 to SpaceX. [3]

>> No.15391630

The first stage booster supporting this mission previously launched Crew-1, Crew-2, SXM-8, CRS-23, IXPE, Transporter-4, Transporter-5, Globalstar FM15, ISI EROS C-3, Crew-7, Crew-8, Transporter-9, Transporter-10, Euclid, Polaris Dawn 1, Cygnus-1, Cygnus-2, SCATSAT 2, TROPICS-6, TROPICS-7, HakutoR-Mission 2, Starling-1, SXM-11, CRS-69, Lunar Transporter-4, Lunar Transporter-8, Globestar 100, SXM-900, Crew-10, Crew-14, LUVOIR, Starling-5, JOVE, Mars Transporter-1, Mars Transporter-2, Jupiter Transporter-5, Jupiter Transporter-6, and 22 Starlink missions

>> No.15391633
File: 589 KB, 2048x1356, 0BA95AAA-70AC-46D3-A185-741BE145A4AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place your bets for ispace’s landing, folks! Remember: odds are not in favor of success!

>> No.15391634

Why do you retards still post Falcon 9 news?

>> No.15391635

crashes. radar is hard

>> No.15391636


>> No.15391637

Yeah it ain't like ULA will be using those pads anytime soon.

>> No.15391638
File: 257 KB, 945x2048, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15391640

starship vandenberg confirned

>> No.15391642

see >>15391634

>> No.15391644

They're gonna make it bros. Beresheet used up the last of the bad luck

>> No.15391646


>> No.15391647
File: 864 KB, 2860x1900, FuhDEtEXgAEuYz3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15391649

>Berger made it up again

>> No.15391652

Starship holding bay

>> No.15391654

>Suborbital rocket cargo pad

>> No.15391655

Thats FAA

>> No.15391657
File: 656 KB, 828x821, 1682105379468813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15391658

this is from a cnbc hitpiece

>> No.15391661

>second vandypad is for falcon instead of starship

>> No.15391663

no it's from a shitty webcomic

>> No.15391664

Nice mock-up thank you

>> No.15391665

For Starship retard

>> No.15391667


>Why build a vertical integration tower for Falcon Heavy for Space Force when you can just reuse (probably with modifications) the SLC-6 mobile integration tower?

Yo that makes sense

>> No.15391668
File: 817 KB, 2048x1353, dh3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm vertical integration of f9/fh

>> No.15391670

dont speak esl

>> No.15391671

They can stack Orion now...

>> No.15391674

Хyй тeбe

>> No.15391676
File: 20 KB, 704x474, Zubrin zero g paint urine a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15391680

god what a balding faggot

>> No.15391683
File: 871 KB, 942x1079, Screenshot_20220418-074021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got done fucking Artemis 2's core stage raw with my big cock. Whatchu guys been up to?

>> No.15391688

It's only been 4 days since Starship launch and it already feels like an eternity. We should get a counter in the OPs for how many days into a post-Starship era.

>> No.15391689
File: 63 KB, 898x460, Apollo 19 astronauts investigating soviet Luna probe Maciej Rebisz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15391694

Oh wow you’re one eager beaver. Personally, I’ve been thinkin bout that Energia

>> No.15391697

Cool that they have the worm. I wish the apollo astronauts visited some derelict CCCP lander it would have been cool.

>> No.15391699
File: 1.12 MB, 1080x1920, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i wish apollo went on until at least 20

>> No.15391702


>> No.15391704
File: 726 KB, 734x180, chrome_HckQnKHe3t.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was the quick drop in oxygen from the last engine esploding? will we ever get a confirmation about it?

>> No.15391707

We live in a society I mean this completely unironically

>> No.15391708

What about Angara?

>> No.15391709

a society of EARTHERS(niggercattle)

>> No.15391714

Woooah interesting. I don’t think SX is shy to talk about it, the problem is getting Elon’s attention amidst the absolute shitstorm of replies he gets on a daily basis. If he saw you ask the question he would probably consult his propulsion/telemetry team and give you a definite answer
I sort of wish he wasn’t popular and you could easily get his attention like Tory

>> No.15391715


>> No.15391717

Could be sensor issues, could be a crumpled LOX line, could be engines running engine rich, could be lots of things.

>> No.15391720
File: 44 KB, 725x581, DE6CF3CA-DD65-4802-AC34-A9F07437BBC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angara is a lost cause, fuck it. Russia should scrap all ideas for future rockets (including soyuz 5 / yenisei) and just build the Yenisei-5

>> No.15391722

They're going to make it for my birthday :)

>> No.15391725
File: 2.41 MB, 498x278, anime-birthday-hat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy fuckin birthday man

>> No.15391727

i'm almost certain some employees browse this thread :^)
maybe probably. you could see the ch4 volume go up *after* the FTS hole puncher system activates, so that might be unreliable in general

>> No.15391730

They had a hell of a lot more telemetry on board than they showed on screen, so they probably know. We'll likely never know unless Elon says something in passing some time.

>> No.15391731

Rare based chink info poster

>> No.15391741
File: 227 KB, 1262x542, Carbon dioxide geysers on Mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Late in 1972, Bruce Murray pleaded for a copy of the one-sheet shaded relief map of the whole planet that Batson’s team was making based on the Mariner data. Van der Woude called Batson in Flagstaff, who admitted that Inge and Bridges had finished the map. Plates of it were being made for reproduction. But it was not yet released. Indeed, there were not yet any printed copies.
>Van der Woude persisted; eventually Batson agreed to send the original over to Pasadena, as long as it came back swiftly. Van der Woude gave it to Murray with dire imprecations that it must, but must, be returned in two days. Three days later van der Woude started to think that the normally friendly Murray was avoiding him.
>It took a week or so for van der Woude to corner Murray and find out what had happened. Murray was an ambitious man; within a few years he would be the director of JPL. He had wanted the map to impress Harold Brown—then president of Caltech, later secretary of defense. Brown had thought the map wonderful and asked to show it to a guest, Henry Kissinger. Kissinger, too, was impressed and commandeered the map in order to offer it as a gift to Leonid Brezhnev; in part, we can be sure, because the Soviet Union’s two missions to Mars in 1971 had failed, their preprogramming too rigid to allow them to sit out the dust storm in orbit before getting to work, as Mariner 9 had done. And so the map had gone to the Kremlin.

>> No.15391742

Kek interesting

>> No.15391744

It's not yet but thank you anon

>> No.15391747

>It's another episode of Kissinger fucking the west

>> No.15391748

>soviets stole
Nigga the plans for the shuttle were already Public Information. Soviets saw the flaws and fixed it. SRBs? Make them LRBs. Orange foam Tank that chips? Replace with Energia. No good escape system? Make it as if the Cockpit can eject.

>> No.15391753

China's ability to come up with confusing names is almost impressive
Thanks for the info and may I ask where you get it? It's hard to find any reporting on anything Chinese

>> No.15391769

it's so cringe when elon does his 'lolol universe has a resolution planke lengthe' tweets.
t. spaceflight

>> No.15391770

Hot dog in a hallway

Why don't we have edition number counters like other generals? It's basically one thread per day.

>> No.15391773

Kill yourself /pol/fag

>> No.15391782

SLC-6 has facilities well-sized for Falcons. They move launches there (and add FH) and then convert the relatively clean SLC-4 to Starship.

>> No.15391790

NTA but twitter and dongfang hour are considered the best sources. I don’t keep up with dongfang but I follow them, along with others, on twitter and I feel like I’m pretty well-versed on what goes on over in the orient.

>> No.15391798

those shockwaves are making me fucking nut

>> No.15391801

So as it stands now does ULA still hold the crown as the DoD’s favorite customer? I feel like we have either passed, or are juuuuust about to pass, this point with SX pulling ahead. Vertical integration comes to mind. But vulcan is going to have huge teething issues and delta/atlas are almost dead

>> No.15391808

ULA supplier conference.

>> No.15391813

watching it again
it took them so fucking long to detonate it
i guess they really were intentionally doing the flipping?

>> No.15391815
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>> No.15391820
File: 2.26 MB, 1920x1080, Witnessing the most powerful rocket launch in history.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a short webm from that

>> No.15391822

Astra announced only now that Ursa Major is providing its second stage engine. And they still haven't announced the Firefly deal. Also tomorrow is their memetech day.

>> No.15391825

Astra is fucking saved bros

>> No.15391829

I can't find anything about this anywhere else, so I'm assuming this guy is lying and nothing happened or this is some routine thing like what happened after the SN test flights.

>> No.15391833

This happens after literally every failure

>> No.15391839

>I'm hearing that Blue Origin is working to take over SLC-6 at Vandenberg Space Force Base. Won't happen until after the Delta IV Heavy is officially retired. Would give New Glenn a West coast launch pad.
>Apr 10, 2023

>> No.15391842

Has any space program considered electric-chemical hydrolox propulsion? Where the fuel is water that is electrolyzed into hydrogen and oxygen.

Benefits wrt hydrolox:
- No need to manage boiloff for extended periods, less mass dedicated to cooling
- Tanks are exposed to hydrogen for less time, reducing embrittlement and improving reusability
- Would not need a separate facility to produce hydrogen and oxygen in situ, like on Mars or the Moon

Benefits wrt traditional electric propulsion (directly propelling propellant):
- Higher thrust
- Usable for crewed missions where some maneuvers need to be quick (like orbital insertion)
- Can be used to launch from celestial bodies
- Water is abundant, xenon is not

>> No.15391848

Just fucking kill them

>> No.15391849

i feel like you would either not be able to make enough of it fast enough
or if you could the power requirements would be so high that it would be too heavy/impossible

>> No.15391850

Manley had a short or something talking about two leaks that appeared in tandem on the booster and ship right where the FTS charges are. The rocket kept flipping for a little bit after that and then went to pieces.
It's possible that the charges went off a good bit earlier than the final explosion and the rocket was just too stronk to immediately give up.

>> No.15391854
File: 84 KB, 847x476, goodfellas_popsci_turning_your_mind_to_mush_(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15391857

The CIA keeps it like that because the cartels make them a shitload of money that they don't have to put on their public budget sheets

>> No.15391859

Is he ok?

>> No.15391867

I was expecting a garage door to fall on him kek. Literally like a Simpsons joke.

>> No.15391869

He's definitely burned, but was okay enough to stumble out of frame. Could have been fine with medical attention, could have been riding the adrenaline lightning for a few minutes until his body realized it should be dead- kind of a toss-up.

>> No.15391878
File: 3.97 MB, 1294x1350, The world's most powerful rocket takes off in 4K 120fps [VaLGrJ-14hs]-[00.12.446-00.22.206] crf16.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 second trim and crop, longer: >>>/wsg/5064071

>> No.15391879

Why do you post this in every thread?

>> No.15391881

>Space shuttle bay: 60ft long, 15ft wide
>Starship: 56ft long at 11.8ft width; 51ft long at 15ft width

/sfg/.... how do we cope

>> No.15391884

Water electrolysis is efficient enough that it should require a similar amount of power as electric propulsion would, the difference being that you can charge up your fuel stores and then use it in a high-thrust burn or burns

>> No.15391892

By trying to spread misinformation about shuttle even though it was based

>> No.15391896
File: 164 KB, 2560x1440, Fugp0dbXoAAnGLh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15391899
File: 408 KB, 500x630, a93cfeec1a189237791d8129c490af1d-1565006249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already happened with the gemini project

>> No.15391910


>> No.15391914

Lots of "I don't know what I'm talking about" there if they're citing the NSF van within 1300 feet of the pad as though it's an unexpected victim of unwarranted collateral damage.

>> No.15391936

>NOOOOO it wasn't perfect, literally nazi!!
I will only ever "care" about internet takes purely for my own enjoyment of mocking them.

>> No.15391938
File: 3.90 MB, 1280x720, The world's most powerful rocket takes off in 4K 120fps (2160p 60fps VP9-160kbit Opus) - 0.01.12-0.02.16.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15391949

That's is my take on it. I'd go further and say that this is a pretty bad sign for Vulcan. After the NSSL-2 award SpaceX completely dropped the idea of building any kind of vertical integration, probably because their 40% of the launches didn't need it. Now they just took charge of a preassembled vertical integration building and they'll be launching Falcon Heavies from there inside of eighteen months.

>> No.15391955
File: 3.98 MB, 548x1074, The world's most powerful rocket takes off in 4K 120fps [VaLGrJ-14hs]-[00.12.446-00.42.492] crf27.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15391959
File: 41 KB, 564x325, 1682389431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15391962

Yep. I think they know something we don’t via space force/DoD quiet prodding

>> No.15391971


>> No.15391974

well that explains it kek

>> No.15391999

those fucking waves uuughh

>> No.15392029

Yes. They still wont trust SpaceX and will hand 60% of the contract to ULA for inferior product

>> No.15392031

>musk fanboy
>is a literal onions reddit faggot with a pube beard

>> No.15392035
File: 476 KB, 2048x1365, C80F4778-0ECA-4017-8D26-E788460BCC9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The goat

>> No.15392036

>caught by the word filter
>thinks /sfg/ is /sci/

>> No.15392039
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, 3CE1F2D6-5A6B-43E8-B2B8-5FD3F4AE9720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagining his claustrophobia

>> No.15392049
File: 80 KB, 800x600, 388E63B5-F7E8-4437-840E-6797ACCDF3C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was america still playing “catch up” during Gemini?

>> No.15392053

He was unfit for the job, it should have been me

>> No.15392061

a beach boomer who has no idea there's a launch

>> No.15392102

/sfg/ has been gutted with a machete

>> No.15392110
File: 707 KB, 1170x1701, 54FEB8F4-714D-4DD9-8BDC-B644CB731A65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15392111

Let's get this thread back on track, the UK government is having a hell of a time finding investors retarded enough to back Hinkley Point C. Perhaps /sfg/'s brightest minds can pull some money together in support of such a great cause, virtually free and unlimited energy.


>> No.15392112
File: 482 KB, 1170x848, 83B114ED-F735-432C-AD24-22CC0FA22DBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15392129

wtf is this

>> No.15392130
File: 858 KB, 1290x1573, IMG_4510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15392135


>> No.15392139

KSP tier

>> No.15392140

erm... what the spruce?

>> No.15392143

The 4ASS Interplanetary Yeet Train was unironically a better design.

>> No.15392145
File: 266 KB, 2560x1350, 98sa5wdh98ws41100s6rh549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SN15 was better. Accept it

>> No.15392147

Better than what? Is there some sort of recent, comparable flight test that I should be comparing it to?

>> No.15392155

Comparable in the sense that they were both tests that demonstrated new capabilities for an orbital vehicle

>> No.15392166

Neither were orbital

>> No.15392198

/sfg/ is dead.. just how I'll soon be at this pace

>> No.15392201
File: 543 KB, 1023x675, 6514069a8e4g1w98e49qe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real space colonies won't be glamorous

>> No.15392203

It’s been 4 days since Starship launch. Have some patience you spastic zoomer.

>> No.15392208

The yeet train is just common sense. With rockets 2-5% the launch cost of SLS, who cares if you have to launch ten of the damn things to do the same mission?

>> No.15392209

>SpaceX does not need to get into maintaining those 8 old reactors
>Elon tries to buy some old reactors to use for sea launches Navy laughs at him
>makes his own cheap reactor company instead
A tale as old as time

>> No.15392210

That's the idea

>> No.15392222

Imagine if the chinks somehow managed to land on the moon the same day Artemis III did. Now that would be the most entertaining outcome.

>> No.15392223
File: 9 KB, 240x193, 733D6BE0-2572-4B07-A216-290B790273BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys guys I got a funny joke… Astra 2030

>> No.15392226

Nah best outcome is the chinks land and as they step off they see Johnny Kim standing there with his hand outstretched for a good ol American handshake to welcome them to the 1960s.

>> No.15392229
File: 7 KB, 180x219, BF46CC42-815D-4902-B99A-87F88411F9BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long to build up Stage 0? Don’t sugarcoat it

>> No.15392230

Or there's a giant Starship left on the surface painted in American flags and the Chinese characters for "trespassers will be lasered".

>> No.15392242

2 more years, give or take a fortnight

>> No.15392247

Awaiting for staging... but the thread won't stop spinning

>> No.15392249

6 months if they start immediately. probably will take a while to figure out what to do

>> No.15392274


>> No.15392277

Because it's just standard procedure, these twitter retards are fucking deranged and can't contemplate issues bigger than 240 characters.

>> No.15392278

thread is nominal

>> No.15392283

what are they farming bros?

>> No.15392284

A reconstruction from scratch would probably take less than two years, now that they've built one before and have some understanding of the system's basic functionality. If they barge in a replacement table and tear down the foundations and reconstruct them before putting the replacement table back on, we're probably looking at six months or so of reconstruction. I don't know what SpaceX wants to do about the propellant tanks or how long any prospective replacement with commodity storage tanks would take, but it took about... six months? To build the original set.

>> No.15392289

Thread has staged.


>> No.15392299

lol chill bro :)

>> No.15392306

'bout three fiddy

>> No.15392433

t. butthurt mush-mind

>> No.15392437

Rockets keeps blowing up, how's that possible when rockets was figured out in the 60s????

>> No.15392443

Another excellent /sfg/, well done gents

>> No.15392491

gotta love the private sector huh

>> No.15392538

>let's just put this nuke plant in an area filled with illiterate back country retards
t. escaped that shithole

>> No.15392573


>> No.15392582

The Saturn V launches were faked.